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Robinson Sir


Az alkotó tér

Gyermekként általában nagyon kreatívnak tartjuk magunkat, felnőttként viszont már korántsem érezzük ugyanezt. Mi történik velünk, miközben felnövünk? Miért felejtjük el a bennünk rejlő kreativitásunkat az oktatás és szakmai képzések során? Ugyanígy érthetetlen, hogy piacvezetők azt mondják, olyanokra van szükségük, akik képesek kreatívan gondolkodni, akik rugalmasak, gyorsan és dinamikusan alkalmazkodnak, de nem találnak ilyeneket. Vajon miért nincs az egyre növekvő igényeknek megfelelően elég kreatív munkaerő? Hogyan oldhatjuk fel ezt a képtelen kreativitási paradoxont? Ken Robinson mindent felforgató szenvedélyes és határozott válasza: Lépjünk ki a dobozból, abból a tanult szabályrendszerből, amelyben ezek a képtelen ellentmondások állandóan újratermelődnek! Radikális gondolatai, magával ragadó stílusa, az életből hozott konkrét példái meggyőző erővel hatnak, és egyértelművé teszik, milyen az igazi alkotó tér, amelyben új módszerek alapján, nagyobb önbizalommal, magabiztosabban és rugalmasabban tudunk felkészülni gyermekeinkkel együtt a jövő kreatív kihívásaira.
14,25 € 15,00 €


The element is the point at which natural talent meets personal passion. It is here that people feel most themselves, inspired and able to achieve at their highest levels. In this ground-breaking book, world renowned creativity expert Ken Robinson identifies a crisis in education and business: whether it's a child bored in class, a disillusioned or misused employee or someone who feels frustrated but can't quite explain why, too many people don't realize what they are capable of achieving. Through stories of people - like Vidal Sassoon, Ariana Huffington and Matt Groening - who have recognized their unique talents and been able to make a successful living doing what they love, Robinson argues that age and occupation are no barrier and explains how it is possible for each one of us to reach our element. With a wry sense of humour, Ken Robinson inspires us, above all, to reconnect with our true self - it could just change everything.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Finding Your Element

Ken Robinson, author of the international bestseller "The Element" and the most viewed talk on TED.com, offers a practical guide to discovering your passions and natural aptitudes, and finding the point at which the two meet: "Finding Your Element". Through a range of stories from his own experience and those of people from all walks of life, Ken Robinson explores the diversity of intelligence and the power of imagination and creativity. For some, finding their element has brought fame and success, like Ellen McArthur's unusual journey from growing up in a landlocked ex-mining town to achieving sailing glory. However many of the inspiring stories are of ordinary people who read the first book and were moved to share how its principles have transformed their lives, like the man who found fulfilment as a magician after years of working as a computer engineer. This book also provides the tools, techniques, resources and advice you need to discover the depth of your abilities and identify opportunities for change. It looks at the conditions that enable you to find yourself: why it's so important to connect with people who share your element and why your attitudes may be holding you back. "Finding Your Element" shows that age and occupation are no barriers to discovering what makes us happiest, and that once we have found our path we can help others to do so as well. Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D, is an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation, and human potential. He advises governments, corporations, education systems, and some of the world's leading cultural organizations. His 2008 talk on how schools kill creativity is still the most watched video on TED.com with over 13.5 million views to date. Lou Aronica is the author of two novels and coauthor of several works of nonfiction, including "The Culture Code" (with Clotaire Rapaille) and "The Element".
18,53 € 19,50 €

