Sean Smith


Tom Jones - The Life

From bestselling biographer Sean Smith comes the fascinating and tumultuous true story behind Sir Tom Jones, the nation's treasure, sage of The Voice and living music legend. Now approaching his 75th birthday, Tom Jones' life has been an unforgettable rollercoaster ride. From starting out in a little Welsh mining town where he married his sweetheart at just 16, who could have known that seven years later he would go on to become a major musical hit that would propel him to Bel Air? Through intimate interviews, Smith uncovers all this and more, including the years Tom spent as little more than a Vegas lounge singer, before being rediscovered in the late '80s and becoming a maestro on the music scene once again. As revealing as it is entertaining, this is the definitive story of a great talent who is showing no signs of slowing down.
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22,05 € 22,50 €

George - A Memory of George Michael

George is the story of two extraordinary lives - the private man and the public legend. Georgios Panayiotou was just eighteen when he decided to adopt the stage name of George Michael. Sometimes his two worlds would collide with shattering consequences. Bestselling biographer Sean Smith has gone back to the neighbourhoods of North London to trace the astonishing journey of a sensitive but determined boy who grew up to be one of the biggest British pop stars of all time. Along the way, he talks to those close to George, revealing the real man - funny, articulate, intelligent and generous spirited - who hid behind the powerful image he created. He reveals the complex relationship with his high-achieving Greek-Cypriot father; the unconditional love of his mother; his teenage relationships with girls; and his first tragic love affair with another man. George's career began falteringly with a schoolboy band, exploded with Wham! before he became a solo phenomenon. But at the height of his fame, the world seemed to turn against him. Smith describes his despair at losing the two people who mattered most, how he sought consolation in drugs, his notorious `coming out' and how he ended up in jail. His health failed him and he died heartbreakingly alone on Christmas Day, 2016. Affectionate yet honest and moving, George is both a celebration of George Michael's music and a lasting tribute to a decent and much-loved man.
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11,71 € 11,95 €

Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran is a true inspiration. His moving and uplifting songs forge a lasting connection with the millions of people around the world who love him and his music. He was the thirteen-year-old guitarist in a school rock band when he decided to become a singer-songwriter, even though he could barely hold a tune and had never written a song. Within a year, he had recorded an album in his bedroom. Bestselling biographer Sean Smith traces the astonishing journey of the shy little boy with a stammer who, avoiding flashy showmanship, grew up to be a global phenomenon. Through compelling new research and interviews, he tells the story of Ed’s remarkable mum and dad who gave their son the courage to pursue his dream, the friends and mentors who encouraged him and the lovers who inspired his most famous songs. Smith describes the setbacks Ed faced before his fortunes were transformed by Elton John’s management company, a record deal and a song that changed everything – with a little help from Taylor Swift. Ed found it difficult to cope with the world at his feet, but a new relationship with a girl from his home town has brought him happiness and a fresh purpose in life. Now he is the most successful solo star on the planet, earning L83 million last year. Yet in the middle of his record-breaking 2018 UK tour, he played for just 400 people at a charity night to raise money for the homeless. As this captivating book reveals, there’s no one quite like Ed.
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21,07 € 21,50 €

Spice Girls

Intimate and revealing, Spice Girls is the definitive story of the world's most iconic girl group. Through compelling new research and interviews, Sunday Times best-selling biographer Sean Smith reveals what life was really like for five fiercely independent and ambitious young women who were propelled to international fame in the 90s with unstoppable momentum. Quickly establishing themselves as the biggest success in British pop music since The Beatles, they were adored and admired in equal measure: the Spice Girls made a connection with millions of young women across the globe who were inspired by their enthusiasm for life and their famous Girl Power philosophy. The fab five became one of the most successful music acts in history, with more than 85 million record sales world-wide and nine UK number one singles.Throughout the years, their lives have garnered unprecedented levels of media interest and fans have keenly followed their ups and downs - the personal conflicts, celebrity break-ups, controversies and parenthood. One thing's for sure: they are never boring. In 2019, the prospect of their reunion tour has led to an outpouring of adoration and excitement, proving that the Spice Girls truly are an enduring cultural phenomenon.
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18,57 € 18,95 €

