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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Literatúra strana 21 z 26

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Volá Moskva

Angus Roxburgh studoval ruštinu a němčinu na univerzitách v Aberdeenu a v Curychu. Byl zpravodajem Sunday Times v Moskvě) zpravodajem BBC v Moskvě a evropským zpravodajem BBC. V letech 2006 až 2009 pracoval jako mediální konzultant Kremlu, nyní je na volné noze jakožto nezávislý spisovatel a publicista. Je autorem uznávaného díla The Strongman: Vladimir Putin and the Struggle for Russia, a byl konzultantem oceňovaných dokumentů BBC The Second Russian Revolution a Putin, Russia and the West.
20,05 € 21,10 €

Vychoval mě gangster

Nic nenahrávalo tomu, že se kdy René-Luc stane knězem. Svému povolání byl ještě na hony vzdálen i onoho podzimního večera v listopadu roku 1979, kdy byl svědkem toho, jak se jeho nevlastní otec uprostřed ulice zastřelil; právě ho propustili z vězení. Tento traumatický zážitek navazuje na léta bouřlivého dětství. René-Luc, který vlastního otce vůbec nepoznal, se rychle stává mladistvým zločincem - navzdory lásce své matky, která se ze všech sil snaží obstarat pět dětí. Cesta z kopce se zarazí až tehdy, když se setká s kazatelem Nickym Cruzem, bývalým vůdcem newyorského gangu Portorikánců (srov. Wilkerson, Dýka a kříž nebo Utíkej, malý, utíkej). Vyslechne jeho svědectví o setkání s Kristem a zasáhne ho Boží milost, takže se rozhodne změnit svůj život a odevzdat ho Bohu. Setkává se s hnutím charismatické obnovy a postupně je získán pro novou evangelizaci: spolu s otcem Danielem Angem a dalšími jede povzbudit křesťany do válkou zmítaného Libanonu, svědčí o své víře před tisíci mladými, zakládá jednu z prvních katolických rockových kapel ve Francii a stává se duchovním synem Jana Pavla II. Roku 1994 je vysvěcen na kněze. Hledá a nalézá i svého fyzického otce. Knížka Vychoval mě gangster je strhujícím příběhem víry a naděje, který potvrzuje, že Boží milost umí psát rovně i po křivolakých řádcích.
9,36 € 9,85 €

All Sorts of Lives

Accessible, lively new biography of an under-served female writer, from a bestselling, acclaimed literary biographer Published to celebrate Katherine Mansfield's centenary, this is a compact but comprehensive new portrait of her life, work, relevance and wonderfully inspiring personality Restless outsider, masher-up of form and convention, Katherine Mansfield's short but dazzling career was characterised by struggle, insecurity and sacrifice ? alongside a glorious, relentless creative drive and openness. She was the only writer Virginia Woolf admitted being jealous of, yet by the 1950s was so undervalued that Elizabeth Bowen was moved to ask, 'Where is she ? our missing contemporary?' Now, looking back over the hundred years since her death, it is evident how vital Mansfield was to the Modernist movement and how strikingly relevant she is today, helping us to see differently, to savour and to notice things. In this dynamic and perceptive study, Claire Harman takes a fresh look at Mansfield's life and achievements side by side, through the form she did so much to revolutionise: the short story. Exploring ten pivotal works, we watch how Mansfield's desire to grow as a writer pushed her art into unknown territory, and how illness sharpened her extraordinary vitality: 'Would you not like to try all sorts of lives ? one is so very small.' Inventive, intimate and informative, All Sorts of Lives is the perfect introduction for those who aren't familiar with Mansfield's work and, for those who are, it offers a new way of viewing and celebrating her and her legacy.
18,53 € 19,50 €

