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Detektivní román z doby Jindřicha VIII. C. J. Sansom ve své čtvrté knize o osudech středověkého právníka a detektiva Matthewa Shardlaka, rozhodně nezklame své věrné četnáře ani ty, kdo se s tímto hrdinou setkávají poprvé. Tentokrát jde o pátrání po sériovém vrahovi, který ve svém šíleném počínání postupuje podle biblického evangelia - knihy Zjevení. Napínavý příběh se odehrává v Londýně v době vlády krále Jindřicha VIII. Obrazy, náboženské půtky i politické pletichy středověkého města díky Sansomovu mistrovskému popisu ožívají opravdu věrohodně, takže se čtenář cítí, jako by byl jejich přímým účastníkem. Autor v této knize potvrzuje své nadání vystihnout ducha doby a předkládá další nemilosrdný portrét tudorovské Anglie. Čtenář snadno zapomene na realitu a ocitne se v zemi zmítané násilím a častým bezprávím.
11,63 € 12,24 €


Shardlake goes to war.It's Summer, 1545. England is at war. Henry VIII's invasion of France has gone badly wrong, and a massive French fleet is preparing to sail across the Channel.Meanwhile, Matthew Shardlake is given an intriguing legal case by an old servant of Queen Catherine Parr. Asked to investigate claims of 'monstrous wrongs' committed against his young ward, Hugh Curteys, by Sir Nicholas Hobbey, Shardlake and his assistant Barak journey to Portsmouth. There, Shardlake also intends to investigate the mysterious past of Ellen Fettiplace, a young woman incarcerated in the Bedlam. Once in Portsmouth, Shardlake and Barak find themselves in a city preparing for war. The mysteries surrounding the Hobbey family and the events that destroyed Ellen's family nineteen years before, involve Shardlake in reunions both with an old friend and an old enemy close to the throne. Soon events will converge on board one of the king's great warships gathered in Portsmouth harbour, waiting to sail out and confront the approaching French fleet.
9,45 € 9,95 €


1543 tavasza. VIII. Henrik király Parr Katalinnak udvarol, akit hatodik feleségének szemelt ki. Az udvarlás fejleményeit Cranmer érsek és az udvar szorult helyzetben lévő protestáns frakciója árgus szemmel követi, mivel a lady a reformok iránti szimpátiájáról ismert. Eközben Matthew Shardlake egy tizenéves fiú ügyén dolgozik, akit a Bedlambe, az őrültek házába zártak attól tartva, hogy ijesztő vallásos mániája miatt eretnekség vádjával máglyára kerülhet. Amikor régi barátját szörnyűségesen meggyilkolják, Shardlake ígéretet tesz özvegyének, hogy a gyilkost az igazságszolgáltatás kezére juttatja. Amint Shardlake asszisztensével, Jack Barakkal, és orvos barátjával, Guy Maltonnal nyomozni kezd, kutatása Cranmerhez és Parr Katalinhoz vezet - és a Jelenések könyve sötét próféciáihoz. Hamarosan egy sor borzalmas gyilkosságra derít fényt, amelyek boszorkányság és ördögi megszállottság gyanúját vetik fel - mert mi másként lenne képes a Tudor-korabeli elme egy sorozatgyilkosra tekinteni?
13,44 € 14,15 €


Píše se rok 1545 a Anglie je ve válce. Invaze krále Jindřicha VIII. do Francie se nezdařila a obrovská francouzská flotila se chystá na protiútok. V Portsmouthu na ni čekají anglické válečné lodě a po celé zemi se armáda i domobrana připravují na krutý boj. V této situaci Matthew Shardlake dostává od královny Kateřiny Parrové k řešení zapeklitý právnický úkol, který ho přivádí do temných zákoutí korupcí prolezlého Poručenského soudu. Zároveň se Shardlake snaží odhalit tajemství, skrývající se v minulosti choromyslné Ellen, pacientky londýnského Bedlamu. Obě pátrání se navzájem proplétají právě v okolí Portsmouthu, kde se náš hrdina setkává se starými přáteli i nepřáteli a musí riskovat život ve snaze odhalit pravdu.
12,92 € 13,60 €

