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Virginia Woolf
Významná anglická spisovateľka a esejistka Virginia Woolfová, vlastným menom Adeline Virginia Stephenová, sa narodila 25. januára 1882 v Lodnýne. Vyrastala v početnej rodine, vzdelávala sa doma najmä čítaním kníh z bohatej otcovej knižnice. Nikdy nezažila detskú spoločnosť v škole, s jej slangom, vulgarizmami a žiarlivosťou, napísala neskôr.

Virginia Woolfová v detstve trávila letá v dome s výhľadom na záliv St. Ives Bay, kde sa na skalnatom ostrovčeku týči biely maják v tvare oktogónu. Inšpiroval ju k napísaniu románu K majáku (To the lighthouse), ktorý prvýkrát vyšiel v roku 1927. Je príkladom jej prozaického štýlu voľného záznamu myšlienok. Sústreďuje sa v ňom viac na myšlienky ako na dej a dialóg.
      V mladosti viackrát trpela psychickými ochoreniami, ktoré vyprovokovali úmrtia blízkych osôb. Depresie ju prenasledovali aj v dospelosti. Po smrti rodičov žila so súrodencami v londýnskom dome, ktorý sa stal miestom stretnutí intelektuálnej skupiny bohémov Bloomsbury group s moderným pohľadom na literárnu tvorbu. Jej romány Jakubova izba (Jacob's room, 1922), Pani Dallowayová (Mrs. Dalloway, 1925), The waves (Vlny, 1931) alebo The years (Roky, 1937) predstavujú experimentálny prístup k písaniu a k románovej forme. Rozbila v nich jednotu času a vo veľkej miere využívala metódu voľného zachytávania prúdu vedomia, čím minimalizovala úlohu autora ako rozprávača a komentátora. Patrila k hlavným predstaviteľom expresionizmu a subjektivizmu vo svetovej literatúre.
      Vďaka dedičstvu sa stala finančne nezávislou. Spoločne s manželom založila v roku 1917 vydavateľstvo Hogarth Press, v ktorom vychádzali jej knihy ale aj tvorba vtedajších autorov a napríklad aj knihy Sigmunda Freuda.
      Citlivá a emotívna Virginia Woolfová spáchala samovraždu utopením 28. marca 1941 v období hlbokej depresie, do ktorej ju okrem narušeného zdravia priviedli aj okolnosti druhej svetovej vojny. Zomrela vo veku 59 rokov.
      V roku 2000 preložil spisovateľ Pavel Vilikovský román Vlastná izba (A room of one's own, 1929) od Virginie Woolfovej a získal Cenu Jána Hollého za najlepší preklad prozaického diela v roku 2000.
      Virginiu Woolfovú stvárnila Nicole Kidmanová v oceňovanom filme Hodiny z roku 2002. Kúsok veternej pláže pri britskom Cornwalle, ktorý inšpiroval Virginiu Woolfovú pri písaní románu K majáku, predali v júli 2009 na aukcii dražobnej spoločnosti Colliers CRE za 80.000 libier (približne 93.000 eur).
(Zdroj TASR, foto: George Charles Beresford)



Roky je román Virginie Woolfové z roku 1937, poslední, který vydala za svého života. Sleduje historii rodiny Pargiterů od 80. let 19. století do poloviny 30. let století minulého. Přestože zde spisovatelka zachytila dobu tak dlouhou, próza není příliš rozsáhlá, vyprávění se zaměřuje spíše na drobné detaily životů postav. Román v překladu Zuzany Mayerové vychází česky vůbec poprvé. …Myslím, že to bude něco úžasného. Musím být otevřená, odvážná. Chci zachytit celou současnou společnost, nic nevynechat: popsat fakta i vize. A vzájemně je propojit… Je to vůbec možné? … Jak dosáhnout hloubky a neustrnout v nehybnosti? Mě ale baví zdolávat tyhle překážky, a v přirozenosti je svěží vítr a síla. Mým cílem je obsáhnout nekonečnou šíři, nekonečnou intenzitu. Měla by tam být satira, komedie, poezie, próza – jak to všechno skloubit dohromady? Co třeba drama, dopisy, básně? … A nakonec všechno pokračuje dál běžným každodenním životem. Chci tam dostat milióny myšlenek, ale nesmí to být kázání – úvahy o historii, politice, feminismu, umění, literatuře – zkrátka shrnutí všeho, co znám, cítím, čemu se směji, čím pohrdám, co miluji, obdivuji i nenávidím… V. Woolfová: Deníky; 25. dubna 1933
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17,19 €

