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Robyn Young


Sons of the Blood

'Sons of the Blood is a first-rate reimagining of the struggle for the English throne between Richard III and Henry Tudor, with its vicious, ever-twisting political wheels and personal tragedies - the helpless Princes in the Tower are portrayed with particular poignancy, while the London of the 1480s is drawn with great vividness.' C. J. Sansom In the dying days of the Wars of the Roses a secret war is born. The battle for a crown is about to become a fight for the world. Bastard son, mercenary soldier, protector of the rightful king, seeker of a secret more treacherous than any in Christendom: Jack Wynter is destined to live in dangerous times. In England, the Wars of the Roses ended a decade ago with the fall of the House of Lancaster and the victory of King Edward of York. But peace sleeps uneasy in this divided realm and when the king dies unexpectedly it isn't long before old blood feuds and ambitions are awoken. In the sun-baked city of Seville, unaware of the clouds of war rising over England, Jack Wynter is cursing his fortune. Sent here by his secretive father, king's man, Sir Thomas Vaughan - with a locked chest he has been ordered to guard with his life - Jack wonders if this mission was simply a ruse to get an illegitimate, inconvenient son out of the country. But when a stranger arrives with news that his father has been arrested for treason, Jack finds himself thrust into the heart of a deadly conspiracy. What is the secret Jack has been guarding? Is it the reason for his father's fall? The only place he is going to find answers is back in England, where young Prince Edward is due to become king...unless his uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, decides to make a move for the throne. It is also where Jack's half-brother, Harry, broods bitterly over their father's apparent preference for a bastard son. Jack Wynter is coming home, to a realm of intrigue and corruption, mystery and war. Somehow, he is connected to a secret that can kill him - or make him. Its influence spans Europe and will draw him towards the very edge of the known world, and beyond, in Robyn Young's dazzling new epic. The old world is turning. A new world is rising.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Lacná kniha Tažení (-70%)

Boj templářů ve Svaté zemi za křesťanskou víru a naplnění mystického poslání samotného řádu pokračuje. Příběhy jednotlivých postav jsou dramaticky rozvíjeny v období vymezeném skutečnými událostmi v letech 1274 až 1291. Dlouhodobá strategie udržování míru
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5,63 € 18,75 €

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Lacná kniha Requiem (-25%)

After years fighting in the desert sun – and secretly working for peace with the Brethren – Will Campbell returns to find his Scottish homeland under attack by his enemy, King Edward I. Betrayed by those he has served since boyhood, torn apart watching h
Na sklade 1Ks
7,46 € 9,95 €

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It is 1274 and in the fortified city of Acre, the last major stronghold of the Crusaders in Palestine, an epic conflict is beginning. Will Campbell is a Templar Knight, trained for war, but as a member of the mysterious group known as the Brethren, he is also a man of peace. After years of bloodshed, the Brethren have helped to create a truce between the Christians and Muslims. But Will now fears they have been betrayed. King Edward of England has promised the Pope that he will lead a new Crusade, while in Acre itself, a ruthless cabal of Western merchants, profiteering from slaves and armaments, is plotting to reignite hostilities in the Holy Land. Meanwhile, in Egypt, Sultan Baybars is caught in a power struggle. His son and heir has become involved in the dangerous designs of the insidious soothsayer, Khadir. While Baybars wants to take on the mighty Mongol empire, Khadir and others want to destroy the Christians once and for all. As war looms, Will is torn between his oath as a Templar, his secret role in the Brethren and his duty to Elwen, the woman he loves but is forbidden to marry. He is caught at the centre of a web of deception and destruction, as he and all those around him rush headlong towards one of the most dramatic moments in history.
9,45 € 9,95 €


From the burning plains of Syria to the filthy backstreets of Paris and London, Brethren is the story of Will Campbell, coming of age in a time of conspiracy, passion, politics and war. Will has been brought up from boyhood in the ways of the all-powerful Order of the Knights Templar. With a tragedy in his past that looms over his future, he faces a long, hard apprenticeship to the foul-tempered scholar Everard, before he can have any chance of becoming a Knight. As he struggles to survive in the harsh discipline of the Temple, Will must try to make sense of many things: his own past, the dangerous mystery that surrounds Everard, and his confused feelings for Elwen, the strong-willed young woman whose path seems always to cross his own. Meanwhile, a new star is rising in the East. A ruthless fighter and brilliant tactician, the former slave Baybars has become one of the greatest generals and rulers of his time. Haunted by his early life, he is driven by an unquenchable desire to free his people from the European invaders of his homeland. With page-turning suspense and thrilling action, Brethren brilliantly evokes that extraordinary clash of civilizations known in the West as the Crusades. Robyn Young portrays a rich cast of characters, reflecting on each side greed, ambition and religious fanaticism, as well as courage, love and faith.
9,45 € 9,95 €


