Jeff VanderMeer


The Steampunk Bible

Steampunk a grafting of Victorian aesthetic and punk rock attitude onto various forms of science-fiction culture is a phenomenon that has come to influence film, literature, art, music, fashion, and more.The Steampunk Bibleis the first compendium abo ut the movement, tracing its roots in the works of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells through its most recent expression in movies such asSherlock Holmes. Its adherents celebrate the inventor as an artist and hero, re-envisioning and crafting retro technolo gies including antiquated airships and robots. A burgeoning DIY community has brought a distinctive Victorian-fantasy style to their crafts and art. Steampunk evokes a sense of adventure and discovery, and embraces extinct technologies as a way of ta lking about the future. This ultimate manual will appeal to aficionados and novices alike as author Jeff VanderMeer takes the reader on a wild ride through the clockwork corridors of Steampunk history.
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19,99 €

Authority: Book 2 The Southern Reach Trilogy

The second volume of the extraordinary Southern Reach trilogy. 'Creepy and fascinating' Stephen King. The Southern Reach is a government agency so secret it has almost been forgotten. Following the disastrous twelfth expedition chronicled in 'Annihilation', the second book of the Southern Reach trilogy introduces John Rodriguez, the new head of the government agency responsible for the safeguarding of Area X. His first day is spent grappling with the fall-out from the last expedition. Area X itself remains a mystery. But, as instructed by a higher authority known only as The Voice, the self-styled Control must battle to 'put his house in order'. From a series of interrogations, a cache of hidden notes and hours of profoundly troubling video footage, the mysteries of Area X begin to reveal themselves-and what they expose pushes Control to confront disturbing truths about both himself and the agency he's promised to serve. Undermined and under pressure to make sense of everything, Rodriguez retreats into his past in a labyrinthine search for answers. Yet the more he uncovers, the more he risks, for the secrets of the Southern Reach are more sinister than anyone could have known.
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12,69 € 12,95 €

The Big Book of Science Fiction

Quite possibly the greatest science fiction collection of all time?past, present, and future! What if life was neverending? What if you could change your body to adapt to an alien ecology? What if the pope were a robot? Spanning galaxies and millennia, this must-have anthology showcases classic contributions from H. G. Wells, Arthur C. Clarke, Octavia E. Butler, and Kurt Vonnegut, alongside a century of the eccentrics, rebels, and visionaries who have inspired generations of readers. Within its pages, you?ll find beloved worlds of space opera, hard SF, cyberpunk, the New Wave, and more. Learn about the secret history of science fiction, from titans of literature who also wrote SF to less well-known authors from more than twenty-five countries, some never before translated into English. In The Big Book of Science Fiction, literary power couple Ann and Jeff VanderMeer transport readers from Mars to Mechanopolis, planet Earth to parts unknown. Immerse yourself in the genre that predicted electric cars, space tourism, and smartphones. Sit back, buckle up, and dial in the coordinates, as this stellar anthology has got worlds within worlds. Including: · Legendary tales from Isaac Asimov and Ursula K. Le Guin · An unearthed sci-fi story from W. E. B. Du Bois · The first publication of the work of cybernetic visionary David R. Bunch in twenty years · A rare and brilliant novella by Chinese international sensation Cixin Liu Plus: · Aliens! · Space battles! · Robots! · Technology gone wrong! · Technology gone right!
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26,41 € 26,95 €


A novel that is simultaneously harrowing, dark, dangerous, funny and uplifting from the author of the Southern Reach trilogy "Am I a person?" Borne asks Rachel, in extremis. "Yes, you are a person," Rachel tells him. "But like a person, you can be a weapon, too." A ruined city of the future lives in fear of a despotic, gigantic flying bear, driven mad by the tortures inflicted on him by the Company, a mysterious biotech firm. A scavenger, Rachel, finds a creature entangled in his fur. She names it Borne. At first, Borne looks like nothing at all- a green lump that might be a discard from the Company. But he reminds Rachel of her homeland, an island nation long lost to rising seas, and she prevents her lover, Wick, from rendering down Borne as raw genetic material for the special kind of drugs he sells. But nothing is quite the way it seems: not the past, not the present, not the future. If Wick is hiding secrets, so is Rachel-and Borne most of all. What Rachel finds hidden deep within the Company will change everything and everyone. There, lost and forgotten things have lingered and grown. What they have grown into is mighty indeed.
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14,21 € 14,50 €


