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Po niekoľkých nevydarených vzťahoch sa Emily Albrightová rozhodla načas si oddýchnuť od dnešných mužov. Schúliť sa niekde do bezpečia s obľúbeným románom Pýcha a predsudok a vrátiť sa späť do dôb, keď boli muži ešte šľachetní a hrdo kráčali životom odetí v jazdeckých nohaviciach a v prepotenej košeli. Muži, ktorých však stretáva, nosia obleky, sú neverní a závislí na porne z internetu. Keď ju jej najlepšia kamarátka pozve na týždennú dovolenku do Mexika plnú margarity a lovu na mužov, Emily dá radšej prednosť poznávaciemu výletu do miest, kde kedysi žila Jane Austenová. Nie sú tam však žiadni muži snov. Autobus je plný penzistov až na Spika Hargrevsa, mizerne naladeného novinára, ktorý píše článok o tom, prečo by väčšina žien chcela stretnúť práve pána Darcyho. Potom vstúpi do izby a ocitne sa tvárou v tvár pánovi Darcymu. A odrazu sa sen každej ženy začne stávať realitou... Alexandra Potterová v tejto zábavnej a pohodovej rozprávke plní sny o živote, láske a stretnutí s najžiadanejším slobodným mužom literatúry... Alexandra Potterová (1970) sa narodila v Bradforde vo Veľkej Británii. Žila v Austrálii a v USA, pracovala ako prispievateľka a redaktorka britských ženských časopisov. Teraz sa venuje iba písaniu, žije v Los Angeles. Napísala romány Do You Come Here Often?, What´s New, Pussycat?, Going La-La, Who´s That Girl?, Me and Mr. Darcy, Be Careful What You Wish For, You're the One That I Don't Want, Don´t You Forget about Me a kritikou a čitateľmi ocenený román Calling Romeo. Jej vtipné romantické príbehy (na niektoré už predala filmové práva) miestami pripomínajú romány Betty MacDonaldovej, príhody Bridget Jonesovej alebo Sophie Kinsellovej. Má množstvo verných čitateliek po celom svete – od USA a Veľkej Británie až po Rusko, Poľsko a Indonéziu. V slovenčine jej už vyšli romány Daj si pozor na želania a Kto je to dievča?
11,31 € 11,90 €

Kto je to dievča?

Charlotte je úspešná v oblasti PR, má vlastnú firmu, kopec peňazí a príťažlivého priateľa. Napriek tomu je neurotická, vystresovaná a pesimistická. Jedného dňa na ceste do práce je uzavretá diaľnica a doprava je odklonená. Počas tejto obchádzky sa Charlotte stretne so svojím o desať rokov mladším ja. Zisťuje, že vtedy bola oveľa bezstarostnejšia a uvoľnenejšia. Staršia Charlotte sa snaží svojej mladšej verzii posunúť rokmi nadobudnuté skúsenosti a zároveň sa ju snaží varovať pred chybami, ktoré počas rokov urobila. Čoskoro sa však aj ona dozvedá niečo podstatné...
10,36 € 10,90 €