Temný oheň

Píše se rok 1540 a Matthew Shardlake zažívá horké léto. Snaží se vést advokátní praxi a přežívat bez velkého rozruchu, protože má obavy z nemilosti Thomase Cromwella. Obhajoba dívky obviněné z vraždy ho však znovu přivádí do blízkosti prvního ministra krále Jindřicha VIII., který mu dává nový úkol: najít tajemství řeckého ohně, jež se po staletích zapomnění vynořilo v záznamech jednoho zrušeného londýnského kláštera, aby hned zase nevysvětlitelně zmizelo. V tudorovském Londýně nic není takové, jak to vypadá na první pohled.
4,42 € 4,65 €


This is the new Shardlake mystery from the No 1 bestselling author of "REVELATION". Summer, 1545. England is at war. Henry VIII's invasion of France has gone badly wrong, and a massive French fleet is preparing to sail across the Channel. As the English fleet gathers at Portsmouth, the country raises the largest militia army it has ever seen. The King has debased the currency to pay for the war, and England is in the grip of soaring inflation and economic crisis. Meanwhile Matthew Shardlake is given an intriguing legal case by an old servant of Queen Catherine Parr. Asked to investigate claims of 'monstrous wrongs' committed against a young ward of the court, which have already involved one mysterious death, Shardlake and his assistant Barak journey to Portsmouth. Once arrived, Shardlake and Barak find themselves in a city preparing to become a war zone, and Shardlake takes the opportunity to also investigate the mysterious past of Ellen Fettipace, a young woman incarcerated in the Bedlam. The emerging mysteries around the young ward, and the events that destroyed Ellen's family nineteen years before, involve Shardlake in reunions both with an old friend and an old enemy close to the throne. Events will converge on board one of the King's great warships, primed for battle in Portsmouth harbour: the Mary Rose...
12,30 € 12,95 €


Píše se rok 1537. Thomas Cromwell pomáhá králi Jindřichu VIII. zbavit se nepohodlné manželky, stát se hlavou reformované církve a získat majetek mocných římskokatolických klášterů. Doba je bouřlivá a přeje novým zákonům, ziskuchtivým trikům a špehům státní moci. Do tohoto rámce je zasazen příběh vraždy královského vyslance v jednom z klášterů, kterou vyšetřuje další vyslanec, reformistický právník Mathew Shardlake. Ten se bludištěm dalších vražd, nejasných stop a spletitých motivů pomalu propracuje k překvapivému řešení.
4,28 € 4,50 €


The Great Smog. London. A dense, choking fog engulfs the city and beneath it, history is re-written...1952. Twelve years have passed since Churchill lost to the appeasers and Britain surrendered to Nazi Germany after Dunkirk. As the long German war against Russia rages on in the east, the British people find themselves under dark authoritarian rule: the press, radio and television are controlled; the streets patrolled by violent auxiliary police and British Jews face ever greater constraints. There are terrible rumours too about what is happening in the basement of the German Embassy at Senate House. Defiance, though, is growing. In Britain, Winston Churchill's Resistance organization is increasingly a thorn in the government's side. And in a Birmingham mental hospital an incarcerated scientist, Frank Muncaster, may hold a secret that could change the balance of the world struggle for ever. Civil Servant David Fitzgerald, secretly acting as a spy for the Resistance, is given the mission by them to rescue his old friend Frank and get him out of the country. Before long he, together with a disparate group of Resistance activists, will find themselves fugitives in the midst of London's Great Smog; as David's wife Sarah finds herself drawn into a world more terrifying than she ever could have imagined. And hard on their heels is Gestapo Sturmbannfuhrer Gunther Hoth, brilliant, implacable hunter of men...At once a vivid, haunting reimagining of 1950s Britain, a gripping, humane spy thriller and a poignant love story, with DOMINION C. J. Sansom once again asserts himself as the master of the historical novel.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Dissolution 10th Anniversary Edition

It is 1537, a time of revolution that sees the greatest changes in England since 1066. Henry VIII has proclaimed himself Supreme Head of the Church. The country is waking up to savage new laws, rigged trials and the greatest network of informers ever seen. And under the orders of Thomas Cromwell, a team of commissioners is sent throughout the country to investigate the monasteries. There can only be one outcome: dissolution. But on the Sussex coast, at the monastery of Scarnsea, events have spiralled out of control. Cromwell's Commissioner, Robin Singleton, has been found dead, his head severed from his body. His horrific murder is accompanied by equally sinister acts of sacrilege. Matthew Shardlake, lawyer and long-time supporter of Reform, has been sent by Cromwell to uncover the truth behind the dark happenings at Scarnsea. But investigation soon forces Shardlake to question everything that he hears, and everything that he intrinsically believes ...
10,93 € 11,50 €


