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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Literatúra strana 17 z 26

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Orwell - The New Life

Over seventy years since his premature death, George Orwell (1903-50) has become one of the most significant figures in western literature. His two dystopian masterpieces, Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) have together sold over 40 million copies. Even now, he continues to exert a decisive influence on our understanding of international power-politics. D.J. Taylor's new biography, the first full-length study for 20 years, draws on a wide range of previously unseen material - newly-discovered letters to old girlfriends and professional colleagues, the recollections of the dwindling band of people who remember him, new information about his life in the early 1930s - to produce a definitive portrait of this complex, driven and self-mythologising man.
18,95 € 19,95 €

William S. Burroughs: A Life

Authoritative biography of cult writer and author of NAKED LUNCH, William Burroughs (1914-1997). It has been 50 years since Norman Mailer asserted, 'I think that William Burroughs is the only American novelist living today who may conceivably be possessed by genius.' This assessment holds true today. No-one since then has taken such risks in their writing, developed such individual radical political ideas, or spanned such a wide range of media - Burroughs has written novels, memoirs, technical manuals and poetry, he has painted, made collages, taken thousands of photographs, made visual scrapbooks, produced hundreds of hours of experimental tapes, acted in movies and recorded more CDs than most rock groups. Made a cult figure by the publication of NAKED LUNCH, Burroughs was a mentor to the 1960s youth culture. Underground papers referred to him as 'Uncle Bill' and he ranked alongside Bob Dylan and the Beatles, Buckminster Fuller and R.D. Laing as one of the 'gurus' of the youth movement who might just have the secret of the universe. Based upon extensive research, this biography paints a new portrait of Burroughs, making him real to the reader and showing how he was perceived by his contemporaries in all his guises - from icily distant to voluble drunk. It shows how his writing was very much influenced by his life situation and by the people he met on his travels around America and Europe. He was, beneath it all, a man torn by emotions: his guilt at not visiting his doting mother; his despair at not responding to reconciliation attempts from his father; his distance from his brother; the huge void that separated him from his son; and above all his killing of his wife, Joan Vollmer.
18,95 € 19,95 €

V rajské zahradě trpkých plodů 2. vydání

Románový životopis Bohumila Hrabala (1914–1997) vznikal ještě za jeho života. Čtyři roky se autorka s Hrabalem setkávala a naslouchala jeho vyprávění, a tak nás provází jeho dětstvím, mládím plným trampot, meziválečným obdobím v Nymburce, druhou světovou válkou na nádraží v Kostomlatech, prvními roky po komunistickém převratu ve slévárnách na Kladně a ve Sběrných surovinách v Praze. Dává nahlédnout do jeho prvních básnických a prozaických pokusů, do jeho nitra v 60. letech i v období depresí, výčitek svědomí a pocitů prázdnoty let posledních… Kniha vychází při příležitosti stoletého výročí Hrabalova narození.
11,56 € 12,17 €

Why Dante Matters

The year 2021 marks the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, a poet who, as T. S. Eliot put it, 'divides the world with Shakespeare, there being no third'. His, like ours, was a world of moral uncertainty and political violence, all of which made not only for the agony of exile but for an ever deeper meditation on the nature of human happiness. In Why Dante Matters, John Took offers by way of three in particular of Dante's works - the Vita Nova as the great work of his youth, the Convivio as the great work of his middle years and the Commedia as the great work of his maturity - an account, not merely of Dante's development as a poet and philosopher, but of his continuing presence to us as a guide to man's wellbeing as man. Committed as he was to the welfare not only of his contemporaries but of those 'who will deem this time ancient', Dante's is in this sense a discourse overarching the centuries, a discourse confirming him in his status, not merely as a cultural icon, but as a fellow traveller.
19,90 € 20,95 €

