Matthew Rosenberg


Secret Warriors 1

A Secret Empire calls for Secret Warriors! Captain America has been revealed to be an agent of Hydra - and now he's coming for the Inhumans! But S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Daisy Johnson, a.k.a. Quake, wants no part of Hydra, and is heading underground! Recruiting Ms. Marvel, Moon Girl, Devil Dinosaur, Karnak and Inferno to her cause, she'll fight to set things right - not just for the Inhumans, but for the entire country! But can even Quake handle the seismic rifts between her own teammates? It's one part coming-of-age story, one part spy thriller - all action and all heart! Don't miss the next (and final?) generation of Inhumans as they take the Marvel Universe by storm! COLLECTING: SECRET WARRIORS 1-5
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14,50 €

Uncanny X-men - Cyclops And Wolverine Vol. 1

First...the X-Men lose one of their own. Then...the new Black King of the Hellfire Club makes a move. COLLECTING UNCANNY X-MEN 17-22
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19,95 €

Batman Urban Legends 1

Two top comics writers, Matthew Rosenberg and Chip Zdarsky, enter the world of Gotham City with new tales of Batman, Red Hood, and Grifter in the first volume collecting stories from the thrilling new anthology series Batman: Urban Legends. First, writer Chip Zdarsky and artist Eddy Barrows chronicle Red Hood's investigation of a new drug in Gotham City called Cheerdrops. But this night will NOT go as planned--and as a result, he will end up back in Batman's crosshairs! Then, writer Matthew Rosenberg joins forces with artist Ryan Benjamin for a new tale of Cole Cash--better known as Grifter. Picking up story points from recent Batman issues, readers will learn why Cole is in Gotham to begin with. Plus, discover the truth about the mysterious organisation known as HALO, and witness round two of Batman versus Grifter. This title collects stories from Batman: Urban Legends #1-6.
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24,95 €

A World after Liberalism

In this eye-opening book, Matthew Rose introduces us to one of the most controversial intellectual movements of the twentieth century, the "radical right," and discusses its adherents' different attempts to imagine political societies after the death or decline of liberalism. Rose shows how such thinkers are animated by religious aspirations and anxieties that are ultimately in tension with Christian teachings and the secular values those teachings birthed in modernity.
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19,95 €

Joker 1

Joker: Nejďábelštější, nejhledanější a… nejnevinnější? Arkhamův ústav byl napaden a oči všech se automaticky stočí k Jokerovi. Záhadný mecenáš najme bývalého komisaře gothamské policie Jima Gordona, aby dopadl… a pravděpodobně zabil… klaunského prince zločinu! Ale s Jokerem není nic tak jednoduché, jak se na první pohled zdá. To, co Gordon zjistí a co mu Joker ukáže… změní jednou provždy jeho pohled na svět. A navíc není jediný, kdo chce Jokera najít… Co je zač prohnilá rodina Sampsonových? A co je zač Vengeance, Baneova dcera, před kterou se třese hrůzou celý svět?! Hvězdný tým tvůrců, který má na svědomí sérii Batman: Their Dark Designs, James Tynion IV a Guillem March, vám přináší další knihu, jejíž součástí je i flashback do Roku Jedna, jenž vznikl ve spolupráci s Matthewem Rosenbergem (Legends of the Dark Knight) a Francescem Francavillou (Batman: Černé zrcadlo).
Na sklade 1Ks
21,51 € 21,95 €

Joker 3

Zdá se, že Joker na vlastní kůži zakusí drsnou realitu sloganu „Nezahrávej si s Texasem“, protože Sampsonovi ho právě převezli na svůj nechvalně proslulý ranč… a chystají večeři… Po strašlivých událostech, které se odehrály v příběhu Batman: Kameňák, se život Jamese Gordona a jeho rodiny navždy změnil. Až mu Joker příště zkříží cestu, budou svištět střely, stříkat krev a budou se činit nelehká rozhodnutí. Naplní Vengeance svůj naprogramovaný osud? Naloží lovci s Jokerem tak, jak mají v úmyslu? Nebo má klaunský princ zločinu v rukávu ještě jeden poslední trik? Nenechte si ujít třetí, závěrečnou knihu obsahující sešity Joker č. 10–15, které napsal James Tynion IV (The Joker War Saga, The Nice House on the Lake) a nakreslil Giuseppe Camuncoli (The Other History of the DC Universe, John Constantine, Hellblazer).
Na sklade 1Ks
21,51 € 21,95 €

