Naomi Simmons
Family and Friends 1 - Workbook
Family and Friends is a seven-level primary course which offers you an exceptionally strong skills training programme covering language, phonics, and civic education.
Family and Friends 1 Teacher´s Book
An exceptionally strong skills training programme which covers language skills, phonics, and civic education skills.
Family and Friends 2 Workbook
An exceptionally strong skills training programme which covers language skills, phonics, and civic education skills.
Family and Friends Starter Class Book + Multi-ROM
Family and Friends is a six-level primary course which offers you an exceptionally strong skills training programme covering language, phonics, and civic education.
Family and Friends Starter WB, 2nd Edition
Family and Friends offers a carefully graded approach to reading, writing and literacy skills in English to young learners. No other course offers you the same benefits as Family and Friends. The exceptionally strong skills training programme includes a focus on real speaking and writing output. Plus - the amazing package of integrated print and digital resources suits all teaching situations and learner types, supporting students, teachers, and parents. Use it with Little Friends and First Friends to make it an eight or nine-year course.
Family and Friends 2nd Edition 2 CDs
Features for Family and Friends 2nd edition include real-world fluency development with supporting DVD, interactive Online Practice, new and updated assessment and testing material, and additional culture focus sections.
Na sklade 1Ks
26,45 €
26,99 €
Family and Friends 2nd Edition 2 WB (International Edition)
Features for Family and Friends 2nd edition include real-world fluency development with supporting DVD, interactive Online Practice, new and updated assessment and testing material, and additional culture focus sections.
Family and Friends 1 - Class Book
The exceptionally strong skills training programme includes a focus on real speaking and writing output.
Plus - the amazing package of integrated print and digital resources suits all teaching situations and learner types, supporting students, teachers, and parents.
Family and Friends 2nd Edition 2 Class Book
Teachers love Family and Friends. The clear structure, fast-paced language syllabus, engaging songs and stories, and comprehensive assessment package make it one of the world's most popular courses for young learners. And now it's better than ever.
Family and Friends 2nd Edition 1 CB (2019 Edition)
New Family and Friends 2nd Edition combines brand-new fluency, culture, assessment, and digital resources with the features teachers love from the first edition; fast-paced language, strong skills training, unique phonics programme, civic education and comprehensive testing.
Family and Friends 3, 2nd Edition - Class Book (2019)
Nové vydania učebníc Family and Friends 2nd Edition Class Book (2019 Edition) neobsahujú ako prílohu žiadne CD!
Family and Friends Second Edition je nový prepracovaný kurz AJ s úplne novými prvkami a bohatou audio a webovou podporou. Žiaci ZŠ si postupne zdokonaľujú svoje jazykové zručnosti, rozširovať poznatky zo spoločenského života prispôsobené veku a záujmom žiakov. Učebnica obsahuje aj časť Fluency Time! Ide o úplnú novinku s inovatívnym prístupom na precvičenie každodennej angličtiny , s podporou ukážok z praxe na DVD a rôznych výtvarných a projektových aktivít.
Neoceniteľnou podporou, ktorú ocenia ako učitelia tak i rodičia je Online Practice, ktorý ponúka cvičenia a aktivity s automatickou opravou a vyhodnotením. Rodičia a učitelia môžu zadávať úlohy a sledovať pokrok žiakov. Teacher´s Book Plus obsahuje aj časti Assesment and Resource multi Rom, ktorá obsahuje rôzne testy, doplnkové materiály a projekty. Všetky obľúbené časti z prvej edíciu sú zachované, no celkom ide o novú verziu, ktorá nie je kompatibilná s prvou edíciou.
Family and Friends, 2nd Edition Starter Workbook + Online
Combines brand-new fl uency, digital and assessment resources with the features teachers love from the fi rst edition: exceptionally strong skills training, unique phonics programme, civic education and comprehensive testing.
Family and Friends 2nd Edition Online Practice is an easy to use online management system for teachers, students and parents. It provides additional interactive material linked to every lesson in the Class Books.
Teachers can easily give homework which is marked and recorded automatically. You can also engage with your pupils directly through email and discussion forums.
Students have interactive practice in grammar, vocabulary and the four key skills. They can also communicate and share their work with other members of the class.
Parents can support and view their child’s progress online.
You can access Online Practice using the access card in your Family and Friends 2nd Edition Teacher’s Book Plus. Student access codes are in the Workbook with Online Practice and on standalone cards.
Online Practice is compatible on a range of platforms. It can be used with a laptop, PC, Android device or iPad©
Family and Friends 1 Class Audio CDs /2/
Family and Friends is a six-level primary course which offers you an exceptionally strong skills training programme covering language, phonics, and civic education.
25,47 €
25,99 €
Family and Friends 1 Class Book + MultiROM Pack
An exceptionally strong skills training programme which covers language skills, phonics, and civic education skills.
Family and Friends 2 Teacher´s Book
An exceptionally strong skills training programme which covers language skills, phonics, and civic education skills.
Family and Friends 2 Class Book + MultiROM Pack
An exceptionally strong skills training programme which covers language skills, phonics, and civic education skills.