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Lacná kniha Michael Jackson: Ilustrovaný životopis (-70%)

Michael Jackson je, byl a bude králem popu. Jeho kariéra byla zářná, hity nezapomenutelné a úspěchy nezpochybnitelné. Provázelo ho však i mnoho kontroverzí pojících se s jeho vzhledem, nešťastně prožitým mládím i podezřením ze zneužívání dětí na jeho slavném ranči Neverland. Ponořte se do příběhu vykreslujícího osud jednoho z nejslavnějších zpěváků a showmanů všech dob, který se vám bude před očima odvíjet nejen prostřednictvím poutavého vyprávění, ale i působivých ilustrací.
4,95 € 16,49 €

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Eric Clapton is acknowledged to be rock's greatest virtuoso, the unrivalled master of its most essential tool, the solid-body electric guitar. Clapton transfigured three of the 1960s' most iconic bands, the Yardbirds, Cream and Blind Faith, walking away from each when it failed to measure up to his exacting standards. He was the only outsider be an honorary member of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, and the studio musician of choice for solo superstars from Bob Dylan to Aretha Franklin. Yet even as a rock god in excelsis, his true passion was always the blues. Even his own blues heroes, the likes of Muddy Waters, B. B. King and Buddy Guy, would recognise the supremacy of this wispy white boy from the English county of Surrey. No life has been more rock 'n' roll than Clapton's in his epic consumption of drugs and alcohol, his insatiable appetite for expensive cars, clothes, and women - most famously revealed when he fell in love with Pattie Boyd, the wife of his best friend, George Harrison, and the inspiration for 'Layla'. With the benefit of unrestricted access to family members, close friends and fellow musicians, and his encyclopedic knowledge of sixties music and culture, Philip Norman has written the definitive portrait of the insecure, often pain-racked man.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Not for You - Pearl Jam and the Present Tense

There has never been a band like Pearl Jam. The Seattle quintet has recorded eleven studio albums; sold some 85 million records; played over a thousand shows, in fifty countries; and had five different albums reach number one. But Pearl Jam's story is about much more than music. Through resilience, integrity, and sheer force of will, they transcended several eras, and shaped the way a whole generation thought about music. Not for You: Pearl Jam and the Present Tense is the first full-length biography of America's preeminent band, from Ten to Gigaton. A study of their role in history - from Operation Desert Storm to the Dixie Chicks; "Jeremy" to Columbine; Kurt Cobain to Chris Cornell; Ticketmaster to Trump - Not for You explores the band's origins and evolution over thirty years of American culture. It starts with their founding, and the eruption of grunge, in 1991; continues through their golden age (Vs., Vitalogy, No Code, and Yield); their middle period (Binaural, Riot Act); and the more divisive recent catalog. Along the way, it considers the band's activism, idealism, and impact, from "W.M.A." to the Battle of Seattle and Body of War. More than the first critical study, Not for You is a tribute to a famously obsessive fan base, in the spirit of Nick Hornby's Fever Pitch. It's an old-fashioned - if, at times, ambivalent - appreciation; a reflection on pleasure, fandom, and guilt; and an essay on the nature of adolescence, nostalgia, and adulthood. Partly social history, partly autobiography, and entirely outspoken, discursive, and droll, Not for You is the first full-length treatment of Pearl Jam's odyssey and importance in the culture, from the '90s to the present.
31,30 € 32,95 €
zľavy Haba

John & Yoko Plastic Ono Band

Described by Lennon as 'the best thing I've ever done', and widely regarded by critics as his best solo album, John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band was released on 11 December 1970. With first-hand commentary by Lennon, Ono and other members of the Plastic Ono Band, and packed with previously unseen photographs by those who documented their lives, this incisive volume offers new insights into the raw emotions and open mindset of Lennon after marriage to Ono and the break-up of the Beatles. Following their wedding in March 1969, Lennon and Ono decided that their future musical endeavours should be credited to a conceptual vehicle, the Plastic Ono Band. The band featured an ever-changing line-up of musicians, including Eric Clapton, Klaus Voormann, Ringo Starr, Alan White, George Harrison, Billy Preston and Jim Keltner, all of whom played live with Lennon and Ono, and contributed to their recordings. This period of intense personal soul-searching and fearless honesty that John & Yoko inspired in one another had a huge impact on Lennon's song writing, resulting in the creation of tracks that are intensely personal and unlike anything previously heard in popular music, including 'Mother', 'Working Class Hero' and 'God'. This book takes those lyrics as a starting point and explores Lennon's life, career and world view.
47,45 € 49,95 €