A világítótorony

Vélemények a könyvrol: ?Woolf technikája olyan, mint egy kirakós játék, mindig más és más darabot tesz le a kép más és más szögletébol, míg összeáll a kép.? ? ??legfoképp hangulat szükséges hozzá. Valamiféle csendes, szomorkás melankólia.? ? ?Az elso 30 oldal után azt hittem, hogy nem fogom befejezni. Az utolsó 30 után pedig, hogy sosem akarom letenni. Telve van érzésekkel, cselekményrol jóformán beszélni sem érdemes, csupán puritán keretként szolgál az érzelmek festette kép körül. Az egész könnyu szelloként simogatja az olvasót, mégsem egyszeru olvasmány. Meg kell rágni, hagyni kell, hogy lélekig hatoljon.? ? ?Virginia Woolf egy-egy mondatában benne van az egész világmindenség.?
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3,80 €

A Haunted House

Virginia Woolf's intention to publish her short stories is carried out in this volume, posthumously collected by her husband, Leonard Woolf. Containing six of eight stories from Monday or Tuesday, seven that appeared in magazines, and five other stories, the book makes available Virginia Woolf's shorter works of fiction.
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0,88 €

A Summing Up

A Summing Up was written in the year 1944 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €

A Woman's College from the Outside

A Woman's College from the Outside was written in the year 1926 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €

An Unwritten Novel

An Unwritten Novel was written in the year 1920 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €

Between the Acts

In Woolf’s last novel, the action takes place on one summer’s day at a country house in the heart of England, where the villagers are presenting their annual pageant. A lyrical, moving valedictory.
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Flush: A Biography

Flush: A Biography, an imaginative biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cocker spaniel, is a cross-genre blend of fiction and nonfiction. Commonly read as a modernist consideration of city life seen through the eyes of a dog, Flush serves as a harsh criticism of the supposedly unnatural ways of living in the city. The figure of Elizabeth Barrett Browning in the text is often read as an analogue for other female intellectuals, like Woolf herself, who suffered from illness, feigned or real, as a part of their status as female writers. Most insightful and experimental are Woolf’s emotional and philosophical views verbalized in Flush’s thoughts. As he spends more time with Barrett Browning, Flush becomes emotionally and spiritually connected to the poetess and both begin to understand each other despite their language barriers. For Flush smell is poetry, but for Barrett Browning, poetry is impossible without words. In Flush Woolf examines the barriers that exist between woman and animal created by language yet overcome through symbolic actions.
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0,88 €

Kew Gardens

Kew Gardens was written in the year 1919 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €

Lappin and Lappinova

Lappin and Lappinova was written in the year 1939 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €

Moments of Being. "Slater's Pins Have No Points"

Moments of Being. "Slater's Pins Have No Points" was written in the year 1928 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €

Mrs Dalloway

Mrs Dalloway (published on 14 May 1925) is a novel by Virginia Woolf that details a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway in post-World War I England. Mrs Dalloway continues to be one of Woolf's best-known novels.Created from two short stories, "Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street" and the unfinished "The Prime Minister", the novel's story is of Clarissa's preparations for a party of which she is to be hostess. With the interior perspective of the novel, the story travels forwards and back in time, and in and out of the characters' minds, to construct a complete image of Clarissa's life and of the inter-war social structure.
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0,88 €

Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street

Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street was written in the year 1923 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €

Night and Day

Set in Edwardian London, Night and Day contrasts the daily lives and romantic attachments of two acquaintances, Katharine Hilbery and Mary Datchet. The novel examines the relationships between love, marriage, happiness, and success.
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0,88 €

Solid Objects

Solid Objects was written in the year 1920 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €

The Duchess and the Jeweller

The Duchess and the Jeweller was written in the year 1938 by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the most popular novels of Virginia Woolf, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €