Jon McGregor
If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things
On a street in a town in the North of England, ordinary people are going through the motions of their everyday existence - street cricket, barbecues, painting windows... A young man is in love with a neighbour who does not even know his name. An old couple make their way up to the nearby bus stop. But then a terrible event shatters the quiet of the early summer evening. That this remarkable and horrific event is only poignant to those who saw it, not even meriting a mention on the local news, means that those who witness it will be altered for ever.
Jon McGregor's first novel brilliantly evokes the histories and lives of the people in the street to build up an unforgettable human panorama. Breathtakingly original, humane and moving, If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things is an astonishing debut.
Rezervoár č. 13 - audiokniha
V anglické vesnici Gladstone poblíž malebného národního parku Peack District se na Silvestra ztratí nezletilá dívka Rebecca Shawnová. I přes rozsáhlé pátrání nenalezne policie jediné vodítko, co se s ní mohlo stát. Tragická událost rezonuje s životy místních a ani neúprosně uplývající čas nedokáže umlčet otázky, k čemu ten večer skutečně došlo. Někteří si představují, že dívčino tělo leží na dně jednoho z rezervoárů, jíní jsou přesvědčeni, že nastoupila do auta k nějakému cizinci, či prostě utekla a žije někde jinde. Důkazy, které by mohly vést k rozuzlení případu, jsou neprůkazné a obraz dívky se postupně mění v jakýsi stín minulých událostí, který však v životě komunity ve zlomových okamžicích znovu ožívá.
Délka nahrávky:10 hod. 12 min.
Na sklade 1Ks
21,51 €
21,95 €
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A 13-as tározó
Egy 13 éves lány eltűnik egy angol faluból, ahová pihenni érkezett a családjával, és hirtelen felbolydul az élet. Megjelennek a rendőrök, az újságírók, de a kutatás nem jár sikerrel, és a falu újra elcsendesedik. Jon McGregor regénye arról szól, mi történik egy tragédia sújtotta közösségben, ha a média már nem érdeklődik az eset iránt. Bemutatja a helyieket, és azokat, akik minden évben visszatérnek, a közösség pszichológusnak is beillő lelkésznőjét, a farmert, aki a sztrókja után az ablakból figyeli, ahogy a fiai irányítják a gazdaságot, a falusi Casanovát, és a gyerekeket, akik a kislány eltűnése óta megszülettek, felnőttek. Jon McGregor Costa-díjas könyve lírai, meditatív regény az időről és a természet körforgásáról, amely nem törődik a tragédiákkal, és arról, hogyan kovácsolja közösséggé a magányos embereket a titok és a pletyka. 13 év egy falu életéből, amelynek a nevét a hírekből mindenki ismeri.
Na stiahnutie
8,73 €
So Many Ways To Begin
David Carter cannot help but wish for more: that his wife Eleanor would be the sparkling girl he once found so irresistible; that his job as a museum curator could live up to the promise it once held; that his daughter's arrival could have brought him closer to Eleanor. But a few careless words spoken by his mother's friend have left David restless with the knowledge that his whole life has been constructed around a lie.
12,33 €
12,58 €
Even the Dogs
On a cold, quiet day between Christmas and the New Year, a man's body is found in an abandoned apartment. His friends look on, but they're dead, too. Their bodies found in squats and sheds and alleyways across the city. Victims of a bad batch of heroin, they're in the shadows, a chorus keeping vigil as the hours pass, paying their own particular homage as their friend's body is taken away, examined, investigated, and cremated. All of their stories are laid out piece by broken piece through a series of fractured narratives. We meet Robert, the deceased, the only alcoholic in a sprawling group of junkies; Danny, just back from uncomfortable holidays with family, who discovers the body and futiley searches for his other friends to share the news of Robert's death; Laura, Robert's daughter, who stumbles into the junky's life when she moves in with her father after years apart; Heather, who has her own place for the first time since she was a teenager; Mike, the Falklands War vet; and all the others. Theirs are stories of lives fallen through the cracks, hopes flaring and dying, love overwhelmed by a stronger need, and the havoc wrought by drugs, distress, and the disregard of the wider world. These invisible people live in a parallel reality, out of reach of basic creature comforts, like food and shelter. In their sudden deaths, it becomes clear, they are treated with more respect than they ever were in their short lives. Intense, exhilarating, and shot through with hope and fury, Even the Dogs is an intimate exploration of life at the edges of society--littered with love, loss, despair, and a half-glimpse of redemption.
