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Demizu Posuka


Zaslíbená Země Nezemě 4

Přichází čas na dalšího oběť. Teď je na řadě Norman a ostatní dělají, co je v jejich silách, aby mu pomohli. Emma a Ray vymýšlí nový plán, ale Norman přichází s překvapivým rozhodnutím.
Na sklade 3Ks
13,02 € 13,70 €

Zaslíbená Země Nezemě 5

Sirotčinec hoří a Emma a ostatní děti se snaží uprchnout do bezpečí. Ale Mamá se jen tak nevzdá. Má k dispozici armádu démonů, takže ten útěk ze zajetí nebude zase tak jednoduchý. Koho bude muset Emma obětovat, aby měli sirotci šanci na záchranu?
Na sklade 1Ks
13,02 € 13,70 €

Zaslíbená Země Nezemě 6

Svoboda je sladká, ale přináší i těžké chvilky. Emma a její přátelé se ocitají sami v neznámém světě a nutně potřebují průvodce, který by jim pomohl vyhnout se všem smrtícím nástrahám. Jenže komu věřit... a neskončit přitom na talíři?
Na sklade 4Ks
13,02 € 13,70 €

Promised Neverland 15

The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it's too late. Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems... As Norman and his group prepare their plan to eradicate all of the demons, Emma searches for her own path. Can she find a way to create a new promise that achieves peace without resorting to violence?
9,98 € 10,50 €

Zaslíbená Země nezemě 11

V Goldy Pond se schyluje k poslednímu střetnutí, jež rozhodne o osudu všech tamějších dětí, včetně Emmy, která je odhodlaná všechny zachránit. Jenže démon Leuvis je mocný nepřítel a v boji s ním bude zapotřebí víc než štěstí, které navíc pomalu dochází. A komu by se chtělo platit životem, když je svoboda tak blízko...?
Na sklade 2Ks
13,02 € 13,70 €

Promised Neverland 16

The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it's too late. Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems... While attempting to locate the Seven Walls, Emma and Ray find themselves trapped in a mysterious world. Can they escape this labyrinth and make the promise that will finally bring about peace? Meanwhile, Norman has his own plans...
Na sklade 1Ks
9,98 € 10,50 €

Zaslíbená Země Nezemě 12

Démoni z Goldy Pond jsou mrtví, ať žije svoboda! Jenže... ne tak docela. Emma a její přátelé totiž dosáhnou skutečné svobody teprve tehdy, až se jim podaří opustit svět démonu. K tomu je třeba nalézt tajemných Sedm zdí, a také osvobodit zbylé děti z Grace Fieldu. Začíná nová etapa dobrodružství, na jejímž konci čeká buďto vytoužená budoucnost, nebo krutá smrt.
Na sklade 4Ks
13,02 € 13,70 €

Zaslíbená Země Nezemě 14

Emma se pouští do nebezpečné akce na záchranu zraněného kamaráda, ale nic nedopadne podle představ a na uprchlíky čeká to největší překvapení, jaké je zatím potkalo. Nakolik však bude příjemné, to se teprve ukáže...
Na sklade 1Ks
13,02 € 13,70 €

Promised Neverland 19

The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it's too late. Life at Grace Field House had been good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they had to take were tough, their loving caretaker provided them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But when they discover the horrifying truth about why they are being kept at the orphanage, their lives change forever... With the queen now dead, chaos envelops the demon world. Emma and her friends head back to Grace Field House in order to rescue the other children from Peter Ratri-but can they make it in time? The final battle for the children's future begins!
Na sklade 1Ks
12,83 € 13,50 €

Zaslíbená Země Nezemě 15

Norman se chystá k radikálnímu kroku, jehož cílem je, vyhubit všechny démony, ale Emma by navzdory prožitému utrpení raději volila mírumilovnější cestu k vítězství. Neshoda mezi oběma přáteli vede k zásadnímu zvratu, který natrvalo ovlivní životy zbylých dětí z Grace Fieldu...
Na sklade 1Ks
13,02 € 13,70 €

Zaslíbená Země Nezemě 20

Dlouhá cesta nezadržitelně spěje ke konci, ale stále ještě není vyhráno. Podaří se dětem opustit svět démonů? A jakou cenu za to budou muset nakonec zaplatit? ZÁVĚR ZASLÍBENÉ ZEMĚ NEZEMĚ JE TU...!
U dodávateľa
13,02 € 13,70 €

The Art of Posuka Demizu

Posuka Demizu is a rising star among manga artists whose new title, The Promised Neverland, created with co-author Kaiu Shirai, is currently running in the popular manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. This first collection of Posuka's work features outstanding art works from his career, along with new illustrations created especially for this edition. Readers will appreciate seeing Posuka's vibrant characters and compositions rendered in his characteristically precise style gathered together for the first time in a single volume.
28,98 € 30,50 €

The Promised Neverland

The children of the Grace Field House orphanage have their happy lives upended when they find out they're being raised to be fed to demons. Can they escape their fate before it's too late? Life at Grace Field House has been good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious foods and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems... Emma, Norman and Ray are the brightest kids at the Grace Field House orphanage. And under the care of the woman they refer to as "Mom," all the kids have enjoyed a comfortable life. Good food, clean clothes and the perfect environment to learn-what more could an orphan ask for? One day, though, Emma and Norman uncover the dark truth of the outside world they are forbidden from seeing. Shonen Jump's big hit of 2017, a masterful suspense story illustrated by up-and-coming artist Posuka Demizu. * Releases 2 times a year for 2+ volumes. Series is ongoing. * Art show in Japan featuring Posuka Demizu's art in December 2016. * Weekly simultaneous serialization in VIZ Media's Weekly Shonen Jump digital magazine. * Will appeal to fans of mainstream Shonen Jump series like Assassination Classroom and Death Note.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Promised Neverland 5

The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it's too late. Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems... Shonen Jump's big hit of 2017, a masterful suspense story illustrated by up-and-coming artist Posuka Demizu.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Promised Neverland 13

The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it's too late. Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems... Emma and the other children have been driven out of their safe shelter back into the dangerous demon world. Can they summon the courage to fight against this new imminent threat?!
9,98 € 10,50 €

Promised Neverland 14

The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it's too late. Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems... In order to save a dying family member, Emma leads a small group of children into a demon farm in order to steal some medicine. This risky mission will require smarts, stealth and a bit of luck. Meanwhile, a mysterious group of humans is destroying the farms one by one. What is their secret?
9,98 € 10,50 €