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Virginia Woolf
Významná anglická spisovateľka a esejistka Virginia Woolfová, vlastným menom Adeline Virginia Stephenová, sa narodila 25. januára 1882 v Lodnýne. Vyrastala v početnej rodine, vzdelávala sa doma najmä čítaním kníh z bohatej otcovej knižnice. Nikdy nezažila detskú spoločnosť v škole, s jej slangom, vulgarizmami a žiarlivosťou, napísala neskôr.

Virginia Woolfová v detstve trávila letá v dome s výhľadom na záliv St. Ives Bay, kde sa na skalnatom ostrovčeku týči biely maják v tvare oktogónu. Inšpiroval ju k napísaniu románu K majáku (To the lighthouse), ktorý prvýkrát vyšiel v roku 1927. Je príkladom jej prozaického štýlu voľného záznamu myšlienok. Sústreďuje sa v ňom viac na myšlienky ako na dej a dialóg.
      V mladosti viackrát trpela psychickými ochoreniami, ktoré vyprovokovali úmrtia blízkych osôb. Depresie ju prenasledovali aj v dospelosti. Po smrti rodičov žila so súrodencami v londýnskom dome, ktorý sa stal miestom stretnutí intelektuálnej skupiny bohémov Bloomsbury group s moderným pohľadom na literárnu tvorbu. Jej romány Jakubova izba (Jacob's room, 1922), Pani Dallowayová (Mrs. Dalloway, 1925), The waves (Vlny, 1931) alebo The years (Roky, 1937) predstavujú experimentálny prístup k písaniu a k románovej forme. Rozbila v nich jednotu času a vo veľkej miere využívala metódu voľného zachytávania prúdu vedomia, čím minimalizovala úlohu autora ako rozprávača a komentátora. Patrila k hlavným predstaviteľom expresionizmu a subjektivizmu vo svetovej literatúre.
      Vďaka dedičstvu sa stala finančne nezávislou. Spoločne s manželom založila v roku 1917 vydavateľstvo Hogarth Press, v ktorom vychádzali jej knihy ale aj tvorba vtedajších autorov a napríklad aj knihy Sigmunda Freuda.
      Citlivá a emotívna Virginia Woolfová spáchala samovraždu utopením 28. marca 1941 v období hlbokej depresie, do ktorej ju okrem narušeného zdravia priviedli aj okolnosti druhej svetovej vojny. Zomrela vo veku 59 rokov.
      V roku 2000 preložil spisovateľ Pavel Vilikovský román Vlastná izba (A room of one's own, 1929) od Virginie Woolfovej a získal Cenu Jána Hollého za najlepší preklad prozaického diela v roku 2000.
      Virginiu Woolfovú stvárnila Nicole Kidmanová v oceňovanom filme Hodiny z roku 2002. Kúsok veternej pláže pri britskom Cornwalle, ktorý inšpiroval Virginiu Woolfovú pri písaní románu K majáku, predali v júli 2009 na aukcii dražobnej spoločnosti Colliers CRE za 80.000 libier (približne 93.000 eur).
(Zdroj TASR, foto: George Charles Beresford)


Mrs Dalloway

This title is presented with introductions by Valentine Cunningham And Carol Ann Duffy. In this vivid portrait of one day in a woman's life, Clarissa Dalloway is preoccupied with the last-minute details of party she is to give that evening. As she readies her house she is flooded with memories and re-examines the choices she has made over the course of her life.
8,54 € 8,99 €

The Waves

Set against the vivid backdrop of the sea, six characters grapple with the death of a beloved friend, Percival. The characters are subtly revealed through the accumulation of their reflections on themselves and each other. Regarded by many as Virginia Woolf’s masterpiece, The Waves was partially written in order to exorcise her private ghosts, as the character of Percival represents her brother who died in 1906.
7,86 € 8,27 €

To the Lighthouse

From the seemingly trivial postponement of a visit to a nearby lighthouse, Virginia Woolf constructs a remarkable and moving examination of the complex tensions and allegiances of family life, and the conflict between male and female principles, in what is probably her most popular novel.
9,42 € 9,92 €

Between the acts

"Between The Acts", one of Virginia Woolf's most lyrical works, was published shortly after her death in 1941. The story takes place at Pointz Hall, the country home of the Oliver family for 120 years. Its central focus is the performance of a village pageant, written and directed by the energetic Miss La Trobe, encompassing the whole history of England from the Middle Ages to the verge of war in the Summer of 1939. The comic events on stage, the reactions of the villagers in the audience, the blend of past and present are all presented with affection and insight affirming Virginia Woolf's belief in art as the unifying principle of life. This edition contains the original text that Virginia Woolf was working on when she died.
8,54 € 8,99 €

