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Ingo Walther


Impressionist Art

Brushwork revolution: The neglected champions of ImpressionismIt was a dappled and daubed harbor scene that gave Impressionism its name. When Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet was exhibited in April 1874, critics seized upon the work s title and its loose stylistic rendering of light and motion upon water to deride this new, impressionistic, tendency in art.As with many seminal art movements, the critics got their comeuppance. Today, Impressionism is close contender for the world s favorite period of painting. With blockbuster exhibitions, record-breaking auction prices, and packed museums, the works once dismissed as unfinished or imprecise are now beloved for their atmospheric evocation of time and place, as well as the stylistic flair of rapid brushstrokes upon canvas.Despite its popularity and a whole host of publications, many areas and artists of Impressionism remain inadequately researched. This TASCHEN book fills the gap, raising the profile of unjustly neglected pioneers such as Berthe Morisot, Lucien Pissarro, and Gustave Caillebotte, while exploring the characteristics of Impressionism, from painting en plein air to vivid color contrasts, not only in the movement s native France but also across the rest of Europe and North America.About the series: Bibliotheca Universalis Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.Bookworm s delight never bore, always excite!"
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20,85 € 21,95 €


Pútnik medzi svetmi - pomenovanie, ktoré si Paul Gauguin vyslúžil vďaka životným hodnotám prelínajúcimi sa jeho tvorbou. Pôvodnosť a naivnú harmóniu primitívneho života chcel žiť, nie iba malovať. Práve preto je Gauguin považovaný za priekopníka moderného umenia, lebo ako jeden z prvých predstavuje možnú syntézu umenia a života, fantázie a poriadku. Osud a životná púť Paula Gauguina spojené s ukážkami z jeho diela budú zaujímavé pre každého milovníka umenia.
8,48 € 8,93 €


"Maliarske, sochárske, grafické i keramické dielo vynieslo Pabla Picassa na vrchol svetového umenia a pridelilo mu prívlastok ""génius storočia"". Má to samozrejme svoje oprávnenie. Dosiahol by to však keby nebol Picassom? Nato, aby bol uznávaný ako génius nestačí iba revolučné a všetky tradície búrajúce dielo. K tomu musí prispieť charizmatické vyžarovanie, ktoré kritikov i obdivovateľov očarúva a fascinuje - a toto všetko mal Picasso v bohatej miere. Hovorí o tom aj táto kniha z edície Taschen, ktorá opisuje život a tvorbu jedinečného človeka a umelca. "
8,48 € 8,93 €

Van Gogh

"This man will either go insane or leave us all far behind," prophesied the great Impressionist Camille Pissarro. The man was Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), a vicar's son born at Groot-Zundert near Breda in Holland, who at that time was struggling t o find buyers for his paintings. Van Gogh did indeed go at least to the brink of insanity. And he has long been recognised as one of the greatest modern artists. Van Gogh, who followed a variety of professions before becoming an artist, was a solita ry, despairing and self-destructive man his whole life long. His truest friend was his brother Theo, who supported him unstintingly throughout and followed him to the grave just six months later. This richly illustrated study by two experts on van G ogh follows the artist from the early gloom-laden paintings in which he captured the misery of peasants and workers in his home parts, through the bright and colourful paintings he did in Paris, to the work of his final years under a southern sun in Arles, where he at last found the light that produced the unmistakable van Gogh style. At Arles, Saint-Rémy and Auvers-sur-Oise, in the feverish burst of creative energy that marked the last two and a half years of his life, he produced the 463 pain tings on which his immortality rests. Van Gogh craved recognition during his lifetime but was denied it till after his self-inflicted death. Today he is universally seen as one of the great forerunners of 20th century painting, and one of the tragic masters of art.
10,97 € 11,55 €


This monograph covers the full scope of Impressionist painting. It outlines the history of Impressionism in France, addressing not only the work of the acknowledged masters, but also that of such unjustly neglected artists as Bazille, Caillebotte, Berthe Morisot or Lucien Pissarro. The monograph also examines the Impressionist movements that emerged in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Scandinavia, Eastern and South-East Europe, Italy, Spain, Britain and North America. A 64-page "Directory of Impressionism" is appended, containing bibliographies, portraits and biographical data on all 236 artists.
11,00 € 11,58 €


