Alice Roberts
The Complete Human Body
The definitive guide to the development, form, function, and disorders of the human body.
The most detailed popular reference book on human anatomy available, this beautiful exploration of the human body is now in its third edition, revised with the latest medical knowledge. Although used by students and healthcare professionals, it is accessible enough for anyone to dip into and enjoy.
Guided by Professor Alice Roberts, renowned academic, author, and broadcaster, and groundbreaking 3-D computer-generated illustrations, you will understand the human body as never before, explore human anatomy in incredible detail and clarity, and discover how the body works, how it changes from infancy to old age, and what can go wrong and why.
Dive into the pages of this brilliant book on the human body, to discover:
- A region-by-region anatomy atlas allows the reader to explore the body up close and almost life size from head to toe.
- A functional section then shows how the body works, system by system.
- Feature panels and spreads throughout explore fascinating aspects of the human body.
- Diseases and disorders section includes easy-to-follow summaries of over 200 health conditions.
The Complete Human Body begins with a region-by-region anatomical atlas, containing extra detail on the hands, feet, and major joints. It features a functional section on how the body works, system by system. Finally, the diseases and disorders section includes easy-to-follow summaries of over 200 health conditions
The 3-D computer-generated illustrations are incredibly detailed, virtually life-size, and based on the 3-D scans of a real human body. But in addition, the book features hundreds of smaller illustrations, diagrams, and the latest medical and microscope imaging. The Complete Human Body is perfect for students and teachers of biology, anatomy, and physiology as well as health professionals.
Anatomical Oddities
Every part of the human body has a name - and story. But how familiar are you with your arachnoid mater or your Haversian canals?
Anatomical Oddities is an artistic and linguistic adventure, taking the reader on a journey to discover the hidden landscape of the human body: its crypts and caverns, gorges, islets and mountains. Along the way, we dip into the history of our relationship with the human body and the discoveries that paved the way for modern anatomy and medicine.
Quirky, bizarre and beautiful, these pages feature original artworks from Professor Alice Roberts. The intricate details of the human body, the stories of people who unearthed its secrets, and the meanings of the words we use to describe it are laid bare.
Human Journey
Join TV biological anthropologist Professor Alice Roberts on a fascinating non-fiction journey to discover the secrets of our past, in this dramatic retelling of our human journey for children aged 7+ years. Adults who love Who Do You Think You Are? will enjoy reading and sharing this book with young ones.
Reach back through time and shake hands with your ancestors. Discover who we are, where we come from and even what it means to be human as you follow the amazing human journey.
This spectacular illustrated book begins with the dawn of humankind on the grasslands of Africa around two and a half million years ago and unfolds to follow our ancestors over time and all around the world: from Africa to Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas.
Travel with them as they face perils posed by deserts, oceans, changing climates, giant beasts, volcanoes and more, as they adapted, invented, survived and thrived.
The Book of Humans
We like to think of ourselves as exceptional beings, but is there really anything special about us that sets us apart from other animals? Humans are the slightest of twigs on a single family tree that encompasses four billion years, a lot of twists and turns, and a billion species. All of those organisms are rooted in a single origin, with a common code that underwrites our existence. This paradox - that our biology is indistinct from all life, yet we consider ourselves to be special - lies at the heart of who we are.
In this original and entertaining tour of life on Earth, Adam Rutherford explores how many of the things once considered to be exclusively human are not: we are not the only species that communicates, makes tools, utilises fire, or has sex for reasons other than to make new versions of ourselves.
Evolution has, however, allowed us to develop our culture to a level of complexity that outstrips any other observed in nature.
THE BOOK OF HUMANS tells the story of how we became the creatures we are today, bestowed with the unique ability to investigate what makes us who we are. Illuminated by the latest scientific discoveries, it is a thrilling compendium of what unequivocally fixes us as animals, and reveals how we are extraordinary among them.
18,95 €
Lacná kniha Evolution - The Human Story (-50%)
This unrivalled illustrated guide to human evolution brings you face to face with your ancient ancestors. Travelling back in time almost eight million years, the book charts the development of our species, Homo sapiens, from tree-dwelling primates to modern humans.
Evolution investigates each of our ancestors in detail and in context, from the anatomy of their bones to the environment they lived in. Detailed maps show where each species has been found and plot the gradual spread of humans around the world. Fully updated to include the latest discoveries and research - including the newly discovered species Homo naledi - Evolution presents the latest thinking on some of the most captivating questions in science, such as whether modern humans and Neanderthals interacted with each other. Written and authenticated by a team of acknowledged experts and illustrated by renowned Dutch paleoartists the Kennis brothers, Evolution presents the story of our species with unique richness, authority, and detail
13,25 €
26,50 €
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Evolution - The Human Story
This unrivalled illustrated guide to human evolution brings you face to face with your ancient ancestors. Travelling back in time almost eight million years, the book charts the development of our species, Homo sapiens, from tree-dwelling primates to modern humans.