The Story of a Life

In 1943, Konstantin Paustovsky, the Soviet Union's most revered author, started out on his masterwork - The Story of a Life; a grand, novelistic memoir of a life lived on the fast-unfurling frontiers of Russian history. Eventually published over six volumes, it would cement Paustovsky's reputation as the voice of Russia around the world, and see him nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Newly translated by Guggenheim fellow Douglas Smith, Vintage Classics are proud to reintroduce the first three books of Paustovsky's epic for a whole new generation. Taking its reader from Paustovsky's Ukrainian youth, struggling with a family on the verge of collapse and the first flourishes of creative ambition, to his experiences working as a paramedic on Russia's frontlines and then as a journalist covering the country's violent spiral into revolution, The Story of a Life offers a portrait of an artistic journey like no other. As richly dramatic as the great Russian novels of the 19th and 20th centuries, but all the more powerful for its first-hand testament to one of history's most chaotic eras, The Story of Life is a uniquely dazzling achievement of modern literature.
18,53 € 19,50 €

Ceterum censeo

Ceterum censeo. Az én generációmban, hát még a régebbieknél, gyakran használt fordulat volt ez a latin mondatkezdet. Magyarul: egyébként javaslom (vagy az a véleményem). A mondást az antik Róma szenátora, az idősebb Cato (i.e. 243 - i.e. 149) honosította meg, aki minden beszéde végén következetesen hozzáfűzte: Ceterum censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam. Vagyis: Egyébként javaslom, Karthágót el kell pusztítani. Természetesen részemről csupán a "ceterum censeo" érvényes. Azaz írói életemben kitartóan mondom és mondom a magamét. Hátha igazam van. Catóval ellentétben nem lerombolni akarnám Karthágót. Sem az egykori valóságost, amelyben jártam, és megdöbbentettek maradék régi kövei, egyet haza is loptam belőlük. Sem azt a mindenkori szimbolikust, amelyben élünk. A diktatúrák városait sem lerombolni kell, hanem eltávolítani a diktátort. Ez a könyv töredék az életemből. Egy alaposan megkurtított életrajz. Egyébként javaslom (ceterum censeo): ne legyen az utolsó! Görgey Gábor
10,70 € 11,26 €


This is a book about the life and work of a singular writer, known for his biographies and travel writing but most famous for his novels The Red and the Black and the Charterhouse of Parma. As a child, Stendhal witnessed the unfolding of the French Revolution; as a young man, he served Napoleon first as a soldier and then as an administrator; and, as a middle-aged man, he made it his task not to pursue his career, but instead to take as much paid leave as possible in order to be free and to be happy, and to write. Stendhal's works often take the form of conversations with his readers - the `Happy Few' as he called them - about the things that matter most. He once claimed that he spent the majority of his life `carefully considering five or six main ideas'. This book shows what those main ideas were, why they mattered to Stendhal, and why they continue to matter to his readers.
17,58 € 18,50 €


'Promises to make for one of 2021's must-read memoirs' Stylist The powerful, urgent manifesto on never giving up from Booker prize-winning trailblazer, Bernardine Evaristo In 2019, Bernardine Evaristo became the first black woman to win the Booker Prize since its inception fifty years earlier - a revolutionary landmark for Britain. Her journey was a long one, but she made it, and she made history. Manifesto is her intimate and fearless account of how she did it. From a childhood steeped in racism from neighbours, priests and even some white members of her own family, to discovering the arts through her local youth theatre; from stuffing her belongings into bin bags, always on the move between temporary homes, to exploring many romantic partners both toxic and loving, male and female, and eventually finding her soulmate; from setting up Britain's first theatre company for Black women in the eighties to growing into the trailblazing writer, theatre-maker, teacher, mentor and activist we see today - Bernardine charts her rebellion against the mainstream and her life-long commitment to community and creativity. And, through the prism of her extraordinary experiences, she offers vital insights into the nature of race, class, feminism, sexuality and ageing in modern Britain. Bernardine Evaristo's life story is a manifesto for courage, integrity, optimism, resourcefulness and tenacity. It's a manifesto for anyone who has ever stood on the margins, and anyone who wants to make their mark on history. It's a manifesto for being unstoppable. 'Bernardine Evaristo is one of those writers who should be read by everyone, everywhere' Elif Shafak 'Bernardine Evaristo is one of Britain's best writers, an iconic and unique voice, filled with warmth, subtlety and humanity. Exceptional' Nikesh Shukla
17,58 € 18,50 €