Joker - Muž, který se přestal smát 1

Svět zadržel dech – Joker znovu udeřil! Ale jak daleko zajde tentokrát? Nová série plná násilí a šokujících zvratů začíná těsně po kataklyzmatu, jímž vyvrcholila Jokerova předcházející řada, a sleduje zkázu, která se šíří celými Spojenými státy až… do Los Angeles?! Podaří se Klaunskému Princi Zločinu uskutečnit svůj nejbizarnější plán? Dokáže nový gothamský mstitel zabránit téměř jisté tragédii? Kniha pocházející ze zvrácených myslí Matthewa Rosenberga (Task Force Z, What’s the Furthest Place form Here?) a Carmineho Di Giandomenica (Batman: The Knight) obsahuje sešity série Joker: Muž, který se přestal smát č. 1-4.
21,51 € 21,95 €

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple

Leading into Jedi: Fallen Order, the upcoming third-person action-adventure Star Wars title from Lucasfilm and Respawn Entertainment, DARK TEMPLE follows the Jedi Master Eno Cordova and his impulsive Padawan, Cere Junda, on their most dangerous mission yet! The Jedi Council has sent them to the remote planet Ontotho to oversee the peaceful excavation of a recently discovered temple. But Cordova and Junda will soon learn that what surrounds the temple may be even more dangerous than the mysteries within it! Clandestine local resistance forces and ruthless corporate security troops wage a war for the fate of Ontotho - and the Jedi are caught in the middle! Who are the deadly Temple Guardians, and what are they protecting? What secrets lie deep within the hidden temple? The race is on to find out! Collecting: Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple 1-5
18,95 €

Iron Man 2020 Robot Revolution Force Works

01010100 01001000 01000101 00100000 01000110 01010101 01010100 01010101 01010010 01000101 00100000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01001110 01001111 01010111 00100001 The future is now! COLLECTING: 2020 FORCE WORKS (2020) 1-3, 2020 MACHINE MAN (2020) 1-2, 2020 IRON AGE (2020) 1
17,95 €

Star Wars: Jedi: A bukott rend - Sötét templom

EZ LESZ ENO CORDOVA JEDI MESTER ÉS AZ IZGÁGA PADAVAN, CERE JUNDA LEGVESZEDELMESEBB KÜLDETÉSE! A Jedi Tanács a Rend két megbízható tagját küldi az Ontotho bolygóra, hogy felügyeljék a nemrég felfedezett templom békés feltárását. Ám Cordova és Junda hamarosan megtudják, hogy a templomot övező rejtélyek talán még veszélyesebbek, mint a benne lakozó titkok. Alattomos helyi ellenállók és a könyörtelen Daa Vállalat csapatai hadakoznak egymással az Ontotho feletti uralomért, a Jedik pedig az események közepébe csöppennek! Kik a Sír Őrzői, és mit védelmeznek? Milyen titkok lapulnak a templom mélyén? Megkezdődik a versenyfutás a válaszokért! Ez a képregénygyűjtemény a MARVEL Jedi: A bukott rend - Sötét templom című ötrészes, önálló képregénysorozatát tartalmazza, mely a méltán népszerű JEDI: FALLEN ORDER című játék előzménye. A kötetben található történeteket Matthew Rosenberg írta, Paolo Villanelli és Ruairí Coleman rajzolta.
17,06 €

