Oliver Neil
Wisdom of the Ancients
From the bestselling author of The Story of the British Isles in 100 Places comes this inspiring and beautifully written meditation on the wisdom inherited from our ancestors.
For all we have gained in the modern world, simple peace of mind is hard to find. In a time that is increasingly fraught with complexity and conflict, we are told that our wellbeing relies on remaining as present as possible. But what if the key to being present lies in the past?
In Wisdom of the Ancients, Neil Oliver takes us back in time, to grab hold of the ideas buried in forgotten cultures and early civilizations. From Laetoli footprints in Tanzania to Keralan rituals, stone circles and cave paintings, Oliver takes us on a global journey through antiquity. A master storyteller, drawing on immense knowledge of our ancient past, he distils this wisdom into twelve messages that have endured the test of time, and invites us to consider how these might apply to our lives today. The result is powerful and inspirational, moving and profound.
For longer than recorded history there have been tales of spirits and of places where our hackles rise and our skin turns cold.
Bestselling historian Neil Oliver travels the British Isles on a deliciously spine-chilling tour that spans several centuries and explores more than 20 sites - castles, vicarages and towers, lonely shorelines and forgotten battlefields - to unpick their stories..
Oliver invokes his family's history alongside that of kings and queens past as he probes why our emotions and senses are heightened in certain locations where the separation between dimensions seems gossamer thin. Our landscape is riven with these places, creaking from the weight of the secrets they hold, the echoes of tragedy and dark deeds . From Inverness to Devon, Co Dublin to Norfolk, Hauntings casts an enjoyably eerie glow with stories that, told generation after generation, are inextricable from place - and considers why they matter.
The Story of the World in 100 Moments
From Genghis Khan's domination on earth to Armstrong's first steps on the moon, discover the 100 moments that defined humanity and shaped our world forever.
Neil Oliver takes us on a whistle-stop tour around the world and through a million years to give us this unique and invaluable grasp of how human history pieces together.
From the east to the west, north to south, these 100 moments act like stepping stones allowing us to make sense of how these pivotal events have shaped the world we know today.
Including many moments readers will expect - from the advent of the printing press to the birth of the internet - there are also surprises, and with them, some remarkable, unforgettable stories that give a whole new insight on our past.
From the bestselling author of The Story of the British Isles in 100 Places, this is outstanding new history of how our world was made from 5000 BC to the present.
History of Ancient Britain
Who were the first Britons, and what sort of world did they occupy? In A HISTORY OF ANCIENT BRITAIN Neil Oliver turns a spotlight on the very beginnings of the story of Britain; on the first people to occupy these islands and their battle for survival. There has been human habitation in Britain, regularly interrupted by Ice Ages, for the best part of a million years. The last retreat of the glaciers 12,000 years ago brought a new and warmer age and with it, one of the greatest tsunamis recorded on Earth which struck the north-east of Britain, devastating the population and flooding the low-lying plains of what is now the North Sea. The resulting island became, in time, home to a diverse range of cultures and peoples who have left behind them some of the most extraordinary and enigmatic monuments in the world. Through what is revealed by the artefacts of the past, Neil Oliver weaves the epic story - half a million years of human history up to the departure of the Roman Empire in the Fifth Century AD. It was a period which accounts for more than ninety-nine per cent of humankind's presence on these islands. It is the real story of Britain and of her people.
11,27 €
11,50 €
The Vikings famously took no prisoners, relished cruel retribution, and prided themselves on their bloody-thirsty skills as warriors. But their prowess in battle is only a small part of their story, which stretches from their Scandinavian origins to America in the west and as far as Baghdad in the east. As the Vikings did not write their history, we have to discover it for ourselves, and that discovery, as Neil Oliver reveals, tells an extraordinary story of a people who, from the brink of destruction, reached a quarter of the way around the globe and built an empire that lasted nearly two hundred years. Drawing on the latest discoveries that have only recently come to light, Neil Oliver goes on the trail of the real Vikings. Where did they emerge from? How did they really live? And just what drove them to embark on such extraordinary voyages of discovery over 1000 years ago? VIKINGS will explore many of these questions for the first time in an epic story of one of the world's great empires of conquest.
