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John Steinbeck
John Ernst Steinbeck, Jr. bol jedným z najznámejších amerických spisovateľov 20. storočia a nositeľom Nobelovej ceny za literatúru za rok 1962. Je takisto laureátom Pulitzerovej ceny za dielo Ovocie hnevu (1939) a O myšiach a ľuďoch (1940) a National Book Award.. Celkovo napísal dvadsaťpäť kníh, z toho šestnásť románov, šesť dokumentárnych a cestopisných kníh a niekoľko zbierok krátkych poviedok.

Narodil sa 27. februára 1902 v kalifornskom mestečku Salinas. Toto miesto bolo kultúrne rozmanité, kde sa stretávali a miešali kultúry a zvyky generácií prisťahovalcov za niekoľko storočí. Steinbeck mal tento región veľmi rád a hlboko ovplyvnil aj jeho tvorbu.

John Steinbeck mal nemeckých a írskych predkov. Jeho starý otec, ktorý sa pôvodne volal Johann Adolf Großsteinbeck, zmenil svoje priezvisko z Großsteinbeck na Steinbeck, keď prišiel do Spojených štátov. Steinbeckov otec bol úradníkom v Monterey. Jeho matka bola učiteľkou. Pochádzala z írskej rodiny a práve ona podnietila jeho záujem o literatúru a písanie. Jeho rodina mala finančné problémy, a tak musel už ako mladý cez prázdniny vypomáhať na farmách v okolí. Steinbeck trávil čas na farmách s nájomnými robotníkmi a chudobnými ľuďmi. Tu si uvedomil ťažký život nájomných robotníkov a tiež tienisté stránky ľudskej povahy. Tieto skúsenosti neskôr naplno využil v knihe O myšiach a ľuďoch. Ako mladý muž sa rád túlal po okolí a objavoval krásy Salinaského údolia. Tieto miesta sa neskôr stali dejiskom mnohých jeho románov.

Steinbeck ukončil Salinaskú strednú školu v roku 1919. Potom prerušovane študoval na Stanfordskej univerzite až do roku 1925, a napokon z nej odišiel bez riadneho ukončenia a získania titulu, pretože nemal rád študentský život na univerzite. Zo Stanfordu odišiel rovno do New Yorku. Tam sa pretĺkal cez niekoľko rôznych zamestaní, až kým nedostal šancu ako spisovateľ. Bohužiaľ, ani jednu z jeho prác sa mu nepodarilo uverejniť a tak sa sklamaný vrátil späť do Kalifornie. Začas pracoval ako nádenník pri jazere Tahoe. V Kalifornii pokračoval v písaní a v tridsiatych a štyridsiatych rokoch vznikli jeho najznámejšie romány. V rokoch 1940 až 1942 často cestoval spolu s morským biológom a svojim priateľom Edom Rickettom. Rickett ho brával na svoje expedície a Steinbeck rád objavoval krásy prírody. Svoje zážitky z ciest opísal vo svojich cestopisných prácach.

Počas druhej svetovej vojny pôsobil ako vojnový korešpondent v Európe pre New York Herald Tribune. V roku 1948 podnikol cestu po Sovietskom zväze spolu so známym fotografom Robertom Capom. Naštívili Moskvu, Kyjev, Tbilisi, Batumi a vojnou zničený Stalingrad.

V päťdesiatych rokoch sa opäť naplno venoval písaniu.
V roku 1960 cestoval v karavane po Spojených štátoch, napriek tomu, že jeho syn Thom sa hneval, že ho jeho manželka pustila na takúto cestu, keďže mal slabé srdce a jeho zdravie nebolo v poriadku. Steinbeck aj počas tejto cesty písal. V roku 1962 dostal Nobelovu cenu za literatúru.
Zomrel 20. decembra 1968 v New Yorku, na srdcový infarkt. Podľa svojho priania jeho telo spopolnili a je pochovaný v rodinnej hrobke na cintoríne v Salinase.
(Zdroj wikipédia)


