

The Princess Saves Herself in This One

The Princess Saves Herself in This One
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13,67 € 13,95 €

The witch doesnt burn in this one

2016 Goodreads Choice Award-winning poet Amanda Lovelace returns in the witch doesn't burn in this one - the bold second book in her "women are some kind of magic" series. The witch: supernaturally powerful, inscrutably independent, and now-indestructible. These moving, relatable poems encourage resilience and embolden women to take control of their own stories. Enemies try to judge, oppress, and marginalize her, but the witch doesn't burn in this one.
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14,69 € 14,99 €

To make monsters out of girls

"What happens when the man of your dreams turns out to be a nightmare with sharp teeth and claws?" Winner of the 2016 Goodreads Choice Award for Best Poetry, amanda lovelace presents her new illustrated duology, "things that h(a)unt." In this first installment, to make monsters out of girls, lovelace explores the memory of being in an abusive relationship. She poses the eternal question: Can you heal once you've been marked by a monster, or will the sun always sting?
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14,65 € 14,95 €

the mermaid's voice returns in this one

Goodreads Choice Award-winning poet and USA TODAY bestselling author Amanda Lovelace presents the mermaid's voice returns in this one - the third and final installment in her "women are some kind of magic" series, featuring a foreword from Lang Leav and 13 guest poems from leading voices in poetry such as Nikita Gill, KY Robinson, and Orion Carloto. The mermaid is known for her siren song, luring bedroom-eyed sailors to their demise. However, beneath these misguided myths are tales of escapism and healing, which Lovelace weaves throughout this empowering collection of poetry, taking you on a journey from the sea to the stars. They tried to silence her once and for all, but the mermaid's voice returns in this one.
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14,65 € 14,95 €

To drink coffee with a ghost

"You cannot have a funeral for your mother without also having a funeral for yourself." This book poses the ever-lingering question: What happens when someone dies before they're able to redeem themselves? From the bestselling & award-winning poetess, amanda lovelace, comes the finale of her illustrated duology, "things that h(a)unt." In the first installment, to make monsters out of girls, lovelace explored the memory of being in a toxic romantic relationship. In to drink coffee with a ghost, lovelace unravels the memory of the complicated relationship she had with her now-deceased mother.
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18,57 € 18,95 €

Women Are Some Kind of Magic boxed set

Goodreads Choice Award-winning poet and USA TODAY bestselling author amanda lovelace presents the women are some kind of magic boxed set - a beautiful and empowering trilogy guaranteed to awaken your inner goddess. All three volumes of the women are some kind of magic series in a sleek slipcase. Contains: the princess saves herself in this one the witch doesn't burn in this one the mermaid's voice returns in this one
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39,15 € 39,95 €

break your glass slippers

"more forgetting time. more midnight dances with yourself." amanda lovelace, the bestselling & award-winning author of the "women are some kind of magic" poetry series, presents a new companion series, "you are your own fairy tale" the first installment, break your glass slippers, is about overcoming those who don't see your worth, even if that person is sometimes yourself. in the epic tale of your life, you are the most important character while everyone is but a forgotten footnote. even the prince
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12,69 € 12,95 €

shine your icy crown

"make them rue the day they underestimated you." amanda lovelace, the bestselling & award-winning author of the "women are some kind of magic" poetry series, presents shine your icy crown, the second installment in her new feminist poetry series, "you are your own fairy tale." this is a story about not letting society dictate the limits of your potential. it's time to take back your power & realize that you don't need a king in order to be a queen.
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12,69 € 12,95 €

amikor a hercegnő menti meg önmagát

történet egy hercegnőről aki királykisasszonnyá aki királynővé változott. A Goodreads Choice Award 2016-os győztese, az amikor a hercegnő menti meg önmagát verseskötet az alkalmazkodóképességről. Arról, hogy mi írhatjuk a saját sorsunkat. Amanda Lovelace kötete négy szakaszra oszlik: a hercegnő, a királykisasszony, a királynő, illetve te. Az első három szakaszból összeáll a szerző élete, az utolsó pedig afféle feljegyzésként szolgál az olvasó számára. Ez a megható könyv a szeretetet, a veszteséget, a gyászt, a gyógyulást, a sorsunk irányítását és az inspirációt dolgozza fel.
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9,48 € 9,67 €