Lacná kniha Michal Prokop - ztráty a návraty (-90%)

Název vzpomínek rockového zpěváka Michala Prokopa ZTRÁTY A NÁVRATY přesně vystihuje jeho více než padesátiletou kariéru. Publicista Michal Bystrov se s ním setkával téměř dva roky. Vznikla tak kniha, která podrobně mapuje hudebníkův osobní i umělecký život. Nechybí pohled na Prokopovo desetileté působení v politice i moderování televizního pořadu Krásný ztráty. Stěžejní však zůstávají muzika a lidé kolem ní. Knižní rozhovor opisuje obdivuhodný oblouk od anglicky zpívaného debutového alba Blues In Soul přes spolupráci s Josefem Kainarem na desce Město Er a přes léta tápání v popíku až ke šťastnému objevu té pravé pěvecké polohy. Uprostřed šedivého husákovského Československa se v roce 1984 zrodil nový Michal Prokop, jehož písně plné městské lyriky zlidověly. Tisíce návštěvníků jeho koncertů s ním dodnes zpívají nejen Funebráky a Bitvu o Karlův most, ale i další hity, které zalezly pod kůži několika generacím posluchačů. Knihu v grafické úpravě Karla Halouna a Luďka Kubíka zahajuje předmluva Jiřího Černého. Najdeme v ní i komentáře Prokopových kolegů, diskografii, řadu fotografií a dobových dokumentů. Michal Prokop ji uzavírá stručně: Měl jsem v životě asi kliku, protože až na několik smolných let se mi podařilo pracovat v profesi, která je zároveň mým koníčkem, a potkal jsem úžasné lidi. OBSAH: Kamarádství nejmíň na půl století * Předehra 2020 * Hold On Im Coming * I Believe To My Soul * Svět naruby * Noc je můj den * Co dodnes vím * Zaklínám * Dopis Josefu Márovi * Svítá * Stará píseň * O písňových textech Jiřího Žáčka * Nitky * Zastavte svět * Odněkud někam * Nic ve zlým, nic v dobrým * V baru jménem Krásný ztráty * Poprvé naposledy * Nebe, nebo cesta do pekel * Epilog * Michal Prokop rok po roce * Pár vzpomínek navíc * Autorská poznámka * Diskografie * Jmenný rejstřík * Názvový rejstřík
2,20 € 22,00 €

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From the Academy Award(R)-winning actor, an unconventional memoir filled with raucous stories, outlaw wisdom, and lessons learned the hard way about living with greater satisfaction. I've been in this life for fifty years, been trying to work out its riddle for forty-two, and been keeping diaries of clues to that riddle for the last thirty-five. Notes about successes and failures, joys and sorrows, things that made me marvel, and things that made me laugh out loud. How to be fair. How to have less stress. How to have fun. How to hurt people less. How to get hurt less. How to be a good man. How to have meaning in life. How to be more me. Recently, I worked up the courage to sit down with those diaries. I found stories I experienced, lessons I learned and forgot, poems, prayers, prescriptions, beliefs about what matters, some great photographs, and a whole bunch of bumper stickers. I found a reliable theme, an approach to living that gave me more satisfaction, at the time, and still: If you know how, and when, to deal with life's challenges - how to get relative with the inevitable - you can enjoy a state of success I call 'catching greenlights.' So I took a one-way ticket to the desert and wrote this book: an album, a record, a story of my life so far. This is fifty years of my sights and seens, felts and figured-outs, cools and shamefuls. Graces, truths, and beauties of brutality. Getting away withs, getting caughts, and getting wets while trying to dance between the raindrops. Hopefully, it's medicine that tastes good, a couple of aspirin instead of the infirmary, a spaceship to Mars without needing your pilot's license, going to church without having to be born again, and laughing through the tears. It's a love letter. To life. It's also a guide to catching more greenlights-and to realising that the yellows and reds eventually turn green too. Good luck.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Jazzová baronka

Pannonica „Nica“ Rothschildová měla na první pohled vše – vznešený původ, milující rodinu a nevyčerpatelné bohatství. To všechno se ale změnilo, když poprvé uslyšela skladbu ‘Round Midnight v podání jazzové legendy Theloniouse Monka. Jako uhranuta kouzlem se rozhodla opustit své nejbližší i jistotu rodinného zázemí Rothschildů a vydala se do Spojených států geniálního jazzmana vyhledat. Newyorská společnost živelnou Evropanku mezi sebe nepřijala, ale hudebníci ano. Nalezla u nich otevřenost a přátelství a oni v ní inspiraci a podporu. Její kabriolet běžně zdobil parkoviště jazzových klubů, kde trávila veškerý čas, zatímco popíjela whiskey z placatky maskované jako bible. Největší ranou pro její už tak pošramocenou pověst byla smrt drogově závislého saxofonisty Charlieho Parkera v jejím bytě. To se ale nijak nepodepsalo na její vzpurné povaze. Ani na lásce, s jakou pečovala o Monka až do jeho smrti v roce 1982.
13,81 € 14,54 €