Lamentation is the eagerly anticipated Shardlake novel from the number one bestselling author, C. J. Sansom. Summer, 1546. King Henry VIII is slowly, painfully dying. His Protestant and Catholic councillors are engaged in a final and decisive power struggle; whoever wins will control the government of Henry's successor, eight-year-old Prince Edward. As heretics are hunted across London, and the radical Protestant Anne Askew is burned at the stake, the Catholic party focus their attack on Henry's sixth wife, Matthew Shardlake's old mentor, Queen Catherine Parr. Shardlake, still haunted by events aboard the warship Mary Rose the year before, is working on the Cotterstoke Will case, a savage dispute between rival siblings. Then, unexpectedly, he is summoned to Whitehall Palace and asked for help by his old patron, the now beleaguered and desperate Queen. For Catherine Parr has a secret. She has written a confessional book, Lamentation of a Sinner, so radically Protestant that if it came to the King's attention it could bring both her and her sympathizers crashing down. But, although the book was kept secret and hidden inside a locked chest in the Queen's private chamber, it has - inexplicably - vanished. Only one page has been found, clutched in the hand of a murdered London printer. Shardlake's investigations take him on a trail that begins among the backstreet printshops of London but leads him and Jack Barak into the dark and labyrinthine world of the politics of the royal court; a world he had sworn never to enter again. Loyalty to the Queen will drive him into a swirl of intrigue inside Whitehall Palace, where Catholic enemies and Protestant friends can be equally dangerous, and the political opportunists, who will follow the wind wherever it blows, more dangerous than either. The theft of Queen Catherine's book proves to be connected to the terrible death of Anne Askew, while his involvement with the Cotterstoke litigants threatens to bring Shardlake himself to the stake.
9,98 € 10,50 €


Léto roku 1546 Král Jindřich VIII. pomalu a v bolestech umírá. Členové královské rady, rozdělené na protestantské a katolické křídlo, bojují o moc. Strana, která zvítězí, bude určovat charakter vlády Jindřichova následníka, osmiletého prince Eduarda. Londýnem otřásá hon na kacíře, radikální protestantka Anne Askewová je upálena a katolíci u dvora soustřeďují svůj útok na šestou Jindřichovu manželku, Kateřinu Parrovou. Matthew Shardlake se ještě nestačil zcela vzpamatovat z loňských událostí na palubě lodi Mary Rose a zastupuje jednu ze stran v nesmiřitelném sporu mezi sourozenci o matčinu poslední vůli. Náhle je neočekávaně předvolán do Whitehallu, kde ho žádá o pomoc jeho dávná ochránkyně a klientka, nyní zoufalá královna plná obav. Kateřina Parrová totiž skrývá jisté tajemství. Napsala knihu Lamentace hříšné duše, obsahující její upřímnou zpověď. Kniha je natolik protestantská, že kdyby se dostala do rukou krále, vedla by k pádu královny i jejích podporovatelů. Přestože královna tajila samotnou existenci knihy a skrývala ji zamčenou v pevné truhlici ve vlastní ložnici, kniha jednoho dne nevysvětlitelně zmizela. Našla se jen jediná stránka, kterou svíral v ruce zavražděný londýnský tiskař. Shardlakovo vyšetřování začíná v zastrčených londýnských uličkách, ale postupně jeho samotného i Jacka Baraka přivádí do temného bludiště politiky na královském dvoře, bludiště, kterému se chtěl do konce života důsledně vyhýbat. Věrnost královně ho však žene do víru intrik ve Whitehallu, v nichž nejsou královnini protestantští přátelé o nic menší hrozbou než její katoličtí nepřátelé. A ze všeho nejnebezpečnější jsou oportunisté vedení pouze vlastním prospěchem. Ukazuje se, že zmizení královnina rukopisu souvisí s příšernou smrtí Anne Askewové. Vedení sporu o dědictví přivádí hrozivě blízko ke smrti na hranici i samotného Shardlaka
20,85 € 21,95 €