23,51 €
23,99 €
The Vikings famously took no prisoners, relished cruel retribution, and prided themselves on their blood-thirsty skills as warriors. But their prowess in battle is only a small part of their story, which stretches from their Scandinavian origins to America in the west and as far as Baghdad in the east. As the Vikings did not write their history, we have to discover it for ourselves, and that discovery, as Neil Oliver reveals, tells an extraordinary story of a people who, from the brink of destruction, reached a quarter of the way around the globe and built an empire that lasted nearly 200 years. Drawing on the latest discoveries that have only recently come to light, Neil Oliver goes on the trail of the real Vikings. Where did they emerge from? How did they really live? And just what drove them to embark on such extraordinary voyages of discovery over 1000 years ago? VIKINGS will explore many of these questions for the first time in an epic story of one of the world's great empires of conquest.
12,25 €
12,50 €
Skócia történelme
A neves skót történész, Neil Oliver díjnyertes történelmi sorozatát a BBC nagy sikerrel vetítette, epizódról epizódra mesélte el a skótok történetét az emberiség hajnalán a felföldi és alföldi területek kőzetének kialakulásától és az oly elragadóan kusza középkoron át egészen a modern korig. A sorozat könyv alakban most először jelenik meg Magyarországon, nem csak Skócia és a történelem szerelmeseinek. A színes elbeszélés során eddig kevésbé ismert lázadókkal, vezérekkel és trónkövetelőkkel éppúgy találkozhat az olvasó, mint A rettenthetetlen című filmsiker főhősével, William Wallace-szal, a Shakespeare-drámákból ismert angol királyokkal vagy Stuart Máriával, a skótok nevezetes királynőjével. Kisszerű törtetők és történelmi nagyságok arcképcsarnoka e mű, amely ismeretterjesztő könyvként és regényként egyaránt olvasható. Skócia története a függetlenség és nemzeti fennmaradás története, előbb a nagy hatalmú angol szomszéd örök présében, majd a kivándorlás nyomása alatt. Neil Oliver mégis azt állítja: Skócia históriája a kőzet története; a kőé, amely talajt adott a vándorlók talpa alá, ételt termett a nomád törzseknek, fegyverhez valót a birtokukat vagy a függetlenségüket védőknek, nevezetes köveket a koronázási és vallási rituálékhoz, és fedőkövet egy elpusztult ábránd sírjára. Részlet a könyvből:"Bevezető.hogyan bírózzunk meg Skócia történetével? A téma nagysága, no meg a már rendelkezésre álló könyvek puszta tömege a feladatot eleve ijesztővé teszik. A lehető legalaposabban látva a munkához, átvedlek fürge csellévé egy olyan óceánban, amelyet benépesítenek a leviatánok, nem beszélve néhány cápától és az olykor felbukkanó mérges medúzáról. Skócia olyan hely, amelyet egész életemben szerettem, ezért Skóciáról írnom olyan, mint vallani a szeretett személyről: szinte elviselhetetlen a rettegés attól, hogy nem megfelelőképpen teszem. Rájöttem, csak úgy foghatunk hozzá, ha elfogadjuk, sőt ünnepeljük azt a tényt, hogy Skócia történelme mindannyiunké: mindenkié, aki most ott él, továbbá akinek a családfája visszavezethető az óhazába, lakjon ma bárhol is az illető."
14,70 €
15,00 €
The Story of the World in 100 Moments
From Genghis Khan's domination on earth to Armstrong's first steps on the moon, discover the 100 moments that defined humanity and shaped our world forever.
Neil Oliver takes us on a whistle-stop tour around the world and through a million years to give us this unique and invaluable grasp of how human history pieces together.
From the east to the west, north to south, these 100 moments act like stepping stones allowing us to make sense of how these pivotal events have shaped the world we know today.
Including many moments readers will expect - from the advent of the printing press to the birth of the internet - there are also surprises, and with them, some remarkable, unforgettable stories that give a whole new insight on our past.
From the bestselling author of The Story of the British Isles in 100 Places, this is outstanding new history of how our world was made from 5000 BC to the present.