OWC Flush: A Biography

I lay in the garden and red the Browning love letters, and the figure of their dog made me laugh so I couldn't resist making him a Life.' Throughout her career, Woolf invokes the animal world both directly and metaphorically. She started to write a biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's spaniel after finishing The Waves, tracing the life of the spaniel from his country origins, his puppyhood spent with the writer Mary Mitford, through his sheltered existence with Elizabeth Barrett in her sick room, and later travels in Florence. But Flush is much more than a playful writer's holiday. As well as offering an exploration of a life of the senses free from the tyranny of words, Flush can be read as an allegorical testimony to the inscrutable, discarded, unrepresentable lives of the Victorian women poets, who were barely discussed or read in the 1930s. From a quite literally low point of view, Woolf explores class and gender in Victorian London, with gently mocking humour. Charming yet also radical, Flush is a work of sensuous imagination, an apparently light text that opens up a range of questions concerning difference which are woven through the whole of Woolf's writing.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Orlando: A Biography

Virginia Woolf's exuberant `biography' tells the story of the cross-dressing, sex-changing Orlando who begins life as a young noble in the sixteenth century and moves through numerous historical and geographical worlds to finish as a modern woman writer in the 1920s. The book is in part a happy tribute to the `life' that her love for Vita Sackville-West had breathed into Virginia Woolf's own day-to-day existence; it is also Woolf's light-hearted and light-handed teasing out of the assumptions that lie behind the normal conventions for writing about a fictional or historical life. In this novel, Virginia Woolf plays loose and fast: Orlando uncovers a literary and sexual revolution overnight. This book is intended for general readers, teachers and students of English literature, and Women's Studies.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Room of One´s Own and Three Guineas

In these texts, Virginia Woolf considers the implications of the historical exclusion of women from education and from economic independence. In "A Room of One's Own" (1929), she examines the work of past women writers, and looks ahead to a time when women's creativity will not be hampered by poverty, or by oppression. In "Three Guineas" (1938), however, Woolf argues that women's historical exclusion offers them the chance to form a political and cultural identity which could challenge the drive towards fascism and war.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Years

As the Pargiters, a middle-class English family, move from the oppressive confines of the Victorian home of the 1880s to the `present day' of the 1930s, they are weighed down by the pressures of war, the social strictures of patriarchy, capitalism an d Empire, and the rise of Fascism. Engaging with a painful struggle between utopian hopefulness and crippled with despair, the novel is a savage indictment of Virginia Woolf's society, but its bitter sadness is relieved by the longing for some better way of life, where `freedom and justice' might really be possible. This is Virginia Woolf's longest novel, and the one she found the most difficult to write. The most popular of all her writings during her lifetime, it can now be re-read as the most challengingly political, even revolutionary, of all her books.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Voyage Out

The Voyage Out (1915) is the story of a rite of passage. When Rachel Vinrace embarks for South America on her father's ship she is launched on a course of self-discovery in a modern version of the mythic voyage. Virginia Woolf knew all too well the f orms that she was supposed to follow when writing of a young lady's entrance into the world, and she struggled to subvert the conventions, wittily and assiduously, rewriting and revising the novel many times. The finished work is not, on the face of it, a `portrait of the artist'. However, through The Voyage Out readers will discover Woolf as an emerging and original artist: not identified with the heroine, but present everywhere in the social satire and the lyricism and patterning of consciousn ess.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Night and Day

Katherine Hilbery, torn between past and present, is a figure reflecting Woolf's own struggle with history. Both have illustrious literary ancestors: in Katherine's case, her poet grandfather, and in Woolf's, her father Leslie Stephen, writer, philos opher, and editor. Both desire to break away from the demands of the previous generation without disowning it altogether. Katherine must decide whether or not she loves the iconoclastic Ralph Denham; Woolf seeks a way of experimenting with the novel for that still allows her to express her affection for the literature of the past. This is the most traditional of Woolf's novels, yet even here we can see her beginning to break free; in this, her second novel, with its strange mixture of comedy and high seriousness, Woolf had already found her own characteristic voice.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Waves

Woolf described this work on the title-page of the first draft as `the life of anybody'. The Waves (1931) traces the lives and interactions of seven friends in an exploratory and sensuous narrative. The Waves was conceived, brooded on, and written du ring a highly political phase in Woolf's career, when she was speaking on issues of gender and of class. This was also the period when her love affair with Vita Sackville-West was at its most intense. The work is often described as if it were the pro duct of a secluded, disembodied sensibility. Yet its writing is supremely engaged and engaging, providing an experience which the reader is unlikely to forget.
1,89 € 1,99 €

