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Packeta - Doručenie na adresu

19. 12.

Balík na poštu

19. 12.


19. 12.

Slovenská pošta - na adresu

19. 12.

Kuriér SPS

19. 12.

Balíkovo (Alzaboxy)

19. 12.

Doručenie na predajňu

19. 12.

Osobný odber v sklade

23. 12.

Packeta - Výdajné miesto a Z-BOX

19. 12.

Holger Rathgeber


Tak to u nás nerobíme

Desať rokov po úspešnej knihe Náš ľadovec sa roztápa, v ktorej John Kotter a Holger Rathgeber na príbehu tučniakov vysvetlili, ako viesť ľudí v časoch turbulentných zmien, prichádzajú autori s novým a rovnako zaujímavým príbehom o tom, ako zmeniť výzvy na príležitosti. Tentoraz je dejiskom ich bájky kolónia surikát, žijúca v nehostinných podmienkach Kalaharskej púšte. Ide o spoločenstvo s množstvom pravidiel a zákonov, rozdelené na skupiny, ktorých lídri sú zodpovední za jednotlivé činnosti. Striktné dodržiavanie dlhoročne zavedených pravidiel však nemusí byť tým najlepším spôsobom fungovania a hlavne nachádzania riešení, ak sa spoločenstvo (organizácia, firma) ocitne v neľahkej situácii v rýchlo sa meniacom prostredí.
Na sklade 3Ks darček
13,71 € 13,99 €

That's Not How We Do It Here!

The bestselling authors of "Our Iceberg is Melting "(more than one million sold) are back with their second business fable, this time on the eternal tensions of management vs leadership, planning vs spontaneity, big vs small. This short, full-color fable tackles the most fundamental questions in business: why do organizations rise and fall, and how can they rise again in the face of adversity? It distills decades of research by bestselling Harvard Business School professor and leadership consultant John Kotter. Once upon a time there was a clan of meerkats living in the Kalahari, a warm and dry stretch of land in the southern part of the African continent. After years of easy growth for their clan, a drought sharply reduces their resources and enables dangerous new predators. The harmony of the clan is damaged as the meerkats quarrel about possible solutions, and even whether a solution is required at all. One young, bright, and adventurous worker, Nadia, sets out to find other clans, to see if other meerkats have fresh ideas that could help her struggling clan. She discovers a much smaller group that does things very differently, with much more flexibility and team spirit. But not everything in the new group is as perfect as it seems at first. And they are just as likely to fall victim to some of the most dangerous words in any organization: "That's not how we do it here." This simple yet rich story will connect with a broad range of people who need to combine flexibility and systems in a challenging climate."
26,95 €

Our Iceberg is Melting

This is the huge international bestseller: a simple fable with profound lessons for working and living in an ever changing world. This charming story about a penguin colony in Antarctica illustrates key truths about how deal with the issue of change: handle the challenge well and you can prosper greatly; handle it poorly and you put yourself at risk. The penguins are living happily on their iceberg as they have done for many years. Then one curious penguin discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home - and pretty much no one listens to him. The characters in this fable are like people we recognise, even ourselves. Their story is one of resistance to change and heroic action, confusion and insight, seemingly intractable obstacles and the most clever tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It is a story that is occurring in different forms around us today - but the penguins handle change a great deal better than most of us. Based on John Kotter's pioneering work on how to make smart change happen faster and better, the lessons you can learn from this short and easy-to-read book will serve you well in your job, in your family, and in your community. And these lessons are becoming ever more important as the world around us changes faster and faster.
11,50 €