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Roman Tschäppeler


Kniha rozhodnutí

Které auto si mám koupit? Jak můžu motivovat sebe nebo svůj tým? Jak to, že lidé touží po tom, co nepotřebují? Kdy je čas na změnu? Proč je dobré mít omezený výběr? Žiju v přítomnosti? Proč lidé kouří, i když je to nezdravé? Na tyto i řadu jiných otázek pomohla tato kniha odpovědět již milionu lidí v 27 různých zemích. Skládá se z padesáti grafických modelů a jejich stručného popisu. Sami autoři říkají, že modely jsou zjednodušením důležitých součástí skutečnosti. S pomocí obrázků znázorňují to, co lze slovy vyjádřit jen stěží. Nehledejte v nich však odpovědi. Ty naleznete teprve potom, co si model sami vyzkoušíte. Autoři přitom používají proslulé i zcela neznámé modely rozhodování. Kniha tak velmi přístupnou formou poskytuje podněty pro rozmanité aspekty rozhodování i úspěšného života obecně. A ještě malý návod. Pokud rádi užíváte metodu pokusomyl, začněte nejlépe částí Jak se zlepšit, případně Jak zlepšit druhé. Jste-li onen typ, který si nejprve prostuduje určitou teorii a pak podle ní jedná, doporučujeme začít kapitolou Jak se lépe pochopit nebo Jak lépe pochopit druhé. Mikael Krogerus je původem finský žurnalista. Roman Tschäppeler zase švýcarský producent. Oba se potkali v alternativní dánské obchodní škole Kaospilot a dnes žijí ve švýcarském Bielu. Společně napsali několik bestsellerů, které byly přeloženy do řady jazyků. Knihu ilustroval Philip Earnhart.
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5,18 € 5,45 €

41 megvalósítási modell

Mit tegyünk, ha halogatáson kapjuk magunkat? Miért jár a tervezés több stresszel, mint a végrehajtás? Hogyan emlékezzünk többre abból, amit olvastunk? Az igazán sikeres embereket az különbözteti meg a többiektől, hogy hatékonyabban használják ki a rendelkezésükre álló időt - vagyis tudják, hogyan kezdjék el, hogyan folytassák és hogyan fejezzék be a feladataikat. Ez a kis könyv pontosan ebben segít: szórakoztató stílusban mutat be olyan modelleket és módszereket, amelyek segítségével hatékonyabban haladhatunk végig a megvalósítás útján, és az állandó tervezgetés helyett valóban célt érhetünk - a munkánkban és a magánéletünkben egyaránt.
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10,68 € 11,24 €

The Question Book

What would be your ideal job if you didn't have to worry about money? Would you like to have more responsibility or less? How far would you go for a promotion? When did you last stand up for what you believe in? What are you afraid of? In this unique handbook to your own life and work, there are no right or wrong answers: only honest ones. Featuring sections on subjects everyone can relate to, from the professional (work and finance), to the personal (sex and relationships), The Question Book can be used alone, like a journal; or with a colleague, partner or friend. It will probe and enlighten on everything, including what your boss really thinks about you, whether you are in the right job, and what motivates you to get out of bed every morning. These wide-ranging questions - which provoke short 'yes or no's as well as open-ended responses that dig deeper - are pertinent, direct, and compulsively fun to answer. In The Question Book, you are under the spotlight. And only you have the answer.
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Decision Book

Most of us face the same questions every day: What do I want? And how can I get it? How can I live more happily and work more efficiently? This updated edition of the international bestseller distils into a single volume the fifty best decision-making models used on MBA courses, and elsewhere, that will help you tackle these important questions - from the well known (the Eisenhower matrix for time management) to the less familiar but equally useful (the Swiss Cheese model). It will even show you how to remember everything you will have learned by the end of it. Stylish and compact, this little black book is a powerful asset. Whether you need to plot a presentation, assess someone's business idea or get to know yourself better, this unique guide will help you simplify any problem and take steps towards the right decision.
13,25 € 13,95 €

The Test Book : Fifty Tools to Lead You to Success

This pocket-sized compendium of sixty four of the world's most useful tests is a vital tool for anyone looking to gauge their abilities and improve their performance. From intelligence to personality type via creativity and leadership skills, Krogerus and Tschappeler will help you see how you fare on every essential trait you need to succeed. Beyond your own abilities, The Test Book also provides sample diagnostic tests for your career, relationship and business, sketching out not just what your skills are but how well you're utilising them too. Some are old favourites - GMAT, MBTI, IQ, EQ - and many more are little-known tests with genuinely new insights. Every single one has been condensed to just a few pages, leading you to the quickest route to self-knowledge. With in-depth analysis of the history, strengths and weaknesses of each test and what your answers mean for you, The Test Book is the fastest and most entertaining way to equip yourself for happiness and success.
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Change Book : Fifty models to explain how things happen

How do you make your way in a world that is changing at an unprecedented rate? Why do we have less and less time? Why are some people unfaithful? How can our government act against threats before they happen? This book is about change - from the small and seemingly insignificant transitions in our day-to-day lives, to the big and almost incomprehensible shifts in human history. Drawing on expert advice and often complex theories, the authors of the bestselling The Decision Book present fifty simple and effective models to help us make sense of change in our world. Change is happening all around us, in every sphere from the personal and political to economics and the environment. In The Change Book you'll find models explaining the financial crisis, why biotechnology is the industry of the future and why cities are the new nations. Whether you're buying a new car, deciding who to vote for, or making an investment, this little black book will offer surprisingly simple explanations of our complicated world - and radically challenge some of your preconceived ideas.
12,30 € 12,95 €

52 változásmodell - Én és a világ - Én és a világ

Hol a helyünk a világban? Miért nincs igazság? Kik nyernek a XXI. században? Miért lépünk félre? Ez a korokon átívelő vizuális útikönyv feltérképezi és modellezi a bennünk és a körülöttünk zajló legfontosabb változásokat. Elméleti megközelítések, merész gondolatkísérletek és ötletek praktikus gyűjteménye, valódi gondolatébresztő mindazoknak, akik szeretnék megérteni és megváltoztatni a világot.
8,88 € 9,35 €

The Get Things Done Book

LEARN THE TECHNIQUES YOU NEED TO STOP PROCRASTINATING AND START GETTING THINGS DONE Every day we begin new projects, or try to find pleasure in the ones we're working on - and above all, we hope one day we'll finish them! But in a disjointed, distracting world it's often hard to find the motivation and focus necessary. This compact book brings together 41 of the best productivity models. From world-famous techniques to the best-kept secrets of the professionals, this book is full of big ideas that actually work - distilled to their essence.You'll find out how to achieve deep work, compartmentalise tasks and identify your priorities - as well as how to build confidence, find your circle of competence and even learn to work with difficult people. Stylish and compact, this little book is a powerful asset. Whether you need to pull off a new project, assess what you've achieved so far, or even just understand your own working habits, this unique book has all the tools you need.
14,20 € 14,95 €

The Decision Book

Most of us face the same questions every day: What do I want? How can I get it? How can I live more happily and work more efficiently? This updated edition of the international bestseller distils into a single volume the fifty best decision-making models used on MBA courses, and elsewhere, that will help you tackle these important questions - from the well known (the Eisenhower matrix for time management) to the less familiar but equally useful (the Swiss Cheese model). It will even show you how to remember everything you'll have learned by the end of it. Stylish and compact, this little book is a powerful asset. Whether you need to plot a presentation, assess someone's business idea or get to know yourself better, this unique guide will help you simplify any problem and take steps towards the right decision.
14,20 € 14,95 €