Daj si pozor na želania

„Želám si, aby bolo v metre voľné miesto... Aby som nezjedla celé vrecko cukríkov... Zhodila tých niekoľko tvrdohlavých kíl... Stretla muža, ktorý bude rád upratovať. Samostatná Londýnčanka Heather si ustavične čosi želá a nemyslí pritom na veľké veci – ako svetový mier alebo rande s Bradom Pittom. Vyrovnáva sa s neverou bývalého priateľa, po ktorom jej zostali len trpké spomienky a hypotéka na byt. Keď si kúpi od cigánky vres pre šťastie, zlé dni sa pominú a jej život sa zázračne zmení. Začne chodiť s príťažlivým susedom, prenajme izbu sympatickému Američanovi a môže splácať hypotéku, dokonca aj jej kariéra fotografky odrazu naberie na obrátkach. Heather je zaskočená tým, čo sa deje. Plnil jej priania skutočne vres, alebo to bola len zhoda náhod a okolností? A sú tie splnené priania požehnaním alebo prekliatím? Keď do života jej blízkych zasiahne vážna choroba, rozhodne sa zabudnúť na vres a ujasniť si, čo je v živote najdôležitejšie. Vtipný romantický príbeh je napísaný s nadhľadom a humorom. Alexandra Potterová (1970) sa narodila v Bradforde vo Veľkej Británii. Žila v Austrálii a v USA, pracovala ako prispievateľka a redaktorka britských ženských časopisov. Teraz sa venuje iba písaniu, žije v Los Angeles. Napísala romány Do You Come Here Often?, What´s New, Pussycat?, Going La-La, You're the One That I Don't Want a kritikou a čitateľmi ocenený román Calling Romeo. Jej vtipné romantické príbehy (na niektoré už predala filmové práva) miestami pripomínajú romány Betty MacDonaldovej, príhody Bridget Jonesovej alebo Sophie Kinsellovej. Má množstvo verných čitateliek po celom svete – od USA a Veľkej Británie až po Rusko, Poľsko a Indonéziu. Nikto nepíše tak ako Alexandra Potterová. Daily Mirror Neuveriteľne zábavné. Elle Skvelé oddychové čítanie pre ženy. Daily Mail
10,36 € 10,90 €

Me and Mr. Darcy

He's every woman's fantasy!" After a string of nightmare relationships, Emily Albright has decided she's had it with modern-day men. She'd rather pour herself a glass of wine, curl up with Pride and Prejudice" and step into a time where men were dashing, devoted and honourable, strode across fields in breeches, their damp shirts clinging to their chests, and weren't" into internet porn. So when her best friend invites her to Mexico for a week of margaritas and men, Emily decides to book a guided tour of Jane Austen country instead. She quickly realises she won't find her dream man here. The coach tour is full of pensioners, apart from one Mr Spike Hargreaves, a foul-tempered journalist sent to write a piece on why Mr Darcy's been voted the man most women would love to date! Until she walks into a room and finds herself face-to-face with Darcy himself. And every woman's fantasy suddenly becomes one woman's reality!
8,50 € 8,95 €

Be Careful What You Wish For

I wish I could get a seat on the tube...I hadn't eaten that entire bag of Maltesers...I could meet a man whose hobbies include washing up and monogamy...' Heather Hamilton is always wishing for things. Not just big stuff - like world peace or for a date with Brad Pitt - but little, everyday wishes, made without thinking. With her luck, she knows they'll never come true...Until one day she buys some heather from a gypsy. Suddenly the bad hair days stop; a handsome American answers her ad for a housemate; and she starts seeing James - The Perfect Man who sends her flowers, excels in the bedroom, and isn't afraid to say 'I love you'...But are these wishes-come-true a blessing or a curse? And is there such a thing as too much foreplay?
9,03 € 9,50 €

Calling Romeo

Have you ever wondered whether the grass is greener on the other side? This novel is about a successful woman, Juliet, who is in a comfortable relationship with Will, but can't help feeling that they're more like friends who have sex (and bicker from time to time) than lovers. She can't help wishing that she had more romance in her life. When she meets a sexy, dark-eyed Adonis from a rival advertising agency she is sorely tempted. During the course of the novel, Juliet must work out what's really important in life and whether romance really is all about sexy lingerie and red roses. The action takes place in London, Yorkshire and Italy (Verona, of course) and is full of great characters (an American would-be single mother to a widowed eightysomething as well as an Irish bookie) as it shows the misunderstandings that arise between couples, and gives different perspectives on love and life.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Do You Come Here Often?