9,79 €
9,99 €
Reservoir 13
SHORTLISTED FOR THE GOLDSMITHS PRIZE LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE `Haunting and heartbreaking ... his best yet' Observer From the award-winning author of If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things and Even the Dogs. Reservoir 13 tells the story of many lives haunted by one family's loss. Midwinter in the early years of this century. A teenage girl on holiday has gone missing in the hills at the heart of England. The villagers are called up to join the search, fanning out across the moors as the police set up roadblocks and a crowd of news reporters descends on their usually quiet home. Meanwhile, there is work that must still be done: cows milked, fences repaired, stone cut, pints poured, beds made, sermons written, a pantomime rehearsed. The search for the missing girl goes on, but so does everyday life. As it must. An extraordinary novel of cumulative power and grace, Reservoir 13 explores the rhythms of the natural world and the repeated human gift for violence, unfolding over thirteen years as the aftershocks of a stranger's tragedy refuse to subside. `A rare and dazzling feat of art' George Saunders, author of Lincoln in the Bardo `McGregor writes with such grace and precision, with love even, about who and where we are, that he leaves behind all other writers of his generation' Sarah Hall, author of The Wolf Border `Reservoir 13 is quite extraordinary - the way it's structured, the way it rolls, the skill with which Jon McGregor lets the characters breathe and age' Roddy Doyle, author of Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
16,17 €
16,50 €
Reservoir 13
From the award-winning author of If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things. Reservoir 13 tells the story of many lives haunted by one family's loss.
Midwinter in the early years of this century. A teenage girl on holiday has gone missing in the hills at the heart of England. The villagers are called up to join the search, fanning out across the moors as the police set up roadblocks and a crowd of news reporters descends on their usually quiet home.
Meanwhile, there is work that must still be done: cows milked, fences repaired, stone cut, pints poured, beds made, sermons written, a pantomime rehearsed.
The search for the missing girl goes on, but so does everyday life. As it must.
An extraordinary novel of cumulative power and grace, Reservoir 13 explores the rhythms of the natural world and the repeated human gift for violence, unfolding over thirteen years as the aftershocks of a stranger’s tragedy refuse to subside.
‘A rare and dazzling feat of art’ George Saunders, author of Lincoln in the Bardo
‘McGregor writes with such grace and precision, with love even, about who and where we are, that he leaves behind all other writers of his generation’ Sarah Hall, author of The Wolf Border
‘Reservoir 13 is quite extraordinary – the way it’s structured, the way it rolls, the skill with which Jon McGregor lets the characters breathe and age’ Roddy Doyle, author of Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
11,71 €
11,95 €
The Reservoir Tapes
Midwinter in the early years of this century. A teenage girl on holiday has gone missing in the hills at the heart of England. The villagers are called up to join the search, fanning out across the moors as the police set up roadblocks and a crowd of news reporters descends on their usually quiet home. But the aftershocks of Becky Shaw’s disappearance have origins long before then, and those in the village have losses, and secrets, and stories of their own... A woman remembers a son’s inexperience – and a father’s rage; a young wife pushes against the boundaries of her marriage, whilst an older one finds ways to ensure the survival of hers. A hunt for a birthday present takes an alarming turn, and a teenage game grows serious. Fresh hurts open old wounds, salvation comes from unexpected quarters and chance encounters release long-buried memories. First broadcast as a series of specially commissioned stories on BBC Radio 4, The Reservoir Tapes returns to the territory of the Booker-longlisted Reservoir 13, revealing the web of connections that bind us, and the many layers on which we all build our truths.
