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Yuval Zommer


Veľká kniha o morských tvoroch

Prečo chodí krab bokom? Majú medúzy telo z medu a fúzov? Ako to, že tučniaky nezamrznú? Vedia lietajúce ryby skutočne lietať? Je morský koník naozaj koník? Na tieto a mnohé ďalšie zvedavé otázky odpovie krásne ilustrovaná Veľká kniha o morských tvoroch. Malým čitateľom tiež priblíži, ako tieto živočíchy pod vodou dýchajú, akým spôsobom sa pohybujú i to, čím sa živia. Okrem množstva zaujímavých informácií deti čakajú aj interaktívne úlohy, vďaka ktorým bude zoznamovanie sa s rozmanitým svetom morskej ríše ešte zábavnejšie!
Na sklade 2Ks
13,90 € 14,95 €

Veľká kniha o operených tvoroch

Prečo je plameniak ružový? Vie papagáj rozprávať? Ukradne straka všetko, čo sa blyští? Je rybárik dobrý rybár? Prečo niektoré vtáky nelietajú? V tejto knihe nájdete odpovede na tieto i mnohé iné otázky a dozviete mnoho zaujímavostí o tom, ako vtáky lovia, žijú i ako tancujú. Zoznámite sa s mnohými druhmi pestrých, nádherných, smiešnych i prekvapivých operených tvorov z celého sveta.
Na sklade 3Ks
14,20 € 14,95 €

Veľká kniha o malých tvoroch – Aktivity s nálepkami

V tejto knihe je viac nálepiek, ako má stonôžka nôh. Nájdete v nej tvory, ktoré sa plazia, lezú, krútia či lietajú. Nálepkami môžete ozdobiť stránky knihy, ako len budete chcieť. A to ešte nie je všetko! Môžete si aj navrhnúť vlastného motýľa, prichystať jedlo na piknik alebo si zahrať hru Chrobáky v koberci.
Na sklade 1Ks
9,45 € 9,95 €

Veľká kniha o morských tvoroch – Aktivity s nálepkami

V tejto knihe je viac nálepiek, ako má jedna chobotnica prísaviek. Nájdete v nej tvory, ktoré sa kĺžu, špliechajú, cupitajú či svietia. Nálepkami môžete ozdobiť stránky knihy, ako len budete chcieť. A to ešte nie je všetko! Môžete si aj navrhnúť vlastný koralový útes, nalepiť krídla lietajúcim rybám alebo si zahrať hru Nafukovací štvorzubec.
Na sklade 1Ks
9,45 € 9,95 €

Veľká kniha o divokých tvoroch

Naozaj sú líšky prešibané, paviány nadurdené a netopiere slepé? Prečo vlky vyjú na mesiac? Ako veľmi lenivý je leňoch? Koľko bradavíc má prasa bradavičnaté? V tejto knihe nájdete odpovede na tieto i mnohé iné otázky a dozviete mnoho zaujímavostí o tom, ako sa predátory bránia, ako dávajú o sebe vedieť, čo sa stalo s predátormi ľadovej doby a ktoré predátory sú ohrozené a prečo. Zoznámite sa s mnohými druhmi nádherných i prekvapivých divokých tvorov z celého sveta.
Na sklade 4Ks
14,20 € 14,95 €

The Big Book of Nature Art

Featuring twenty-two easy craft projects using natural and recycled materials, The Big Book of Nature Art is a fun and eco-friendly way for young children to connect creatively with nature. From best-selling author Yuval Zommer, The Big Book of Nature Art is packed with easy art activities inspired by nature. Drawing on Zommer’s years of experience running art workshops for children, The Big Book of Nature Art includes his tips for stress-free ways to get creative with kids and fun facts about the natural world. Each of the activities can be achieved in four simple steps using natural materials combined with recycled or found materials from around the home. With a total of twenty-two art activities, each requiring no more than a five-minute setup and cleanup, the crafts are easy to completeand fun for everyone involved. The book also encourages children to see the creative potential in the natural and everyday treasures all around us?from twigs, seed pods, petals, and leaves to pencil shavings, take-out cups, toilet-paper rolls, and more. Little nature artists will enjoy making paper-plate birds, leaf bugs, coffee-cup owls, tree-bark bats, and schools of seashell fish, as well as scenes for their creatures to dwell in, from watery worlds to underground tunnels. Illustrated in color throughout
U dodávateľa
18,95 € 19,95 €

The Big Book of Bugs

Introductory spreads explain that bugs live nearly everywhere on Earth and give tips on how to become a young bug spotter. The book is divided into key groups of bugs, including beetles, moths, butterflies, bees, snails, crickets, grasshoppers, worms and spiders, all illustrated with scenic compositions. Some spreads approach the world of bugs thematically, such as bugs that come out at night, baby creepy-crawlies and life cycles, how bugs hide and show off and how some bugs love to live in your home. The text is chatty, funny and full of amazing facts
17,05 € 17,95 €