Autorita, druhá část románové trilogie Jižní Zóna od Jeffa VanderMeera přináší řadu odpovědí na nejznepokojivější otázky týkající se Oblasti X… ale rozhodně nejde o odpovědi, které by snad přinášely klid. Oblast X, krajina, která jako by byla až zlomyslná, obklopená neviditelnou bariérou a záhadně zbavená téměř všech známek civilizace, existuje již třicet let. Jediný kontakt s ní zprostředkovává v podobě expedic vládní agentura, která je tak tajná, že se na ni téměř zapomnělo: Jižní Zóna. Po bouřlivých událostech zdokumentovaných v Anihilaci vládne v agentuře chaos. Vedením Jižní Zóny je nově pověřen John Rodriguez, zvaný též „Šéf“. Tým, s nímž musí pracovat, je nedůvěřivý a zoufalý, ale po ubíjejících výsleších, objevu ukrytých poznámek a hodinách znepokojivých videonahrávek Šéf začíná do tajemství Oblasti X přece jen pomalu pronikat. Jenže každé nové odhalení přináší zneklidňující skutečnosti nejen o agentuře, které se zavázal sloužit, ale i o něm samotném.
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16,06 € 16,39 €


V Oblasti X, záhadné divočině, která se třicet let brání vydat svá tajemství a odráží marné snahy jedné expedice za druhou, vládne zima. Agentura pověřená jejím zkoumáním a kontrolou nad ní – Jižní Zóna – v chaosu po jejím rozšíření zkolabuje. Teprve nyní se poslední, zoufalý tým vydává přes hranici, aby se pokusil dosáhnout odlehlého ostrova, jenž by snad mohl skrývat odpovědi na otázky, které jeho členové hledají. Pokud neuspějí, okolní svět bude ohrožen. Adaptace proniká čím dál hlouběji k okolnostem, které obklopovaly vznik Oblasti X. Co bylo příčinou této nepřirozené proměny? Komu z těch mnoha, kteří se o to pokusili, se podařilo přiblížit k pochopení Oblasti X – a na kom zanechala nezvratné následky? V závěrečné části románové trilogie Jižní Zóna možná budou záhady Oblasti X vyřešeny, ale důsledky dosavadních událostí nebudou přesto o nic méně závažné – a o nic méně děsivé.
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16,06 € 16,39 €

City of Saints and Madmen

From the author of Annihilation, now a major motion picture on Netflix. In the city of Ambergris, a would-be suitor discovers a sunlit street can become a killing ground in the blink of an eye. An artist receives an invitation to a beheading and finds himself enchanted. And a patient in a mental institution is convinced he's imagined a city called Ambergris, invented its every last detail, and that he's really from a place called Chicago. Ambergris is a cruelly beautiful metropolis - a haven for artists and thieves, for composers and murderers. And once there, anything can happen. These tales of Ambergris include the World Fantasy Award-winning novella, The Transformation of Martin Lake. From Jeff VanderMeer, an author praised by writers such as Laren Beukes, China Mieville and Michael Moorcock, City of Saints and Madmen is by turns sensuous and terrifying. This collection of four linked novellas is the perfect introduction to VanderMeer's vividly imagined worlds.
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16,61 € 16,95 €

Veniss Underground

From the author of Annihilation, now a major motion picture on Netflix Dreams and nightmares entwine as three fellow travellers strive to achieve their deepest desires.Nicholas seeks to escape his demons in the city of Veniss' shadowy underground. But in so doing, he makes a deal with the devil himself. His twin sister, Nicola, embarks on a feverish search for him. And while discovering the city's hidden secrets, she'll spin her own hypnotic tale.Nicola's lover Shadrach is haunted by her mysterious disappearance. In the grip of despair, he decides to embark on a mythic journey. Shadrach must steel himself to visit the nightmarish levels deep beneath the surface of the city to bring his love back to the light. For these depths hold perils that are both complex and chilling. There, he will find wonders beyond imagining . . . and horrors greater than the heart can bear.Literary alchemist Jeff VanderMeer has produced a triumph of the imagination, revealing the mysterious city of Veniss through three intertwined voices. Veniss Underground is an unforgettable journey exploring the limits of love, memory and obsession. This edition includes the novella Balzac's War.
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12,25 € 12,50 €

