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Oscar Wilde strana 12 z 15


The Happy Prince and Other Tales

The Happy Prince and Other Tales
3,57 € 3,76 €

The Selfish Giant, The Happy prince + CD - ELI

Two of Oscar Wilde’s favourite short stories: the selfish Giant learns to be generous, while the Prince and his friend the little swallow give everything they have to help the poor. All three, in the end, are rewarded for their kindness.
9,49 € 9,99 €

An Ideal Husband

One of the nineteenth century's most successful and most frequently revived plays, An Ideal Husband has divided critics more than any other of Wilde's plays. Treating political intrigue, financial fraud, blackmail, scandal and spin, and the role of women in public life, it is a play which engaged with issues of vital importance to its late-Victorian audience, which continue to resonate today. Sos Eltis, a specialist in Victorian drama and its relation to women's issues, provides a stimulating new perspective on An Ideal Husband, through an introduction that looks at its relation with contemporary social purity campaigns, women's rights, and political scandals. The introduction also gives a substantial performance history, with particular reference to the play's film versions and the influential Peter Hall theatre production.
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Selfish Giant A1

Why doesn’t summer come to the Giant’s garden? Find out how the Selfish Giant changes and learns about friendship. A Giant lives in a castle with a beautiful garden. But the Giant is selfish and wants it all to himself. He doesn’t want the children to play in his garden. Winter comes and never leaves until... something happens and the Giant learns about love and sharing! Prečo do Obrovej záhrady nikdy nepríde leto? Zisti, ako sa sebecký Obor zmení a objaví, čo je to priateľstvo. Obor žije v zámku s nádhernou záhradou. Ale keďže je sebecký, všetko chce iba pre seba. Nechce, aby sa v jeho záhrade hrali deti. Vždy je u neho zima, kým... sa niečo nestane a Obor sa nenaučí, ako ľúbiť a deliť sa.
5,70 € 6,00 €

The Happy Prince & Other Stories

In these delightful tales, Oscar Wilde employs all his grace, artistry and wit. The Happy Prince tells of the statue of a once pleasure-loving Prince which, with the help of a selfless Swallow helps people in distress. As well as The Nightingale and the Rose, The Devoted Friend and The Remarkable Rocket, this collection contains The Selfish Giant, a remarkable story of the redemptive power of love.
3,79 € 3,99 €

The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories

When the Americans Mr and Mrs Otis and their four children move into Canterville Chase, its previous occupant Lord Canterville warns them that the ghost of his ancestor still haunts the house. Their disbelief is soon shattered by the nightly sound of rattling chains in the hallways and the appearance of mysterious bloodstains in the living room. However, the ghost struggles to intimidate his new victims, as they counter his ghoulish behaviour with typically transatlantic pragmatism, offering lubricator for his chains and cleaning up the stains with detergent. As the spirit is deserted by his capacity to scare, Virginia, the Otises' daughter, gets to know him and learns the tragic tale behind his sad fate.Sparkling with his trademark wit, this classic tale is one of Oscar Wilde's finest stories and is presented here with three other comic mystery stories, 'Lord Arthur Savile's Crime', 'The Sphinx without a Secret' and 'The Model Millionaire', all of which were first published together in 1891.
9,49 € 9,99 €

The Happy Prince

In a town where a lot of poor people suffer and where there are a lot of miseries, a swallow who was left behind after his flock flew off to Egypt for the winter, meets the statue of the late 'Happy Prince', who in reality has never experienced true sorrow, for he lived in a palace where sorrow isn't allowed to enter. Viewing various scenes of people suffering in poverty from his tall monument, the Happy Prince asks the swallow to take the ruby from his hilt, the sapphires from his eyes, and the golden leaf covering his body to give to the poor. As the winter comes and the Happy Prince is stripped of all of his beauty, his lead heart breaks when the swallow dies as a result of his selfless deeds and severe cold. The statue is then brought down from the pillar and melted in a furnace leaving behind the broken heart and the dead swallow and they are thrown in a dust heap. These are taken up to heaven by an angel that has deemed them the two most precious things in the city. This is affirmed by God and they live forever in his city of gold and garden of paradise.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Dorian Gray arcképe