11,27 €
11,50 €
Rezervoár č. 13
Pozoruhodný psychologický román o komunitě lidí v anglické vesnici, v jejíž blízkosti zmizí nezletilá turistka. Na výletě do malebné oblasti Peak District se dvojici turistů ztratí dcera Becky zmizí, jako by do země propadla. Pátrání nevede nikam. Místní lidé tragickou záhadou nejprve žijí, ale časem se jejich životy vrátí k normálu. Uběhne spousta let, než se jisté stopy po zmizelé dívce přece jen objeví, ale kdo ví, zda budou stačit k jejímu nalezení
Autorovy knihy jsou významné a často překvapivé, protože vždy vybočují z řady.
- The New Yorker
McGregor je skvělý autor, který dokáže předat životní zkušenosti na pár řádcích.
- The New York Times Book Review
* V širším výběru na Man Booker Prize 2017
* Vítěz Costa Novel Award v 2017
* Nominována na The Goldsmiths Prize
16,06 €
16,39 €
dostupné aj ako:
Začátek na řadu způsobů
Životní příběh Davida Cartera, který celé poválečné dětství a dospívání sbíral a skladoval různé předměty a snil o tom, že jednou bude mít své muzeum. Až jako dospělý, ve dvaadvaceti letech, od dozví, že jeho rodiče nejsou jeho rodiče, ale že byl adoptován. Od té doby se jeho život začne odvíjet jinak. Ožení se, má dceru, vychovává ji, ale manželka s bipolární poruchou mu situaci neusnadňuje. On navíc musí pořád myslet na svou biologickou matku; zatímco až obsesivně archivuje a katalogizuje svůj život, ona pro něho zůstává velkou neznámou. Až s příchodem internetu mu nakonec svitne naděje, že ji opravdu najde.
"McGregor je brilantní stylista prózy, a tady vyniká v tom, že obyčejné se zdá být mimořádné." - Sunday Times UK
"McGregorův okouzlující debut zkoumá v láskyplných detailech životy obyvatel jednoho bloku." -Publishers Weekly
The Reservoir Tapes
As broadcast on BBC radio 4: the fifteen `prequel' stories to Reservoir 13.
`He leaves behind all other writers of his generation' Sarah Hall
Midwinter in the early years of this century. A teenage girl on holiday has gone missing in the hills at the heart of England. The villagers are called up to join the search, fanning out across the moors as the police set up roadblocks and a crowd of news reporters descends on their usually quiet home.
But the aftershocks of Becky Shaw's disappearance have origins long before then, and those in the village have losses, and secrets, and stories of their own...
A woman remembers a son's inexperience - and a father's rage; a young wife pushes against the boundaries of her marriage, whilst an older one finds ways to ensure the survival of hers. A hunt for a birthday present takes an alarming turn, and a teenage game grows serious.
Fresh hurts open old wounds, salvation comes from unexpected quarters and chance encounters release long-buried memories.
First broadcast as a series of specially commissioned stories on BBC Radio 4, The Reservoir Tapes returns to the territory of the Booker-longlisted Reservoir 13, revealing the web of connections that bind us, and the many layers on which we all build our truths.
10,73 €
10,95 €
Lean Fall Stand
The highly anticipated new novel from the Costa-award winning, three-times Booker-longlisted author of Reservoir 13.
Doc Wright could be two steps or two miles from his team. In an ice storm, distance loses meaning. No one can see. No one answers their radio. All he can do is keep going, but something has gone wrong inside his head.
Back home, he is the only one who can explain what happened to them in Antarctica. But after what changed on the ice, everything has lost its meaning. Now his wife, Anna, must become his carer. Now he must find a new way to be in the world. All he can do is try to tell his story - even if words fail him.
'The most gripping piece of writing I've read in a long time: Sit. Read. Applaud' Jarvis Cocker