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See inside maths

This is a brand new title in the innovative "See Inside" series, putting the often intimidating world of mathematics into simple, easy-to-follow language and showing how maths fits into readers' everyday life. It introduces mathematical concepts in the simplest of terms from basic addition and subtraction, through multiplication and division to square roots and algebra. As well as over 50 embedded flaps to lift, each page includes a host of puzzles and games for readers to test their newfound maths skills on, making the book an interactive and informative experience. It is illustrated in a fun and accessible style by Colin King.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Look Inside the Woods

Look through the trees, see under leaves and discover what's lurking behind the bushes in this beautifully illustrated flap-book. Young readers will enjoy opening the flaps to discover hidden animals and amazing facts. Look out for birds, squirrels, foxes and bears and find out how trees and woods help make our planet a better place to live.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Lacná kniha Pozri sa pod okienko - Nazri dovnútra matematiky (-70%)

Matematika je metóda objavovania sveta. S jej pomocou môžete veci počítať, merať, zisťovať ako je čo veľké alebo malé, ale aj riešiť najrôznejšie problémy. Ľudia používajú matematiku v každodennom živote neustále a najrôznejšími spôsobmi. Otvorte teda vyše 86 okienok a nahliadnite do jej fascinujúceho sveta. Dozviete sa veľa zaujímavých informácií – zoznámite sa s číslami, zistíte, čo je to sčítanie, odčítanie, násobenie, delenie, odmocniny, prečo je potrebné vedieť rozoznávať geometrické tvary, obrazce aj telesá a mnoho ďalšieho. Na záver si môžete zahrať hry, s ktorými si vyskúšate množstvo počtových matematických úloh a zistíte, čo nové ste sa už s knižkou naučili. Zistíte, že aj matematika môže byť zábavná!
4,17 € 13,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Look Inside a Zoo

Become a zoo keeper for the day, and discover all the things that go on behind the scenes at a zoo. Prepare food for hundreds of animals, clean out their enclosures, take them to the zoo vet for a check up and even watch brand new baby animals being born. With lots of flaps to lift and gorgeous illustrations, this is the perfect introduction to life in a zoo for young readers.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Geography for Beginners

The world we live in is complex and constantly changing. It's battered by weather, shaken by earthquakes, and mined, farmed and polluted by humans. This books helps readers understand these processes, make sense of our relationship with the planet, and find ways to change it for the better. Geography is a HUGE subject area that deals with so much more than map-making, rocks, and town planning. This book unpicks how an awareness of geography helps people think about how important the world around us is, from the landscape we live on to the relationships between entire countries. Part of the award-winning 'for Beginners' series, which explains big subjects to kids in late primary and early secondary education. Each book outlines what those subjects are about, which big questions experts are grappling with, and what jobs people who study them might go on to do.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Lacná kniha Veľká kniha o veľkých strojoch (-70%)

Otvorte zložené stránky a objavíte niektoré z najväčších a najsilnejších strojov, aké boli kedy vyrobené - od obrovských rýpadiel a veľkých nákladných áut po supersilné prúdové lietadlá Jumbo a obrovské lode.
2,97 € 9,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Philosophy for Beginners

Philosophy is a way of thinking about just about anything. It asks big questions, such as "how can I be good?" or "what makes something beautiful?" Using lively examples, humorous illustrations and simple thought experiments, this book opens up the world of philosophy to children and adults with enquiring minds.
13,25 € 13,95 €