Dreamer of Dune : The Biography of Frank Herbert

Everyone knows Frank Herbert's Dune. This science fiction epic combines politics human evolution and ecology and has captured the imagination of generations of readers. It is one of the most popular science fiction novels ever written, has won awards, sold millions of copies around the world and spawned multiple motion-picture adaptations. Brian Herbert, Frank Herbert's eldest son, tells the provocative story of his father's extraordinary life in this honest and loving chronicle. He has also brought to light all the events in Herbert's life that would find their way into speculative fiction's greatest epic. From his early years in Tacoma, Washington, through his time at university and in the Navy, to the difficult years of poverty while struggling to become a published writer, Herbert worked long and hard before finding success after the publication of Dune in 1965. Brian Herbert writes about these years with a truthful intensity that brings every facet of his father's brilliant, and sometimes troubled, genius to full light. Insightful and provocative, this absorbing biography offers Brian Herbert's unique personal perspective on one of the most enigmatic and creative talents of our time.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Rokonom, Petőfi

Ugyan Petőfi Sándornak nincs egyenesági leszármazottja, édesanyja, Hrúz Mária, és édesapja, Petrovics István testvéreinek utódai viszont mindmáig köztünk élnek. Közéjük tartozik például Andrásfalvy Bertalan néprajztudós, illetve Hankiss Elemér szociológus is rokonnak tudhatta magát. Hihetetlenül érdekes élettörténeteket tárnak fel a hajdani anyakönyvek, a levéltári dokumentumok, a családi fényképek, melyeket a szerző hosszú éveken át tartó búvárkodással és nyomozással kutatott fel. Legendák és tények váltják egymást: a kerepesi Hrúz Ádám kocsmájában állítólag Sisi és Ferenc József is megfordult; a bólyi Petrovicsok számára nem kétséges a költő felmenőinek nemesi származása; a Petőváry család legfiatalabb, magyar-japán szülőktől származó tagja Tokióban él; nem csak unokatestvéri, hanem baráti viszony is volt Petőfi és Orlai Petrics Soma közt; és ennyi idő távlatából arra is fény derül, ki vette nevére a szabadszállási Herpai Zsuzsanna bábaasszony házasságon kívül született lányait és hol lehet az a porcelán bögre, amelyből Petőfi Zoltánka is ivott. Ebben a családtörténeti összefoglalóban Petőfi rokonságáról sok olyan részlet megelevenedik, melyekről a köztünk élő oldalági leszármazottaknak sem volt tudomása. Mindezeken túl a szerző közreadja a Hrúzok és a Petrovicsok családfáját, melyet a rendelkezésére álló adatok alapján készített el. A könyvben mintegy száz fotográfia is szerepel az irodalomtörténetbe bevonult família tagjairól.
12,89 € 13,57 €


Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy has defined how people imagine and depict heaven and hell for over 700 years. However, outside of Italy, his other works are not well-known, and less still is generally known about the context he wrote them in. In Dante, Barbero brings the legendary author's Italy to life, describing the political intrigue, battles, city and society that shaped his life and work.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Burning Boy

American writer Stephen Crane died in 1900 at the age of 28. In his short, intense life, this burning boy wrote a masterpiece, The Red Badge of Courage, as well as other novels, short stories, and dispatches from the front of two wars. His adventurous life took him to the Wild West, Mexico, then to Cuba during the Spanish American War - dodging bullets which killed those around him, and suffering shipwreck on his way home. Fleeing America because of a scandalous love affair, his last 18 months were spent in Britain where he became a close friends of H.G. Wells, Henry James and, especially, Joseph Conrad. Auster 's intention is to restore Crane to the pantheon of Modernist 20th century authors such as Conrad. Through Auster's skill as a novelist, Crane leaps off the page, and into the reader's heart.
22,75 € 23,95 €