Janis - Her Life and Music

It's been said Janis Joplin was second only to Bob Dylan as the 'creator-recorder-embodiment of her generation's mythology'. But how did a middle-class girl from Texas become a '60s countercultural icon? Janis' parents doted on her and promoted her early talent for art. But the arrival of a brother shattered the bond she had with her intellectual maverick of a father, an oil engineer. And her own maverick instincts alienated her from her socially conformist mother. That break with her parents, along with the rejection of her high school peers, who disapproved of her beatnik look and racially progressive views, and wrongly assumed she was sexually promiscuous, cemented her sense of herself as an outcast. She found her tribe with a group of offbeat young men a year ahead of her, who loved her intellectual curiosity, her passion for conversation, and her adventurous search for the blues. Although she never stopped craving the approval of her parents and hometown, she left Port Arthur at seventeen determined to prove she could be loved. She tried college twice, and dropped out both times. She ran off to California, but came back when her heavy drug use scared her into it. She almost signed up for a life as a domesticated, hang-the-curtains wife. But instead, during a second stint on the West Coast, she launched a career that would see her crowned the queen of rock and roll. What no one besides Holly George-Warren has captured in such intimate detail is the way Janis Joplin teetered between the powerful woman you hear in her songs and the little girl who just wanted to go home and feel emotionally safe there. The pain of that dichotomy fuelled her music - and ultimately killed her.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Tajemství skupiny Queen

Tajemství skupiny Queen je oficiální publikací, která byla průběžně konzultována a schválena členy kapely. Vypráví příběh neuvěřitelně nadané a populární skupiny hudebníků, kteří dokázali nejen získat, ale také udržet ohromnou fanouškovskou základnu. Kniha formou fotografií a psaného slova oslavuje skupinu, její členy, nahrávky a koncerty. Rovněž představuje unikátní kousky ze soukromých sbírek jednotlivých členů Queen. Kniha fanouškům nabízí dosud nevídaný přístup do míst, kde se kapela pohybovala, a také příležitost zhlédnout snímky zajímavých předmětů spojených s její tvorbou. K těm se řadí například vstupenky do zákulisí, hudebníky vlastnoručně psané texty písní, vzácné plakáty, originální itineráře z turné, pohlednice, limitované edice nahrávek, pozvánky na dnes již legendární večírky k turné a mnoho dalšího! To vše dokresluje nezapomenutelný příběh skupiny Queen, jejíž popularita trvá dodnes.
26,74 € 28,15 €

Maria Callas, a DÍVA

Velence, 1957. Maria Callas, korának legnagyobb szopránja tökéleteset alkot a színpadon, e tökéletességért azonban nagy árat fizet. A hangja fokozatosan veszít erejéből, ezért az ünnepelt énekesnő szünetet szeretne tartani - amit sem az operavilág, sem a férje és menedzsere, Meneghini nem fogad el. Ebben az érzelmi és művészi válságban találkozik az asszony Arisztotélisz Onászisszal, a hajómágnással, aki fényűzésével elkápráztatja Callast egy földközi-tengeri jacht-körúton. Csaknem egy évtizedes szerelmi kapcsolatuknak Jackie Kennedy vet véget. Ám a nagy Callas, az isteni díva, a szerelmes asszony, az ünnepelt sztár összetört szívét és lelkét titkolva játssza tovább a végzet asszonyát...
12,23 € 12,87 €

