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Jack London strana 13 z 14


Jack London
Autor skvelých románov ako Volanie divočiny, Biely tesák alebo Biely deň sa volal vlastným menom John Griffith Chaney.

Jack London sa narodil (12. januára 1876 v San Franciso) ako polosirota (bol nemanželským synom pána Chaneyho) a vyrastal v biednych podmienkach. Jeho otec bol talentovaný samouk, ktorý sa stal astrológom, , jeho matka bola výstredná žena z majetnej rodiny. Svojho otca nikdy nevidel, preto má meno po svojom nevlastnom otcovi (John Griffith London), kým jeho matka Jacka Londona prežila a aj ho pochovala. Po dokončení strednej školy, začal navštevovať univerzitu, ktorú však nedokončil. London pracoval v rôznych zamestnaniach a v rokoch 1897 - 1898 sa zúčastnil na výprave za zlatom, z ktorej neskôr čerpal námety pre svoje romány.

Celý život bol samoukom, obdivoval Darwina aj Nietzscheho. okrem toho bol členom nom socialistickej strany a odborov, uznával Marxa a socializmus. Pred smrťou však vystúpil zo socialistickej strany a napísal, že "kapitalizmus nie je nič iné, ako zbastardený socializmus". Osobne vyznával individualizmus, teda osobitosť každého človeka, preto sa v jeho prácach objavovali črty obhajoby vtedy neuznávaných amerických indiánov, či eskimákov.

Začal publikovať v novinách, čoskoro sa stal známym a bohatým, zrejme najlepšie plateným vo svojej dobe. Kúpil si jachtu a vydal sa na cestu okolo sveta. Ako spisovateľ bol veľmi aktívny, napísal viac ako 50 kníh. Jeho knihy boli veľmi obľúbené, pretože London písal realisticky (čerpal námety z vlastného života). Žil na svojom ranči v Kalifornii a napriek svojim vysokým príjmom mal stále finančné problémy, ktorým asistoval celoživotný problém s alkoholom.

40-ročný London spáchal samovraždu v kalifornskom Glen Ellene (22. novembra 1916), otrávil sa morfiom.
(Zdroj wikipédia)


A vadon szava

A regény főhőse Buck, a bernáthegyi- és juhászkutya keverék, akit az északi aranybányászat megindulásakor álnok módon elrabolnak, és száz dollárért eladnak. Kegyetlen megpróbáltatások után kerül egy melegszívű, tisztességes aranybányászhoz, akinek megmenti az életét, és egy fogadás révén, melynek feltételeit Buck hősiesen teljesíti, komoly pénzösszeghez juttatja. Ehhez a gazdájához a kutya őszintén ragaszkodik, és amikor indiánok rajtaütnek és megölik, bosszút áll a gyilkosokon. Ezután enged a vadon hívásának, "a vadon szavának": beáll a farkasok közé. A szerző kegyetlen őszinteséggel tárja fel a regényben a folyamatot, ahogyan az ember a legjobb és a legrosszabb tulajdonságokat képes előhívni a hatalmában tartott állat természetéből. A vadon szava Jack London méltán legnépszerűbb regénye.
8,27 € 8,71 €

Penguin Reader Level 2: The Call of the Wild

In 1897, people found gold in the Klondike, Canada. Thousands of people traveled there to find more gold. They needed big, strong dogs to work for them. This is the story of one of those dogs, Buck. A man takes him from his family in California, and Buck has to pull a sled in Canada. Will he survive? Penguin Readers is a series of popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills. The Call of the Wild, a Level 2 Reader, is A1+ in the CEFR framework. Sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the future tenses will and going to, present continuous for future meaning, and comparatives and superlatives. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear on most pages.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Volanie divočiny, Biely tesák

Dva z najznámejších a najobľúbenejších Londonových románov v jednom zväzku - Volanie divočiny prvý raz vyšiel v roku 1903. Rozpráva o osude psa Bucka, ktorého v čase zlatej horúčky na rieke Klondike uniesli z domova a predali ako záprahového psa na Aljašku. Buck je nútený prispôsobiť sa tvrdému zaobchádzaniu ľudí a prežiť v podmienkach drsnej klímy. Spolieha sa na vrodené inštinkty a napokon sa v divočine stane vodcom. V próze Biely tesák (publikovanej časopisecky roku 1906) je hlavnou postavou kríženec psa a vlka, čo prv ako ho skrotia, prežije značné utrpenie v nehostinnej prírode Aljašky. Oba romány sú pretkané strhujúcimi opismi, akými autor predstavuje život z inej ako ľudskej perspektívy.
12,30 € 12,95 €

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Volání divočiny

Krátký dobrodružný román Volání divočiny je mistrovským dílem jak svým stylem, tak i proto, že povyšuje dobrodružné příběhy na úroveň klasické literatury. Buck je čtyřletý pastevecký pes hýčkaný svým pánem a jeho rodinou. Jeho život se rázem změní ve chvíli, kdy je unesen a prodán, aby sloužil během zlaté horečky na Klondiku a tahal těžké saně hlubokým sněhem. V novém prostředí brzy zjistí, že jeho vrozené instinkty mu umožní nejen přežít, ale ve svobodném, volném a divokém životě nakonec nachází i zalíbení.
11,12 € 11,70 €