As one of the most enduringly popular and controversial novelists of the last century, the 70th anniversary of George Orwell's death in 2020 will certainly be marked by conferences, festivals and media events - but more significant than these acts of commemoration is his relevance today. Despite the commonplace view that Animal Farm was aimed exclusively at Stalinist Russia, it was far more broadly focussed and the similarities between aspects of the novel and Trump's America are obvious. `Not only the parallels with the current President, but also by those who feel that his cult of personality is a mandate for collective nastiness. 'Doublethink' features in Nineteen Eighty Four and it is the forerunner to 'Fake News'. Aside from Orwell's importance as a political theorist and novelist his life in its own right is a beguiling narrative. His family was caught between upper middle-class complacency and uncertainty, and Orwell's time at Prep School and as a scholarship boy at Eton caused him to despise the class system that spawned him despite finding himself unable to fully detach himself from it. His life thereafter mirrored the history of his country; like many from his background he devoted himself to socialism as a salve to his conscience. He died at the point when Britain's status as an Imperial and world power had waned. An interest in him endures, principally because it is difficult to differentiate between the man who recorded the terrible events of the depression and the Spanish Civil War as an observer and the fiction writer who used literature to predict grim possibilities and diagnose horribly endemic inclinations. No other British writer of the 20th century has blended ideas, political commentary and literary art in such a manner. For an author whose work has been regarded as the most important in terms of the turbulent years of the mid-20th century and who eroded the boundaries between literature, journalism and political commentary, there have been relatively few attempts to present a vibrant portrait of the man behind the writings. Fifteen years (closer to eighteen when this book appears) is a long time for the absence of a life of one of one of the best-known authors of the twentieth century.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Frida Kahlo - An Illustrated Life

One of the most important artists of the twentieth century and an icon of courageous womanhood, Frida Kahlo lives on in the public imagination, where her popularity shows no signs of waning. She is renowned for both her paintings and her personal story, which were equally filled with pain and anguish, celebration and life. Thousands of words, including her own, have been written about Kahlo, but only one previous biography has recorded her fascinating, difficult life. Frida Kahlo by Maria Hesse offers a highly unique way of getting to know the artist by presenting her life in graphic novel form, with striking illustrations that reimagine many of Kahlo's famous paintings. Originally published in Spanish in 2016, Frida Kahlo has already found an enthusiastic audience in the Spanish-speaking world, with some 20,000 copies sold in just a few months. This translation introduces English-language readers to Kahlo's life, from her childhood and the traumatic accident that would change her life and her artwork, to her complicated love for Diego Rivera and the fierce determination that drove her to become a major artist in her own right. Maria Hesse tells the story in a first-person narrative, which captures both the depths of Frida's suffering and her passion for art and life.
22,75 € 23,95 €


Over seventy years since his premature death, George Orwell (1903-50) has become one of the most significant figures in western literature. His two dystopian masterpieces, Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) have together sold over 40 million copies. Even now, he continues to exert a decisive influence on our understanding of international power-politics. D.J. Taylor's new biography, the first full-length study for 20 years, draws on a wide range of previously unseen material - newly-discovered letters to old girlfriends and professional colleagues, the recollections of the dwindling band of people who remember him, new information about his life in the early 1930s - to produce a definitive portrait of this complex, driven and self-mythologising man.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Now is Not the Time for Flowers

When Stacey Heale's husband, Greg, was diagnosed with incurable cancer on their daughter's first birthday, everything changed. She quickly realised how little is spoken about what the harder times in our lives really look like, leaving us lost to navigate the unknown alone. Confronted with a new life she was not prepared for, Stacey began to untangle the brutal realities of life and death - and the fundamental differences between our expectations and reality. Now is Not the Time for Flowers is Stacey's unflinchingly beautiful and raw memoir that addresses the big conversations that imminent death dictates, boldly taking the reader on a journey through the full spectrum of our lives and their complexities. Told through vignettes of her own life and the death of her husband, Stacey offers a movingly honest, insightful and humorous account of modern womanhood through the lenses of love, desire, motherhood, death, grief, identity, personal growth and the challenges and questions that our lives force upon us. Now is Not the Time for Flowers is a powerful call to arms for us to discuss the messy and unexpected truths of our nuanced lives.
24,65 € 25,95 €

How the Just So Stories Were Made

From "How the Leopard Got Its Spots" to "The Elephant's Child," Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories have delighted readers across the world for more than a century. In this original study, John Batchelor explores the artistry with which Kipling created the Just So Stories, using each tale as an entry point into the writer's life and work-including the tragedy that shadows much of the volume, the death of his daughter Josephine. Batchelor details the playful challenges the stories made to contemporary society. In his stories Kipling played with biblical and other stories of creation and imagined fantastical tales of animals' development and man's discovery of literacy. Richly illustrated with original drawings and family photographs, this account reveals Kipling's public and private lives-and sheds new light on a much-loved and tremendously influential classic.
25,60 € 26,95 €

