Moriarty Laura


While I'm falling

What makes a family? That
10,00 € 10,20 €

The Chaperone (Film Tie-in)

Soon to be a feature film from the creators of Downton Abbey On a summer's day in 1922, Cora Carlisle boards a train from Wichita, Kansas, to New York City, charged with the care of a stunningly beautiful young girl with a jet-black bob and wisdom way beyond her fifteen years. The girl is Louise Brooks and, for her, New York offers a chance of stardom beneath the bright lights of Broadway. For Cora, whose formative years were spent at The New York Home for Friendless Girls, the trip offers the opportunity to discover the truth about her past. It will also, although she doesn't realize it yet, offer her the chance for a very different future. Set in a time of illicit thrills and daring glamour, a time when prohibition reigns and speakeasies thrive behind closed doors, The Chaperone tells Cora's story as she finally discovers who she is and - more importantly - who she wants to be.
10,29 € 10,50 €


Pouhých pár let před tím, než se stane hvězdou němého filmu a ikonou své generace, opouští patnáctiletá Louisa Brooksová rodný Kansas, aby studovala na prestižní škole v New Yorku. Doprovází ji gardedáma, třicetiletá Cory Rarlisleová – ani matka, ani přítelkyně, ale komplikovaná, tradicionalisticky smýšlející dáma, jež má své vlastní důvody, proč se vydat do New Yorku Dvě ženy, které nemají zdánlivě nic společného. Přesto je pětitýdenní cesta navždy spojí… a také změní. Brilantně napsaný příběh se odvíjí na pozadí bohaté a především bouřlivé historie dvacátých a třicátých let minulého století. Velká deprese, rychle se rozvíjející společnost, svět módy i filmu a živoucí, nikdy nespící New York jsou hlavními devizami tohoto strhujícího románu o ženách, které hledají své místo ve světě i samy sebe.
18,38 € 18,75 €

Lacná kniha The Chaperone (Film Tie-in) (-70%)

Soon to be a feature film from the creators of Downton Abbey On a summer's day in 1922, Cora Carlisle boards a train from Wichita, Kansas, to New York City, charged with the care of a stunningly beautiful young girl with a jet-black bob and wisdom way beyond her fifteen years. The girl is Louise Brooks and, for her, New York offers a chance of stardom beneath the bright lights of Broadway. For Cora, whose formative years were spent at The New York Home for Friendless Girls, the trip offers the opportunity to discover the truth about her past. It will also, although she doesn't realize it yet, offer her the chance for a very different future. Set in a time of illicit thrills and daring glamour, a time when prohibition reigns and speakeasies thrive behind closed doors, The Chaperone tells Cora's story as she finally discovers who she is and - more importantly - who she wants to be.
3,15 € 10,50 €

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