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Nick Spalding


Love from Both Sides

I haven't giggled so much in ages. I sailed through it, only occasionally having to put it down to wipe the tears of mirth from my cheeks.' Daily Mail 'Clevery constructed and downright hilarious.' Closer When Nick Spalding self-published Love...From Both Sides and Love...And Sleepless Nights he became one of the bestselling ebook authors of 2012. Now for the first time the Love...books are being published in a longer format with more of the love story, more of Laura and Jamie's ups and downs and more of the laugh-out-loud hilarious moments that fans have come to know and love. Sometimes, the hardest part of finding love is keeping a straight face...For Jamie Newman, being a single guy isn't proving to be much fun, especially when confronted with a sexually belligerent divorcee and a goddess so far out of his league she might as well be a different species. Mind you, being a girl in search of love isn't a bowl of cherries either. Just ask Laura McIntyre, who's recently contended with a horny estate agent on a quest for light relief and a rabid mountain bike enthusiast with a penchant for lycra that leaves little to the imagination. When Jamie and Laura bump into one another (quite literally) it looks like their luck may have changed - but sometimes finding the right person is only the start of your problems...Love...From Both Sides is a warts-and-all romantic comedy for everyone who knows how tricky the quest for love can be.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Love and Sleepless Nights

When Nick Spalding self-published Love...From Both Sides and Love...And Sleepless Nights he became one of the bestselling ebook authors of 2012. Now for the first time the Love...books are being published in a longer format with more of the love story, more of Laura and Jamie's ups and downs and more of the laugh-out-loud hilarious moments that fans have come to know and love. Sometimes, the hardest part of becoming a parent is keeping a straight face...Just ask Jamie and Laura Newman, who (thanks to a rather relaxed attitude to contraception) find themselves about to have a baby. It's obviously a terrifying prospect for a newly married couple, but as long as they stick together they'll be just fine...right? They'd better because the path between falling in love and those first few baby steps is littered with obstacles. Featuring a hilarious cast of characters including an overbearing mother-in-law, a terrifying midwife and at least one chorus of mating humpback whales, Love...And Sleepless Nights is the hilarious follow-up novel all about what happens beyond the happy ever after. Falling in love with another person is easy, making a new one is where things get complicated.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Láska, kde si?

ROMANTICKÁ KOMÉDIA INŠPIROVANÁ SKUTOČNÝMI PRÍBEHMI O NEVYDARENÝCH SCHÔDZKACH A OMYLOCH VO VZŤAHOCH. Jamie Newman je nezadaný mladý muž, no vôbec si to neužíva. Najmä keď musí čeliť sexuálne agresívnej rozvádzajúcej sa žene alebo bohyni, ktorá je taká krásna, že by pokojne mohla pochádzať z inej planéty. Ak ste osamelá žena a hľadáte lásku, tiež to nie je prechádzka ružovou záhradou. Len sa spýtajte Laury McIntyrovej, ktorá zápasila s realitným maklérom posadnutým sexom či s cyklistickým nadšencom. Keď Jamie s Laurou na seba narazili (a to doslova), zdalo sa, že sa na nich konečne usmialo šťastie. Niekedy však problémy nastanú práve vtedy, keď nájdete toho pravého… Láska, kde si? je venovaná všetkým, ktorí vedia, aké zradné (a niekedy aj absurdne komické) môže byť hľadanie lásky.
9,41 € 9,90 €

Láska a bezsenné noci 2. diel

Len sa spýtajte Jamieho a Laury Newmanovcov, ktorí brali antikoncepciu na ľahkú váhu a jedného dňa zistili, že čakajú dieťa. Iste, len nedávno sa vzali a desilo ich to, ale keď budú stáť pri sebe, všetko bude v poriadku. Či nie? Dúfajme, že áno, pretože cesta od počatia po prvé detské krôčiky je posiata mnohými prekážkami – dávením na verejnosti, nespavosťou, prudkými zmenami nálad, komplikovaným sexom a častým nadávaním. Ak sa k tomu všetkému pridá spoločnosť vzdorovitej svokry či pôrodnej asistentky, ktorá vzbudzuje strach, môžete sa dostať na pokraj zúfalstva. Láska a bezsenné noci je ešte vtipnejšie pokračovanie bestselleru Láska, kde si?, v ktorom sa dozviete, čo nové sa udialo v živote Laury a Jamieho.
9,41 € 9,90 €

Love...Under Different Skies

Sometimes, the hardest part of staying together is keeping a straight face...Ever wish you could leave all your problems behind and make a fresh start somewhere else? Trade the stresses and strains of everyday life for your own slice of sun-kissed paradise on the other side of the world? Jamie and Laura Newman certainly have. When Jamie's spectacular meltdown at work results in him being handed his P45, and Laura finds her working days end up with her rugby tackling defenceless pensioners in the high street, a move ten thousand miles away sounds ideal. After all, it might mend some of the cracks that have appeared in their marriage over the past few months...So when Laura is offered a new job in Australia, the Newman family think their dreams have come true. But as the old saying goes - be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. As the hapless couple soon find out, problems have a way of following you, no matter how far you go to avoid them. Can love survive under different skies?
9,03 € 9,50 €

Lacná kniha Láska a bezsenné noci 2. diel (-90%)

Len sa spýtajte Jamieho a Laury Newmanovcov, ktorí brali antikoncepciu na ľahkú váhu a jedného dňa zistili, že čakajú dieťa. Iste, len nedávno sa vzali a desilo ich to, ale keď budú stáť pri sebe, všetko bude v poriadku. Či nie? Dúfajme, že áno, pretože cesta od počatia po prvé detské krôčiky je posiata mnohými prekážkami – dávením na verejnosti, nespavosťou, prudkými zmenami nálad, komplikovaným sexom a častým nadávaním. Ak sa k tomu všetkému pridá spoločnosť vzdorovitej svokry či pôrodnej asistentky, ktorá vzbudzuje strach, môžete sa dostať na pokraj zúfalstva. Láska a bezsenné noci je ešte vtipnejšie pokračovanie bestselleru Láska, kde si?, v ktorom sa dozviete, čo nové sa udialo v živote Laury a Jamieho.
0,99 € 9,90 €

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