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Veselá Marie


A colleague from the middle of nowhere

A young woman abandoned her husband in Cuba. She returned with a big trauma that she has to cope with. She has to take great pains to do so. However, while struggling to make amends for the error of her life, she finds solace in something that she would never have imagined before.
Na stiahnutie
1,90 €

Kolegyně z tramtárie

Mladá žena utekla od manžela z Kuby. Přivezla si velké trauma, se kterým se musí vyrovnat. To ji stojí nemalé úsilí. Při svém boji o napravení životního omylu však nalezne útěchu. V čem, by ji do té doby nikdy nenapadlo.
Na stiahnutie
1,90 €