Ve svém živlu

Všichni se rodíme s ohromnými přirozenými schopnostmi, ovšem čím déle jsme na světě, tím více jich ztrácíme. Příliš mnoho z nás nikdy nevyužije svých skutečných dovedností, a nevíme proto, co všechno bychom mohli dokázat. Většina lidí nemá nejmenší zdání, v čem spočívá jejich skutečné nadání a zájmy. Netěší je jejich současná práce, ale současně netuší, co by je vlastně naplňovalo. Na druhé straně existují také lidé, kteří jsou ve svém oboru mimořádně úspěšní, dělají svou práci s vášní a nedokážou si představit, že by dělali něco jiného. Jejich příběhy nás všechny mohou naučit něco důležitého a povaze lidských schopností a o jejich využití. Kniha Ve svém živlu obsahuje širokou paletu příběhů o kreativní cestě velmi rozdílných lidí. Tito lidé vyprávějí, jak poprvé poznali svůj jedinečný talent a jak si velice úspěšně vydělávají tím, co milují. Ken Robinson nabízí širší pohled na lidské schopnosti a kreativitu a na prospěch, který nám všem přináší, když lépe využíváme svého nadání a zálib. Musíme zajistit, aby všichni lidé měli možnost dělat to, co by dělat měli, aby objevili svůj vlastní živel svým vlastním způsobem. Tato kniha je oslavnou písní úžasné různorodosti lidského talentu a mimořádného potenciálu růstu a rozvoje. Abychom ze sebe i z druhých dostali to nejlepší, musíme si osvojit širší pojetí lidských možností. Musíme se vrhnout do svého živlu. Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D., je mezinárodně uznávaný lídr v oblasti kreativity, inovace a rozvoje lidského potenciálu. Je poradcem vlád, podniků, vzdělávacích systémů a řady předních světových kulturních organizací. Lou Aronica je autorem dvou románů a spoluautorem několika naučných děl, včetně bestselleru The Culture Code (spolu s Clotaire Rapaillem).
3,79 € 3,99 €

Finding Your Element

Ken Robinson, author of the international bestseller The Element and the most viewed talk on TED.com, offers a practical guide to discovering your passions and natural aptitudes, and finding the point at which the two meet: Finding Your Element. The Element has inspired readers all over the world to change their lives and this new companion is a practical guide containing all the tools, techniques and resources you need to discover the depth of your abilities and unlock your potential. Among the questions it answers are: How do I find out what my talents and passions are?; What if I love something I'm not good at - or I'm good at something I don't love?; What if I can't make a living from my Element?; and How do I do help my children find their Element? No matter what you do, or where you are in life, if you're searching for your Element, this book will help you find it. "Relevant, imperative...It will help you to find yours". (Vanity Fair). "Happiness really is within your grasp". (Guardian). "Leads readers to a place where natural aptitudes and abilities converge with one's passions:. (Kirkus Reviews). Sir Ken Robinson, PhD, is an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation, and human potential. He advises governments, corporations, education systems, and some of the world's leading cultural organizations. The videos of his famous 2006 and 2010 talks to the prestigious TED Conference have been seen by an estimated 200 million people in over 150 countries. Lou Aronica is the author of two novels and coauthor of several works of nonfiction, including The Culture Code (with Clotaire Rapaille) and The Element.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Out of our Minds: Learning to be Creative

"It is often said that education and training are the keys to the future. They are, but a key can be turned in two directions. Turn it one way andyou lock resources away, even from those they belong to. Turn it the otherway and you release resources and give people back to themselves. To realizeour true creative potential in our organizations, in our schools and in our communities we need to think differently about ourselves and to actdifferently towards each other. We must learn to be creative." Ken Robinson PRAISE FOR OUT OF OUR MINDS "Ken Robinson writes brilliantly about the different ways in which creativity is undervalued and ignored ...especially in our educational systems." John Cleese "Out of Our Minds explains why being creative in today'sworld is a vital necessity. This book is not to be missed." Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One-minute Manager and The Secret "If ever there was a time when creativity was necessary for the survival andgrowth of any organization, it is now. This book, more than any other I know, providesimportant insights on how leaders can evoke and sustain those creative juices." Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Business, University of Southern California; Thomas S. Murphy Distinguished Rresearch Fellow, Harvard Business School; Best-selling Author, Geeks and Geezers "All corporate leaders should read this book." Richard Scase, Author and Business Forecaster "This really is a remarkable book. It does for human resources what Rachel Carson's Silent Spring did for the environment." Wally Olins, Founder, Wolff-olins "Books about creativity are not always creative. Ken Robinson's is a welcome exception" Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, c.s. and d.j. Davidson Professor of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University; Director, Quality of Life Research Center; Best-selling Author, Flow "The best analysis I've seen of the disjunction between the kinds of intelligence that we have traditionally honored in schools and the kinds ofcreativity that we need today in our organizations and our society." Howard Gardner, a. hobbs professor in cognition and education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Best-selling Author, Frames of Mind.
21,76 € 22,90 €

