Elizabeth Noble


Other People's Husbands

The compelling new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Love, Iris and The Family Holiday Sometimes friendship crosses a line... A group of close friends, their bonds forged at the nursery gates two decades ago, have celebrated, commiserated and grown together: they thought they all knew each other so well. Until the affair. Now a crack appears in everything. Could one betrayal really destroy it all? Other People's Husbands is a story of friendship and love, crossing boundaries and breaking vows, of trying to fix what you believed could never be broken.
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12,95 €

Lacná kniha Dievča odvedľa (-70%)

Vitajte v New Yorku na Upper East Side v budove s bordovou markízou, kde sa susedia stanú jednou veľkou rodinou. Angličania Eve a Ed Gallagherovci začínajú v byte 7A nový život. Mali by sa tešiť, ale Eve si nevie privyknúť na nové prostredie, cíti sa stratená, osamelá. Život sa jej hneď zdá krajší, keď sa spozná so svojou rodáčkou Violet. Kramerovci a Schulmanovci v bytoch 6A a 6B si žijú každý svojím životom, kým sa Jason Kramer nezaľúbi do Rachael Schulmanovej. Jacksonovi Graylingovi III. v byte o poschodie nižšie nechodí po rozume nič iné, len ako sa zblížiť s krásnou Emily Mikanowskou z bytu 3A, hoci jeho bohatstvo priťahuje ako magnet Madison Cavanaghovú z bytu 2B. Zato ostýchavá milovníčka romantickej spisby Charlotte Murphyová z bytu 2A je až po uši zaľúbená do vrátnika Cheho, no neodváži sa urobiť rázny krok. Všetci obyvatelia domu postupne zažívajú veselé i smutné udalosti, prechádzajú zmenami a ich osudy chytia za srdce každú čitateľku.
Na sklade 1Ks
2,97 € 9,90 €

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Lacná kniha The Reading Group (-50%)

A New Year. A New Page. A New Reading Group. Five women meet for their first reading group, little realising this social gathering over books and glasses of wine might see them share more than literary debate ...and will, in fact, take each of them to places they'd never imagined. Harriet and Nicole are the ringleaders, best friends who can't quite admit - to themselves or one other - they might be trapped in loveless marriages. While Polly, a determined single mum, finds herself tipped off course by an unexpected proposal. Susan, usually so carefree and happy, is forced to face a shattering reality and Clare, quiet and mysterious, plainly has more on her mind than next week's book choice. Over the coming year their worlds will intertwine in delightful, unexpected and surprising ways. Stories will be re-written as dreams are made and broken, but through it all they'll have the Reading Group, with friendship, tears and laughter featuring in every chapter of their lives.
Na sklade 1Ks
5,98 € 11,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

Other People's Husbands

Sometimes friendship crosses a line . . . A group of close friends, their bonds forged at the nursery gates two decades ago, have celebrated, commiserated and grown together: they thought they all knew each other so well. Until the affair. Now a crack appears in everything. Could one betrayal really destroy it all? Other People's Husbands is a story of friendship and love, crossing boundaries and breaking vows, of trying to fix what you believed could never be broken.
18,95 €

Things I want my Daughters to Know

How do you cope in a world without your mother? When Barbara realizes time is running out, she writes letters to her four daughters, aware they'll be facing the trials and triumphs of life without her at their side. But how can she leave them when th ey still have so much growing up to do? Take Lisa, in her mid-thirties but incapable of making a commitment; or Jennifer, trapped in a stale marriage and buttoned up so tight she could burst. While twenty something Amanda is the traveler, always dist anced from the rest of the family. And Hannah. A teenage girl on the verge of womanhood, about to be parted from the mother she adores.But by drawing on the wisdom in Barbara's letters, the girls might just find a way to cope with her loss. And in co ming to terms with their bereavement, can they also set themselves free to enjoy life with all the passion and love each deserves? The bestselling Elizabeth Noble returns with a tale of families, friends ...and the glorious, endless possibilities of life.
Iba v predajni
12,95 €

The Way We Were

What if you had a second chance at first love? Susannah and Rob were childhood sweethearts. But as with most early love affairs, they broke up, moved on and now find themselves in very different places. And not entirely happy - who is? A chance meeti ng between them sends shockwaves through their lives. What happens when your first love makes a surprise reappearance? Is fate telling you it's time for a second chance ...or should you simply walk away and let the past become ancient history? But Su sannah and Rob just aren't able to forget the way they were ...and the world is about to discover the consequences of their reunion.
10,31 €

Lacná kniha Dievča odvedľa (-90%)