Oscar Wilde klasszikus regényének hőse, a gazdag, gyönyörű és naiv fiatalember, Dorian Gray megszállottja annak a gondolatnak, hogy örökké szép és fiatal maradjon, s ezért még akár a lelkét is eladná. Miután az egyik barátja megfesti portréját, a fiú csak azt fájlalja, hogy az ő szépségét az élet és az idő hamar lerombolja majd, míg a képé örök marad, s azt kívánja, hogy bárcsak ez fordítva lenne. A fiatalember hamarosan cinikus barátja, Lord Henry Wotton befolyása alá kerül, aki ráébreszti az élet ízeire. Dorian átadja magát az önző és rafinált élvezeteknek, férfiakat és nőket taszít a bűn útjára, majd egyre mélyebbre süllyed, s a züllés minden nemét és formáját megtapasztalja. Az események egyre riasztóbb fordulatot vesznek, mivel nemsokára megtudja, hogy kívánsága teljesült. Legnagyobb csodálkozására ugyanis csak a róla készült kép öregszik. Arca és szeme őrzi az ártatlan ifjú szépségét, a festett arcmás viszont, amelyet gondosan elzárva tart háza egy titkos helyiségében, híven mutatja az idő és a bűn rombolását vonásain. Ekkor úgy érzi, itt az ideje megváltoztatnia az életét. Hogy teljesen tisztára mossa magát, bűnös múltjának tanúját, a szörnyűséges képet meg akarja semmisíteni...
8,48 € 8,93 €

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Enthralled by his own exquisite portrait, Dorian Gray exchanges his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Influenced by his friend Lord Henry Wotton, he is drawn into a corrupt double life; indulging his desires in secret while remaining a gentleman inthe eyes of polite society. Only his portrait bears the traces of his decadence. The novel was a succos de scandale and the book was later used as evidence against Wilde at the Old Bailey in 1895. It has lost none of its power to fascinate and disturb.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Il ritratto di Dorian Gray

Malgrado tutte le sue provocazioni, gli sberleffi e gli attacchi alla morale costituita, "Il ritratto di Dorian Gray" ha molto della storia con una morale bene in vista. Il finale, infatti, mostra il peccatore che, pentito delle sue azioni, attacca, a suo rischio e pericolo, la vera natura della sua oscura perfezione. Siamo, insomma, in pieno Romanticismo nero, dalle parti de "L'uomo della sabbia" (1815) di Hoffmann o di "Scarpette rosse" (1845) di Andersen, che lo scrittore irlandese aveva ben presenti. L'ossessione per la bellezza conduce all'abisso ma quel sentiero, scosceso e esaltante, e necessario percorrerlo fino in fondo. Introduzione di Luca Scarlini.
9,41 € 9,90 €

Annotated Prison Writings of Oscar Wilde

"And I? May I say nothing, my lord?" With these words, Oscar Wilde's courtroom trials came to a close. The lord in question, High Court justice Sir Alfred Wills, sent Wilde to the cells, sentenced to two years in prison with hard labor for the crime of "gross indecency" with other men. As cries of "shame" emanated from the gallery, the convicted aesthete was roundly silenced. But he did not remain so. Behind bars and in the period immediately after his release, Wilde wrote two of his most powerful works--the long autobiographical letter De Profundis and an expansive best-selling poem, The Ballad of Reading Gaol. In The Annotated Prison Writings of Oscar Wilde, Nicholas Frankel collects these and other prison writings, accompanied by historical illustrations and his rich facing-page annotations. As Frankel shows, Wilde experienced prison conditions designed to break even the toughest spirit, and yet his writings from this period display an imaginative and verbal brilliance left largely intact. Wilde also remained politically steadfast, determined that his writings should inspire improvements to Victorian England's grotesque regimes of punishment. But while his reformist impulse spoke to his moment, Wilde also wrote for eternity. At once a savage indictment of the society that jailed him and a moving testimony to private sufferings, Wilde's prison writings--illuminated by Frankel's extensive notes--reveal a very different man from the famous dandy and aesthete who shocked and amused the English-speaking world.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Jak je důležité míti Filipa