Shriek - An Afterword

From the author of Annihilation, now a major motion picture on Netflix.Janice Shriek, ex-society figure, narrates this tale with flamboyant intensity and under increasingly urgent conditions. We follow the adventures of her brother Duncan, an historian obsessed with a doomed love affair, and learn of a secret that may kill or transform him. We witness a war between rival publishing houses that will change Ambergris forever. And we're introduced to the gray caps, a marginalized people armed with advanced fungal technologies, who've been waiting underground for their chance to mould the future of the city. Shriek: An Afterword by the Nebula Award winning author Jeff VanderMeer is an epic yet personal look at life, love and death in the vividly imagined city of Ambergris. And, through this tumultuous story of the family Shriek, the author shows his genius at capturing and displaying the bizarre. Praised by China Mieville, The Times, Guardian and many others, this tale relates the scandalous, heart-breaking and horrifying secret history of two squabbling siblings and their confidantes, protectors, and enemies.
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14,65 € 14,95 €

Fantomfény - A Déli végek-trilógia 3. része

Az X Térség támadásba lendült, és felemésztette a kutatására létrehozott ügynökséget, a Déli Végeket. Van, aki ott rekedt, de dolga van odabent. Van, aki visszatér, és van, aki hazatér oda. Van, aki még mindig válaszokat keres, míg mások csak a túlélésre játszanak. Van, aki harcol az ismeretlennel, és olyan is, aki csak megismerni szeretné, ha már megérteni lehetetlen. Az X Térség pedig felfedi történetét és titkait, de azok jelentősége és következményei talán mélyebbek és ijesztőbbek az eddigi bizonytalanságnál. Mert hatással vannak az egész világra - már ha létezik még az eddigi világ, és érdemes egyáltalán félteni azt. Az X Térségben lévőknek személyes szinten is meg kell találniuk a választ: valódi-e egyáltalán a korábbi énjük, és érdemes-e harcolni érte, vagy jobb elfogadni a változást? Jeff VanderMeer Déli Végek-trilógiájának befejező kötete zseniális ötvözete és betetőzése az első két résznek. A cselekményszövés és az elbeszélés különleges módja még hatásosabbá teszi ezt a mesteri, hátborzongató, elgondolkodtató és izgalmas regényt, amely messze túlmutat a sci-fi határain.
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10,37 € 10,58 €

Wonderbook Revised and Expanded

Wonderbook has become the definitive guide to writing science fiction and fantasy by offering an accessible, example-rich approach that emphasizes the importance of playfulness as well as pragmatism. It also exploits the visual nature of genre culture and employs bold, full-color drawings, maps, renderings, and visualizations to stimulate creative thinking. On top of all that, the book features sidebars and essays from some of the biggest names working in the field today, including George R. R. Martin, Lev Grossman, Neil Gaiman, Michael Moorcock, and Karen Joy Fowler. For the fifth anniversary of the original publication, Jeff VanderMeer has added an additional 32 pages of diagrams, illustrations, and writing exercises creating the ultimate volume of inspiring advice that is also a stunning and inspiring object.
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23,47 € 23,95 €

Dead Astronauts

Under the watchful eye of The Company, three characters - Grayson, Morse and Chen - shapeshifters, amorphous, part human, part extensions of the landscape, make their way through forces that would consume them. A blue fox, a giant fish and language stretched to the limit. A messianic blue fox who slips through warrens of time and space on a mysterious mission. A homeless woman haunted by a demon who finds the key to all things in a strange journal. A giant leviathan of a fish, centuries old, who hides a secret, remembering a past that may not be its own. Three ragtag rebels waging an endless war for the fate of the world against an all-powerful corporation. A raving madman who wanders the desert lost in the past, haunted by his own creation: an invisible monster whose name he has forgotten and whose purpose remains hidden. Jeff VanderMeer's Dead Astronauts presents a City with no name of its own where, in the shadow of the all-powerful Company, lives human and otherwise converge in terrifying and miraculous ways. At stake: the fate of the future, the fate of Earth - all the Earths.
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18,57 € 18,95 €


John Finch je detektivem v Ambře, městě okupovaném a terorizovaném tajemnými bytostmi z podzemí, zvanými šeďáci. Prastaré město se propadá do anarchie, šeďácké houby a plísně bují na domech i v lidech, povstalecké síly jsou demoralizovány a rozprášeny, a parciálové lidští zrádci, přetvoření šeďáky v cosi jiného kráčejí ulicemi a trýzní obyvatele. Finch má na příkaz šeďáckého nadřízeného vyřešit nepochopitelnou dvojnásobnou vraždu. V průběhu vyšetřování narazí na krajně podivné události, je nucen připomenout si svou vlastní, pečlivě utajovanou minulost, a kromě toho se dostane na stopu klíčovému tajemství historie Ambry. Jak se zdá, osud celého města bude nakonec záviset na jeho rozhodnutí Povinná četba pro fanoušky fantasy, noiru, skvělé literatury a také, samozřejmě, hub. Joe Abercrombie Skvělá kniha. Plná stínů a temná jako hřích, detektivní, fantastická Kruci, tohle jsem žral. Vlastně i trochu žárlím. Joe R. Lansdale Finch mě prostě absolutně odrovnal. Přísahal bych, že se nedá sloučit noir a fantastika, a hle, Jeff VanderMeer mi úžasným způsobem předvedl, že jsem se pletl. Ken Bruen Fungální noir. Steampunkové delirium. Paranoidní špionážní thriller Jasný signál pokud ovšem kdy bylo takového signálu třeba že [VanderMeer] zůstává jedním z nejoriginálnějších a nejneohroženějších průkopníků moderní fantastické literatury. Richard K. Morgan
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26,30 € 26,84 €