Vitajte v New Yorku na Upper East Side v budove s bordovou markízou, kde sa susedia stanú jednou veľkou rodinou. Angličania Eve a Ed Gallagherovci začínajú v byte 7A nový život. Mali by sa tešiť, ale Eve si nevie privyknúť na nové prostredie, cíti sa stratená, osamelá. Život sa jej hneď zdá krajší, keď sa spozná so svojou rodáčkou Violet. Kramerovci a Schulmanovci v bytoch 6A a 6B si žijú každý svojím životom, kým sa Jason Kramer nezaľúbi do Rachael Schulmanovej. Jacksonovi Graylingovi III. v byte o poschodie nižšie nechodí po rozume nič iné, len ako sa zblížiť s krásnou Emily Mikanowskou z bytu 3A, hoci jeho bohatstvo priťahuje ako magnet Madison Cavanaghovú z bytu 2B. Zato ostýchavá milovníčka romantickej spisby Charlotte Murphyová z bytu 2A je až po uši zaľúbená do vrátnika Cheho, no neodváži sa urobiť rázny krok. Všetci obyvatelia domu postupne zažívajú veselé i smutné udalosti, prechádzajú zmenami a ich osudy chytia za srdce každú čitateľku.
0,99 € 9,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Dievča odvedľa

Vitajte v New Yorku na Upper East Side v budove s bordovou markízou, kde sa susedia stanú jednou veľkou rodinou. Angličania Eve a Ed Gallagherovci začínajú v byte 7A nový život. Mali by sa tešiť, ale Eve si nevie privyknúť na nové prostredie, cíti sa stratená, osamelá. Život sa jej hneď zdá krajší, keď sa spozná so svojou rodáčkou Violet. Kramerovci a Schulmanovci v bytoch 6A a 6B si žijú každý svojím životom, kým sa Jason Kramer nezaľúbi do Rachael Schulmanovej. Jacksonovi Graylingovi III. v byte o poschodie nižšie nechodí po rozume nič iné, len ako sa zblížiť s krásnou Emily Mikanowskou z bytu 3A, hoci jeho bohatstvo priťahuje ako magnet Madison Cavanaghovú z bytu 2B. Zato ostýchavá milovníčka romantickej spisby Charlotte Murphyová z bytu 2A je až po uši zaľúbená do vrátnika Cheho, no neodváži sa urobiť rázny krok. Všetci obyvatelia domu postupne zažívajú veselé i smutné udalosti, prechádzajú zmenami a ich osudy chytia za srdce každú čitateľku.
9,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Reading Group

A New Year. A New Page. A New Reading Group. Five women meet for their first reading group, little realising this social gathering over books and glasses of wine might see them share more than literary debate ...and will, in fact, take each of them to places they'd never imagined. Harriet and Nicole are the ringleaders, best friends who can't quite admit - to themselves or one other - they might be trapped in loveless marriages. While Polly, a determined single mum, finds herself tipped off course by an unexpected proposal. Susan, usually so carefree and happy, is forced to face a shattering reality and Clare, quiet and mysterious, plainly has more on her mind than next week's book choice. Over the coming year their worlds will intertwine in delightful, unexpected and surprising ways. Stories will be re-written as dreams are made and broken, but through it all they'll have the Reading Group, with friendship, tears and laughter featuring in every chapter of their lives.
11,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

Girl next door

A gorgeous and unforgettable novel set in a turn-of-the-century New York apartment building on the Upper West Side, The Girl Next Door features four interwoven stories about love, life and living together. Meet Eve Gallagher in Apartment 7A, newly relocated to New York from London with her ambitious banker husband. But she's lonely and lost ... until she meets elderly neighbour Violet, who's concealing a tragic story of her own. The Kramers and the Schulmans in Apartments 6A and 6B are about to find their lives intersecting in a most unfortunate manner when Jason Kramer falls headover- heels for Rachael Schulman. Jackson Grayling III in Apartment 5A is 26, fantastically wealthy and a directionless and hapless layabout ... but he's attracting the attention of a golddigger in 2B even though he's far more interested in the beautiful and hardworking Emily Milanowski in 3B. And finally, plain, dull and self-conscious Charlotte Murphy rents 2A and works in the Public Library ... she lives in a dreamworld and is desperate to be anyone but herself. Will any of her neighbours ever take enough notice of her to save her?
5,00 €

Alphabet Weekends

Natalie and her sisters have known Tom and his family forever. They climbed trees together, scraped knees on the same pavements and, in taking shared steps towards adulthood, shaped bonds that would last a lifetime. So when Natalie
11,80 €

The Girl Next Door

What makes a house a home? For Eve Gallagher, home is miles away in England since she and her husband relocated to an apartment building on New York's Upper East Side. And life isn't remotely coming up roses. What makes a neighbour a friend? Violet has lived in the building for decades but she's always kept herself apart, until Eve's loneliness touches her heart and friendship blossoms. What makes a wife a lover? Jason Kramer in Apartment 6A is no longer sure he loves his wife, but he's head-over-heels for Rachael Schulman in 6B. What makes the girl next door the woman of your dreams? Meeting Emily Mikanowski from 3A turns Trip Grayling's world upside down. It's love at first sight, but he needs help from Charlotte, the shy romance addict in 2A, if he's going to win the girl. Dreams come true, hearts are broken and no one is left unchanged when the secrets and desires hidden behind closed doors are finally brought into the light.
9,20 €