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Let Love Rule

'I see my story as a suite of songs that have a magical connection. I never understood that connection until I sat down to write. It was then that the magic started to flow.' Let Love Rule is a work of deep reflection. Lenny Kravitz looks back at his life with candor, self-scrutiny, and humour. 'My life is all about opposites,' he writes. 'Black and white. Jewish and Christian. The Jackson 5 and Led Zeppelin. I accepted my Gemini soul. I owned it. I adored it. Yins and yangs mingled in various parts of my heart and mind, giving me balance and fueling my curiosity and comfort.' Let Love Rule covers a vast canvas stretching from Manhattan's Upper East Side, Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant, Los Angeles's Baldwin Hills, Beverly Hills, and finally to France, England and Germany. It's the story of a wildly creative kid who, despite tough struggles at school and extreme tension at home, finds salvation in music. We see him grow as a musician and ultimately a master songwriter, producer, and performer. We also see Lenny's spiritual growth-and the powerful way in which spirit informs his music. The cast of characters surrounding Lenny is extraordinary: his father, Sy, a high-powered news executive; his mother, Roxie Roker, a television star; and Lisa Bonet, the young actress who becomes his muse. The central character, of course, is Lenny, who, despite his great aspirational energy, turns down record deal after record deal until he finds his true voice.The creation of that voice, the same voice that is able to declare 'Let Love Rule' to an international audience, is the very heart of this story. 'Whether recording, performing, or writing a book,' says Lenny, 'my art is about listening to the inspiration inside and then sharing it with people. Art must bring the world closer together.'
17,58 € 18,50 €

Acid For The Children

Flea, the iconic bassist and co-founder, alongside Anthony Kiedis, of the immortal Red Hot Chili Peppers finally tells his fascinating origin story, complete with all the dizzying highs and the gutter lows you'd expect from an LA street rat turned world-famous rock star. Michael Peter Balzary was born in Melbourne, Australia, on October 16, 1962. His more famous stage name, Flea, and his wild ride as the renowned bass player for the Red Hot Chili Peppers was in a far and distant future. Little Michael from Oz moved with his very conservative, very normal family to Westchester, New York, where life as he knew it was soon turned upside down. His parents split up and he and his sister moved into the home of his mother's free-wheeling, jazz musician boyfriend - trading in rules, stability, and barbecues for bohemian values, wildness, and Sunday afternoon jazz parties where booze, weed, and music flowed in equal measure. There began Michael's life-long journey to channel all the frustration, loneliness, love, and joy he felt into incredible rhythm. When Michael's family moved to Los Angeles in 1972, his home situation was rockier than ever. He sought out a sense of belonging elsewhere, spending most of his days partying, playing basketball, and committing petty crimes. At Fairfax High School, he met another social outcast, Anthony Kiedis, who quickly became his soul brother, the yin to his yang, his partner in mischief. Michael joined some bands, fell in love with performing, and honed his skills. But it wasn't until the night when Anthony, excited after catching a Grandmaster Flash concert, suggested they start their own band that he is handed the magic key to the cosmic kingdom. Acid for the Children is as raw, entertaining and wildly unpredictable as its author. It's both a tenderly evocative coming of age story and a raucous love letter to the power of music and creativity
16,10 € 16,95 €

Lacná kniha Billie Eilish - 100 % neoficiálna

Billie Eilish nie je iba súčasným popovým fenoménom, ale najmä hlasom mladej generácie. Objav všetko, čo musíš vedieť o mladej hudobníčke, ktorá láme svetové rekordy, vybočuje zo zabehnutých koľají a mení všetko od základov. Zisti, ako sa vyvíjal jej štýl, čo si v skutočnosti myslí o sláve, a s ktorými aspektmi svojho života sa musela vyrovnať. Všetko zistíš v úžasnom sprievodcovi najznámejšou tínedžerkou planéty.
0,50 € 9,99 €

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The Meaninig of Mariah Carey

The global icon, award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, actress, mother, daughter, sister, storyteller, and artist finally tells the unfiltered story of her life in The Meaning of Mariah Carey. It took me a lifetime to have the courage and the clarity to write my memoir. I want to tell the story of the moments - the ups and downs, the triumphs and traumas, the debacles and the dreams, that contributed to the person I am today. Though there have been countless stories about me throughout my career and very public personal life, it's been impossible to communicate the complexities and depths of my experience in any single magazine article or a ten-minute television interview. And even then, my words were filtered through someone else's lens, largely satisfying someone else's assignment to define me. This book is composed of my memories, my mishaps, my struggles, my survival and my songs. Unfiltered. I went deep into my childhood and gave the scared little girl inside of me a big voice. I let the abandoned and ambitious adolescent have her say, and the betrayed and triumphant woman I became tell her side. Writing this memoir was incredibly hard, humbling and healing. My sincere hope is that you are moved to a new understanding, not only about me, but also about the resilience of the human spirit. Love, Mariah
23,70 € 24,95 €
  • 4,7 /5