1295 AD. The Christian empire in the Holy Land lies in ruins. Returning to Paris, Templar Knight Will Campbell is at a crossroads. He has sworn to uphold the principles of the Anima Templi, a secret brotherhood within the Order whose aim is peace - but peace seems ever more impossible. The Temple has forged an alliance with Will's enemy, King Edward of England, vowing to help him wage war on Scotland. This pact against his homeland strikes at the core of Will's faith and allegiances, while his growing estrangement from his daughter, Rose, leads her into a dangerous affair. Will now faces a bitter choice: to stay with the Temple and fight another war he doesn't believe in, or to break his vows and forge his own path to peace - even if that too means fighting - for the Scots. Soon caught up in bloody conflict, Will is unaware that an even more ominous threat is rising, for there is a warrior king on the throne of France whose desire for supremacy knows no bounds and who will stop at nothing to fulfil his twisted ambitions. The fight for the Holy Land has ended. The Temple's last battle has just begun.
10,83 € 11,40 €

A Testvériség

Szíria izzó pusztáitól Párizs és London mocskos sikátoráig - A Testvériség Will Campbell történetét beszéli el, aki az ármány, a szenvedély, a politika és a háború korában vált felnőtté. Willt kisgyerekkorától kezdve a nagy hatalmú Templomos Lovagrend szokásai szerint nevelték. Múltjának tragédiája beárnyékolja jövőjét is. Hosszú, kemény tanulóévek várnak rá a mogorva tudós, Everard szárnyai alatt, mielőtt egyáltalán esélye nyílna rá, hogy lovag legyen. Miközben megpróbál megfelelni a Templom szigorú előírásainak, Willnek sok mindent meg kell értenie: a saját múltját, az Everardot övező veszélyes rejtélyt, és zavaros érzéseit Elwen, az erős akaratú fiatal nő iránt, akinek az útjai valahogy mindig keresztezik az övét. Mindeközben új csillag kél Keleten. A könyörtelen harcos és zseniális hadvezér, az egykori rabszolga, Bajbarsz kora egyik legnagyobb tábornoka és uralkodója lett. Saját sorsától űzetve azt a célt tűzte ki maga elé, hogy felszabadítja népét hazája európai hódítóinak rabságából. A Tesvériség feszültsége és izgalmas akciói zseniálisan idézik fel azt a civilizációk közötti összecsapást, amit Nyugaton keresztes háborúknak neveznek. Robyn Young számos szereplőt felvonultatva mutatja be a mindkét oldalon fellelhető kapzsiságot, nagyravágyást és vallási fanatizmust, illetve bátorságot, szeretetet és hitet.
9,13 € 9,61 €


1295 AD. The Christian empire in the Holy Land lies in ruins. Returning to Paris, Templar Knight Will Campbell is at a crossroads. He has sworn to uphold the principles of the Anima Templi, a secret brotherhood within the Order whose aim is peace - but peace seems ever more impossible. The Temple has forged an alliance with Will's enemy, King Edward of England, vowing to help him wage war on Scotland. This pact against his homeland strikes at the core of Will's faith and allegiances, while his growing estrangement from his daughter, Rose, leads her into a dangerous affair. Will now faces a bitter choice: to stay with the Temple and fight another war he doesn't believe in, or to break his vows and forge his own path to peace - even if that too means fighting - for the Scots. Soon caught up in bloody conflict, Will is unaware that an even more ominous threat is rising, for there is a warrior king on the throne of France whose desire for supremacy knows no bounds and who will stop at nothing to fulfil his twisted ambitions. The fight for the Holy Land has ended. The Temple's last battle has just begun.
15,15 € 15,95 €


Will Campbell templomos parancsnok Párizsba visszatérve válaszút elé kerül. Felesküdött, hogy életben tartja az Anima Templi, a renden belüli titkos testvériség elveit, és igyekszik megőrizni a békét - ám a béke még sohasem tűnt ilyen távolinak. A templomos rend szövetséget kötött Will ellenségével, Edward angol királlyal, és vállalta, hogy segíti a Skócia ellen vívott harcában. Will hitét és a templomosok iránti hűségét megrendíti a szülőföldje ellen kötött paktum. Egyre jobban elhidegül lányától, Rose-tól, aki veszélyes viszonyba keveredik a párizsi udvarban. Will nehéz döntés elé kerül: vagy a templomos rendben marad és ismét olyan háborúba vonul, amiben nem hisz, vagy megszegi az összes esküjét, és a saját útján próbálja elérni a békét, még ha ez az út is harccal jár - de a skótok oldalán. Will hamarosan a véres összecsapás kellős közepén találja magát, nem tudva róla, hogy mindent, ami valaha fontos volt számára, a háborúnál is nagyobb veszedelem fenyeget. Franciaország trónján harcos király ül, akinek hatalomvágya nem ismer határokat, s akit semmi sem gátolhat meg céljai elérésében.
9,50 € 10,00 €