Cannery Row

"Cannery Row in Monterey in California" is a poem, a stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a tone, a habit, nostalgia, and a dream". Meet the gamblers, whores, drunks, bums and artists of Cannery Row in Monterey, California, during the Great Depression. They want to throw a party for their friend Doc, so Mack and the boys set about, in their own inimitable way, recruiting everyone in the neighbourhood to the cause. But along the way they can't help but get involved in a little mischief and misadventure. It wouldn't be Cannery Row if it was otherwise, now would it?
10,44 € 10,99 €

Of Mice and Men

Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don't belong no place'. George and his large, simple-minded friend Lennie are drifters, following wherever work leads them. Arriving in California's Salinas Valley, they get work on a ranch. If they can just stay out of trouble, George promises Lennie, then one day they might be able to get some land of their own and settle down some place. But kind-hearted, childlike Lennie is a victim of his own strength. Seen by others as a threat, he finds it impossible to control his emotions. And one day not even George will be able to save him from trouble. "Of Mice and Men" is a tragic and moving story of friendship, loneliness and the dispossessed.
10,44 € 10,99 €


In the town they tell the story of the great pearl - how it was found and how it was lost again. They tell of Kino, the fisherman, and of his wife, Juana, and of the baby, Coyotito. And because the story has been told so often, it has taken root in every man's mind'. "The Pearl" is Steinbeck's heartbreaking short parable about wealth and the darkness and evil it can instill in even the most generous of men's hearts.
10,44 € 10,99 €

Red Pony

A red pony colt was looking at him out of the stall. Its tense ears were forward and a light of disobedience was in its eyes. Its coat was rough and thick as an Airedale's fur and its mane was long and tangled'. Jody Tiflin is a ten-year-old boy, living on his father's ranch. One day his father brings home a small pony. He's Jody's, if the boy will learn to feed, clean, stable and care for him. But Jody learns, through the colt, and through his other adventures on the ranch, that with responsibility can come sacrifice and pain. Joy may swiftly turn to tragedy. And he also discover that the simplicities of childhood must eventually turn into the complications of adulthood. "The Red Pony" is Steinbeck's brilliant, and sometimes brutal, celebration of adolescence.
10,44 € 10,99 €

East of Eden

Our species is the only creative species, and it has only one creative instrument, the individual mind and spirit of a man'. California's fertile Salinas Valley is home to two families whose destinies are fruitfully, and fatally, intertwined. Over the generations, between the beginning of the twentieth century and the end of the First World War, the Trasks and the Hamiltons will helplessly replay the fall of Adam and Eve and the murderous rivalry of Cain and Abel. "East of Eden" was considered by Steinbeck to be his magnum opus, and its epic scope and memorable characters, exploring universal themes of love and identity, ensure it remains one of America's most enduring novels.
10,44 € 10,99 €

Grapes of Wrath

To the red country and part of the gray country of Oklahoma, the last rains came gently, and they did not cut the scarred earth'. Drought and economic depression are driving thousands from Oklahoma. As their land becomes just another strip in the dust bowl, the Joads, a family of sharecroppers, decide they have no choice but to follow. They head west, towards California, where they hope to find work and a future for their family. But while the journey to this promised land will take its inevitable toll, there remains uncertainty about what awaits their arrival ...Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, "The Grapes of Wrath" is an epic human drama. Of this novel, Steinbeck himself said: 'I've done my damndest to rip a reader's nerves to rags, I don't want him satisfied'.
11,39 € 11,99 €

Sladký čtvrtek

Novela světoznámého spisovatele, nositele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu, je volným pokračováním románu Na plechárně. Kaleidoskopický řetěz legračních i smutných, napínavých i tragikomických příhod spojený postavou myslitelského doktora, prolíná stále přítomný zahloubaný filozofický nadhled, který jako by s sebou na každou stránku nesl jakési vnitřní motto: hleďte, jaké je to hemžení, prosté a ubohé, ale lidské; takový je život, a děkujme mu za to, že jej můžeme s těmi prostými, drsnými, ale v jádru čistými lidmi žít, neboť oni jsou tou pravou solí země.
15,57 € 16,39 €