Red Comet: The Short Life and Blazing Art of Sylvia Plath

The first biography of this great and tragic poet that takes advantage of a wealth of new material, this is an unusually balanced, comprehensive and definitive life of Sylvia Plath. Determined not to read Plath's work as if her every act, from childhood on, was a harbinger of her tragic fate, Clark presents new materials about Plath's scientist father, her juvenile writings, and her psychiatric treatment, and evokes a culture in transition in the mid-twentieth century, in the shadow of the atom bomb and the Holocaust, as she explores Sylvia's world: her early relationships and determination not to become a conventional woman and wife; her conflicted ties to her well-meaning, widowed mother; her troubles at the hands of an unenlightened mental-health industry; and her Cambridge years and thunderclap meeting with Ted Hughes, a true marriage of minds that would change the course of poetry in English. Clark's clear-eyed sympathy for Hughes, his lover Assia Wevill, and other demonized players in the arena of Plath's suicide promotes a deeper understanding of her final days, with their outpouring of first-rate poems. Along with illuminating readings of the poems themselves, Clark's meticulous, compassionate research brings us closer than ever to the spirited woman and visionary artist who blazed a trail that still lights the way for women poets the world over.
26,55 € 27,95 €

Vrstva chleba, vrstva vápna, královna

Vzpomínky surrealistického básníka a prozaika (nar. 1942), ve kterých se snaží vyvrátit „asi tak osm základních lží a pomluv“, které se vznášejí kolem jeho osoby. Především však vzpomíná na Bohumila Hrabala, „prokleté básníky“ Karla Šebka a Jiřího Veselského, na Ladislava Nováka, Vratislava Effenbergera, Petra Krále a řadu dalších, „které měl rád, ale i na ty, které rád neměl.“
17,64 € 18,57 €

Radical Wordsworth

'Radical Wordsworth deserves to take its place as the finest modern introduction to his work, life and impact' Financial Times 'Richly repays reading ... It is hard to think of another poet who has changed our world so much' Sunday Times 'Marvellous ... Exhilarating ... Embroiders together life, poetry and landscape' Observer A dazzling new biography of Wordsworth's radical life as a thinker and poetical innovator, published to mark the 250th anniversary of his birth. William Wordsworth wrote the first great poetic autobiography. We owe to him the idea that places of outstanding natural beauty should become what he called 'a sort of national property'. He changed forever the way we think about childhood, about the sense of the self, about our connection to the natural environment, and about the purpose of poetry. He was born among the mountains of the English Lake District. He walked into the French Revolution, had a love affair and an illegitimate child, before witnessing horrific violence in Paris. His friendship with Samuel Taylor Coleridge was at the core of the Romantic movement. As he retreated from radical politics and into an imaginative world within, his influence would endure as he shaped the ideas of thinkers, writers and activists throughout the nineteenth century in both Britain and the United States. This wonderful book opens what Wordsworth called 'the hiding places of my power'. W. H. Auden once wrote that 'Poetry makes nothing happen'. He was wrong. Wordsworth's poetry changed the world. Award-winning biographer and critic Jonathan Bate tells the story of how it happened.
30,35 € 31,95 €