Harry Styles - Cesta moderního muže

Světový autor Sean Smith zachybuje ve strhující biografii vývoj veskrze moderního muže s neomezeným charismatem, který reprezentuje lepší svět bez předsudků. Harry Styles začal jako člen chlapecké skupiny One Direction, která ho vystřelila na dráhu světové superstar – kde se udržel, aniž by na sebe strhával pozornost skandály. Harryho život se navždy změnil, když jeho matka Anne vyplnila formulář ke konkurzu do soutěže X Factor. Jako šestnáctiletý opustil rodný venkov v Cheshire a už se nevrátil – vydal se na cestu stát se skutečnou ikonou doby. Kniha sleduje jeho cestu a maluje obraz muže, který zůstává záhadný a zároveň objímá svět, na kterém mu záleží – svou rodinu, své přátele, partnery, svou hudbu, herectví a samozřejmě, svět módy.
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21,50 € 21,94 €

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Harry Styles

Světový autor Sean Smith zachybuje ve strhující biografii vývoj veskrze moderního muže s neomezeným charismatem, který reprezentuje lepší svět bez předsudků. Harry Styles začal jako člen chlapecké skupiny One Direction, která ho vystřelila na dráhu světové superstar – kde se udržel, aniž by na sebe strhával pozornost skandály. Harryho život se navždy změnil, když jeho matka Anne vyplnila formulář ke konkurzu do soutěže X Factor. Jako šestnáctiletý opustil rodný venkov v Cheshire a už se nevrátil – vydal se na cestu stát se skutečnou ikonou doby. Kniha sleduje jeho cestu a maluje obraz muže, který zůstává záhadný a zároveň objímá svět, na kterém mu záleží – svou rodinu, své přátele, partnery, svou hudbu, herectví a samozřejmě, svět módy.
Na stiahnutie
15,41 €

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Justin - Biografie

Přerod Justina Timberlakea, člena tuctové chlapecké skupiny 'N Sync, v jednoho z nejlepších,světových zpěváků nebyl nijak jednoduchý. Justin vyrůstal v Tennessee, v kraji silně ovlivněném náboženstvím. Jak se ale tenhle na svůj věk velmi vyspělý kudrnatý blonďák změnil v respektovaného zpěváka R'n'B, jehož plakát visí v kdejakém dětském pokoji? Britský spisovatel Sean Smith procestoval celé Spojené státy, aby odhalil Justinovo opravdové já. Prostřednictvím bezpočtu rozhovorů se mu podařilo poodhalit jeho dětství, které prožil na venkově nedaleko Memphisu. Popsal dlouhé roky Justinova vytrvalého snažení uspět v soutěžích mladých talentů, jeho vystupování v TV pořadu The Mickey Mouse Club (zde se setkal s Britney Spears a Christinou Aguilerou), jeho působení v 'N Sync a konečně průlomové album Justified, které ho katapultovalo mezi kritikou vřele přijímanou světovou hudební špičku. Kniha Justin prozrazuje pravdu o jeho milostném životě, a to od prvního polibku až po vztah s Cameron Diaz.
8,87 € 9,05 €


Při vyslovení jména Jennifer Anistonové si většina z nás vybaví veleúspěšný seriál Přátelé a hereččino nevydařené manželství s ještě slavnějším kolegou Bradem Pittem. Britský autor Sean Smith ve své knize tyto dva důležité mezníky v životě Jennifer Anistonové pochopitelně neopomíjí, nicméně se snaží představit herečku čtenářům jako celistvější osobnost. Popisuje její život od dětství až po současnost. Nehoní se za senzacemi, snaží se Jennifer čtenáři přiblížit jako vcelku normální dívku, která v životě zažila jak štěstí, tak smůlu.
13,33 € 13,60 €


Bestselling biographer Sean Smith takes on the world's number one reality star, Kim Kardashian West. This is the ultimate insight into the reality behind the woman who has defined fame in our modern culture - her childhood, her family, her turbulent love life and the multi-millionaire lifestyle. Kim Kardashian West is a thoroughly modern woman. She enjoyed a privileged upbringing in a Beverley Hills mansion and, ironically, her childhood ambition was to appear in the long-running US reality series Real World. Instead she became the star of Keeping Up With the Kardashians while her own life story read like an X rated version of Dynasty...murder, elopement, domestic violence, sex tape, quickie divorce, churchgoing and impossibly glamorous designer dresses. Now married to one of the biggest stars on the planet, Kanye West, she has begun her own dynasty with the birth of daughter, North, and upcoming second child. In a world that follows her every move, Sean Smith uncovers what it took to get her to the top and how she intends to stay there. From her Armenian heritage and devotion to her family to the fabulous fashions and a body to die for, this is the truth behind the undisputed Queen of celebrity - the real story.
16,17 € 16,50 €

