Anna Hamlin Weikel


Betty Baird (EN)

Betty Baird, the daughter of Doctor Baird, a Presbyterian minister of the village of Weston, is sent away to the Pines, a boarding school. At first, she is ridiculed by the more popular, and wealthier girls. But soon, Betty charms them with her unique and captivating personality, and she and her new friends go on many lighthearted adventures.
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Betty Baird's Ventures (EN)

"'Oh, this indigent family of ours! I certainly must bestir myself and do something to support it,' said Betty Baird, airily, to her mother, yet looking determined, and straightening herself up among the cushions piled high on the broad window-seat in her room. " Betty is back home with her parents on Long Islands, when she discovers her father is struggling to pay back the mortgage.
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13,99 €