Boj templářů ve Svaté zemi za křesťanskou víru a naplnění mystického poslání samotného řádu pokračuje. Příběhy jednotlivých postav jsou dramaticky rozvíjeny v období vymezeném skutečnými událostmi v letech 1274 až 1291. Dlouhodobá strategie udržování míru
17,81 € 18,75 €

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After years fighting in the desert sun – and secretly working for peace with the Brethren – Will Campbell returns to find his Scottish homeland under attack by his enemy, King Edward I. Betrayed by those he has served since boyhood, torn apart watching h
9,45 € 9,95 €

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The year is 1286 and Scotland is in the grip of one of the worst winters in living memory. Some believe the Day of Judgement has come. The King of Scotland is murdered by one of his squires, a deed pre-meditated by his own brother-in-law, the King of England, a thousand miles away in France. The Prophecy of Merlin has decreed that only when the four relics of Britain have been gathered will one man rule a united kingdom, and Edward I is determined to fulfil it. The murder of Scotland's king is thus just the first in a chain of events that will alter the face of Britain forever. But all is not destined to go Edward's way. Out of the ashes of war, through blood feuds and divided loyalties, a young squire will rise to defy England's greatest king. His name is Robert the Bruce. And his story begins in Insurrection.
14,20 € 14,95 €


1286 A.D. Scotland is in the grip of the worst winter in living memory. Some say the Day of Judgement has come. The king of Scotland rides out from Edinburgh into the stormy dark. On the road he is murdered by one of his own men, leaving the succession to the throne wide open. The king's death is as a stone thrown into a pool, the ripples spreading far and wide. Civil war threatens as powerful Scottish families jostle for power, not knowing that Edward, now king of England, has set his own plans in motion. For almost two decades Edward has nurtured a fierce vision of conquest - a vision sprung from the words of an ancient prophecy - that will change the face of Britain forever. But all is not destined to go Edward's way. Through the ashes of war, through blood feuds and divided loyalties, a young squire will rise to defy England's greatest king. His name is Robert the Bruce. And his story begins in INSURRECTION.
8,54 € 8,99 €


Třetí díl historické trilogie z období křížových výprav. Pád Akkonu, pobřežního města, které bylo dobyto ve svatých válkách roku 1099 a roku 1291 ztraceno, se stal pro evropskou křesťanskou historii určitým mezníkem. Poslední templářská bašta ve Svat é zemi padla zpět do rukou muslimů v krvavém boji, po němž se osudy templářských rytířů roztříštily do mnoha koutů Evropy. Jejich struktura ale zničena nebyla a dále fungovaly jednotlivé komendy se zásadami duchovního řádu s přísnou, až vojenskou hie rarchií. Ve třetím díle trilogie Bratrstvo, Tažení a Rekviem sledujeme další napínavé osudy hlavní postavy rytíře a templářského velitele Williama Campbella.
16,03 € 16,87 €


První díl historické trilogie plné intrik, vášní, lásky, bojů, násilí, hrdinství, cti a spravedlnosti z období křižáckých válek, bojů pravověrných křesťanů proti nevěřícím. Hlavním hrdinou je mladý templář Will Campbell, který se jednoho dne dovídá o mystickém tajemství uvnitř řádu. Cesta k jeho odhalení nás zavede do temných uliček Londýna a Paříže, ale také do exotického prostředí pouští Sýrie a Palestiny, kde se paralelně rozvíjí příběh bývalého otroka, který se zde stane významným vojevůdcem. Na pozadí křižáckých válek se odvíjí osud obou hrdinů, kdy každý bojuje za svou víru, pravdu a lásku. Čtivý příběh čtenáře seznamuje s reáliemi tehdejšího světa, životem obyčejných lidí a vládců, ale i s otázkami smyslu víry a jejího naplnění.
15,58 € 16,40 €


THE EPIC NEW HISTORICAL NOVEL FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING BRETHREN TRILOGY What if the only hope you had of defeating your greatest enemy was to bend your knee and swear allegiance to him - then join his fight against your own people? King Edward of England marches on Scotland, his campaign to unite the British Isles under one crown inspired by an Arthurian prophecy. He has already crushed Wales; now he needs only to find the Staff of St Malachy, symbol of Irish nationhood, to achieve his implacable desire. One man alone can thwart Edward's plan. Leaving his war-torn home, Robert Bruce has sailed to Ireland, determined to find the Staff and keep it out of Edward's hands. His veins run with the blood of kings and his destiny to fulfil his family's claim to the throne of Scotland burns his mind. But on the run through the wild country, hunted by a relentless assassin, Robert seems a long way from achieving his ambition. And there are other eyes on Scotland's crown, old enemies gathering against him. This is a game of conquest, power and treachery, and Robert finds that to survive he must first abandon everything he holds dear. He was always prepared to die on the battlefield - but what else must he sacrifice to keep his hopes alive? BORN TO A LINE OF KINGS, HE WILL NOT BOW TO A CONQUEROR RENEGADE is a dazzling story of conspiracy and divided loyalties, battle and betrayal, and a superb portrait of the medieval world.
9,03 € 9,50 €