Wolverine Black White and Blood Treasury Edition

Logan. Patch. Weapon X. Wolverine. The mysterious mutant has gone by many names and lived many different lives. Now, experience all-new, untold tales of the best there is through the lens of an all-star cast of creators, in the unadulterated black-and-white format (with a healthy splash of blood red all over)! Return to the Weapon X program with Gerry Duggan and Adam Kubert! Join Matthew Rosenberg and Joshua Cassara on an explosive deep-cover spy mission from Wolverine's association with Nick Fury! Head into the wilds with writer/artist Declan Shalvey as Logan finds himself in the crossfire of a deadly trap! And sink your claws into more of the deadliest Wolverine tales of all time, filled with monochrome mayhem! This is the one you've been waiting for, bub! Wolverine: Black, White & Blood (2020) 1-4
29,95 €

Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox

It's story time! The G.C.P.D have a mysterious corpse, a magical box, and a murderer's row of the city's most dangerous villains sitting in a jail cell. Now all they need to figure out is what exactly happened. Fortunately, one suspect is willing to talk. Unfortunately, it's The Joker The mystery of WHO KILLED THE RIDDLER heats up as Joker, now incarcerated and under interrogation by Commissioner Jim Gordon, retells his version of events, starting with the victim himself on the hunt for an all-powerful weapon. How did the other Gotham villains get involved, and why? What does this weapon do, and why does Riddler want it? Who had skin in the game, and who could stand to lose everything? It s a whodunit spiraling out of control, retold by the world s most unreliable narrator. See if you can spot the clues and solve the puzzle! Collects The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #1-7!
46,50 €

Batman: Shadows of the Bat: House of Gotham

Explore the impact that Batman and Arkham Asylum have had on the city through the eyes of a boy whose life was changed forever by The Joker one dreadful night early in the Dark Knight s career! A boy s parents were killed by The Joker, and he fell through the cracks of the system. Instead of being sent to a facility that could care for him and his trauma, he was sent to Arkham Asylum! It's a cycle of violence the Dark Knight has no answer for as Gotham's most vulnerable struggle to keep their heads above water! Collects the complete Batman: Shadows of the Bat: House of Gotham story from Detective Comics Detective Comics #1047-1058.
28,95 €

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood

The best there is by the best there are -- in brutal black-and-white, with a liberal splash of blood red! Legendary creators, modern superstars, rising talents and fresh voices unite to tell savage tales of your favorite X-Man! Logan. Weapon X. Patch. Wolverine. He's gone by many names and lived many different lives. Now, this exploration of his storied history takes you from Japan to Madripoor to the Savage Land...from a revelatory return to the Weapon X program, to a high-stakes mission with X-Force! Logan is joined by old allies like Kate Pryde and Nick Fury, and heads into bloody battle against foes familiar and surprising -- including Arcade, the Reavers, Cosmic Ghost Rider...and the deadliest of all: Sabretooth! All in glorious black-and-white -- with blood all over! COLLECTING: Wolverine: Black, White & Blood (2020) 1-4
17,95 €

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War Part 2

With Baron Cinder and his lieutenants kept occupied by the mother of all diversions, the team attempts a daring raid on the Blood Farm to retrieve the one person who can bring sunlight back to the world. However, they have not reckoned on the terrifying presence of the Baron’s vampire knights-familiar faces whose blades are every bit as bloodthirsty as they are. And that's just the beginning of the team's troubles! Follow along in DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War Part 2, collecting DC vs. Vampires: All Out War #4-6, and DC vs. Vampires: Killers #1!
28,95 €

DC vs. Vampires Vol. 2

The nightmarish second arc begins! The Earth is now cloaked in darkness as the victorious vampire empire has taken full control. Pockets of humanity can still be found, and they struggle to live but hope fades with every darker day. The leaders of the last surviving resistance force-Green Arrow, Batgirl, and Supergirl-hatch a desperate plan to save the world…or die trying! DC vs. Vampires Vol. 2 collects DC vs Vampires #7-12!
19,55 € 19,95 €