What becomes of the broken-hearted? She was only a teenager when she first had her heart broken. But since then Grace Fairley has moved on. In fact, she's moved in too - with Spencer, who is handsome, reliable and wants to marry her. Or does he? It's been a while since she's even heard mention of their wedding day... You give love a bad name Jimi Malik has moved on too. Unlike Grace though, his wedding day to Kylie is just around the corner. They've only just met, but he knows he's found the one for him. Or has he? Because when he skips out of his own stag do and bumps into his ex, Grace, something suddenly doesn't feel right. More than a feeling? It looks like there might be something wonderful between them. But is it worth risking their new-found friendship for? One thing is for sure - as the radio plays its late-night love songs, one girl is about to find out that the best lines can actually be the ones you write yourself... A romantic comedy that looks at being single again, finding true love and how it can all get very, very complicated...
8,50 € 8,95 €

Don't You Forget About Me

After a bad break up, doesn't every girl want the same things? * For her ex-boyfriend to stay single forever...* Or maybe emigrate, to a remote, uninhabited island? * Better still, that she'd never met him in the first place! But what if one of those wishes came true? Tess is heartbroken when Seb breaks up with her and can't help blaming herself. If only she'd done things differently. If only she could make right all her regrets...But she can't. It's over. She has to forget about him. Drunk and upset on New Year's Eve she wishes she'd never met him. But when she wakes up to discover this dream has come true, she realises she has a chance. To do it all over again. And to get it right this time...
12,30 € 12,95 €

Don`t You Forget About Me

After a bad break up, doesn't every girl want the same things? * For her ex-boyfriend to stay single forever...* Or maybe emigrate, to a remote, uninhabited island? * Better still, that she'd never met him in the first place! But what if one of those wishes came true? Tess is heartbroken when Seb breaks up with her and can't help blaming herself. If only she'd done things differently. If only she could make right all her regrets...But she can't. It's over. She has to forget about him. Drunk and upset on New Year's Eve she wishes she'd never met him. But when she wakes up to discover this dream has come true, she realises she has a chance. To do it all over again. And to get it right this time...
9,03 € 9,50 €

You're the One that I don't Want

How do you know he's The One? Are you getting butterflies just thinking about him? Have you dreamt of marrying him? Do you just know? When Lucy meets Nate in Venice, she knows instantly he's The One. And, caught up in the whirlwind of first love, they kiss under the Bridge of Sighs at sunset. Which -- according to legend -- will tie them together forever. But ten years later, they've completely lost contact. That is, until Lucy moves to New York and the legend brings them back together. Again. And again. And again. But what if Nate isn't The One? How is she going to get rid of him? Because forever could be a very long time...A funny, magical romantic comedy about how finding The One doesn't always have to mean happily ever after.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Není přání jako přání

Úspěšná anglicky píšící autorka literatury pro ženy Alexandra Potter vstupuje premiérově na český trh. Při četbě její knihy budete váhat, zda vám její tvorba připomíná spíše Betty MacDonaldovou v moderním hávu nebo eskapády Bridget Jonesové. Samostat ná rusovlasá Londýňanka Heather se stále vyrovnává s nevěrou bývalého přítele, po němž jí zůstaly jen hořké vzpomínky a nesplacený byt. Jednoho dne v dešti potká cikánku, která jí vnutí vřes pro štěstí, který prý splní všechna přání. A svět se jako m ávnutím kouzelného proutku skutečně začíná měnit a život se rozjasňuje. Splněná přání začínají nabírat na obrátkách, Heather je zaskočená tím, co se děje. Ale když do rodinného života zasáhne nečekaná a vážná nemoc otce, usoudí, že je nejvyšší čas na vřes zapomenout a ujasnit si priority. Váhá, jestli jí přání skutečně plnil vřes, nebo to byly shody okolností a náhody. Těžko říct Vtipná, čtivá kniha pro moderní samostatné ženy, které dokážou brát život s nadhledem a humorem.
11,12 € 11,70 €

dostupné aj ako:

What's New Pussycat?