The Mod Lib Star Rover

The Star Rover is the story of San Quentin death-row inmate Darrell Standing, who escapes the horror of prison life--and long stretches in a straitjacket--by withdrawing into vivid dreams of past lives, including incarnations as a French nobleman and an Englishman in medieval Korea. Based on the life and imprisonment of Jack London's friend Ed Morrell, this is one of the author's most complex and original works. As Lorenzo Carcaterra argues in his Introduction, The Star Rover is "written with energy and force, brilliantly marching between the netherworlds of brutality and beauty." This Modern Library Paperback Classic is set from the text of the first American edition, published in 1915.
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White Fang+MultiROM

The activities in Dominoes keep students engaged in the stories and help to reinforce their understanding of the key language. They can be completed at home or in class. The project activities in Dominoes build on the themes from the story and encourage s
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White Fang

The activities in Dominoes keep students engaged in the stories and help to reinforce their understanding of the key language. They can be completed at home or in class. The project activities in Dominoes build on the themes from the story and encourage s
9,49 € 9,99 €

White Fang NPR2

White Fang is a wolf from the mountains of Canada. His life is hard but he is happy in his world. Then he is taken to the world of men. There he learns to fight and to kill. White Fang knows nothing about love. But one day he meets Scott…
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The Call of Wild and White Fang

Mush on!' Buck does not read the newspapers. If he had, he'd have known that for good strong dogs like himself trouble is brewing. Man has found gold and because of that Buck is kidnapped and dragged away from his sunny home to become a sledge dog in the harsh and freezing North. With strength, imagination and cunning on his side Buck must fight for survival. But will he ever trust Man again? This book also includes White Fang a story about a wild young cub, part dog and part wolf. Includes exclusive material: In the Backstory you can find out if you're a wild wolf or a faithful dog and learn more about the Arctic gold rush! Vintage Children's Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives. Discover timeless favourites from The Jungle Book and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to modern classics such as The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
7,89 € 8,31 €

The Classic Works of Jack London

From White Fang to The Iron Heel, The Call of the Wild to The People of the Abyss, London's novels are intense and atmospheric, and deserve their standing and reputation as some of the most exciting adventure stories ever put to paper. Jack London was highly qualified to be one of the 20th century's greatest writers of adventure stories, for he was one of its greatest adventurers. He was, to name but a few of his many occupations, an oyster pirate, government patrolman, seal hunter, gold prospector, war correspondent, landowner and tramp. From his vast and varied life experiences he drew inspiration for over fifty books in a literary career spanning only seventeen years. His work is remarkable, vivid and exciting, much like the author himself. From The Call of the Wild and White Fang, which rank as two of the best dog stories ever written, to the sea-based The Sea-Wolf and the social critiques of The People of the Abyss and The Iron Heel, Jack London's variety of work, not to mention the sheer quality, place him at the forefront of 20th century classic fiction.
16,63 € 17,50 €

The Call of the Wild and White Fang

Two great American classics by Jack London in one volume The Call of the Wild (1903)and White Fang (1906) are two classic American adventure novels depicting the evolution of two dogs in the wild. The novels are in fact mirror images of one another, as Call of the Wild depicts Buck's journey from domestic to wild dog, while White Fang recounts White Fang's transformation from wild beast to domestic companion. Both convey powerful themes of redemption and survival that continue to affect readers even today. This elegantly designed clothbound edition features an elastic closure and a new introduction.
17,05 € 17,95 €

The Call of the Wild

A collection of 4 Puffin Classics, designed to raise awareness of world environmental issues. Life is good for house-dog Buck where he spends his days eating and sleeping in the golden sunshine of Santa Clara Valley. But when he is stolen and forced to work as a sledge dog in the harsh conditions of the frozen North he has to fight hard for his survival. Can he rise above his enemies and fulfil his true destiny?A reminder of an age before mass extinctions and climate change, this special edition of The Call of the Wild is inspired by Earth Day, and introduced by actor and environmental activist Bonnie Wright. Other titles in the Green Puffin Classics series:The Wind in the WillowsThe Jungle BookThe Adventures of Robin Hood
9,98 € 10,50 €

Penguin Readers Level 6: White Fang

Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary. Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys. The world is a wonderful place to a brave wolf cub, as his mother teaches him all about nature. But then he meets humans. They call him White Fang, and take him away from the wild. Can he learn their ways to survive, and at what cost to himself?
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Az éneklő kutya

Jack London Beszélő kutya című regénye - Jeromos és Mihály kölyökkorának leírása - után az Olvasó e regényben Mihály sorsát kísérheti végig. Az éneklő kutya története - mint az író más kutyaregényei - sem csupán "történet", hanem érzékletes bemutatása szeretetnek, gyűlöletnek, gyengédségnek és kegyetlenségnek, mindez remek jellemábrázolással, fordulatos cselekményeken keresztül. (A világirodalom népszerű regényeit magában foglaló sorozatunk második kötetét veheti kezébe az olvasó.)
8,41 € 8,85 €

Martin Eden

Mladý námořník Martin se zamiluje do Ruth, dívky z vyšších kruhů. Aby se k ní dostal blíže, začne chodit do knihovny a ponoří se do světa vědění a psaní. Jeho sen se po čase splní a osud ho skutečně se sličnou Ruth svede dohromady. Mladík ale bohužel záhy pocítí faleš a pokrytectví místní smetánky, která mu jasně dává najevo, že jeho místo je někde jinde.
15,63 € 16,45 €

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Bílý tesák, 14. vydání

Znáte příběh Bílého tesáka, psa, v jehož žilách koluje vlčí krev? Jeho příběh přečtete se zatajeným dechem. Od prvních štěněcích krůčků až po tvrdé zápasy dospělého psího samotáře. Boj o život a hledání té pravé lidské smečky doprovází úzkost i slzy dojetí.
9,49 € 9,99 €

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