A Russian Journal

Just after the iron curtain fell on Eastern Europe John Steinbeck and acclaimed war photographer, Robert Capa ventured into the Soviet Union to report for the "New York Herald Tribune". This rare opportunity took the famous travelers not only to Moscow and Stalingrad - now Volgograd - but through the countryside of the Ukraine and the Caucasus. A "Russian Journal" is the distillation of their journey and remains a remarkable memoir and unique historical document. Steinbeck and Capa recorded the grim realities of factory workers, government clerks, and peasants, as they emerged from the rubble of World War II. This is an intimate glimpses of two artists at the height of their powers, answering their need to document human struggle.
16,72 € 17,60 €

O myších a lidech

Světoznámá novela přináší působivý příběh, vystavěný na dialozích hrdinů, v němž osudové zlo nenávratně zničí idylickou touhu po klidném životě.
4,42 € 4,65 €

O Americe a Američanech

První české vydání esejů, komentářů, příležitostných statí a jiných nefiktivních textů u nás stále populárního amerického spisovatele, významného literárního autora, který se zde představuje v roli novináře, válečného korespondenta, komentátora a publicisty. Text je rozdělen do osmi sekcí, z nichž nejzávažnější je část poslední, Amerika a Američané. Ovšem i v předcházejících partiích se čtenář dozvídá mnoho užitečných informací o autorovi a jeho postojích k nejrůznějším aspektům situace ve Spojených státech i k vývoji světa v dramatických údobích, která se překrývala se Steinbeckovým pestrým a bohatým životem.
6,49 € 6,83 €

Cannery Row

In the din and stink that is Cannery Row a colourful blend of misfits - gamblers, whores, drunks, bums and artists - survive side by side in a jumble of adventure and mischief. Lee Chong, the astute owner of the well-stocked grocery store, is also the proprietor of the Palace Flophouse that Mack and his troupe of good-natured 'boys' call home. Dora runs the brothel with clockwork efficiency and a generous heart, and Doc is the fount of all wisdom. Packed with invention and joie de vivre "Cannery Row" is Steinbeck's high-spirited tribute to his native California.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Neznámému bohu

S požehnáním od umírajícího otce se Josef vydá do Kalifornie, kde si založí farmu. Věří, že ho otcova duše neopustila a že je vtělena do statného dubu, vedle něhož si farmu vybudoval. Po letech se k němu připojí i jeho tři bratři s rodinami a všem se daří dobře až do chvíle, než jeden z bratrů vystrašen Josefovým pohanským chováním dub setne.
11,12 € 11,70 €

Of mice and men PR+CD

George and Lennie are friends and they have plans for the future. But Lennie is not very smart and he sometimes makes trouble. George wants to help him but that is not always easy. Then one night, when Lennie is alone, something happens. What can George do now? Can he help?
6,75 € 7,10 €

The Grapes of Wrath + Mp3 Pack Level 5

Classic / American English. During the Great Depression in the United States, and after the loss of their farm in Oklahoma, the Joad family is faced with a journey of more than one thousand miles to California in search of a better life. Can hope defeat poverty, illness, hunger, and even death as they follow their dream? This Pack contains a Book and MP3.
7,51 € 7,90 €

East of Eden

There is only one book to a man.' Steinbeck wrote of East of Eden. Set in the rich farmland of the Salinas Valley, California, this powerful, often brutal novel, follows the interwined destinies of two families - the Trasks and the Hamiltons - whose generations hopelessly re-enact the fall of Adam and Eve and the poisonous rivalry of Cain and Abel. Here Steinbeck created some of his most memorable characters and explored his most enduring themes: the mystery of indentity; the inexplicability of love, and the murderous consequences of love's absence.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Of Mice and Men

Drifters in search of work, George and his simple-minded friend Lennie, have nothing in the world except each other - and a dream. A dream that one day they will have some land of their own. Eventually they find work on a ranch, but their hopes are doomed as Lennie - struggling against extreme cruelty, misunderstanding and jealousy - becomes a victim of his own strength. Tackling universal themes, friendship and a shared vision, and giving a voice to America's lonely and dispossesed, Of Mice and Men remains Steinbeck's most popular work.
9,98 € 10,50 €