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Zero Hour

When the beautiful 20-year-old daughter of a Moldovan businessman goes missing from her university, British Intelligence will do anything in its power to track her down. Only one man is skilled and ruthless enough for the job - but for the first time in his life Nick Stone doesn't want to play ball...FACT: On 5 September 2007, Israeli jets bombed a suspected nuclear installation in northeastern Syria. Syrian radar - supposedly state-of-the-art - had failed to warn of the incoming assault. FACT: Unknown to anyone but the Israelis and the radar's manufacturers, the commercial, off-the-shelf microprocessors within it contained a remotely accessible kill switch. But what is the raid's mysterious connection with the missing student? What is the secret to Britain's security to which she unwittingly holds the key? And when ex-SAS deniable operator Nick Stone is tasked to find and abduct her, why is he not on 'receive'? I stared at the tiny shadow on the scan. It was hard to believe that this little f****r was going to kill me. I'd always imagined it would be something bigger, the diameter of a fist, a rifle butt or a 7.62. Dying like this? It felt so...pedestrian. I tried to smile. 'I always wondered what a death warrant looked like. Doe s it have a 'use by' date?' As Nick walks from the Harley Street clinic, he's become a man with nothing to lose. And he wants to go down fighting...
8,54 € 8,99 €

Battlefield 3: The Russian

Spetsnaz was once a name to strike fear into the hearts of Mother Russia's enemies. But what was there left to fight now the country had gone to the dogs? Dima Mayakovsky once a revered figure inside the elite Special Forces unit - wanted no part of it any more. But when a dangerous fugitive surfaces in Tehran, Dima is the man Kremlin wants to bring him in. The target has something Dima s political masters want back. And they have made sure that they do not have to take no for an answer.There is no option: the ex-Spetsnaz legend must lead his hand-picked team of highly-trained, battle-hardened operatives into explosive combat. But that wasn't the sort of thing you could hide from the US recce satellites that circled the skies above.That meant Dima and his men became Marine Sergeant Henry Blackburn's problem. Sent across the border into Iran to search for a missing patrol, Black s men weren t looking for trouble, but they found it. In spades.And as Iran descends into chaos, Dima and Black are forced to question everything they believed in, and to fight to survive, for their comrades, their honour and the lives of millions. They're on their own. And the clocks are ticking...Bringing his trademark authenticity and insight to Battlefield 3: The Russian is SAS hero and bestselling author Andy McNab at the top of his game, delivering pulse-pounding entertainment and awe-inspiring, widescreen action.
7,59 € 7,99 €

Battlefield 3: Rus

Dima Majakovský, veterán Spetsnazu, dostává od vlády nabídku, která se neodmítá. Pokud zorganizuje záchrannou operaci v Iránu, získá příležitost napravit největší chybu svého života. Henry "Black" Blackburn, seržant námořní pěchoty USA, se v Iráku stává očitým svědkem popravy amerického vojáka, kterou provede záhadný zabiják z radikálního iránského hnutí. Přísahá pomstu a americká vojenská intervence v Iránu mu k ní brzy nabídne příležitost. V zemětřesením a občanskou válkou zničeném Iránu však oba brzy zjišťují, že se stali pěšáky v mnohem větší a nebezpečnější hře, než si kdy dokázali představit. V rozbombardovaném Teheránu připravuje obávaný terorista šílenou pomstu, jejímž cílem jsou miliony mrtvých na dvou kontinentech a destabilizace celé západní civilizace. Pokud ho Dima a Black nedokáží zastavit včas, svět už nikdy nebude jako dřív.
13,02 € 13,70 €


Přestože agent Charlie trpí nevyléčitelnou chorobou, nechá se najmout do zpravodajských služeb na zdánlivě jednoduchý úkol – ukrást dokumenty z trezoru vlivného politika. Na pomoc mu přispěchá dávný přítel Nick. Jenže ani jeden z nich netuší, do jak nebezpečné hry se pustili. Nejenže čelí obvinění z vraždy, ale hlavně musí bojovat o holý život.
12,90 € 13,58 €

Bravo Two Zero

In January 1991, eight members of the SAS regiment embarked upon a top secret mission that was to infiltrate them deep behind enemy lines. Under the command of Sergeant Andy McNab, they were to sever the underground communication link between Baghdad and north-west Iraq, and to seek and destroy mobile Scud launchers. Their call sign: BRAVO TWO ZERO. Each man laden with 15 stone of equipment, they patrolled 20km across flat desert to reach their objective. Within days, their location was compromised. After a fierce fire fight, they were forced to escape and evade on foot to the Syrian border. In the desperate action that followed, though stricken by hypothermia and other injuries, the patrol 'went ballistic'. Four men were captured. Three died. Only one escaped. For the survivors, however, the worst ordeals were to come. Delivered to Baghdad, they were tortured with a savagery for which not even their intensive SAS training had prepared them. "Bravo Two Zero" is a breathtaking account of Special Forces soldiering: a chronicle of superhuman courage, endurance and dark humour in the face of overwhelming odds.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Battle Lines