In a ruined, nameless city of the future, a woman named Rachel, who makes her living as a scavenger, finds a small green lump of a creature she names ''Borne'' entangled in the fur of Mord, a gigantic, despotic bear. Mord once prowled the corridors of the biotech organization known as the Company, which lies at the outskirts of the city, until he was experimented on, grew large, learned to fly and broke free. Driven insane by his torture at the hands of the Company, Mord terrorizes the city. Borne somehow reminds Rachel of the island nation of her birth, now long lost to rising seas. She feels an attachment she resents; attachments are traps, and in this world any weakness can kill you. Yet when she takes Borne to her subterranean sanctuary, the Balcony Cliffs, Rachel convinces her lover, Wick, not to render Borne down to raw genetic material for the drugs he sells -- she cannot break that bond. Wick is a special kind of supplier, because the drug dealers in the city don't sell the usual things. They sell tiny creatures that can be swallowed or stuck in the ear, and that release powerful memories of other people's happier times or pull out forgotten memories from the user's own mind -- or just produce beautiful visions that provide escape from the barren, craterous landscapes of the city. Against his better judgment, out of affection for Rachel or perhaps some other impulse, Wick respects her decision. Rachel, meanwhile, despite her loyalty to Wick, knows he has kept secrets from her. Searching his apartment, she finds a burnt, unreadable journal titled ''Mord,'' a cryptic reference to the Magician (a rival drug dealer) and evidence that Wick has planned the layout of the Balcony Cliffs to match the blueprint of the Company building. What is he hiding? Why won't he tell her about what happened when he worked for the Company?
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12,69 € 12,95 €


Strhující román z blízké budoucnosti od autora oceňované trilogie Jižní Zóna se odehrává v nebezpečných rozvalinách někdejšího města, v nichž obezřetně shání obživu mladá Rachel. Ruiny se jen hemží výsledky biotechnologických experimentů, kterých se před svým pádem zbavila tajuplná Společnost, avšak nejhorší hrozbu představují zuřivé a nepředvídatelné útoky gigantického medvěda jménem Mord. Do vylidněného obytného komplexu, kde žije spolu se svým partnerem Wickem, si Rachel z jedné ze svých výprav přinese malou zelenou hrudku, o které ani neví, zda je zárodkem rostliny, nebo živočicha. Přesto k ní od první chvíle cítí zvláštní náklonnost. Svého nového chráněnce pojmenuje Borne, postupně si k němu začne vytvářet stále silnější pouto a nechtěně tak uvede do pohybu události, které naruší – nebo spíše rozmetají – jemnou rovnováhu sil v celém nemilosrdném městě. Rachel tuší, kam události směřují, přesto se Borna nehodlá vzdát… a ten se zatím mění a roste.
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18,76 € 19,14 €

Dead Astronauts

Under the watchful eye of The Company, three characters - Grayson, Morse and Chen - shapeshifters, amorphous, part human, part extensions of the landscape, make their way through forces that would consume them. A blue fox, a giant fish and language stretched to the limit. A messianic blue fox who slips through warrens of time and space on a mysterious mission. A homeless woman haunted by a demon who finds the key to all things in a strange journal. A giant leviathan of a fish, centuries old, who hides a secret, remembering a past that may not be its own. Three ragtag rebels waging an endless war for the fate of the world against an all-powerful corporation. A raving madman who wanders the desert lost in the past, haunted by his own creation: an invisible monster whose name he has forgotten and whose purpose remains hidden. Jeff VanderMeer's Dead Astronauts presents a City with no name of its own where, in the shadow of the all-powerful Company, lives human and otherwise converge in terrifying and miraculous ways. At stake: the fate of the future, the fate of Earth - all the Earths.
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13,67 € 13,95 €