Egy bűnös siralmai

1546 nyarán VIII. Henriket már kínzó fájdalmak gyötrik - a királynak legfeljebb hónapjai lehetnek hátra. Udvarában a katolikus hitelveket valló és a vallási reformokkal rokonszenvező tanácsosok között mindenre elszánt harc bontakozik ki a hatalomért. Miközben London utcáin hajtóvadászat folyik az eretnekek után, és a vallási radikálisok máglyahalált halnak hitükért, a katolikus udvaroncok csoportja megpróbálja megbuktatni Henrik hatodik feleségét - és Matthew Shardlake régi pártfogóját - Parr Katalint. Bár Shardlake-et még mindig kísérti az egy évvel korábbi halálos veszedelem emléke, azonnal a tettek mezejére lép, amikor a kétsegbeesett királyné a Whitehall palotába hívja, és a segítségét kéri egy veszélyes kézirat felkutatásában. A királyné írása, az Egy bűnös siralmai olyannyira radikális eszméket fogalmaz meg, hogy ha a király kezébe kerül, az Katalin és a vele rokonszenvezők bukásához vezethet. Mivel a királyné minden lépését árgus szemmel figyelik ellenségei, Katalin titokban írta meg könyvét, és azt lakosztálya egyik ládájában elzárva őrizte, ám a kéziratnak megmagyarázhatatlan módon nyoma veszett. Csak egyetlen lapja került elő: egy meggyilkolt londoni nyomdász szorongatja markában. A nyomozás során Shardlake bejárja a londoni sikátorokban megbúvó nyomdákat, és korábbi fogadalmát felrúgva, a királyi udvar sötét ármánykodásainak útvesztőibe is betéved hű segédjével, Jack Barakkal. A hatalom és az ambíció labirintusában a protestáns barátok éppolyan veszélyesnek bizonyulhatnak, mint a katolikus ellenségek - C.J. Sansom hatodik Shardlake-regényében az eddigi legnagyobb és legrészletgazdagabb képet tárja az olvasó elé az angol királyságról, a tőle megszokott, letehetetlen stílusban.
15,20 € 16,00 €

Dark Fire

Winner of the CWA Ellis Peters Historical Dagger, Dark Fire is the second thrilling historical crime novel from C. J. Sansom.It is 1540 and the hottest summer of the sixteenth century. Matthew Shardlake, believing himself out of favour with Thomas Cromwell, is busy trying to maintain his legal practice and keep a low profile. But his involvement with a murder case, defending a girl accused of brutally murdering her young cousin, brings him once again into contact with the king's chief minister - and a new assignment . . .The secret of Greek Fire, the legendary substance with which the Byzantines destroyed the Arab navies, has been lost for centuries. Now an official of the Court of Augmentations has discovered the formula in the library of a dissolved London monastery. When Shardlake is sent to recover it, he finds the official and his alchemist brother horribly murdered - the formula has disappeared.Now Shardlake must follow the trail of Greek Fire across Tudor London, while trying at the same time to prove his young client's innocence. But very soon he discovers nothing is as it seems . . .
10,93 € 11,50 €


England, 1549: Two years after the death of Henry VIII, England is sliding into chaos . . . The nominal king, Edward VI, is eleven years old. His uncle Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, rules as Protector. The extirpation of the old religion by radical Protestants is stirring discontent among the populace while the Protector's prolonged war with Scotland is proving a disastrous failure and threatens to involve France. Worst of all, the economy is in collapse, inflation rages and rebellion is stirring among the peasantry. Since the old King's death, Matthew Shardlake has been working as a lawyer in the service of Henry's younger daughter, the Lady Elizabeth. The gruesome murder of Edith Boleyn, the wife of John Boleyn - a distant Norfolk relation of Elizabeth's mother - which could have political implications for Elizabeth, brings Shardlake and his assistant Nicholas Overton to the summer assizes at Norwich. There they are reunited with Shardlake's former assistant Jack Barak. The three find layers of mystery and danger surrounding Edith's death, as a second murder is committed. And then East Anglia explodes, as peasant rebellion breaks out across the country. The yeoman Robert Kett leads a force of thousands in overthrowing the landlords and establishing a vast camp outside Norwich. Soon the rebels have taken over the city, England's second largest. Barak throws in his lot with the rebels; Nicholas, opposed to them, becomes a prisoner in Norwich Castle; while Shardlake has to decide where his ultimate loyalties lie, as government forces in London prepare to march north and destroy the rebels. Meanwhile he discovers that the murder of Edith Boleyn may have connections reaching into both the heart of the rebel camp and of the Norfolk gentry . . . This is the seventh stunning novel in the bestselling Shardlake series, that began with Dissolution. Includes an Historical Essay from the author on Reimagining Kett's Rebellion.
10,93 € 11,50 €