Kim Kardashian

Bestselling biographer Sean Smith takes on the world's number one reality star, Kim Kardashian West. This is the ultimate insight into the reality behind the woman who has defined fame in our modern culture - her childhood, her family, her turbulent love life and the multi-millionaire lifestyle. Kim Kardashian West is a thoroughly modern woman. She enjoyed a privileged upbringing in a Beverley Hills mansion and, ironically, her childhood ambition was to appear in the long-running US reality series Real World. Instead she became the star of Keeping Up With the Kardashians while her own life story read like an X rated version of Dynasty...murder, elopement, domestic violence, sex tape, quickie divorce, churchgoing and impossibly glamorous designer dresses. Now married to one of the biggest stars on the planet, Kanye West, she has begun her own dynasty with the birth of daughter, North, and her son, Saint. In a world that follows her every move, Sean Smith uncovers what it took to get her to the top and how she intends to stay there. From her Armenian heritage and devotion to her family to the fabulous fashions and a body to die for, this is the truth behind the undisputed Queen of celebrity - the real story.
9,31 € 9,50 €


Adele touches the hearts of millions of people who love her for her music and share the real and honest emotion she brings to each and every song. In a cynical age, she is a phenomenon. In Adele, bestselling biographer Sean Smith talks to those close to her as he follows her astonishing journey to fame that began on the gritty streets of Tottenham. Through compelling new research and interviews, he reveals that there is far more to Adele than the superstar we all think we know. He uncovers the story of her complex family relationships; the ill-starred love affair between her mother and father; her devastation at the untimely death of her grandfather; and her seemingly unpromising future in a gang-ravaged area of South London. She found salvation at the BRIT School before a series of unhappy love affairs provided the inspiration for her record-breaking albums. He describes how she conquered America and how it all could have been ended by a dramatic vocal injury. Instead, she has made an amazing comeback and found personal happiness in a new relationship and becoming a mum. Intimate and revealing, Adele is the uplifting story of the woman with the most glorious voice in the world.
13,24 € 13,51 €


Adele touches the hearts of millions of people who love her for her music and share the real and honest emotion she brings to each and every song. In a cynical age, she is a phenomenon.In Adele, bestselling biographer Sean Smith talks to those close to her as he follows her astonishing journey to fame that began on the gritty streets of Tottenham. Through compelling new research and interviews, he reveals that there is far more to Adele than the superstar we all think we know.He uncovers the story of her complex family relationships; the ill-starred love affair between her mother and father; her devastation at the untimely death of her grandfather; and her seemingly unpromising future in a gang-ravaged area of South London.She found salvation at the BRIT School before a series of unhappy love affairs provided the inspiration for her record-breaking albums. He describes how she conquered America and how it all could have been ended by a dramatic vocal injury. Instead, she has made an amazing comeback and found personal happiness in a new relationship and becoming a mum.Intimate and revealing, Adele is the uplifting story of the woman with the most glorious voice in the world.
13,67 € 13,95 €

Ed Sheeran

Egyetlen dal volt, amely mindent megváltoztatott - és amelyben Taylor Swift keze is benne volt egy kicsit. Tizenhárom éves korában egy iskolai rockbandában gitározott, aztán eldöntötte, hogy énekes és dalszerző lesz, bár akkor még szinte nem is tudott tisztán énekelni és még életében nem írt saját dalt. Egy éven belül a szobájában felvett egy teljes albumot. Nehezen tudta kezelni, hogy az egész világ a lába előtt hever, de aztán megismerkedett egy lánnyal a szülővárosából és ketten megtalálták a boldogságot. Ed bámulatos utat járt be, melynek során a szégyenlős, dadogó kisfiúból, aki kerüli a felvágós showmankedést, globális jelenség lett. Ed Sheeran jelenleg a világ legsikeresebb szólóművésze: nincs még egy olyan sztár a világon, mint ő: Ed maga az inspiráció. Megindító, felemelő dalai több millió embert kötnek össze egymással, a világon mindenütt. A szerzőről: Sean Smith profi életrajzíró, aki rengeteg háttérinformációt gyűjtött be és interjúk sorát folytatta le, hogy elmesélhesse Ed történetét. Szülők, barátok, mentorok és szerelmek rajzolódnak ki a szívbemarkoló történetből, melynek során Ed Sheeran valóra váltotta álmát és megírta leghíresebb dalait.
12,61 € 12,87 €

