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Richard Sennett


Korózia charakteru

Práca Korózia charakteru amerického sociológa Richarda Sennetta predstavuje jednu zo zásadných sociologických diagnóz konca 20. storočia. Autor v knihe skúma zmenu paradigmy postojov k práci počas posledných dvoch generácií. Hoci bola napísaná pred vyše dvadsiatimi rokmi, zmeny, ku ktorým svojho času došlo v americkom prostredí, sa postupom času stali globálnymi. Na knihe je zaujímavé, že spája originálne vedecké rozbory s pútavými reportážnymi a esejistickými pasážami. Autor konštatuje, že prechodom od chápania práce ako celoživotného projektu k práci ako epizodickému dobrodružstvu neustále spojenému s rizikom sa v spoločnosti stráca pevný referenčný rámec, vďaka ktorému bol človek schopný vytvoriť si zmysluplný motív svojho života. Tak sa formuje mentalita ustavičného provizória, znemožňujúca vytvorenie pevného charakteru a identity, na ktorých by bolo možné skonštruovať osobnú biografiu. Dôsledkom je podľa Sennetta odmietanie všetkého stáleho, odmietanie autority a zodpovednosti a vytvorenie nového charakterového typu človeka ironického.
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12,26 € 12,90 €

The Performer

An exploration of public performance in everyday life, by the leading cultural and social thinker The Performer explores the relations between performing in art (particularly music), politics and everyday experience. It focuses on the bodily and physical dimensions of performing, rather than on words. Richard Sennett is particularly attuned to the ways in which the rituals of ordinary life are performances. The book draws on history and sociology, and more personally on the author's early career as a professional cellist, as well as on his later work as a city planner and social thinker. It traces the evolution of performing spaces in the city; the emergence of actors, musicians, and dancers as independent artists; the inequality between performer and spectator; the uneasy relations between artistic creation and social and religious ritual; the uses and abuses of acting by politicians. The Janus-faced art of performing is both destructive and civilizing. This is the first in a trilogy of books on the fundamental DNA of human expression: performing, narrating, and imaging.
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29,66 € 32,95 €

Building and Dwelling - Ethics for the City

In Building and Dwelling, Richard Sennett distils a lifetime's thinking and practical experience to explore the relationship between the good built environment and the good life. He argues for, and describes in rich detail, the idea of an open city, one in which people learn to manage complexity. He shows how the design of cities can enrich or diminish the everyday experience of those who dwell in them. The book ranges widely - from London, Paris and Barcelona to Shanghai, Mumbai and Medellin in Colombia - and draws on classic thinkers such as Tocqueville, Heidegger, Max Weber, and Walter Benjamin. It also draws on Sennett's many decades as a practical planner himself, testing what works, what doesn't, and why. He shows what works ethically is often the most practical solution for cities' problems. This is a humane and thrilling book, which allows us to think freshly about how we live in cities. The experience and wisdom of the author are visible on every page. His voice is distinctive and engaging. It should attract anyone interested in the physical circumstances of civilization.
28,45 € 29,95 €

Designing Disorder

In 1970, Richard Sennett published the groundbreaking The Uses of Disorder, arguing that the ideal of a planned and ordered city was flawed. Fifty years later, Sennett returns to these still fertile ideas and, alongside campaigner and architect Pablo Sendra, sets out an agenda for the design and ethics of the Open City. The public spaces of our cities are under siege from planners, privatisation and increased surveillance. Our streets are becoming ever more lifeless and ordered. What is to be done? Can disorder be designed? In this provocative essay Sendra and Sennett propose a reorganisation of how we think and plan the social life of our cities. 'Infrastructures of disorder' combine architecture, politics, urban planning and activism in order to develop places that nurture rather than stifle, bring together rather than divide up, remain open to change rather than closed off.
18,95 € 19,95 €