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Jack London
Autor skvelých románov ako Volanie divočiny, Biely tesák alebo Biely deň sa volal vlastným menom John Griffith Chaney.

Jack London sa narodil (12. januára 1876 v San Franciso) ako polosirota (bol nemanželským synom pána Chaneyho) a vyrastal v biednych podmienkach. Jeho otec bol talentovaný samouk, ktorý sa stal astrológom, , jeho matka bola výstredná žena z majetnej rodiny. Svojho otca nikdy nevidel, preto má meno po svojom nevlastnom otcovi (John Griffith London), kým jeho matka Jacka Londona prežila a aj ho pochovala. Po dokončení strednej školy, začal navštevovať univerzitu, ktorú však nedokončil. London pracoval v rôznych zamestnaniach a v rokoch 1897 - 1898 sa zúčastnil na výprave za zlatom, z ktorej neskôr čerpal námety pre svoje romány.

Celý život bol samoukom, obdivoval Darwina aj Nietzscheho. okrem toho bol členom nom socialistickej strany a odborov, uznával Marxa a socializmus. Pred smrťou však vystúpil zo socialistickej strany a napísal, že "kapitalizmus nie je nič iné, ako zbastardený socializmus". Osobne vyznával individualizmus, teda osobitosť každého človeka, preto sa v jeho prácach objavovali črty obhajoby vtedy neuznávaných amerických indiánov, či eskimákov.

Začal publikovať v novinách, čoskoro sa stal známym a bohatým, zrejme najlepšie plateným vo svojej dobe. Kúpil si jachtu a vydal sa na cestu okolo sveta. Ako spisovateľ bol veľmi aktívny, napísal viac ako 50 kníh. Jeho knihy boli veľmi obľúbené, pretože London písal realisticky (čerpal námety z vlastného života). Žil na svojom ranči v Kalifornii a napriek svojim vysokým príjmom mal stále finančné problémy, ktorým asistoval celoživotný problém s alkoholom.

40-ročný London spáchal samovraždu v kalifornskom Glen Ellene (22. novembra 1916), otrávil sa morfiom.
(Zdroj wikipédia)


A profi / Bérgyilkossági Iroda Kft.

A Bérgyilkossági ?Iroda Kft. főnöke egykori orosz anarchista, aki Amerikában „vállalkozóként” irtja a korrupt elit tagjait. Munkatársai tudósok(!), s ő maga is „behajtotta életében a könyvek korszakának lapját, hogy a kaland képtelen őrületének új oldalára nyisson”. Rokonai ők az Aranyásók Alaszkában kalandorának vagy a Tengeri farkas ábrándos hajótöröttjének. A kisregény kéziratát, a szerző jegyzetei alapján, Robert L. Fish, forgatókönyvíró fejezte be, és csak évtizedekkel Jack London halála után, 1963-ban jelent meg. A profi (az eredeti címet szó szerint követő magyar fordítás első kiadásában A vadállat) címszereplője ártatlan héroszként kerül a fogadási csalásoktól bemocskolt bokszvilágba. Szelíd „vadállat”, aki megtapasztalja, hogy a „profi” nem szakmai, hanem erkölcsi kategória. Az 1913-ban kiadott kisregényt egy másik halhatatlan boksz-novella, A mexikói párdarabjaként olvashatjuk (életműsorozatunk Hús, semmi más című kötetében).
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dostupné aj ako:

Abenteurer des Schienenstranges

Jack London berichtet über seine Zeit als Tramp nach der Wirtschaftskrise gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Man lernt die Gefahren und Strapazen des Lebens als Landstreicher kennen. Von zentraler Bedeutung ist dabei das Reisen als Hobo per Bahn auf einer Blindplattform oder unter dem Zug. Der Autor geht aber auch auf „General“ Kellys Armee und auf einen Gefängnisaufenthalt ein.
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A Daughter of the Snows

London's first novel introduces the strong, independent, well-educated heroine that would run through much of his work.
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A Son of the Sun

A Son of the Sun was written in the year 1912 by Jack London. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jack London, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Before Adam

A young man in modern America is terrorized by visions of an earlier, primitive life. Across the enormous chasm of thousands of centuries, his consciousness has become entwined with that of Big-Tooth, an ancestor living at the dawn of humanity. Big-Tooth makes his home in Pleistocene Africa, a ferocious, fascinating younger world torn by incessant conflict between early humans and protohumans. Before Adam is a remarkable and provocative tale that thrust evolution further into the public spotlight in the early twentieth century and has since become a milestone of speculative fiction. The brilliance of the book lies not only in its telling but also in its imaginative projection of a mindset for early humans. Capitalizing on his recognized ability to understand animals, Jack London paints an arresting and dark portrait of how our distant ancestors thought about themselves and their world.
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Burning Daylight

A tale of the Klondike Goldrush and the corrupting influence of high stakes capitalism.
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Children of the Frost

Children of the Frost was written in the year 1920 by Jack London. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jack London, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Dutch Courage and Other Stories

A collection of very early stories published posthumously, with a preface by his wife Charmian.
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Hearts of Three

Originally intended as a film scenario, this plot is an improbably adventure story that can't help but bring to mind the "Lost Ark" films of decades later!
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Jerry of the Islands

Jerry is a dog whose experiences reflect the cruelty and racism of colonial Melanesia.
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Lost Face

Lost Face was written in the year 1910 by Jack London. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jack London, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Love of Life & Other Stories

Love of Life & Other Stories was written in the year 1907 by Jack London. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jack London, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Martin Eden

Martin Eden (1909) is a novel by American author Jack London, about a struggling young writer.This book is a favorite among writers, who relate to Martin Eden's speculation that when he mailed off a manuscript, 'there was no human editor at the other end, but a mere cunning arrangement of cogs that changed the manuscript from one envelope to another and stuck on the stamps,' returning it automatically with a rejection slip.While some readers believe there is some resemblance between them, an important difference between Jack London and Martin Eden is that Martin Eden rejects socialism (attacking it as 'slave morality'), and relies on a Nietzschean individualism. In a note to Upton Sinclair, Jack London wrote, "One of my motifs, in this book, was an attack on individualism (in the person of the hero). I must have bungled, for not a single reviewer has discovered it."
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Michael, Brother of Jerry

This story of brutality toward animals inspired a movement known as the Jack London Clubs, which were devoted to the cause of animal welfare and humane treatment.
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On the Makaloa Mat

The best Hawaii stories, and among London's best stories overall, including "Shin Bones" and "The Water Baby."
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South Sea Tales

Darker Pacific tales, including "Mauki" and "The Terrible Solomans."
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