The casualties of war aren't only on the battlefield...Coming back from war is never easy, as Sergeant Dave Henley's platoon discovers all too quickly when they return from fighting in Afghanistan. Life at home is very different than on the battlefield - for everyone. When they are summoned back to Helmand to protect the US team assigned to destroy the opium crop, it is almost a relief to the soldiers, if not to their wives, girlfriends and families who are turned inside out once more by their men's sudden departure. For all concerned, danger lurks around every corner - for Dave's team who must learn new skills to survive, and their loved ones in England, whose lives can be destroyed by equally deadly weapons - a harsh look, a misunderstanding, an ugly rumour...Like "War Torn", "Battle Lines" is at once a gritty, close-to-the-action thriller and an involving story of the stresses and strains which families and relationships suffer when separated by thousands of miles and a wealth of experience. This is everyday life made brilliantly real by Andy McNab, whose continued involvement with the men and women of the British Army gives this extraordinary novel its authenticity, its toughness and its heart. This is real life brought brilliantly alive by Andy McNab, whose continued involvement with the men and women of the British Army gives this extraordinary novel its authenticity, its toughness and its heart.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Battlefield 3: Az orosz

A Battlefield játéksorozat eddigi részeiből több mint 30 millió példány fogyott világszerte, de a 2011. október 28-án debütált Battlefield 3 jelentősen túlhaladta az elődjeit, és mindössze néhány napra volt szükség, hogy 5 millió példány találjon gazdára a játékból. A Battlefield sorozat Magyarországon is rendkívül népszerű. Az író, Andy Mcnab neve is ismert itthon, több könyve is megjelent már magyarul régebben. Ha visszafogta volna magát, még mindig a Szpecnaznál szolgálhatna. Civilizált, hivatali körülmények között, hálából a sokévnyi kitartásért és kegyetlenkedésért - talán még embersége egy részét is visszanyerhette volna. De Gyima sosem fogja vissza magát... A könyv tartalma: Szpecnaz. A név, amely félelmet kelt Orosz Anyácska ellenségeinek szívében. De maradt még bármi, amiért érdemes harcolni a rohamosan hanyatló országban? Gyima Majakovszkij, az elit különítmény egykori, nagyra becsült tagja már rég nem kér ebből. Amikor Teheránban egy kétes múltú helyi dezertőr hatalmat szerez, a Kreml fejesei Gyimát választják a bevetés lebonyolítására: a célszemély tulajdonában van valami, amit a politikai döntéshozók bármi áron vissza akarnak kapni. Biztosra mennek, és nem tűrnek ellentmondást. A Szpecnaz korábbi legendájának nem marad választása: csapatot toboroz a létező legkeményebb kiképzésben részesült és harctéren edződött katonák közül, hogy végrehajtsák feladatukat a világ legforrongóbb övezetében. Persze, ez nem maradhat rejtve a mindent látó amerikai kémműholdak elől... Az orosz kommandó feltűnése újabb probléma Henry "Black" Blackburn őrmester számára, akit osztagával eredetileg egy elveszett egység felkutatására küldtek át az iráni határon. Keresniük sem kell a bajt, az hamar rájuk talál. Ahogy az iráni helyzet fokozódik, Gyima és Black kénytelen lesz minden eddigi meggyőződését átértékelni, miközben maguk és bajtársaik túléléséért, a becsületükért és sok millió ember életéért küzdenek. A regény hitelességét az egykori SAS-hősből sikerkönyvíróvá avanzsált Andy McNab garantálja, aki most is beleadott apait-anyait.
12,75 € 13,42 €


Szívós, találékony, könyörtelen - volt SAS kommandósként Nick Stone a legjobbak egyike, mégis utcára kerül. Egy félresikerült akció után lapátra teszik, ám a brit titkosszolgálat igényt tart rá - a kormány által bármikor kényelmesen letagadható akciók résztvevője lesz. Ebben a kivételesen mocskos világban nem létezik ennél mocskosabb munka. Washingtonban a helyzet még tovább romlik. Miközben látszólag rutinfeladatot teljesít, Stone megtalálja egyik volt katonatársát, akit a családjával együtt kíméletlenül lemészárolnak. Hamarosan neki is menekülnie kell a gyilkosok elől, méghozzá a vérengzés egyetlen túlélőjével - egy hétéves gyerekkel. A kislány az egyetlen, aki azonosíthatja a gyilkosokat; Stone-nak kell megvédenie tőlük, és megoldania a rejtélyt, amely a régmúltban, a SAS egyik legnagyobb botrányt kavart bevetésében gyökerezik... A Távvezérlés az első Andy McNab rendkívül sikeres Nick Stone-történeteinek sorában, amely olyan valósághűen ismerteti a hírszerző szervek működését, hogy csak különleges hadügyminisztériumi engedéllyel jelenhetett meg "Igazi tesztoszteronbomba." (Daily Telegraph) "Az izgalmak és fordulatok terén Forsyth-hoz mérhető." (Mail on Sunday)
14,61 € 15,38 €