unlock your storybook heart

"life is not something that can be experienced on a deadline." amanda lovelace, the bestselling & award-winning author of the "women are some kind of magic" poetry series, presents unlock your storybook heart, the third & final installment in her feminist poetry series, "you are your own fairy tale." this is a collection about being so caught up in the fable that is perfectionism that you miss out on your own life. be honest: when was the last time you stopped to take in the everyday enchantment all around you?
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12,69 € 12,95 €

Flower Crowns and Fearsome Things

in her new standalone poetry collection, flower crowns & fearsome things, bestselling & award-winning poetess amanda lovelace explores the complexity of femininity through alternating wildflower & wildfire poems. within these pages, you will find that each of us has the ability to be both soft & fierce at the same time. there is no need to choose one or the other.
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12,69 € 12,95 €

you are your own fairy tale

Goodreads Choice Award-winning poet and bestselling author amanda lovelace presents the you are your own fairy tale series bound collection- a beautiful and empowering trilogy that proves the only thing needed for a happily ever after is yourself. this elegantly bound edition of Amanda lovelace's you are your own fairy tale trilogy includes all of the poems from break your glass slippers, shine your icy crown, & unlock your storybook heart that you fell in love with, as well as a new & never-before-seen introduction written by the author. you are your ownfairy tale is a must-have for every lover of beautiful things & magical words.
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21,51 € 21,95 €

O princezně, která se zachránila sama

Výherce 2016 Goodreads Choice Award Sbírka básní rozdělená do čtyř oddílů: Princezna, Vévodkyně, Královna a Ty. První tři oddíly s obdivuhodnou upřímností komentují jednotlivá stádia dospívání autorky Amandy Lovelace, zatímco závěrečná kapitola je vzkazem čtenáři. Kniha o lásce i nenávisti, o tom, jaké to je někoho ztratit, o zármutku i radosti, o síle, inspiraci a hledání sebe sama.
11,93 € 12,17 €

V tejto sa princezná zachráni sama

príbeh princeznej, z ktorej sa stala panna, z ktorej sa stala kráľovná
9,70 € 9,90 €

O čarodějnici, která se nenechala upálit

Druhá sbírka básní Amandy Lovelace, oceněná Goodreads Choice Award za rok 2018. O čarodějnici: hrdé, nezávislé, nadpozemsky silné a především nezničitelné. Druzí ji mohou odsoudit, zesměšnit, pokusit se ji umlčet, v tomhle příběhu se ale čarodějnice upálit nenechá. Silné, dojemné, ale především výjimečně aktuální verše americké básnířky Amandy Lovelace se pokouší apelovat na mladé dívky, aby věřily samy v sebe a převzaly kontrolu nad svými příběhy.
11,93 € 12,17 €

Lacná kniha amikor a hercegnő menti meg önmagát (-50%)

történet egy hercegnőről aki királykisasszonnyá aki királynővé változott. A Goodreads Choice Award 2016-os győztese, az amikor a hercegnő menti meg önmagát verseskötet az alkalmazkodóképességről. Arról, hogy mi írhatjuk a saját sorsunkat. Amanda Lovelace kötete négy szakaszra oszlik: a hercegnő, a királykisasszony, a királynő, illetve te. Az első három szakaszból összeáll a szerző élete, az utolsó pedig afféle feljegyzésként szolgál az olvasó számára. Ez a megható könyv a szeretetet, a veszteséget, a gyászt, a gyógyulást, a sorsunk irányítását és az inspirációt dolgozza fel.
4,84 € 9,67 €

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