Veľká kniha o malých tvoroch

V knihe Veľká kniha o malých tvoroch sa deti zoznámia s lietajúcimi i plávajúcimi potvorkami, čo sa hmýria svetom hmyzu. Dočítajú sa, čo jedia, ako sa rozmnožujú i to, ako sa vyvíjajú od hmyzieho bábätka až po dospelý hmyz. Na stránkach plných nádherných obrázkov sa dozvedia, ktorý chrobák nie je chrobák, čo robí cez deň nočná mora, ako včely vyrábajú med, prečo svrčky cvrlikajú a ešte oveľa viac zaujímavostí zo života chrobákov, mušiek a iných potvoriek. Popritom sa zahrajú na schovávačku s muchou, ktorú musia nájsť na každej dvojstrane.
14,20 € 14,95 €

A nagy bogárkönyv

- Milyen lassan mászik a csiga? - Félnek a bogarak éjszaka? - Miért masíroznak a hangyák egymás után, egy sorban? - Ki is lakik ebben a könyvben? Rengeteg repülő, csípő, csúszó-mászó bogár. Ismerkedj meg rovarokkal, zümmögő méhecskékkel, szélsebesen mászó bogarakkal, és mindenféle fura állattal: csigákkal, pókokkal, százlábúakkal és gilisztákkal. Nemcsak a fentiekre, hanem számos további kérdésre is megtalálod a választ ebben a kötetben. Keresd meg a lapokon ügyesen bújócskázó élőlényeket, ismerkedj meg velük, és tudd meg, hogyan táplálkoznak, vadásznak és szaporodnak! Mindenkit megtaláltál? Jó bogarászást!
13,54 € 14,25 €

The big book of the blue

Why do octopuses have eight arms? Why do crabs run sideways? Are jellyfish made of jelly? Yuval Zommer’s beautiful new book provides the answers to these and many more fishy questions. His wonderfully quirky illustrations show off all kinds of slippery, shimmery and surprising sea creatures, including sea turtles, whales, sharks, rays and seahorses. Chatty, funny and full of amazing facts, it will be devoured by children eager to find out about the most exciting creatures from the deep blue.
15,15 € 15,95 €

The Big Sticker Book of the Blue

Following on from the hugely successful The Big Book of the Blue comes this nonfiction sticker activity book that brings the marine world alive in a creative way. Taking fascinating facts as its starting point, the activities in the book invite children to draw, colour and play games with all manner of ocean wildlife, inspiring children's interest in nature as they play. Sid the Sardine accompanies readers throughout the book, explaining the 20+ activities and games as he swims along. Yuval Zommer's rich illustrations characterize some of the quirkiest sea-creatures and make fantastic stickers for children to use in their drawings and to complete games and puzzles with.
11,88 € 12,50 €

The Big Book of Birds

Why is a flamingo pink? Can a parrot talk? Is a bald eagle really bald? This follow-up to the hugely successful The Big Book of Bugs, The Big Book of Beasts and The Big Book of the Blue answers these questions and many more. It opens with introductory spreads explaining how to recognize different bird's eggs, the bird family tree, why different species of birds have different beaks and feathers, and why some birds migrate and travel vast distances every year. Subsequent spreads, illustrated with various habitats, are dedicated to specific varieties of bird, including hummingbirds, peacocks, flamingos, bald eagles, secretary birds, albatrosses and red-crowned cranes. Some will teach children how to spot different birds within a specific variety, for example how to differentiate the American robin from the European robin. Others explore bird habitats, for example showing how birds adapt to live in cities. Finally, the book invites young bird spotters to protect birds where they live and make their gardens bird friendly. This is a big, beautiful book to look at again and again.
15,68 € 16,50 €

The Big Sticker Book of Birds

This book is jam-packed with more stickers than a peacock can shake its feathers at. You'll discover birds that soar, hunt, waddle and show off and have all sorts of fun sticking them throughout the book. But wait, there's more! You can also: * Design a hoopoe's crown * Stick the right egg in the nest * Play a game of Blackbird Bingo
11,35 € 11,95 €

The Big Book of Blooms

What does a venus fly trap eat? How strong is a giant water lily? Does a cactus flower? The newest addition to Yuval Zommer's bestselling series answers these questions and more as it introduces young children to all kinds of colourful, carnivorous, weird and wonderful flowering plants from around the world. It opens with introductory spreads on how to be a botanist; how to recognise different types of flowers; the life-cycle of a plant; flower anatomy; and the seven types of animal pollinators including bats, birds and beetles. Subsequent spreads, illustrated within various habitats, are dedicated to specific varieties of plants, including the carnivorous venus flytrap, the giant water lily and the weird and wonderful corpse flower. Readers will enjoy learning about different edible flowers and why flowers are fragrant or colourful, not to mention grisly details about carnivorous and poisonous flowers.
16,10 € 16,95 €

The Big Sticker Book of Beasts

Based on The Big Book of Beasts, this endlessly entertaining activity book brings the world of beasts alive in a creative way. With fascinating facts as a starting point, the activities invite children to draw, color, and decorate beasts into their natural habitats, as they engage with the information as they play. The book includes stickers and activities relating to over fifteen different animals and at its center features eight pages packed with more than 500 reusable stickers printed on clear backing, so the animals blend seamlessly into their surroundings. Yuval Zommer's rich illustrations characterize some of the quirkiest creatures in the animal kingdom, inspiring creative thinking while also bringing alive the facts on which each activity is based.
10,93 € 11,50 €