Evolution investigates each of our ancestors in detail and in context, from the anatomy of their bones to the environment they lived in. Detailed maps show where each species has been found and plot the gradual spread of humans around the world. Fully updated to include the latest discoveries and research - including the newly discovered species Homo naledi - Evolution presents the latest thinking on some of the most captivating questions in science, such as whether modern humans and Neanderthals interacted with each other. Written and authenticated by a team of acknowledged experts and illustrated by renowned Dutch paleoartists the Kennis brothers, Evolution presents the story of our species with unique richness, authority, and detail
26,50 €
Ten species that changed our world...
For hundreds of thousands of years, our ancestors depended on wild plants and animals for survival. They were hunter-gatherers, consummate foraging experts, but taking the world as they found it. Then a revolution occurred – our ancestors’ interaction with other species changed. They began to tame them. The human population boomed; civilization began.
In her new book, Tamed, Alice Roberts uncovers the amazing deep history of ten familiar species with incredible wild pasts: dogs, apples and wheat; cattle; potatoes and chickens; rice, maize, and horses – and, finally, humans. Alice Roberts not only reveals how becoming part of our world changed these animals and plants, but shows how they became our allies, essential to the survival and success of our own species – and to our future.
Enlightening, wide-ranging and endlessly fascinating, Tamed is an epic story, encompassing hundreds of thousands of years of history and archaeology alongside cutting-edge genetics and anthropology. Yet it is also a deeply personal journey that will change how we see ourselves and the species on which we have left our mark.
24,95 €
Lacná kniha Evolution: The Whole Story (-90%)
Evolution: The Whole Story contains everything you need to know about the development and survival of life on Earth. Each chapter of this accessible and lavishly illustrated book takes a major living group and presents thematic essays discussing the evolution of particular subgroups as they appeared on Earth with reference to detailed comparative anatomy, evolutionary legacies, and the breakthrough theories of eminent scientists. Accompanying the essays are amazing photographic features that investigate the characteristics of individual organisms in detail: in some, remarkable fossils, assembled skeletons, and lifelike reconstructions are presented and analyzed; while in others, living species are depicted and compared in detail to their direct ancestors, creatures that may have lived millions of years ago.
3,00 €
29,95 €
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Evolution: The Whole Story
Evolution: The Whole Story contains everything you need to know about the development and survival of life on Earth. Each chapter of this accessible and lavishly illustrated book takes a major living group and presents thematic essays discussing the evolution of particular subgroups as they appeared on Earth with reference to detailed comparative anatomy, evolutionary legacies, and the breakthrough theories of eminent scientists. Accompanying the essays are amazing photographic features that investigate the characteristics of individual organisms in detail: in some, remarkable fossils, assembled skeletons, and lifelike reconstructions are presented and analyzed; while in others, living species are depicted and compared in detail to their direct ancestors, creatures that may have lived millions of years ago.