Somebodys Daughter

If family was everything, the source of all that was needed to complete the picture, I was a wilfully missing piece of the puzzle...'Throughout her adolescence, Ashley Ford doesn't know how to deal with the incessant worries that keep her up at night or how to handle the changes in her body that draw unwanted attention from men.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Murder Isn't Easy: The Forensics of Agatha Christie

While other children were devouring the works of Enid Blyton and Beatrix Potter, Carla Valentine was poring through the pages of Agatha Christie novels - and that early fascination lead to her job as a pathology technician working in mortuaries and trained in forensics. Nearly every Agatha Christie story involves one - or more commonly several - dead bodies, and for a young Carla, a curious child already fascinated with biology, these stories and these bodies were perfect puzzles. Of course Agatha herself didn't talk of 'forensics' which, in the way we use it now, but each tale she tells twists and turns with her expert weave of human observation, ingenuity and genuine science of the era. Through the medium of the 'whodunnit', Agatha Christie was a pioneer of forensic science, and in Murder Isn't Easy Carla illuminates all of the knowledge of one of our most beloved authors.
17,58 € 18,50 €


One of the most enduringly popular and controversial writers of the twentieth century, George Orwell's work is as relevant today as it was in his own lifetime. Possibly, in the age of Brexit and populism, even more so. He foresaw 'Fake News' in Nineteen Eighty Four's 'Doublethink', the creation of the EU and predicted that post-Imperial xenophobia would cause Britain to leave it. Separate from his career as a political theorist and novelist, Orwell's life is fascinating in its own right. Disillusioned with his family's upper middle-class complacency, Orwell grew to despise the class system that spawned him, despite being unable to fully detach from it. In truth, he reserved as much suspicion and distaste for the 'proles' as he did pity. Orwell: A Man of Our Time offers a vivid portrait of the man behind the writings, placing both him and his work at the centre of the current political landscape.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Proti všetkým pravidlám

"Odmalička mi hovorili, že som príliš živelná, príliš prudká, že je ma príliš, píše americká spisovateľka Ariel Levy vo svojich výnimočných memoároch s názvom Proti všetkým pravidlám. Ako mladá žena sa rozhodla, že ak sa stane reportérkou, perfektne sa spojí jej sila i všetky túžby. Stane sa profesionálnou objaviteľkou, druhom ženy, ktorá je slobodná vo všetkom, čo si vyberie. Presťahuje sa na Manhattan a roky strávi dobrodružným cestovaním po celom svete, aby pre slávny časopis The New Yorker písala portréty nezvyčajných ženských hrdiniek. Zažije však aj nepredstaviteľné sklamania, kvôli ktorým sa musí vzdať mnohých svojich ilúzií. Vo svojom autobiografickom románe zachytáva nielen vlastný život, ale aj našu komplikovanú súčasnosť. Je to príbeh o veľkej láske i obrovských stratách, o závislosti, homosexualite a veľkej ženskej sile. Domnievala som sa, že som tie divoké živly vo mne, tú energiu, nenásytnosť, lásku skrotila a ukotvila v živote, v ktorom sa dali udržať na uzde. Ale ony explodovali.
16,06 € 16,90 €

Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes

At the time of his death in 2015, award-winning and bestselling author Sir Terry Pratchett was working on his finest story yet - his own. The creator of the phenomenally bestselling Discworld series, Terry Pratchett was known and loved around the world for his hugely popular books, his smart satirical humour and the humanity of his campaign work. But that's only part of the picture. Before his untimely death, Terry was writing a memoir: the story of a boy who aged six was told by his teacher that he would never amount to anything and spent the rest of his life proving him wrong. For Terry lived a life full of astonishing achievements: becoming one of the UK's bestselling and most beloved writers, winning the prestigious Carnegie Medal and being awarded a knighthood. Now, the book Terry sadly couldn't finish has been written by Rob Wilkins, his former assistant, friend and now head of the Pratchett literary estate. Drawing on his own extensive memories, along with those of the author's family, friends and colleagues, Rob unveils the full picture of Terry's life - from childhood to his astonishing writing career, and how he met and coped with what he called the 'Embuggerance' of Alzheimer's disease. A deeply moving and personal portrait of the extraordinary life of Sir Terry Pratchett, written with unparalleled insight and filled with funny anecdotes, this is the only official biography of one of our finest authors.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo is an icon of French culture. He achieved immense success as a poet, dramatist, and novelist, and he was also elected to both houses of the French Parliament. Leading the Romantic campaign against artistic tradition and defying the Second Empire in exile, he became synonymous with the progressive ideals of the French Revolution. His state funeral in Paris made headlines across the world, and his breadth of appeal remains evident today, not least thanks to the popularity of his bestseller, Les Mis rables, and its myriad theatrical and cinematic incarnations. This biography, the first in English for more than twenty years, provides a concise but comprehensive exploration of Hugo's monumental body of work within the context of his dramatic life. Hugo wrestled with family tragedy and personal misgivings while being pulled into the turmoil of the nineteenth century, from the fall of Napoleon's Empire to the rise of France's Third Republic. Throughout these twists of fate, he sensed a natural order of collapse and renewal. This unending cycle of creation shaped his ideas about freedom and roused his imagination, which he channeled into his prolific writing and other outlets like drawing. As Bradley Stephens argues, such creative intellectual vigor suggests that Hugo was too restless to sit comfortably on the pedestal of literary greatness; Hugo's was a mind as revolutionary as the time in which he lived.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Thomas Mann

This concise yet thorough critical biography throws new light on the work of German novelist, short-story writer, essayist, and social critic Thomas Mann. It also offers a fresh look at the value of his short stories. Looking closely at how Mann's brother Heinrich as well as the work of philosophers (notably Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Goethe) influenced Mann's writing, Herbert Lehnert and Eva Wessell reveal how Mann's fictional worlds criticized the prevailing bourgeois order, and how his first novel, Buddenbrooks, signaled the need for change. Lehnert and Wessell also explore the lasting significance of such groundbreaking works as The Magic Mountain, Death in Venice, and Doctor Faustus, a novel that, in view of fascism, asks whether the bourgeois culture of the individual has not become diseased. Thomas Mann also investigates Mann's political views, from his anti-Nazi speeches to his anti-McCarthyist activities. The book offers an engaging, fresh account of an essential German writer, one which illustrates how the context of Mann's life shaped his achievements.
15,68 € 16,50 €

On Nineteen Eighty-Four

From the author of the definitive biography of George Orwell, a captivating account of the origin and enduring power of his landmark dystopian novel Since its publication nearly 70 years ago, George Orwell's 1984 has been regarded as one of the most influential novels of the modern age. Politicians have testified to its influence on their intellectual identities, rock musicians have made records about it, TV viewers watch a reality show named for it, and a White House spokesperson tells of "alternative facts." The world we live in is often described as an Orwellian one, awash in inescapable surveillance and invasions of privacy. On 1984 dives deep into Orwell's life to chart his earlier writings and key moments in his youth, such as his years at a boarding school, whose strict and charismatic headmaster shaped the idea of Big Brother. Taylor tells the story of the writing of the book, taking readers to the Scottish island of Jura, where Orwell, newly famous thanks to Animal Farm but coping with personal tragedy and rapidly declining health, struggled to finish 1984. Published during the cold war-a term Orwell coined-Taylor elucidates the environmental influences on the book. Then he examines 1984's post-publication life, including its role as a tool to understand our language, politics, and government. In a current climate where truth, surveillance, censorship, and critical thinking are contentious, Orwell's work is necessary. Written with resonant and reflective analysis, On 1984 is both brilliant and remarkably timely.
14,73 € 15,50 €

