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Walter Scott



Klasik svetovej literatúry sir Walter Scott dobrodružným historickým príbehom chudobného škótskeho rytiera, princeznej zo vznešeného rodu, anglického kráľa Richarda Levie srdce a saracénskeho sultána Saladina situovaným do Tretej križiackej výpravy osloví všetky generácie – deti a mládež pobaví i poučí, dospelým ponúkne prekvapivé vyvrcholenie i príjemný relax a dôchodcom osvieži mysel.
Na sklade 1Ks
13,21 € 13,90 €


Bojujte, stateční rytíři! Člověk umírá, sláva přežije! – Bojujte! Je lepší zemřít, než se vzdát! Mladý rytíř Wilfred z Ivanhoe se ve věci lásky vzepřel otcově vůli, a tak musel opustit Anglii. S vojskem krále Richarda Lví srdce se zúčastnil křížové výpravy do Svaté země a nyní se vrací poháněn vášnivou touhou po své Roweně, jíž míní dokázat nejen, že je naživu, ale že jí zůstal věrný. Je však vtažen do mimořádně nebezpečné hry – do krvavého mocenského zápasu mezi králem Richardem a jeho zlopověstně krutým intrikánským bratrem Johnem. Příběh strašlivého nepřátelství a věrného bratrství, v němž vystupují vnitřně silné, nezávislé, věrné a krásné ženy, stateční rytíři i slavný zbojník Robin Hood s hordou dalších veselých kumpánů, vytahujících z rukávu jednu mazanou fintu za druhou, líčí nevyčerpatelnou sérií turnajů, bitek a riskantních dobrodružství, jež se odehrávají v romantickém světě středověkých ctností. Napínavé vyprávění míří čtenáři jedenadvacátého století k srdci – taková je moc vynalézavého českého překladu…
Na sklade 2Ks
18,18 € 19,14 €

Oroszlánszívű Richárd

Na sklade 1Ks
9,19 € 9,67 €

Rob Roy+CD

11,21 € 11,80 €

OWC Antiquary

It was early in a fine summer's day, near the end of the eighteenth century, when a young man, of genteel appearance, having occasion to go towards the north-east of Scotland, provided himself with a ticket in one of those public carriages which travel between Edinburgh and the Queensferry...' So begins Scott's personal favourite among his novels, in characteristically wry and urbane style, as a mysterious young man calling himself 'Lovel' travels idly but fatefully toward the Scottish seaside town of Fairport. Here he is befriended by the antiquary Jonathan Oldbuck, who has taken refuge from his own personal disappointments in the obsessive study of miscellaneous history. Their slow unravelling of Lovel's true identity will unearth and redeem the secrets and lies which have devastated the guilt-haunted Earl of Glenallan, and will reinstate the tottering fortunes of Sir Arthur Wardour and his daughter Isabella. First published in 1816 in the aftermath of Waterloo, The Antiquary deals with the problem of how to understand the past so as to enable the future. Set in the tense times of the wars with revolutionary France, it displays Scott's matchless skill at painting the social panorama and in creating vivid characters, from the earthy beggar Edie Ochiltree to the loqacious and shrewdly humorous Antiquary himself. The text is based on Scott's own final, authorized version, the 'Magnum Opus' edition of 1829.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Bride of Lammermoor

The plans of Edgar, Master of Ravenswood to regain his ancient family estate from the corrupt Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland are frustrated by the complexities of the legal and political situations following the 1707 Act of Union, and by his passion for his enemy's beautiful daughter Lucy. First published in 1819, this intricate and searching romantic tragedy offers challenging insights into emotional and sexual politics, and demonstrates the shrewd way in which Scott presented his work as historical document, entertainment, and work of art.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Heart of Midlothian

This novel, which has always been regarded as one of Scott's finest, opens with the Edinburgh riots of 1736. The people of the city have been infuriated by the actions of John Porteous, Captain of the Guard, and when they hear that his death has been reprieved by the distant monarch they ignore the Queen and resolve to take their own revenge. At the cente of the story is Edinburgh's forbidding Tolbooth prison, known by all as the Heart of Midlothian.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Waverley

Set during the Jacobite rising in Scotland in 1745, this novel springs from Scott's childhood recollections and his desire to preserve in writing the features of life in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland. Waverley was first published anonymously in 1814 and was Scott's first novel.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Old Mortality

A swift-moving historical romance that places an anachronistically liberal hero against the forces of fanaticism in 17th-century Scotland in the period infamous as the killing time". Henry Morton is torn between his love for a royalist's granddaughter and his loyalty to his downtrodden countrymen."
2,84 € 2,99 €