Perfect for fans of Hilary Mantel's The Mirror and The Light, Matthew Shardlake is back in the sixth book in the Shardlake series, from number one bestselling author C. J. Sansom. 'When it comes to intriguing Tudor-based narratives, Hilary Mantel has a serious rival' - Sunday Times 'Sansom has the trick of writing an enthralling narrative. Like Hilary Mantel, he produces densely textured historical novels that absorb their readers in another time' - Andrew Taylor, Spectator England, 1546: King Henry VIII is slowly, painfully dying. His Protestant and Catholic councillors are engaged in a final and decisive power struggle; whoever wins will control the government of Henry's successor, eight-year-old Prince Edward. As heretics are hunted across London, and the radical Protestant Anne Askew is burned at the stake, the Catholic party focus their attack on Henry's sixth wife, Matthew Shardlake's old mentor, Queen Catherine Parr. Shardlake, still haunted by events aboard the warship Mary Rose the year before, is working on the Cotterstoke Will case, a savage dispute between rival siblings. Then, unexpectedly, he is summoned to Whitehall Palace and asked for help by his old patron, the now beleaguered and desperate Queen. For Catherine Parr has a secret. She has written a confessional book, Lamentation of a Sinner, so radically Protestant that if it came to the King's attention it could bring both her and her sympathizers crashing down. But, although the book was kept secret and hidden inside a locked chest in the Queen's private chamber, it has - inexplicably - vanished. Only one page has been found, clutched in the hand of a murdered London printer. Shardlake's investigations take him on a trail that begins among the backstreet printshops of London but leads him and Jack Barak into the dark and labyrinthine world of the politics of the royal court; a world he had sworn never to enter again. Loyalty to the Queen will drive him into a swirl of intrigue inside Whitehall Palace, where Catholic enemies and Protestant friends can be equally dangerous, and the political opportunists, who will follow the wind wherever it blows, more dangerous than either. The theft of Queen Catherine's book proves to be connected to the terrible death of Anne Askew, while his involvement with the Cotterstoke litigants threatens to bring Shardlake himself to the stake.
11,88 € 12,50 €


Heartsone is C. J. Sansom's fifith spellbinding mystery in C. J. Sansom's number one bestselling Shardlake series, for fans of Hilary Mantel and Philippa Gregory. 'When it comes to intriguing Tudor-based narratives, Hilary Mantel has a serious rival' - Sunday Times 'Sansom has the trick of writing an enthralling narrative. Like Hilary Mantel, he produces densely textured historical novels that absorb their readers in another time' - Andrew Taylor, Spectator England, 1545: England is at war. Henry VIII's invasion of France has gone badly wrong, and a massive French fleet is preparing to sail across the Channel. As the English fleet gathers at Portsmouth, the country raises the largest militia army it has ever seen. The King has debased the currency to pay for the war, and England is in the grip of soaring inflation and economic crisis. Meanwhile Matthew Shardlake is given an intriguing legal case by an old servant of Queen Catherine Parr. Asked to investigate claims of "monstrous wrongs" committed against a young ward of the court, which have already involved one mysterious death, Shardlake and his assistant Barak journey to Portsmouth. Once arrived, Shardlake and Barak find themselves in a city preparing to become a war zone; and Shardlake takes the opportunity to also investigate the mysterious past of Ellen Fettiplace, a young woman incarcerated in the Bedlam. The emerging mysteries around the young ward, and the events that destroyed Ellen's family nineteen years before, involve Shardlake in reunions both with an old friend and an old enemy close to the throne. Events will converge on board one of the King's great warships, primed for battle in Portsmouth harbour . . . A bestselling phenomenon, the Shardlake series is perfect for fans of Hilary Mantel's The Mirror and the Light. Continue the gripping historical series with Lamentation and Tombland.
11,88 € 12,50 €