Lehkovážná komedie pro vážné lidi Divadelní hra anglického spisovatele irského původu Oscara Wildea z roku 1895 . Konverzační komedie o třech dějstvích se satirickými prvky. Dílo charakterizují mistrné dialogy plné ironie,sarkasmu,paradoxů a aforismů . Hlavními hrdiny jsou Algernon Moncrieff a Jack Worthing. A pak je tu ještě Gvendolína Fairfaxová, Algernonova půvabná sestřenice. Jack se do ní bláznivě zamiluje a touží se s ní zasnoubit. V Londýně vystupuje pod pseudonymem Filip, pod kterým ho zná i Gvendolína. Unešená tímto krásným jménem se sňatkem souhlasí. Její matku, Lady Bracknellovou, ale znepokojuje Jackův nejasný původ. Byl totiž nalezen v cestovní tašce na nádraží Viktoria. Pozve si ho proto na snubní rozhovor a rozhodne, že musí najít alespoň jednoho z rodičů…
7,54 € 7,94 €

The Picture of Dorian Gray

When Basil Hallward paints the portrait of young, handsome Dorian Gray, he falls prey to his dazzling beauty. Afraid that his youth and looks will waste away, Dorian expresses a wish that his portrait, and not he, will age and fade over time. His wish is granted, and over the ensuing years, Dorian indulges in every kind of vice and pleasure, never ageing nor disfiguring. Only his portrait, hidden to the world, bears the marks of his actions, and as his soul grows ever more wasted and corrupted, devastating consequences lie in wait. The Picture of Dorian Gray is an exploration of the purpose of art, the superficial nature of youth and beauty, and the conflict between morality and intemperance. First published in its complete, uncensored form in 1891, it is Oscar Wilde's only novel.
9,45 € 9,95 €

The Happy Prince & Other Stories

The richness of Oscar Wilde's way with words and ideas is given full range in this sparkling collection of short stories written between 1887 and 1891. From the comic tales of The Canterville Ghost and Lord Arthur Savile's Crime to the marvelous fairy stories and fantasies of The Selfish Giant, The Happy Prince and The Star Child, we are treated to the extravagance and dexterity of Wilde's exceptional wit, in stories that will appeal to both adults and children. Beautifully illustrated by Charles Robinson and Walter Crane, this Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Happy Prince & Other Stories also features an afterword by author David Stuart Davies. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
11,88 € 12,50 €

A canterville-i kísértet

Oscar Wilde egyik legismertebb és legelismertebb műve A canterville-i kísértet a kötetünk címadó műve. Szerb Antal szerint "a világirodalom legmulatságosabb kísértethistóriája", Hegedűs Géza szerint "a komikus fantasztikum és a szatirikus valóság mesteri keverése". Az Alinea Kiadó Klasszik sorozatának tizennyolcadik könyvében - mely egyben a harmadik kötet Oscar Wilde műveiből a Dorian Gray arcképe és A boldog herceg elbeszélésválogatás után - most újabb klasszikus műveket adunk közre. A több filmfeldolgozást is megért A canterville-i kísértet és a Lord Arthur Savile bűne Weisz Böbe új fordításában jelenik meg.
5,67 € 5,97 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Critic as Artist

In The Critic as Artist--arguably the most complete exploration of his aesthetic thinking, and certainly the most entertaining--Oscar Wilde harnesses his famous wit to demolish the supposed boundary between art and criticism. Subtitled Upon the Importance of Doing Nothing and Discussing Everything, the essay takes the form of a leisurely dialogue between two characters: Ernest, who insists upon Wilde's own belief in art's freedom from societal mandates and values, and a quizzical Gilbert. With his playwright's ear for dialogue, Wilde champions idleness and contemplation as prerequisites to artistic cultivation. Beyond the well-known dictum of art for art's sake, Wilde's originality lays an argument for the equality of criticism and art. For him, criticism is not subject to the work of art, but can in fact precede it: the artist cannot create without engaging his or her critical faculties first. And, as Wilde writes, "To the critic the work of art is simply a suggestion for a new work of his own." The field of art and criticism should be open to the free play of the mind, but Wilde plays seriously, even prophetically. Writing in 1891, he foresaw that criticism would have an increasingly important role as the need to make sense of what we see increases with the complexities of modern life. It is only the fine perception and explication of beauty, Wilde suggests, that will allow us to create meaning, joy, empathy and peace out of the chaos of facts and reality. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish poet and playwright who became one of London's most popular writers in the early 1890s. Though often controversial, his flair for journalism and nose for scandal ensured that he was widely read. His bold essays on aesthetic philosophy, collected in the volume Intentions (1891), remain important and influential meditations of the nature of art criticism itself.
11,35 € 11,95 €