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Minna Lacey


Pozri sa pod okienko - Nazri dovnútra matematiky

Matematika je metóda objavovania sveta. S jej pomocou môžete veci počítať, merať, zisťovať ako je čo veľké alebo malé, ale aj riešiť najrôznejšie problémy. Ľudia používajú matematiku v každodennom živote neustále a najrôznejšími spôsobmi. Otvorte teda vyše 86 okienok a nahliadnite do jej fascinujúceho sveta. Dozviete sa veľa zaujímavých informácií – zoznámite sa s číslami, zistíte, čo je to sčítanie, odčítanie, násobenie, delenie, odmocniny, prečo je potrebné vedieť rozoznávať geometrické tvary, obrazce aj telesá a mnoho ďalšieho. Na záver si môžete zahrať hry, s ktorými si vyskúšate množstvo počtových matematických úloh a zistíte, čo nové ste sa už s knižkou naučili. Zistíte, že aj matematika môže byť zábavná!
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13,21 € 13,90 €

Look inside a Coral Reef

Open the flaps and peer among spectacular coral shapes to see a magical world of sea creatures living in a reef. From turtles, fish and sharks to octopus, sponges and sea horses. Find out what coral is and how a reef forms, and discover the threat to all coral reefs from warming oceans and pollution.
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13,25 € 13,95 €

Veľká kniha o veľkých strojoch

Otvorte zložené stránky a objavíte niektoré z najväčších a najsilnejších strojov, aké boli kedy vyrobené - od obrovských rýpadiel a veľkých nákladných áut po supersilné prúdové lietadlá Jumbo a obrovské lode.
9,41 € 9,90 €

Poďte s nami do prírody

Dnes nie je jednoduché uspokojiť dieťa a pritom ho zabaviť. Novinka Poďte s nami do prírody je nádherne ilustrovaná kniha, ktorá ponúka práve takúto zábavu mladším deťom, i tým, čo ešte nepoznajú písmenká. Hlavní hrdinovia Paťka a Peťko vás pomocou interaktívnych hier prevedú prírodou okolo farmy, kde sa zoznámite so všetkými jej obyvateľmi a rastlinkami. Prostredníctvom tejto publikácie sa deti ľahko a aktívne naučia spoznávať prírodné javy v rôznych ročných obdobiach a rozoznať rôzne druhy vtáčikov a chrobáčikov. Dostanú odpovede na otázky, ako si zvieratká hľadajú potravu, čo je opeľovanie, predstaví sa im celý vodný svet v našich riekach a jazierkach. Zabavia sa pri poučných návodoch, ako pripraviť krmivo pre vtáčiky, ako vylisovať kvietky či obkresliť kôru stromu, ako sa sadia semienka, ako prilákať mravčeky a vtáčiky, dokonca môžete s deťmi pozorovať, ako si dážďovky hĺbia diery v zemi. Kniha je prístupná i menším deťom a vďaka nenáročnosti úloh a dobrým ilustračným návodom sa dieťa dokáže nimi prelúskať sám, bez akejkoľvek účasti rodičov.
6,27 € 6,60 €

Big Book of Big Sea Creatures

This title features: Point Big fold-out pages that open up into massive 4-page scenes; two fun concertina pages to open up too; and, stunning watercolour illustrations by Fabiano Fiorin. It includes huge sharks, whales, squid and lots of fish with key facts about each creature.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Look Inside a Pirate Ship

Lift the flaps to discover what life is like aboard bloodthirsty Black Dan's fearsome pirate ship. Watch the pirates capture a merchant ship and follow them to a desert island in search of buried treasure. With over 50 flaps to lift.
12,34 € 12,99 €

Look inside Science

This is a re-sized edition of the original flap book that introduces the fascinating world of science in a simple and engaging way for younger readers. It is full of surprises to keep enquiring minds entertained, including flaps beneath flaps. It includes basic science topics from how plants grow to astronomy and forces. Each double-page includes simple practical experiments for children to try themselves.
12,34 € 12,99 €

Big Book of The Body

Open up the huge fold-out pages to discover the amazing ways the human body works. Explore a giant skeleton, find out what's inside your head and see what happens to the food you eat.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Big Book Of Machines

From giant excavators and monster trucks to superjumbos and enormous ships, children can discover the biggest and most powerful machines ever made.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Big Picture Book Outdoors

The beautiful pictures in this book are full of wildlife to look out for when you're outdoors. There are birds, butterflies and plants to spot by a river, in the fields or on a city ramble, and pages on the seasons and creatures to look out for after dark. Children will love browsing the pictures at home -then spotting the wildlife outside.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Department Store Sticker Book

There are over 390 stickers to place throughout the book. Children will have lots of fun arranging toys and children's books, decadent dresses and suits, as well as goods up for sale. Children can discover what early department stores looked like at the beginning of the 20th century. A fascinating floor plan reveals kitchens, a staff canteen and storerooms, giving an insight into what went on behind-the-scenes. An original sticker book, part of the bestselling Doll's House Sticker Books series.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Big Book of Big Sea Creatures

Each page is packed with big, brightly coloured illustrations and fascinating facts. Extra long fold-out pages show some of the biggest, fastest and longest underwater creatures of all.§From the great white shark to the mighty blue whale, children will love discovering the biggest creatures under the sea (and some of the littlest too).
12,83 € 13,50 €

Look Inside Nature

Discover the magical world of nature in this information book for young children, with over 80 flaps to lift. There are woods, rivers and ponds to explore, and animals to discover under the ground, hiding in trees and rustling in the bushes. There's information on how plants grow, habitats and nature spotting and links to websites to find out more.
12,30 € 12,95 €

My Frist Outdoor Book

This engaging picture book for little children is full of ideas for things to see and do outdoors. Charming illustrations cover simple activities from bird watching to beachcombing while clear labels explain basic facts about the weather, wildlife and staying safe outdoors.
12,30 € 12,95 €


Gladiators were brutal fighters who risked their lives in one of the deadliest sports of all time. They performed to huge crowds in stadiums across the Roman Empire. Find out how these savage spectacles first began, who took part in them and how men were trained to become fighting machines.
7,51 € 7,90 €

Christopher Columbus

In 1492 Christopher Colombus set sail across the Atlantic, on a voyage into the unknown. He was looking for a quicker route to the Indies. What he found was a whole New World...
7,51 € 7,90 €