Meky: Miro Žbirka Songbook

- Reprezentativní kniha mapující celou kariéru Mira Žbirky prostřednictvím textů jeho písní - Kniha obsahuje 180 textů písní, každá píseň je opatřena akordovými značkami - Na 224 stranách jsou chronologicky uspořádány všechny písňové texty vždy podle alba, ze kterého pocházejí - od BALADY O POĽNÝCH VTÁKOCH až po novinku SLOVENSKÁ filmu Perinbaba a 2 světy - Každé řadové album doprovází text o vzniku alba, který s Miro Žbirkou sepsal renomovaný novinář Václav Hnátek - texty jsou v češtině a slovenštině
18,99 € 19,99 €

Larger Than Life

The music, the fans, the choreography, the clothes, the merch, the hysteria... the hair. The pop phenomenon that dominated the 1990s and 2000s has left a long-lasting mark on culture, yet no book has fully celebrated them. Maria Sherman has a deep love of boy bands and has written extensively on them for Jezebel, where she currently works, as well as in Rolling Stone, Vulture, and more. In this book, her first, she celebrates the boy band revolution with a mix of serious fandom and a tongue-in-cheek attitude. Larger Than Life begins with a brief look at the history of boy bands starting with The Beatles and touching on groups from the 1970s and early 1980s like the Jackson 5 and Menudo. Sherman then moves on the heart of the book -- the boy bands of the 80s, 90s, 2000s, and 2010s. Bands including NKOTB, Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, One Direction, and K-Pop bands like BTS are given a capsule biography with spreads on solo careers (the good and the bad), one hit wonders, dating, in-fighting, haters, and more mini-essays interspersed throughout. Informative and funny but never fan-shaming, Larger Than Life is the ultimate nostalgic guide to the musical genre and proof that this once maligned musical genre should no longer be under-appreciated.
22,33 € 23,50 €

Pollock Confidential

New York, 1948: The art world is ablaze with the pioneering brilliance of Jackson Pollock's 'action painting'. Despite this seismic creative output, Pollock's demons are never far away... Forceful, intense and visionary - in an incredibly short and turbulent life Jackson Pollock changed painting forever. This vivid graphic novel delves into his pioneering physical approach to making art, highlights the key characters surrounding the New York mid-century art scene and reveals the intriguing relationship between Pollock's painting and the covert activities of the Cold War.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Lacná kniha Billie Eilish - Základný sprievodca pre fanúšikov

Billie Eilish, v súčasnosti najžiarivejšia svetová popová hviezda, nikoho nekopíruje - tvorí ojedinelé moderné skladby. Darí sa jej úplne presne zachytiť pocity, ktoré má dnešný mladý človek zo súčasného sveta a premieňa ich na originálnu a fascinujúcu hudobnú zmes. Pri tom všetkom je neuveriteľné, že nemá ani dvadsať. Od čias, ako sa v roku 2015 po prvý raz zviditeľnila, bol s ňou spojený už celý rad rôznych prívlastkov, ale na žiadnom z nich v skutočnosti nezáleží. Billie je jednoducho Billie. Robí presne to, čo chce a ako chce. A vy nemôžete inak, ako ju nasledovať.
0,42 € 8,39 €

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Lacná kniha Billie Eilish: Fankniha (100% neoficiálna) (-70%)

Billie Eilish zaútočila na svet pop music. Jej hudba má jasný názor, jej štýl je jedinečný, jej texty sa dotknú každého. V ruke držíš knihu nadupanú úžasnými faktami o Billie, kvízmi a zákulisnými informáciami, ktoré ti nesmú uniknúť. Dostaň sa tejto hudobnej megastar pod kožu!
3,00 € 9,99 €

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V kategórii životopisov osobností z oblasti umenia nájdete široký výber kvalitných biografických kníh, ktoré vám umožnia hlbšie sa ponoriť do životov a tvorby umelcov zo všetkých oblastí umenia.

Biografie sú starostlivo vybrané, aby sme vám priniesli príbehy a príklady života umelcov, ktorí sa stali ikonami a inšpiráciou pre iných. Snažíme sa zachytiť ich cesty, od ich skromných začiatkov, cez všetky prekážky až po ich úspechy. Všetky naše knihy sú prevedené s láskou a starostlivosťou, s využitím bohatej zbierky fotografického materiálu, ktorý dodáva život a autenticitu týmto príbehom.

Naším cieľom je priniesť vám príbehy umelcov, ktorí vytvárajú umenie rôznymi spôsobmi - od maľby a sochárstva po hudbu, tanec a divadlo. Veríme, že tieto príbehy sú cenným zdrojom inšpirácie pre každého, kto sa zaujíma o umenie a jeho tvorcov.