29,95 €
Ľudské telo-unikátny obrazový sprievodca
Štúdium ľudského tela má mimoriadne dlhú históriu. Najstarším známym lekárskym dokumentom je papyrus Edwina Smitha, pochádzajúci približne z roku 1600 pred Kr. Predstavuje ranú učebnicu chirurgie, v ktorej sa opisujú rozličné ochorenia a spôsoby ich liečby. Hoci dnes by sme väčšinu týchto terapeutických možností nemohli odporučiť, papyrus dokazuje, že starovekí Egypťania poznali vnútornú stavbu tela – vedeli o mozgu, srdci, pečeni či obličkách, no nechápali, ako tieto orgány fungujú. Skúmanie stavby ľudského tela v priebehu dejín zahŕňalo pitvu; slovo anatómia doslova znamená „rozrezať“. Dáva to zmysel, pretože keď sa usilujeme zistiť, ako funguje nejaký stroj, nevystačíme iba s pozorovaním jeho vonkajška a predstavami o jeho vnútornom usporiadaní. Spomínam si na praktické cvičenie z fyziky, na ktorom sme dostali za úlohu zistiť, ako funguje hriankovač. Prišli sme na to tak, že sme ho rozobrali – hoci musím priznať, že sa nám ho vôbec nepodarilo poskladať (preto je asi dobre, že sa zo mňa stala anatómka, a nie chirurgička). Väčšina lekárskych fakúlt má ešte stále pitevne, kde študenti medicíny spoznávajú ľudské telo praktickým, manuálnym spôsobom. Možnosť učiť sa anatómiu práve takto je veľmi prospešná, závisí však od štedrosti ľudí, ktorí venujú svoje telo lekárskej vede. Okrem pitvy dnes máme k dispozícii aj ďalšie metódy skúmania stavby ľudského tela: röntgenové snímky, virtuálne rezy získané pomocou CT (počítačová tomografia) či MRI (magnetická rezonancia) a pozorovanie drobných štruktúrnych detailov elektrónovým mikroskopom. Na začiatok knihy sme zaradili atlas anatómie človeka. Ľudské telo pripomína zložitú skladačku. Svaly a vnútorné orgány tlačia jeden na druhý a vypĺňajú telesné dutiny. Popri nich sa vinú nervy a cievy a vysielajú do nich svoje vetvy. Iba ťažko si možno predstaviť, ako sú jednotlivé zložky tela organizované, ilustrátorom tejto knihy sa však podarilo podať anatómiu spôsobom, akým ju nemožno skúmať v pitevni – postupne znázornili jednotlivé kosti, svaly, cievy, nervy a vnútorné orgány. Ľudské telo, pravdaže, nepredstavuje mŕtvu sochu, ale živý stroj. Jeho funkciami, teda fyziológiou, sa zaoberá druhá časť knihy. Mnohí z nás sa zamyslia nad stavbou a fungovaním svojho tela až vtedy, keď ochorejú. Posledná časť knihy sa preto zameriava na problémy, ktoré narúšajú plynulú činnosť nášho organizmu. Táto kniha pripomína užívateľskú príručku k ľudskému telu, preto istotne zaujme čitateľov všetkých vekových kategórií.
39,90 €
Evoluce - Příběh člověka
Encyklopedie je unikátním obrazovým průvodcem lidskou evolucí, v němž se tváří v tvář setkáme s našimi dávnými předky. Vychází z nejnovějších výzkumů a teorií, zkoumá naše vztahy k ostatním primátům a mapuje cestu člověka z Afriky za kolonizací a osídlením světa. Je bohatě ilustrována pozoruhodně realistickými trojrozměrnými rekonstrukcemi našich předchůdců od světoznámých paleovýtvarníků bratří Kennisů.
28,15 €
Lacná kniha Evoluce - Příběh člověka (-50%)
Encyklopedie je unikátním obrazovým průvodcem lidskou evolucí, v němž se tváří v tvář setkáme s našimi dávnými předky. Vychází z nejnovějších výzkumů a teorií, zkoumá naše vztahy k ostatním primátům a mapuje cestu člověka z Afriky za kolonizací a osídlením světa. Je bohatě ilustrována pozoruhodně realistickými trojrozměrnými rekonstrukcemi našich předchůdců od světoznámých paleovýtvarníků bratří Kennisů.
14,08 €
28,15 €
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Incredible Human Journey
Alice Roberts has been travelling the world - from Ethiopian desert to Malay peninsula and from Russian steppes to Amazon basin - in order to understand the challenges that early humans faced as they tried to settle continents. On her travels she has witn
10,40 €
The Incredible Human Journey
Alice Roberts has been travelling the world - from Ethiopian desert to Malay peninsula and from Russian steppes to Amazon basin - in order to understand the challenges that early humans faced as they tried to settle continents. On her travels she has witnessed some of the daunting and brutal challenges our ancestors had to face: mountains, deserts, oceans, changing climates, terrifying giant beasts and volcanoes. But she discovers that perhaps the most serious threat of all came from other humans. When our ancestors set out from Africa there were already two other species of human on the planet: Neanderthal in Europe and Homo erectus in Asia. Both (contrary to popular perception) were intelligent, adept at making tools and weapons and were long adapted to their environments. So, Alice asks, why did only Homo sapiens survive? Part detective story, part travelogue, and drawing on the latest genetic and archaeological discoveries, Alice examines how our ancestors evolved physically in response to these challenges, finding out how our colour, shape, size, diet, disease resistance and even athletic ability have been shaped by the range of environments that our ancestors had to survive. She also relates how astonishingly closely related we all are. As a lecturer in Anatomy at Bristol University, Alice Roberts is eminently qualified to write this book. As a talented artist, she is perfectly qualified to illustrate it, and dotted throughout this lively book are many of the sketches and photographs from her travels.
22,90 €