The Modern Library is making a killing on TV/feature film tie-ins to classics. Like its recent incarnations of Gulliver's Travels and Emma, this offers a quality hardcover for little more than a paperback price.Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obme ny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Scott - Waverley or ´Tis Sixty Years Since (OWC)

Set during the Jacobite rising in Scotland in 1745, this novel springs from Scott´s childhood recollections and his desire to preserve in writing the features of life in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland. Waverley was first published anonymously in 1
6,24 € 6,57 €

The Heart of Midlothian

This novel, which has always been regarded as one of Scott's finest, opens with the Edinburgh riots of 1736. The people of the city have been infuriated by the actions of John Porteous, Captain of the Guard, and when they hear that his death has been reprieved by the distant monarch they ignore the Queen and resolve to take their own revenge. At the center of the story is Edinburgh's forbidding Tolbooth prison, known by all as the Heart of Midlothian.
11,45 € 12,05 €

Old Mortality

Old Mortality (1816), which many consider the finest of Scott's Waverley novels, is a swift-moving historical romance that places an anachronistically liberal hero against the forces of fanaticism in seventeenth-century Scotland, in the period infamous as the `killing time'. Its central character, Henry Morton, joins the rebels in order to fight Scotland's royalist oppressors, little as he shares the Covenanters' extreme religious beliefs. He is torn between hislove for a royalist's granddaughter and his loyalty to his downtrodden countrymen.As well as being a tale of divided loyalties, the novel is a crucial document in the cultural history of modern Scotland. Scott, himself a supporter of the union between Scotland and England, was trying to exorcise the violent past of a country uncomfortably coming to terms with its status as part of a modern United Kingdom. This novel is in itself a significant political document, in which Scott can be seen to be attempting to create a new centralist Scottish historiography, which is not thepolitical consensus of his own time, the seventeenth century, or today.
11,45 € 12,05 €

The Antiquary

'It was early in a fine summer's day, near the end of the eighteenth century, when a young man, of genteel appearance, having occasion to go towards the north-east of Scotland, provided himself with a ticket in one of those public carriages which travel b
10,41 € 10,96 €

A legendás ME-262, A Viharmadár

A II. világháború vége felé, a németek és a nyugati szövetségesek rohanó fejlesztésbe kezdtek a sugárhajtóművek, és az ezekkel meghajtott repülőgépek katonai alkalmazhatóságának megvalósításáért. Ez volt az az utolsó verseny, melyet a Luftwaffe még megnyert, de győzelmét stratégiai előnyökre váltani már nem tudta. Amikor 1942. július 17-én a németországi Leipheim repülőterén egy bátor berepülőpilóta – Fritz Wendel – teljes teljesítményre tolta előre a Me-262V3-as kísérleti repülőgép gázkarjait, és a gép elég hosszú nekifutás után felemelkedett a földről, új korszakot nyitott meg a világ polgári és katonai repülésének történetében. Ez lett a mai napig is tartó sugárhajtású-korszak nyitánya. Semmi kétségünk nem lehet afelől, hogy a Messerschmitt Me-262-es a leginkább előremutató típus volt a II. világháborúban hadrendbe állított harci repülőgépek közül. Rendkívül korszerű, sugárhajtású elfogó vadászgép volt, melynek sárkányát a két karcsú – forradalmi újításnak számító – axiálkompresszoros hajtóműnek megfelelően optimalizálták. Amikor aztán a bombázók személyzete és a kísérő vadászgépek pilótái először látták átsuhanni kötelékeik között a Me-262-eseket, nem hittek a szemüknek...Komoly szerephez juthatott volna a birodalom légteréért vívott légi háborúban, de pályafutása a fejlesztés késedelmei, illetve a programot politikai okok miatt ellenzők tevékenysége miatt másként alakult.
1,89 € 1,99 €


Vrcholné dielo klasika svetovej literatúry Waltera Scota je podobne ako Homérova Ilias situované ku koncu Tretej križiackej výpravy. Na pozadí dejinného konfliktu medzi kresťanstvom a islamom, keď sa kráľ Richard Levie srdce zo všetkých síl snaží oslobodiť Jeruzalem z moci sultána Saladina, sa odohráva dobrodružný príbeh škótskeho rytiera. Strhujúci dej v ktorom nechýbajú súboje, láska, intrigy, pretvárka i zrada, vrcholí rytierskym turnajom v púšti …
5,37 € 5,65 €