1993: Under deep cover, Nick Stone and a specialist surveillance team have spent weeks in the jungles and city streets of Colombia. Their mission: to locate the boss of the world's most murderous drugs cartel - and terminate him with extreme prejudice. Now they can strike. But to get close enough to fire the fatal shot, Nick must reveal his face. It's a risk he's willing to take - since only the man who is about to die will see him. Or so he thinks...2012: Nick is in Moscow; semi-retired; semi-married to Anna; very much the devoted father of their newborn son. But when the boy falls dangerously ill and the doctor who saves him comes under threat, Nick finds himself back in the firing line. To stop his cover being terminally blown, he must follow a trail that begins in Triad-controlled Hong Kong and propels him back into the even more brutal world he thought he'd left behind. The forces ranged against him have guns, helicopters, private armies and a terrified population in their vice-like grip. Nick Stone has two decades of operational skills that may no longer be deniable - and a fierce desire to protect a woman and a child who now mean more to him than life itself.
8,08 € 8,50 €


Tom Buckingham has blood on his hands. Neck deep in trouble for taking down a renegade Afghan soldier, he's sent back home; angry, betrayed and out of work. But with riots and rebellion spreading like wild fire on the streets of Britain, Tom's unique skills are soon noticed by a charismatic billionaire with a questionable agenda. Buckingham finds himself thrown back into the covert world of intelligence where a play for power is under way. He'll have to decide where his loyalties lie if he's to intervene in a series of events that will threaten the whole nation. Time is running out and lives are at stake; is there anyone Tom Buckingham can trust?
8,08 € 8,50 €

For Valour Nick Stone Thriller 16

When a young trooper is shot dead at the SAS' renowned Killing House, Nick Stone is uniquely qualified to investigate. Less than forty-eight hours later, he finds himself in the telescopic sights of an assassin bent on protecting a secret that could strike at the heart of the establishment - the establishment that Stone has, in his own maverick fashion, spent most of his life fighting to protect. Isolated and under perpetual threat, he is propelled across Europe in a desperate quest to uncover the truth behind a terrible chain of events that began with a young man haunted by the screams of his brutally murdered friend.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Detonator Nick Stone Thriller 17

Ex-deniable operator Nick Stone has spent a lifetime in harm's way - but when someone he cares for very deeply is murdered in cold blood, he can no longer just take the pain. A high-level internecine conflict at the dark heart of the resurgent Russian Empire and an assassin's bullet on an isolated Alpine pass? propel him from an apparently run-of-the-mill close-protection task into his most brutal and challenging mission yet. As the body count increases, Stone becomes one of Europe's Most Wanted. He must evade the elite police forces of three nations in his pursuit of faceless men who trade in human misery, and a lone wolf terrorist who threatens to unleash the Western World's worst nightmare. Vengeance of the most explosive kind is top of Stone's agenda. The fuse has been ignited - but who really holds the detonator?
14,20 € 14,95 €

Gray Man

This is a Stunning Action Thriller From a Real-Life Hero. Kevin Dodds leads a dull, uneventful life. He has a steady job at the bank, a nice house and car. His wife goes to Bingo on a Saturday night, but he usually stays in to save money. But Kevin has spent enough quiet nights in watching TV and decides he'd like a night out himself. And he's not talking about a pint and a packet of peanuts down at the local. He's going to attempt to pull off a daring bank robbery single handed. Kevin is about to take a heart-thumping step into the unknown. For once, he's going to stop being the grey man...
4,70 € 4,95 €

On the Rock

This is the call he is always ready for. They've had word of a planned attack. That's why he's back here, opposite some suit who's trying to tell him what he needs to do. But he knows exactly what's required. Four men. Plain clothes. Eyes peeled. Three targets. Two cases. One car. Gibraltar isn't an ideal location. Too many people. Too many blind alleys. But then again, he's not the terrorist. Who knows what goes through their minds? Well, he will soon. If everything goes to plan.
3,33 € 3,50 €


Betrayed and left for dead high in the Alps, Nick Stone is in trouble. The blood on his hands tells of a head wound he can't see and his foggy memory confirms it. He knows only one thing for certain - someone, somewhere wants to kill him. And they think they've succeeded. Stone wants revenge, but the only person who can help him is a seven year old boy. Not much protection in the pursuit of a gang of faceless men who trade in human misery. But this run-of-the-mill close protection task is about to become Stone's most personal mission yet. Payback is top of Stone's agenda. The fuse has been ignited - but who really holds the detonator?
9,45 € 9,95 €

Cold Blood

Out on the ice, polar nears aren't the only natural born killers. Nick Stone is suffering. The two people he cared for most are gone. Thousands of miles away five ex-servicemen, badly wounded in Afghanistan, are preparing for a trek to the North Pole in an attempt to begin to rebuild their shattered bodies and minds. When Stone is summoned as close protection for the trek by an old SAS officer, he accepts unthinkingly, desperate for the chance to escape his own misery. They meet at the world's most northerly airport, where the locals are as hard as nails and the polar bear threat makes it against the law not to carry a gun. But it doesn't take long for Stone and his team to discover that neither the bears nor the locals are the most dangerous predators in this part of the world. It is quickly clear to Stone that the coldest war of all is just beginning...
17,05 € 17,95 €