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Tiras Verey


Poselství draků - Kniha a 33 karet

Draci jsou mocné, tvořivé a vznešené bytosti s obrovským soucitem a mnohdy suchým smyslem pro humor. Tyto výjimečné vykládací karty vám zprostředkovávají energii a vhledy třiceti tří mocných dračích průvodců. Draci nás vyzývají, abychom se stali tou nejlepší verzí sebe, pustili se strachu a bolesti, přijali sami sebe, pečovali o sebe a otevřeli se duchovnímu probuzení. V Poselství draků se setkáte se čtyřmi dračími klany: Pozemským klanem, Galaktickými draky, Velkými mistry a Strážnými draky. Při práci s draky uvidíte, jak vám vesmír posílá odpovědi na všechny vaše otázky. Naslouchejte jim a jednejte podle nich.
Na sklade 1Ks
17,82 € 18,76 €

Dragon Path Oracle Cards

Dragons are immensely powerful, creative, inquisitive and honourable beings, with enormous compassion and often a dry sense of humour. This ground-breaking oracle deck allows users to connect with 33 dragons, each with their own personality and way of helping us. Each of the 33 stunning cards represents one of the dragons, and an 80-page booklet profiles the dragons in detail, suggesting how to work with their energy. The Dragons are grouped in four clans: the Earth Walk Dragons, the empowering, who support us on our physical journey; the multi-dimensional Galactic Dragons, the connectors, who work out in the galaxies to raise our vibration; the Grand Master Dragons, shape-shifting spiritual teachers who seek us out when we have started to advance; and the Guardian Dragons, who work in pairs, balancing each other's energies like yin and yang and guiding us wherever we are on our spiritual journey. Rather than giving us straight answers, the dragons guide us as we begin to trust ourselves, our intuition and our inner wisdom. Working with the dragons, we notice when the Universe is answering our call, and then act upon it. As our spiritual growth deepens, we become more self-aware and release old belief patterns, behaviours and ways of being. The Dragons ask only that we be true to ourselves. There is no set way to use the cards - connect with the Dragons in the way that feels right to you, whether that is picking a Daily Guidance card for instant insight or using the spreads described in the booklet, such as the Month Ahead spread, defining your focus for the next four weeks, or the Spiritual Seeker spread, created to help you on your spiritual journey.
21,80 € 22,95 €