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Ed Sheeran

Egyetlen dal volt, amely mindent megváltoztatott – és amelyben Taylor Swift keze is benne volt egy kicsit. Ed Sheeran tizenegy évesen, Eric Clapton játékát hallva vásárolta meg az első gitárját, és onnantól kezdve éjt nappallá téve gyakorolt a hangszerén. Nem sokkal később azt is eldöntötte, hogy énekes és dalszerző lesz, bár akkor még szinte nem is tudott tisztán énekelni, egyelőre saját szerzeménye sem volt. Mígnem tizenhárom éves korában a szobájában felvett egy teljes albumot… Amikor ismert ember lett, nehezen tudta kezelni, hogy az egész világ a lába előtt hever, de aztán megismerkedett egy lánnyal a szülővárosából, és ketten megtalálták a boldogságot. Ed bámulatos utat járt be, amelynek során a szégyellős, dadogó kisfiúból globális jelenség lett, aki kerüli a felvágós showmankedést. Ed Sheeran jelenleg a világ legsikeresebb szólóművésze: nincs még egy olyan sztár a világon, mint ő: Ed maga az inspiráció. Megindító, felemelő dalai több millió embert kötnek össze egy- mással, a világon mindenütt. Sean Smith profi életrajzíró, aki rengeteg háttér- információt gyűjtött össze, és interjúk sorát folytatta le, hogy elmesélhesse Ed történetét. Szülők, barátok, mentorok és szerelmek rajzolódnak ki a szívbe markoló életútból, amelynek során Ed Sheeran valóra váltotta álmát, és megírta leghíresebb dalait.
Predaj skončil
7,01 €

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Harry Styles: The Making of a Modern Man

Harry Styles has grown up. The One Direction boy-band member so loved by millions has become a truly global superstar and genuine icon of our times. In this captivating biography for fans from day one as well as a whole new generation, bestselling author Sean Smith follows the journey of a thoroughly modern man with boundless charisma, who represents a better world devoid of prejudice. At 16, Harry’s life changed forever when he left his home in rural Cheshire to appear on The X Factor – and never went back. Harry Styles: The Making of a Modern Man paints a picture of a man who at times remains an enigma, while embracing the world he cares about – his family, his friends and lovers, his music, acting and the world of fashion. Harry is the only British male artist to have his first two albums debut at number one in the US; his movie career is flourishing with starring roles in Don’t Worry Darling and My Policeman, and he is the first man to appear solo on the cover of Vogue. A champion of gender-fluid fashion, he has proved himself to be an inspiring role model in a world where toxic masculinity has no place.
13,67 € 13,95 €

Lacná kniha Justin - Biografie (-70%)

Přerod Justina Timberlakea, člena tuctové chlapecké skupiny 'N Sync, v jednoho z nejlepších,světových zpěváků nebyl nijak jednoduchý. Justin vyrůstal v Tennessee, v kraji silně ovlivněném náboženstvím. Jak se ale tenhle na svůj věk velmi vyspělý kudrnatý blonďák změnil v respektovaného zpěváka R'n'B, jehož plakát visí v kdejakém dětském pokoji? Britský spisovatel Sean Smith procestoval celé Spojené státy, aby odhalil Justinovo opravdové já. Prostřednictvím bezpočtu rozhovorů se mu podařilo poodhalit jeho dětství, které prožil na venkově nedaleko Memphisu. Popsal dlouhé roky Justinova vytrvalého snažení uspět v soutěžích mladých talentů, jeho vystupování v TV pořadu The Mickey Mouse Club (zde se setkal s Britney Spears a Christinou Aguilerou), jeho působení v 'N Sync a konečně průlomové album Justified, které ho katapultovalo mezi kritikou vřele přijímanou světovou hudební špičku. Kniha Justin prozrazuje pravdu o jeho milostném životě, a to od prvního polibku až po vztah s Cameron Diaz.
2,72 € 9,05 €

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