Maliarske, sochárske, grafické i keramické dielo vynieslo Pabla Picassa na vrchol svetového umenia a pridelilo mu prívlastok ""génius storočia"". Má to samozrejme svoje oprávnenie. Dosiahol by to však keby nebol Picassom? Nato, aby bol uznávaný ako génius nestačí iba revolučné a všetky tradície búrajúce dielo. K tomu musí prispieť charizmatické vyžarovanie, ktoré kritikov i obdivovateľov očarúva a fascinuje - a toto všetko mal Picasso v bohatej miere. Hovorí o tom aj táto kniha z edície Taschen, ktorá opisuje život a tvorbu jedinečného človeka a umelca. "
4,70 € 4,95 €


Život a dílo ruského malíře židovského původu. Představitel pařížské školy. V jeho díle je znát poučení analytickým kubismem, orfismem a lidovým uměním. Zobrazoval fantastické výjevy snové atmosféry s prvky z umělcova života a především z ruského folklóru.
8,48 € 8,93 €


Monografie líčí historii impresionistického malířství včetně takzvaného post nebo neoimpresionismu ve Francii. Poskytuje i přehled příbuzných uměleckých proudů. Součástí publikace je slovník, jmenný rejstřík a stručné životopisy malířů.
44,12 € 46,44 €

Pablo Picasso

1980 tavaszán egy rangos művészeti kiadó számára én szerkesztettem a New York-i Museum of Modern Artban megrendezett, mindmáig a legnagyobb szabású Picasso-kiállítás - Pablo Picasso: retrospektív - katalógusának német nyelvű változatát. Eközben nyílt lehetőségem arra, hogy elmélyítsem ismereteimet a művészet történetében bizonyos értelemben példa nélkül álló életműről, s tanulmányozhassam a 20. század egyik legzseniálisabb művészének óriási, rendkívül sokoldalú teljesítményét. Néhány évvel később jó szerencsém összehozott egy gyűjtővel. Fantasztikus könyvtárában a Picassóról szóló könyvek legalább ötvenméternyi helyet foglaltak el. Kérdésemre - akadt-e e hihetetlen mennyiségű kötet szerzői között bárki, aki megfelelő módon méltatta a festő, a grafikus, a rézmetsző, a litográfus, a szobrász és a keramikus Picassót, azaz ennek a zseninek az egyetemes munkásságát - rövid választ kaptam: nem. Majd hozzátette, mindaddig még az eredeti művek számát sem igen tudták pontosan felmérni. Alighanem harmincezer alkotásról lehet szó. Azóta munkált bennem a vágy, hogy készüljön egy olyan Picasso-könyv, mely nem csupán egy, a polcok sorait megtöltő tengernyi kötet közül. E vágy beteljesüléseként született meg e kiadvány. Remélem, az érdeklődő olvasók és a művészetkedvelők számára egyaránt feltárja azt, hogy mennyire gazdag volt újításokban a picassói oeuvre, a látszólag végtelenül szárnyaló művészi képzelet." (Részlet Ingo F. Walther előszavából)
31,65 € 33,32 €


Colourful dreams and tales. Chagall's world full of everyday miracles. The Belarusian painter Marc Chagall (1887-1985) is widely regarded as epitomizing the "painter as poet". The worldwide admiration he commanded remains unparalleled by any artist of the century. Chagall's paintings, steeped in mythology and mysticism, portray colourful dreams and tales that are deeply rooted in his Russian Jewish origins. The memories and yearning they evoke recall his native Vitebsk, and the great events that mark the life of ordinary people: birth, love, marriage and death. They tell of a world full of everyday miracles - in the room of lovers, on the streets of Vitebsk, beneath the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Heaven and earth seem to meet in a topsy-turvy world in which whimsical figures of people and animals float through the air with gravity-defying serenity. Every book in TASCHEN's "Basic Art Series" features: a detailed chronological summary of the artist's life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist; approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions; and a concise biography.
10,97 € 11,55 €

Van Gogh

"Vision and Reality" Van Gogh - one of the great forerunners of 20th century painting. This richly illustrated and expert study follows the artist from the early gloom-laden paintings in which he captured the misery of peasants and workers in his homeland, through his bright and colourful Parisian period, to the work of his final years, spent under a southern sun in Arles. Here, at last, he found the light that produced the unmistakable Van Gogh style. At Arles, Saint-Remy and Auvers-sur-Oise, in the feverish burst of creative energy that marked his last two-and-a-half years, he produced the 465 paintings on which his immortality rests. Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) craved recognition during his lifetime but was denied it until after his self-inflicted death. Today he is universally seen as one of the great forerunners of painting of the 20th century, and one of the tragic masters of art. Every book in TASCHEN's "Basic Art Series" features: a detailed chronological summary of the artist's life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist; approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions; and, a concise biography.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Van Gogh Complete Paintings