Delilah has made a big decision. In fact, finally she's made several. She's leaving Bradford, leaving her boyfriend Lennie, and taking her Tom Jones collection, her pet whippet, Fatso and herself to the bright lights of the big city ... And now that she's here, it seems that down-to-earth Delilah is just what the big city was waiting for. But whatever she does, Delilah is determined to finally make the right choices for her future, in love and work. So whether Charlie, the wealthy media boy, or Sweet Sam in his caf are right for her is something she needs to decide - on her own. And then she can really start to live --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
8,54 € 8,99 €

Calling Romeo

Have you ever wondered whether the grass is greener on the other side? This novel is about a successful woman, Juliet, who is in a comfortable relationship with Will, but can't help feeling that they're more like friends who have sex (and bicker from time to time) than lovers. She can't help wishing that she had more romance in her life. When she meets a sexy, dark-eyed Adonis from a rival advertising agency she is sorely tempted. During the course of the novel, Juliet must work out what's really important in life and whether romance really is all about sexy lingerie and red roses. The action takes place in London, Yorkshire and Italy (Verona, of course) and is full of great characters (an American would-be single mother to a widowed eightysomething as well as an Irish bookie) as it shows the misunderstandings that arise between couples, and gives different perspectives on love and life.
2,84 € 2,99 €

Going La La

What do you when your boyfriend tells you he wants space? You give him six thousand miles of it...Frankie's life is falling apart. In less than a ... What do you when your boyfriend tells you he wants space? You give him six thousand miles of it...Frankie's life is falling apart. In less than a week she's gone from having everything - a great job, lovely flat and gorgeous Hugh - to having nothing at all. Devastated, dumped and on the dole, she packs her bags and flies to Los Angeles to stay with an old friend. Her goal? To sort out her life and get over Hugh. She does not, repeat not, go to LA to fall head over heels for an American photographer called Reilly and to run away to Las Vegas. But what happens when Hugh wants her back? Who will she choose? And is it really true that whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? Alexandra Potter's deliciously funny romantic comedy is for every girl who has ever dreamt of running away to Hollywood...or just wished she could reach for the stars.
8,54 € 8,99 €

Já a pan Darcy

Po sérii katastrofálních vztahů se Emily rozhodla odpočinout si od všech „dnešních“ mužů. Věnovat se chvíli sama sobě, dát si skleničku vína a strávit zas nějaký čas četbou milovaného románu Pýcha a předsudek.Vrátit se do časů pana Darcyho, kdy muži byli oddaní, čestní a elegantní.Když ji nejlepší kamarádka pozve na týdenní dovolenou do Mexika, přetékající margaritou a exotickými milenci, Emily dá přednost výletu do míst, kde žila Jane Austinová. V autobuse plném penzistů je jasné, že tady muže svých snů nepotká. Slibně nevypadá ani mizerně naladěný novinář, nedobrovolně vyslaný napsat článek, proč byl pan Darcy zvolen „NEJ“ mužem všech dob. Když Emily vstoupí do pokoje tváří v tvář samotnému panu Darcymu, všechny holčičí sny se náhle začnou plnit…
11,63 € 12,24 €

Kde je ta holka?

Charlotte, hlavní hrdinka tohoto románu, je úspěšná a uznávaná podnikatelka v oboru PR, má svou vlastní fi rmu, spoustu peněz a pohledného přítele. Zároveň však je neurotická, přepracovaná a pesimistická. Jednoho dne, cestou do práce, narazí na objížďku. Během této „odbočky“ se setkává se svým o deset let mladším já. Zjišťuje, že tehdy byla mnohem bezstarostnější a pohodovější. Charlotte se svému mladšímu já snaží předat získanou moudrost a nabyté zkušenosti, aby se vyvarovalo zbytečných chyb. Brzy se však i ona dozvídá cosi podstatného…
12,01 € 12,64 €