James Lovelock



James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia hypothesis and the greatest environmental thinker of our time, has produced an astounding new theory about future of life on Earth. He argues that the anthropocene - the age in which humans acquired planetary-scale technologies - is, after 300 years, coming to an end. A new age - the novacene - has already begun. New beings will emerge from existing artificial intelligence systems. They will think 10,000 times faster than we do and they will regard us as we now regard plants - as desperately slow acting and thinking creatures. But this will not be the cruel, violent machine takeover of the planet imagined by sci-fi writers and film-makers. These hyper-intelligent beings will be as dependent on the health of the planet as we are. They will need the planetary cooling system of Gaia to defend them from the increasing heat of the sun as much as we do. And Gaia depends on organic life. We will be partners in this project. It is crucial, Lovelock argues, that the intelligence of Earth survives and prospers. He does not think there are intelligent aliens, so we are the only beings capable of understanding the cosmos. Maybe, he speculates, the novacene could even be the beginning of a process that will finally lead to intelligence suffusing the entire cosmos. At the age 100, James Lovelock has produced the most important and compelling work of his life.
18,57 € 18,95 €


SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER The creator of the Gaia hypothesis and the greatest environmental thinker of our time has produced an astounding new theory about the future of life on Earth. James Lovelock argues that the anthropocene - the age in which humans acquired planetary-scale technologies - is, after three centuries, coming to an end. A new age - the novacene - has already begun. New beings will emerge from existing artificial intelligence systems. They will think 10,000 times faster than we do and will regard us as we now regard plants. The cruel, violent machine takeover imagined by sci-fi writers will not happen: these hyper-intelligent beings will be as dependent on the health of the planet as we are. They will need the planetary cooling system of Gaia to defend from the increasing heat of the sun. Gaia depends on organic life. We will be partners in this project. It is crucial, Lovelock argues, that the intelligence of Earth survives and prospers. We are at present the only beings capable of understanding the cosmos, but he speculates that the novacene could be the beginning of a process that will see intelligence suffusing the entire cosmos. At the age 100, Lovelock has produced the most compelling work of his life.
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14,65 € 14,95 €


Technologická vize budoucnosti od autora teorie Gaia Pro současnost, kdy se za nejvlivnější planetární faktor obecně považuje lidská činnost, se vžil termín antropocén. Avšak podle legendárního myslitele a vědce Jamese Lovelocka už tato éra končí. Lidstvo totiž vstoupilo do věku novacénu — éry, kterou definují superpočítače a umělá inteligence; doby, z níž vzejdou mnohem schopnější „bytosti“ než člověk. Ale i tento nový druh bude potřebovat zdravou Zemi a její funkční teplotní regulaci. Stejně jako člověk. Podobně jako mnohokrát dříve, James Lovelock i ve svých sto letech přichází s nadmíru provokativní tezí, jež se zdá být v přímém rozporu s jeho nejslavnější teorií — hypotézou o živé planetě Zemi, která se musí vyrovnávat s civilizačními hrozbami. Je to však opravdu jen zdání: Lovelock do planetárního systému zahrnuje vše, včetně budoucích technologií. Z civilizace se stává součást organismu.
Na sklade 1Ks
16,12 € 16,45 €

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Technologická vize budoucnosti od autora teorie Gaia Pro současnost, kdy se za nejvlivnější planetární faktor obecně považuje lidská činnost, se vžil termín antropocén. Avšak podle legendárního myslitele a vědce Jamese Lovelocka už tato éra končí. Lidstvo totiž vstoupilo do věku novacénu — éry, kterou definují superpočítače a umělá inteligence; doby, z níž vzejdou mnohem schopnější „bytosti“ než člověk. Ale i tento nový druh bude potřebovat zdravou Zemi a její funkční teplotní regulaci. Stejně jako člověk. Podobně jako mnohokrát dříve, James Lovelock i ve svých sto letech přichází s nadmíru provokativní tezí, jež se zdá být v přímém rozporu s jeho nejslavnější teorií — hypotézou o živé planetě Zemi, která se musí vyrovnávat s civilizačními hrozbami. Je to však opravdu jen zdání: Lovelock do planetárního systému zahrnuje vše, včetně budoucích technologií. Z civilizace se stává součást organismu.
Na stiahnutie
11,29 €