Goethe, jako bychom se s ním setkali poprvé: Na vrcholu své biografické tvorby nám Rüdiger Safranski tohoto génia století představuje v novém světle. U žádného autora novější doby neproudí biografické prameny tak bohatě, ale k žádnému se zároveň nevztahuje tak velké množství názorů a interpretací. Safranski, mistr výkladu z hlediska dějin duchovního vývoje, se Goethovi přibližuje výhradně z primárních pramenů díla, dopisů, deníků, rozhovorů, poznámek současníků. Vzniká tak neobvykle živý obraz člověka, jehož životní cesta zahrnuje období od hravého rokoka až ke střízlivému věku železnic, člověka, kterému celá jedna epocha vděčí za své jméno: doba Goethova. Goethovo rané literární dílo je určitým měřítkem dodnes. Jemu samému se však po údobí kultu génia literární život ve Frankfurtu omrzel. Riskoval radikální řez a v roce 1775 odešel do malého vévodství Sasko-výmarského, kde jako vévodův přítel nakonec zastával úřad státního ministra. Zatímco i nadále tvořil nezapomenutelné básně, divadelní hry a romány a věnoval se práci na Faustovi, uvědomoval si stále naléhavěji, že skutečným dílem je možná i sám jeho život, kterému chtěl v bouřlivé době vtisknout nezaměnitelnou podobu. Rüdiger Safranski líčí nejen Goethovu tvorbu a jeho dobu, ale i tuto básníkovu práci na sobě samém. V jeho knize se tak navíc jedná o příklad umění žít, které se zčásti podařilo a zčásti ztroskotalo, ale přesto je pro nás neustále významné a poučné. Českému čtenáři se nyní po více jak 46 letech dostává do ruky ucelená kvalitní a moderně pojatá Goethova biografie, jež byla v Německu přijata s nadšením.
24,47 € 25,76 €

Astrid Lindgren - The Woman Behind Pippi Longstocking

The first English-language biography of Astrid Lindgren provides a moving and revealing portrait of the beloved Scandinavian literary icon whose adventures of Pippi Longstocking have influenced generations of young readers all over the world. Lindgren’s sometimes turbulent life as an unwed teenage mother, outspoken advocate for the rights of women and children, and celebrated editor and author is chronicled in fascinating detail by Jens Andersen, one of Denmark’s most popular biographers. Based on extensive research and access to primary sources and letters, this highly readable account describes Lindgren’s battles with depression and her personal struggles through war, poverty, motherhood, and fame. Andersen examines the writer’s oeuvre as well to uncover the secrets to the books’ universal appeal and why they have resonated so strongly with young readers for more than seventy years.
32,25 € 33,95 €

Art of Neil Gaiman

Novelist, comics writer, scriptwriter, poet, occasional artist - a master of several genres and inadvertent leader of many cults - there are few creative avenues Neil Gaiman hasn't ventured down. From unforgettable books like The Ocean at the End of the Lane and American Gods to ground-breaking comics and graphic novels like The Sandman and Violent Cases; from big screen fantasies like Coraline to small screen epics like Doctor Who; and from short stories to songwriting, stage plays to radio plays, journalism to filmmaking, and all points in-between, The Art of Neil Gaiman is the first comprehensive, full-colour examination of Gaiman's work to date.
32,25 € 33,95 €

Biografie v kategórii Literatúra sa zaoberajú životnými príbehmi a skúmaním významných spisovateľov a literárnych osobností. Tieto knihy nám ponúkajú hlbší pohľad do života a diela jednotlivcov, ktorí zanechali trvalý odkaz vo svete literatúry.

V biografiách literárnych osobností sa často analyzujú a opisujú významné udalosti a skúsenosti, ktoré formovali spisovateľov a ovplyvnili ich tvorbu. Autori týchto kníh sa zameriavajú na výskum životných príbehov, vzťahov, tvorivých procesov a vplyvov, ktoré formovali jedinečný literárny hlas a príspevok týchto osobností.

Tieto životopisy nám umožňujú priblížiť sa k mysli a inšpiráciám spisovateľov, pochopiť ich tvorivý vývoj, motívy, témy a techniky písania. Tieto knihy nám poskytujú kontext prechodu od života spisovateľa k ich literárnemu dedičstvu, a tak nám umožňujú hlbšie porozumieť a interpretovať ich diela.

Biografie literárnych osobností sa zameriavajú na rôzne literárne epochy, žánre a kultúrne kontexty. Medzi populárne témy patria životopisy klasických spisovateľov, moderných autorov, básnikov, dramatikov a literárnych ikon, ktorých diela majú významný vplyv na literárnu kultúru.