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Evan Osnos


Joe Biden

Držitel americké Národní knižní ceny Evan Osnos vytvořil soustředěný, brilantní a trefný záznam úspěšné celoživotní cesty Josepha R. Bidena Jr. do prezidentského úřadu. Současný americký prezident si dokázal udržet padesátiletou politickou kariéru, která ho dovedla až do Bílého domu, jeho život byl však poznamenáni hlubokými osobními ztrátami a zklamáními. Evan Osnos čerpal z téměř desetiletého zpravodajství pro časopis The New Yorker a v knize se mu podařilo zachytit mimořádný význam prezidentských voleb v roce 2020 i vykreslit jednotlivé osobnosti americké politiky. Jeho kniha je založena na dlouhých rozhovorech s Bidenem a na otevřených výpovědích více než stovky dalších aktérů, včetně bývalého prezidenta Baracka Obamy, Amy Klobucharové, Peta Buttigiega a řady aktivistů, poradců, členů Bidenovy rodiny i Bidenových odpůrců. Knižní portrét osvětluje Bidenovu dlouhou a rušnou kariéru v Senátu, osmileté účinkování ve funkci Obamova viceprezidenta i jeho rozhodnutí vyzvat Donalda Trumpa k souboji o prezidentský úřad a volbu senátorky Kamaly Harrisové jako kandidátky na viceprezidentku. Osnos se zamýšlí nad potížemi, se kterými se Biden bude muset potýkat během svého prezidenství, a zvažuje, jak měnící se země a obrovská škála zkušeností změnily jeho postoje k jednotlivým tématům. V tomto precizním portrétu se Biden jeví jako chybující, a přece rozhodný politik zocelený životními tragédiemi jako člověk, který se možná až nečekaně dobře hodí pro svoji současnou historickou roli.
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15,52 € 16,34 €

Joe Biden

Joseph R. Bident, Barack Obama alelnökét nevezték már a legszerencsésebb embernek – és a legszerencsétlenebbnek is. Szerencsés, mert ötven évnyi töretlen pályafutása a Fehér Házig vitte, és szerencsétlen, mert ezt a fél évszázadot fájdalmas személyes veszteségek és mély csalódások kísérték. Noha Joe Biden életét drámai események alakították, a hajtóerőt hozzá olyan eltökéltség adta, amely a politika legfelső köreiben is ritka: a szembenézés a tévedésekkel, az emberi fogyatékosságokkal és a sorsfordulatokkal. Saját próbatételei mély empátiát fejlesztettek ki benne a küszködő emberek iránt, és ez a tulajdonság nélkülözhetetlen akkor, amikor az amerikai nemzet évtizedek óta legnehezebb időszakát éli át. Evan Osnos, a The New Yorker újságírója hosszú interjúkat készített Bidennel és másokkal, köztük Barack Obamával és a Biden család tagjaival. A bennfentes, érdekes és hiteles könyv megjeleníti az elnökjelölt hosszú és eseménydús szenátusi pályafutását, nyolcéves alelnöki megbízatását, a mellőzöttség éveit, amikor 2016-ban a demokraták Hillary Clinton mögé álltak, és a döntést, hogy harcba száll az elnökségért Donald Trumppal.
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6,17 €

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Evan Osnos moved to Washington, DC, in 2013 after a decade away from the United States. While abroad, he often found himself making a case for America, urging the citizens of Egypt, Iraq or China to trust that even though America had made grave mistakes throughout its history, it aspired to some foundational moral commitments - the rule of law, the power of truth, the right of equal opportunity for all. But when he returned to the United States, he found each of these principles under assault. In search of an explanation for the crisis, he focused on three places he knew firsthand: Greenwich, Connecticut; Clarksburg, West Virginia; and Chicago, Illinois. Reported over the course of six years, Wildland follows ordinary individuals as they navigate the varied landscapes of twenty-first-century America. Through their powerful, often poignant stories, Osnos traces the sources of America's political dissolution. He finds answers in the rightward shift of the financial elite in Greenwich; in the collapse of social infrastructure and possibility in Clarksburg; and in the compounded effects of segregation and violence in Chicago. The truth about the state of the nation may be found not in the slogans of political leaders but in the intricate details of individual lives, and in the hidden connections between them. A dramatic, prescient examination of seismic changes in American politics and culture, Wildland is the story of a crucible, a period bounded by two shocks to America's psyche, two assaults on the country's sense of itself: the attacks of September 11 in 2001 and the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Following the lives of everyday Americans in three cities across two decades, Osnos illuminates the country in a startling light, revealing how it lost the moral confidence to see itself as larger than the sum of its parts.
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13,78 € 14,50 €

Joe Biden: The Life, the Run, and What Matters Now

A FINANCIAL TIMES BEST BOOK OF 2020 A concise, brilliant, and trenchant examination of Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s successful lifelong quest for the presidency by National Book Award winner Evan Osnos. President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. has been called both the luckiest man and the unluckiest--fortunate to have sustained a fifty-year political career that reached the White House, but also marked by deep personal losses and disappointments that he has suffered. Yet even as Biden's life has been shaped by drama, it has also been powered by a willingness, rare at the top ranks of politics, to confront his shortcomings, errors, and reversals of fortune. As he says, "Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable." His trials have forged in him a deep empathy for others in hardship - an essential quality as he leads America toward recovery and renewal. Blending up-close journalism and broader context, Evan Osnos, who won the National Book Award in 2014, draws on nearly a decade of reporting for The New Yorker to capture the characters and meaning of 2020's extraordinary presidential election. It is based on lengthy interviews with Biden and on revealing conversations with more than a hundred others, including President Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and a range of activists, advisers, opponents, and Biden family members. This portrayal illuminates Biden's long and eventful career in the Senate, his eight years as Obama's vice president, his sojourn in the political wilderness after being passed over for Hillary Clinton in 2016, his decision to challenge Donald Trump for the presidency, and his choice of Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. Osnos ponders the difficulties Biden faces as his presidency begins and weighs how a changing country, a deep well of experiences, and a rigorous approach to the issues, have altered his positions. In this nuanced portrait, Biden emerges as flawed, yet resolute, and tempered by the flame of tragedy - a man who just may be uncannily suited for his moment in history.
30,40 € 32,00 €

Joe Biden

'A thoroughly readable primer' Guardian 'Biden has overcome unimaginable tribulation, multiple presidential primary humiliations, a potentially crippling speech impediment and his own mediocrity. Now he carries the hopes of billions upon his shoulders' Sunday Times President Joseph R. Biden Jr. has been called both the luckiest man and the unluckiest - fortunate to have sustained a fifty-year political career that reached the White House, but also marked by deep personal losses that he has suffered. Yet even as Biden's life has been shaped by drama, it has also been powered by a willingness, rare at the top ranks of politics, to confront his shortcomings, errors and reversals of fortune. His trials have forged in him a deep empathy for others in hardship - an essential quality as he addresses a nation at its most dire hour in decades. Blending up-close journalism and broader context, Evan Osnos illuminates Biden's life and captures the characters and meaning of an extraordinary presidential election. He draws on lengthy interviews with Biden and on revealing conversations with more than a hundred others, including President Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and a range of progressive activists, advisers, opponents, and Biden family members. In this nuanced portrait, Biden emerges as flawed, yet resolute, and tempered by the flame of tragedy - a man who just may be uncannily suited for his moment in history.
13,78 € 14,50 €