OWC Mark on Wall & Other Short Fiction

I shall never forget the day I wrote "The Mark on the Wall" - all in a flash, as if flying, after being kept stone breaking for months. "The Unwritten Novel" was the great discovery, however. That - again in one second - showed me how I could embody all my deposit of experience in a shape that fitted it... I saw, branching out of the tunnel I made, when I discovered that method of approach, Jacob's Room, Mrs Dalloway etc - How I trembled with excitement.' The thrill Woolf got from these stories is readily apparent to the reader. She wrote them in defiance of convention, with a heady feeling of liberation and with a clear sense that she was breaking new ground. Indeed, if she had not made her bold and experimental forays into the short story in the period leading up to the publication of Jacob's Room (1922), it seems certain that her arrival as a great modernist novelist would have been delayed. Quirky, unrestrained, disturbing and surprising, many of these stories, particularly the ear ly ones, are essential to an understanding of Woolf's development as a writer. She thought some of her short fiction might be 'unprintable' but, happily, she was mistaken.
2,84 € 2,99 €

Mrs Dalloway

In Virgnia Woolf's novel - which inspired the 2003 film "The Hours" - Mrs Dalloway is an assured socialite. Yet as she prepares for her party on a hot London day in June 1923, she feels the terror of existence and the pull of death.
11,00 € 11,58 €

Paní Dallowayová

Nádherné londýnské jitro v půli června roku 1923. Paní Clarissa Dallowayová je právě na cestě do Mulberryho květinářství, kde si má vyzvednout výzdobu pro svůj dnešní večírek. Než však tahle událost pro lidi z lepších kruhů nastane, strávíme v její společnosti obyčejný den, který nás nenechá na pochybách, že pod slupkou stárnoucí a průměrné středostavovské paničky bije srdce se stejně vroucí pravidelností, s jakou se na Toweru každou čtvrthodinu hlásí o slovo zvon Big Ben. Virginia Woolfová má však za lubem víc než jen rozbíjení klišé o jedné snobské madam. Technikou proudu vědomí a s přispěním vedlejších postav tohoto okouzlujícího letního capriccia před námi postupně odhalí skutečné nitro paní Dallowayové, které působí věrněji než sebetrefnější realistický popis, a také její obrovskou žízeň po životě. Tento Clarissin dar vynikne především ve srovnání s jejím poněkud zdrženlivým manželem, smolařským milencem z mládí, dospívající dcerou, zakyslou guvernantkou i odkvetlými aristokratkam
9,46 € 9,96 €

Mezi akty

Novela Mezi akty byla otištěna až po autorčině smrti a lze ji chápat jako výmluvný a svébytný epilog celého jejího díla: najdeme tu pasáže, jejichž symbolika dává klíč k autorčině životní filozofii a nakonec i k závěrečnému dilematu života. Podobně jako ve známém románu Paní Dallowayová se příběh odehrává během jediného dne a dá se shrnout do několika vět. V zahradě Olivera Gilese se bude, jako již po sedm let, hrát tradiční historická hra, napsala ji a sama nastudovala stárnoucí bývalá herečka La Trobová. Domácí čekají, jak představení dopadne. Přicházejí nečekaní hosté, scházejí se vesničané, hra začíná a diváci ji bezprostředně komentují. Po představení se na zahradu snáší klid. Lidé se vracejí sami k sobě… Pod zdánlivě nevzrušivým popisem jednoho ochotnického představení se skrývá báseň o divácích a hercích, ale i sebeironické a nepatetické zamyšlení nad osudem umělce, jeho tápáním a nejistotou.
7,99 € 8,41 €

Jákobův pokoj

Jákob Flanders je citlivý mladík, jehož zrání v Angličana dobré pověsti působí v mnohém neobyčejně. Záleží ovšem, jak se díváme. Pozorujeme-li ho očima Virginie Woolfové, vytváří kaleidoskop obrazů z jeho dětství, jinošství a studentských let před první světovou válkou promyšlenou sérii pocitů a situací, ve kterých se jedinec domáhá práva na vlastní cestu a bolestivě se prosekává houštinami překážek a klišé. Svou třetí prózou dává autorka současně světu na srozuměnou, že její literární perspektiva se bude výrazně lišit od dosavadní realistické tradice ostrovní prózy, a potvrzuje to nápaditými narážkami na adresu britské společnosti, která už dlouho zaostává za názory a přáními svých nejlepších mužů a žen. Román Jákobův pokoj (1922), který vychází česky poprvé, představuje přelom v její tvorbě. Přesvědčena o tom, že spisovatel nesmí skutečnost pouze reprodukovat, nýbrž musí ji aktivně vytvářet, promítá Woolfová do Jákobova hledání a nenadálého zmizení nejen zárodky pozdějších slavných p
8,88 € 9,35 €