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We Belong to Gaia

In twenty short books, Penguin brings you the classics of the environmental movement. James Lovelock's We Belong to Gaia draws on decades of wisdom to lay out the history of our remarkable planet, to show that it is not ours to be exploited - and warns us that it is fighting back. Over the past 75 years, a new canon has emerged. As life on Earth has become irrevocably altered by humans, visionary thinkers around the world have raised their voices to defend the planet, and affirm our place at the heart of its restoration. Their words have endured through the decades, becoming the classics of a movement. Together, these books show the richness of environmental thought, and point the way to a fairer, saner, greener world.
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6,81 € 6,95 €

James Lovelock et al. The Earth and I

"We are buried beneath mountains of fast-accumulating data. In such circumstances, this book, rather than adding to the data load, aims to offer real understanding." -James Lovelock Human beings are extraordinary creatures. Intelligent, agile, and curious, we have adapted and invented our way to becoming the most important species on the planet. So great is the extent of our influence, that many speak of a new geological era, the Anthropocene, an age defined by human-induced change to the blue and green globe we call home. Our lofty status comes with responsibility as much as possibility: How should we approach our present and future? What knowledge should we carry with us? Conceived by James Lovelock (1919-2022), inventor of the Gaia theory, this illustrated essay collection brings together an all-star lineup of thinkers and scientists to offer essential understanding about who we are, how we live, and where we might be going. Much as the Gaia theory considers our Earth as an integrated whole of living systems, The Earth and I encourages holistic understanding. Across 12 chapters, we take in both the intricate details and immense structures of our species and our planet, from our ever-expanding universe to our minuscule but mighty cells. We see stellar explosions and the layers of life beneath our feet, delve into the neuroscience of decision-making, get to grips with our climate, and contemplate our increasing intimacy with technology. The book's world-class contributors include quantum physicist Lisa Randall, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, Pulitzer Prize-winning biologist Edward O. Wilson, and Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Eric Kandel. With lively illustrations from British artist Jack Hudson, the result is an inspiration for curious minds young and old, and a trusted tool kit for an informed and enlightened future.
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16,17 € 16,50 €

The Vanishing Face of Gaia (HB)

Acclaim for The Revenge of Gaia": 'The most important book for decades' - Andrew Marr. 'Riveting! a stark warning to mankind' - "The Times". 'Both entertaining and utterly terrifying, both thoughtful and constantly provocative! its echoes should reverberate throughout the world' - Mark Lynas, "New Statesman". 'We ignore James Lovelock's apocalyptic vision of the future at our peril' - Robin McKie, "Observer". 'Gaia will survive in one form or another. Lovelock's chilling question is: Will we?' - Rosie Boycott, "Mail on Sunday"."
22,54 € 23,00 €

Gaia - Nový pohled na život na Zemi

Hypotéza Gaie vysvětluje, že podmínky pro život na Zemi jsou výsledkem působení jednoduchého organizmu, snad živé bytosti-Gaia. V této knize se Lovelock, britsý organických chemik, pokouší demonstrovat jak byla Gaia zformovaná samoregulačním způsobem , přitom udržujíce optimální podmínky pro život na naší planetě. Tu a tam Lovelockovo osobní a podmanivé vyprávění hraničí s mytologií, častěji však s kybernetikou. Preklad: Jan Edlman
14,93 €

Gaia vrací úder

Proč se Země brání a jak ještě můžeme zachránit lidstvo Profesor James Lovelock se v 70. letech minulého století proslavil svou teorií, podle níž geosféra, atmosféra a biosféra na Zemi tvoří provázaný systém, na který můžeme pohlížet jako na jediný živý organismus. Tento organismus pojmenoval Gaia po řecké bohyni, stvořitelce Zemi. Kniha přináší propracovanou teorii obsahující mimo jiné i katastrofické vize dalšího možného vývoje planety.
10,37 € 10,58 €

The Vanishing Face of Gaia

James Lovelock described his previous book, "The Revenge of Gaia", as 'a wake-up call for humanity'. Stark though it was in many respects, in "The Vanishing Face of Gaia Lovelock" says that even though the weather seems cooler and pollution lessens as the recession bites, the environmental problems we will face in the twenty-first century are even more terrifying than he previously realised. The Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps are melting very quickly, and water shortages and natural disasters are more common occurrences than at any time in recent history. The civilisations of many countries will be jeopardised and life as we know it severely disrupted. 'Our wish to continue business as usual will probably prevent us from saving ourselves' says Lovelock, so we must adapt as best we can and try to ensure that enough of us survive to allow a more capable species to evolve from us. There could hardly be a more important message for humankind.
12,25 € 12,50 €