Creative Schools

From the international bestselling author of The Element Ken Robinson is one of the world's most influential voices in education. In this inspiring, empowering book, he sets out a new vision for how education can be transformed to enable all young people to flourish. Filled with practical examples and groundbreaking research, it will inspire the change our children urgently need. "Compelling ...an elegant, powerfully written manifesto for change". (Tristram Hunt, Guardian). "Inspires and brings a new sense of possibility to the goal of transforming education ...This is a global game-changer". (Brene Brown, author of Daring Greatly). "Wonderful and enjoyable". (Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Prize Laureate).
12,30 € 12,95 €

You, Your Child and School

International bestselling authors of The Element As a parent, what should you look for in your children's education? How can you tell if their school is right for them, and what can you do if it isn't? In this important new book, Sir Ken Robinson, one of the world's most influential voices in education, offers clear principles and practical advice on how to support your child through the education system, or outside it. Dispelling myths, tackling controversies and weighing up the main choices, You, Your Child, and School is a key book for parents to learn about the kind of education their children really need and what they can do to make sure they get it.
13,78 € 14,50 €

Elemedben vagy?

Ismerd meg önmagad, fedezd fel rejtett képességeidet! Sir Ken Robinson, a kreativitás, az innováció és a humán erőforrások szakértője új kötetében szellemes és inspiráló történeteket mesél olyan emberekről, akiknek sikert és hírnevet hozott alkotó elemük megtalálása: Ellen McArthur például megdöntötte az egyszemélyes Föld körüli vitorlázás világcsúcsát, David Oligvy pedig skóciai tűzhelyárusból lett a reklámszakma atyja. Rengeteg tanulsággal szolgálhat a hétköznapi emberek élete is, például azé a férfié, aki feladta informatikusi karrierjét, hogy szenvedélyének, a bűvészetnek hódoljon, vagy azé a fejletlen karokkal született asszonyé, aki sportmasszázs-terapeutaként dolgozik, a lábával gyúrva pácienseit. E történetek szereplőnek természet adta tehetsége és kreativitása összhangban áll azzal, amiért lelkesedni tudnak, és mindezeket személyes céljaik szolgálatába állították. Példájukat te is követheted. Mindegy, hány éves vagy, mivel foglalkozol, és milyen helyzetben vagy éppen, a könyv hasznos eszközei, technikái, tanácsai és gyakorlatai segíthetnek az önmegvalósításban és a boldogság elérésében.
13,23 € 13,93 €

dostupné aj ako:

You, Your Child and School

From the bestselling author of The ElementParents everywhere are deeply concerned about the education of their children, especially now, when education has become a minefield of politics and controversy. One of the world's most influential educators, Robinson has had countless conversations with parents about the dilemmas they face. As a parent, what should you look for in your children's education? How can you tell if their school is right for them and what can you do if it isn't? In this important new book, he offers clear principles and practical advice on how to support your child through the education system, or outside it if you choose to homeschool or un-school. Dispelling many myths and tackling critical schooling options and controversies, You, Your Child, and School is a key book for parents to learn about the kind of education their children really need and what they can do to make sure they get it.
21,38 € 22,50 €