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Rory Power


Vadak szigete

Lassan kezdődött. A járvány eleinte csak a tanárok közül szedte halálos áldozatait, idővel azonban a diákok körében is terjedni kezdett. Megváltoztatta a testüket, és most már mintha idegenek lennének. A Raxter Lányiskola tanulói már másfél éve karanténban vannak a Tox miatt, és ez fenekestül felforgatta az életüket. A világ többi részétől elvágva egy szigeten élnek, és csak magukra számíthatnak. Nem mernek kilépni az iskolaépületet körülvevő kerítésen arra a területre, ahol a Tox már az erdő fáit is elvadította és veszélyessé vátoztatta. Nem tehetnek mást, mint várják a betegség ellenszerét, amellyel hitegetik őket. Ám amikor Byatt nyomtalanul eltűnik, Hetty mindent elkövet, hogy megtalálja legjobb barátnőjét. Még a karantén szabályait is megszegi, és szembeszáll minden fenyegetéssel és borzalommal, amely a kerítésen túl vár rá. Eközben arra is rájön, hogy van valaki, aki még közelebb áll a szívéhez, és hogy a szigeten zajló események mögött a valóság minden képzeletet felülmúl.
Na sklade 1Ks
12,26 € 12,90 €

In A Garden Burning Gold

Rhea and her twin brother, Lexos, have spent an eternity using cunning and magic to help rule their small, unstable country. Rhea controls the seasons to show favor to their most loyal stewards with bountiful harvests and short winters, while Lexos keeps the tides strong and impassable to maintain the country's borders. Reigning over them both is their father, who holds dominion over death, using his most powerful weapon-fear-to keep the people, and his children, in line. For a hundred years, Rhea and Lexos have been each other's only ally, defending themselves and their younger siblings against their father's increasingly unpredictable anger while also trying to keep up the appearance of unity and prosperity within their borders. Now, with an independence movement gaining ground, other nations jockeying for power, and their father's iron grip weakening, the twins must take matters into their own hands to keep the world from crashing down around them. But as Rhea and Lexos travel beyond the security of their home to try to save their family, they begin to draw very different conclusions about their father's style of rule. And if the siblings aren't careful, they'll end up facing each other on the battlefield. In a Garden Burning Gold is a captivating saga of love and legacy that explores the limits of power and the bonds of family-and how far both can be bent before they break.
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12,30 € 12,95 €

Vadak szigete

Lassan kezdődött. A járvány először csak a tanárok közül szedte halálos áldozatait, idővel azonban a diákok körében is terjedni kezdett. Megváltoztatta a testüket, és most már mintha idegenek lennének. A Raxter Lányiskola tanulói már másfél éve karanténban vannak a Tox miatt, és ez fenekestül felforgatta az egész életüket. A világ többi részétől elvágva egy szigeten élnek, és csak magukra számíthatnak. Nem mernek kilépni az iskolaépületet körülvevő kerítésen arra a területre, ahol a Tox már az erdő fáit is elvadította és veszélyessé változtatta. Nem tehetnek mást, mint várják a betegség ellenszerét, amellyel hitegetik őket. Ám amikor Byatt nyomtalanul eltűnik, Hetty mindent elkövet, hogy megtalálja legjobb barátnőjét. Még a karantén szabályait is megszegi, és szembeszáll minden fenyegetéssel és borzalommal, amely a kerítésen túl vár rá. Eközben arra is rájön, hogy van valaki, aki még közelebb áll a szívéhez, és hogy a szigeten zajló események mögött a valóság minden képzeletet felülmúl.
Na stiahnutie
9,01 €

Wilder Girls

Everyone loses something to the Tox; Hetty lost her eye, Reese's hand has changed, and Byatt just disappeared completely. It's been eighteen months since the Raxter School for Girls was put in quarantine. The Tox turned the students strange and savage, the teachers died off one by one. Cut off from the mainland, the girls don't dare wander past the school's fence where the Tox has made the woods wild and dangerous. They wait for the cure as the Tox takes; their bodies becoming sick and foreign, things bursting out of them, bits missing. But when Byatt goes missing, Hetty will do anything to find her best friend, even if it means breaking quarantine and braving the horrors that lie in the wilderness past the fence. As she digs deeper, she learns disturbing truths about her school and what else is living on Raxter Island. And that the cure might not be a cure at all . . . The Power meets We Were Liars in Rory Power's compelling, visceral and completely unputdownable YA debut about survival and the power of female friendships.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Wilder Girls

A feminist Lord of the Flies about three best friends living in quarantine at their island boarding school, and the lengths they go to uncover the truth of their confinement when one disappears. This fresh, new debut is a mind-bending novel unlike anything you've read before. It's been eighteen months since the Raxter School for Girls was put under quarantine. Since the Tox hit and pulled Hetty's life out from under her. It started slow. First the teachers died one by one. Then it began to infect the students, turning their bodies strange and foreign. Now, cut off from the rest of the world and left to fend for themselves on their island home, the girls don't dare wander outside the school's fence, where the Tox has made the woods wild and dangerous. They wait for the cure they were promised as the Tox seeps into everything. But when Byatt goes missing, Hetty will do anything to find her, even if it means breaking quarantine and braving the horrors that lie beyond the fence. And when she does, Hetty learns that there's more to their story, to their life at Raxter, than she could have ever thought true.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Burn Our Bodies Down

From the author of the New York Times bestseller Wilder Girls comes a twisty thriller about a girl whose past has always been a mystery - until she decides to return to her mother's hometown, where history has a tendency to repeat itself . . . Ever since Margot was born, it's been just her and her mother. No answers to Margot's questions. No history to hold on to. Just the two of them, stuck in their run-down apartment, struggling to get along. But that's not enough for Margot. She wants family. She wants a past. And when she finds a photograph pointing her to a town called Phalene, she leaves. But when Margot gets there, it's not what she bargained for. Margot's mother left for a reason. But was it to hide her past? Or was it to protect Margot from what's still there? Burn Our Bodies Down is a blistering horror-thriller from YA author Rory Power that will grip you from its very first page, and won't let you go until long after you've put it down.
10,40 € 10,95 €