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Jack London
Autor skvelých románov ako Volanie divočiny, Biely tesák alebo Biely deň sa volal vlastným menom John Griffith Chaney.

Jack London sa narodil (12. januára 1876 v San Franciso) ako polosirota (bol nemanželským synom pána Chaneyho) a vyrastal v biednych podmienkach. Jeho otec bol talentovaný samouk, ktorý sa stal astrológom, , jeho matka bola výstredná žena z majetnej rodiny. Svojho otca nikdy nevidel, preto má meno po svojom nevlastnom otcovi (John Griffith London), kým jeho matka Jacka Londona prežila a aj ho pochovala. Po dokončení strednej školy, začal navštevovať univerzitu, ktorú však nedokončil. London pracoval v rôznych zamestnaniach a v rokoch 1897 - 1898 sa zúčastnil na výprave za zlatom, z ktorej neskôr čerpal námety pre svoje romány.

Celý život bol samoukom, obdivoval Darwina aj Nietzscheho. okrem toho bol členom nom socialistickej strany a odborov, uznával Marxa a socializmus. Pred smrťou však vystúpil zo socialistickej strany a napísal, že "kapitalizmus nie je nič iné, ako zbastardený socializmus". Osobne vyznával individualizmus, teda osobitosť každého človeka, preto sa v jeho prácach objavovali črty obhajoby vtedy neuznávaných amerických indiánov, či eskimákov.

Začal publikovať v novinách, čoskoro sa stal známym a bohatým, zrejme najlepšie plateným vo svojej dobe. Kúpil si jachtu a vydal sa na cestu okolo sveta. Ako spisovateľ bol veľmi aktívny, napísal viac ako 50 kníh. Jeho knihy boli veľmi obľúbené, pretože London písal realisticky (čerpal námety z vlastného života). Žil na svojom ranči v Kalifornii a napriek svojim vysokým príjmom mal stále finančné problémy, ktorým asistoval celoživotný problém s alkoholom.

40-ročný London spáchal samovraždu v kalifornskom Glen Ellene (22. novembra 1916), otrávil sa morfiom.
(Zdroj wikipédia)


Tales of the Fish Patrol

Stories set on the San Francisco Bay of London's youth, including "A Raid on the Oyster Pirates."
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The Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild is a novel by American writer Jack London. The plot concerns a previously domesticated and even somewhat pampered dog named Buck, whose primordial instincts return after a series of events finds him serving as a sled dog in the treacherous, frigid Yukon during the days of the 19th century Klondike Gold Rushes.Published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is one of London's most-read books, and it is generally considered one of his best. Because the protagonist is a dog, it is sometimes classified as a juvenile novel, suitable for children, but it is dark in tone and contains numerous scenes of cruelty and violence.London followed the book in 1906 with White Fang, a companion novel with many similar plot elements and themes as The Call of the Wild, although following a mirror image plot in which a wild wolf becomes civilized by a mining expert from San Francisco named Weedon Scott.
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The Faith of Men & Other Stories

The Faith of Men & Other Stories was written in the year 1904 by Jack London. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jack London, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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The God of his Fathers & Other Stories

The God of his Fathers & Other Stories was written in the year 1901 by Jack London. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jack London, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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The House of Pride

The House of Pride was written in the year 1912 by Jack London. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jack London, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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The Iron Heel

The Iron Heel is a dystopian novel by American writer Jack London, first published in 1908.Generally considered to be "the earliest of the modern Dystopian," it chronicles the rise of an oligarchic tyranny in the United States. It is arguably the novel in which Jack London's socialist views are most explicitly on display. A forerunner of soft science fiction novels and stories of the 1960s and 1970s, the book stresses future changes in society and politics while paying much less attention to technological changes.
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The Little Lady of the Big House

A triangle romance provides the basis for a questioning of the meaning of masculinity, as well as an examination of agribusiness in California.Jack London said of this novel: "It is all sex from start to finish -- in which no sexual adventure is actually achieved or comes within a million miles of being achieved, and in which, nevertheless, is all the guts of sex, coupled with strength."
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The Red One

Features the haunting title novella, well worth comparing to Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness."
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The Road

The Road was written in the year 1907 by Jack London. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jack London, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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The Scarlet Plague

This novella explores life following a devastating plague that wipes out most of humanity.
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The Sea Wolf

Chronicles the voyages of a ship run by the ruthless Wolf Larsen, among the greatest of London's characters, and spokesman for an extreme individualism London intended to critique.
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The Son of the Wolf

Jack London gained his first and most lasting fame as the author of tales of the Klondike gold rush. This, his first collection of stories, draws on his experience in the Yukon. The stories tell of gambles won and lost, of endurance and sacrifice, and often turn on the qualities of exceptional women and on the relations between the white adventurers and the native tribes.
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The Strength of the Strong

Includes "The Dream of Debs," "South of the Slot," and "The Unparalleled Invasion."
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The Turtles of Tasman

A minor collection that includes the amazing "Told in the Drooling Ward."
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Located in the Solomon Islands, this devastating portrayal of copra plantation slavery has scholars arguing whether London was criticizing the racism of the colonialists or approving of it. (From http://london.sonoma.edu/)
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Moon-Face & Other Stories

Moon-Face & Other Stories was written in the year 1906 by Jack London. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jack London, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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