Bold strokes of genius. This is the amazing work of a tormented soul. Vincent van Gogh's story is one of the most ironic in art history. He lived an unhappy and difficult life during which his work received almost no appreciation - finally killing himself by a bullet to the chest, so great was his despair - and is now widely considered one of the most important painters of all time, his works fetching record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) represents a rarity in art history: a detailed monograph on his life and art combined with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings. These volumes also reproduce most of van Gogh's paintings in color.
32,25 € 33,95 €


A Frenchman in Tahiti. This book deals with Gauguin's search for pristine originality and unadulterated nature. After starting a career as a bank broker, Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) turned to painting only at age twenty-five. After initial successes within the Impressionist circle, he broke with Vincent van Gogh and subsequently - when private difficulties caused him to become restless - embarked on a peripatetic life, wandering first through Europe and finally, in the search for pristine originality and unadulterated nature, to Tahiti. The paintings created from this time to his death in 1903 brought him posthumous fame. In pictures devoid of any attempt at romantically disguising the life style of the primitive island peoples, Gauguin was able to convey the magical effect that both the landscapes and life of the natives - their body language, charm and beauty - had on him. Wearying of his reputation as a South Sea painter, Gauguin finally determined to return to France, but died of syphilis on the Marquis Islands before his departure. About the series: Every book in TASCHEN's "Basic Art Series" features: a detailed chronological summary of the artist's life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist; approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions; and a concise biography.
10,97 € 11,55 €

Marc Chagall

Bieloruský maliar Marc Chagall (1187 – 1985) je často označovaný ako maliar-básnik. Jeho obrazy plné mytológie a mysticky zachytávajú farebné sny a príbehy hlboko zakorenené v jeho ruskožidovskom pôvode. Spomienky a smútok, ktoré vzbudzujú, odkazujú na jeho rodný Vitebsk a na veľké udalosti sprevádzajúce život obyčajných ľudí: narodenie, láska, svadba či smrť. Rozprávajú o svete plnom všedných zázrakov odohrávajúcich sa v spálňach milencov, na vitebských uliciach alebo pod Eiffelovou vežou v Paríži. Vo svete obrátenom hore nohami, v ktorom ľudia a zvieratá s ľahkosťou a dôstojnosťou popierajú fyzikálne zákony a plachtia vzduchom, akoby sa stretávalo nebo s peklom. Sláva, ktorú si Marc Chagall svojimi snovými obrazmi získal, nemá vo svete výtvarného umenia obdobu.
12,30 € 12,95 €

25 Impressionism

Luscious dabs of color and light. This title deals with art history's most delightful movement. Impressionism continues to be one of the most fascinating movements in the history of modern art. It is also the most popular with the general public. Proof of this has been provided in recent years by blockbuster exhibitions of the works of Degas, Gauguin, van Gogh, Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Monet, and by record sums realized from the sale of Impressionist paintings. Despite its popularity and a whole host of publications - the majority of them about the most famous names - many areas of Impressionism are still under-researched. Many "second rank" Impressionists have remained unknown or have sunk into oblivion. This monograph fills the gap, as it explores French Impressionism alongside related art movements that flourished simultaneously in the rest of Europe and North America. Part 1 deals with Impressionism in France, including Post- and Neo-Impressionism. As well as discussing the most renowned artists, its aim is to introduce others who are still little-known today. Among them are the long underrated Gustave Caillebotte, represented by 17 paintings, and artists such as Frederic Bazille, Marie Bracquemond, Henri-Edmond Cross, Jean-Louis Forain, Eva Gonzales, Armand Guillaumin, Albert Lebourg, Stanislas Lepine, Maximilien Luce, Berthe Morisot, Lucien Pissarro, Jean-Francois Raffaelli, Henri Rouart, and Victor Vignon. The eight chapters of part 2 focus on paintings inspired by French Impressionism and produced in parallel in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Scandinavia, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, the USA and Canada. Rarely did painters in these countries slavishly copy the ideas emerging from France. Instead, most non-French artists found astonishingly original ways of translating them into the artistc language of their native lands.
37,00 € 38,95 €