Gaia halványuló arca

A szerző, James Lovelock az 1960-as évek elején részt vett a marsi életet vizsgáló NASA-programban. Ekkor fogalmazta meg az ún. Gaia-elmélet vagy Gaia-hipotézist (Gaia a Földet megtestesítő istennő a görög mitológiában), amely szerint a földi élő és élettelen világ egyetlen önszabályozó rendszert alkot. Szenvedélyes hangon, esszéisztikus stílusban megírt, számos meghökkentő elgondolást tartalmazó könyvei világszerte jelentős visszhangot váltottak ki. Művei, amelyekben többek között szembeszáll a közvéleményt és a politikai szférát jelentős mértékben meghatározó zöld gondolat több alaptételével, nem csupán a szakembereknek íródtak, hanem a legszélesebb közvéleményt kívánják meggyőzni. A jelen kötet mintegy összegzését jelenti eddigi munkásságának, a Gaia-elmélet tömör összefoglalását nyújtva.
11,46 €

Mizející tvář Gaii

Známý britský vědec James Lovelock se ve své nejnovější knize Mizející tvář Gaii zamýšlí nad tím, jak se lidstvo dokáže vypořádat se změnami, které ho v blízké budoucnosti ohrožují. Kritizuje vědce i politiky, že jejich prognózy klimatických změn i reakcí živých organismů na měnící se prostředí nezohledňují reálný svět. Problémem je, že naše planeta živí víc lidí a živočichů, než může unést. Přitom nevíme, jakým směrem se budou globální změny ubírat, a tedy na co se máme vlastně připravit. Z tohoto pohledu vyznívá kniha dost pesimisticky a je posledním varováním pro lidstvo.
11,98 €

Lacná kniha The Vanishing Face of Gaia (HB) (-90%)

Acclaim for The Revenge of Gaia": 'The most important book for decades' - Andrew Marr. 'Riveting! a stark warning to mankind' - "The Times". 'Both entertaining and utterly terrifying, both thoughtful and constantly provocative! its echoes should reverberate throughout the world' - Mark Lynas, "New Statesman". 'We ignore James Lovelock's apocalyptic vision of the future at our peril' - Robin McKie, "Observer". 'Gaia will survive in one form or another. Lovelock's chilling question is: Will we?' - Rosie Boycott, "Mail on Sunday"."
2,30 € 23,00 €

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Lacná kniha The Vanishing Face of Gaia (-90%)

James Lovelock described his previous book, "The Revenge of Gaia", as 'a wake-up call for humanity'. Stark though it was in many respects, in "The Vanishing Face of Gaia Lovelock" says that even though the weather seems cooler and pollution lessens as the recession bites, the environmental problems we will face in the twenty-first century are even more terrifying than he previously realised. The Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps are melting very quickly, and water shortages and natural disasters are more common occurrences than at any time in recent history. The civilisations of many countries will be jeopardised and life as we know it severely disrupted. 'Our wish to continue business as usual will probably prevent us from saving ourselves' says Lovelock, so we must adapt as best we can and try to ensure that enough of us survive to allow a more capable species to evolve from us. There could hardly be a more important message for humankind.
1,25 € 12,50 €

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Lacná kniha Novacene (-90%)

James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia hypothesis and the greatest environmental thinker of our time, has produced an astounding new theory about future of life on Earth. He argues that the anthropocene - the age in which humans acquired planetary-scale technologies - is, after 300 years, coming to an end. A new age - the novacene - has already begun. New beings will emerge from existing artificial intelligence systems. They will think 10,000 times faster than we do and they will regard us as we now regard plants - as desperately slow acting and thinking creatures. But this will not be the cruel, violent machine takeover of the planet imagined by sci-fi writers and film-makers. These hyper-intelligent beings will be as dependent on the health of the planet as we are. They will need the planetary cooling system of Gaia to defend them from the increasing heat of the sun as much as we do. And Gaia depends on organic life. We will be partners in this project. It is crucial, Lovelock argues, that the intelligence of Earth survives and prospers. He does not think there are intelligent aliens, so we are the only beings capable of understanding the cosmos. Maybe, he speculates, the novacene could even be the beginning of a process that will finally lead to intelligence suffusing the entire cosmos. At the age 100, James Lovelock has produced the most important and compelling work of his life.
1,90 € 18,95 €

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