F.M. Dostojevskij - život a dílo

Osud proklatce (osm let na Sibiři, čtyři a půl roku v emigraci), který se zapsal do světové literatury. Dokonalá biografie F. M. Dostojevského.
8,80 € 9,26 €

Osobnosť Márie Rázusovej-Martákovej na pozadí recepčnej tradície

Monografia mapuje život a dielo významnej slovenskej poetky a prekladateľky so zreteľom na jej prekladateľskú tvorbu. Doteraz predstavovala táto téma takmer celkom biele miesto na mape slovenských dejín prekladu. Autorka venuje pozornosť nielen rozsi ahlemu prekladateľskému dielu predovšetkým z ruskej literatúry, ale aj jej životu a vzťahom na pozadí slovenského kultúrneho prostredia, ktoré Máriu Rázusovú-Martákovú formovali. Monografia dokresľuje komplexný obraz o tejto zaujímavej, významnej a nesmierne prínosnej osobnosti slovenského kultúrneho života.
5,74 € 6,04 €

A gyémánt fénye és árnyéka

Üzleti sikerekben bővelkedő, ám emberi tragédiákkal sújtott mozgalmas életének történetét próbálja nagyító alá venni e könyv szerzője. Őszintén, torzításmentesen. Hátha rájön arra, hogy az Örökkévaló miért akarta őt oly sokszor próbára tenni. Természetesen az ilyen titkokat az ember nem tudja kifürkészni, de egy élet krónikája talán segít másokat is, hogy felismerjék: nincs semmi sem ingyen. Munka és tisztesség nélkül nincs gyarapodás, és gyarapodás nélkül az ország sem gyarapodik, hiszen olyan nincs, hogy gazdag ország szegény emberekkel vagy szegény ország gazdagokkal. Csebi Pogány Lajos életrajza egyben korrajz is, amelyben nemcsak egy különleges karakter lesz az ismerősünk, hanem a nagyvilág is sok érdekes személyiségével, sorsaival
12,25 € 12,89 €

Slovanský Goethe v Pešti

Ján Kollár, nejdůležitější postava českého a slovenského národního hnutí, básník, vědec a duchovní pastor žil a tvořil po tři desetiletí v hlavním městě Uher. V tomto prostředí se zrodila jeho Slávy dcera, stejne jako jeho proslulé kázání Dobré vlastnosti národu slovanského, sem si také přivedl svou milovanou ženu Mínu. Szemánova kniha pojednává o čilém duchovním živote uherského hlavního města a jeho působení na Kollára i na jednotlivá národní hnutí: české, slovenské, chorvatské, srbské a maďarské. Na základě nových pramenů autor rekonstruuje rovnež pešťský evangelický církevní život, který Kollárovo dílo i činy do značné míry determinoval. Kniha maďarského literárního historika, bohemisty, slovakisty a univerzitního profesora Róberta Kisse Szemána staví bádání o Kollárovi na zcela nové základy. Pomocí rozsáhlého filologického aparátu načrtá poutavým způsobem portrét této velké postavy českého národního obrození.
10,72 € 11,28 €

Biografie v kategórii Literatúra sa zaoberajú životnými príbehmi a skúmaním významných spisovateľov a literárnych osobností. Tieto knihy nám ponúkajú hlbší pohľad do života a diela jednotlivcov, ktorí zanechali trvalý odkaz vo svete literatúry.

V biografiách literárnych osobností sa často analyzujú a opisujú významné udalosti a skúsenosti, ktoré formovali spisovateľov a ovplyvnili ich tvorbu. Autori týchto kníh sa zameriavajú na výskum životných príbehov, vzťahov, tvorivých procesov a vplyvov, ktoré formovali jedinečný literárny hlas a príspevok týchto osobností.

Tieto životopisy nám umožňujú priblížiť sa k mysli a inšpiráciám spisovateľov, pochopiť ich tvorivý vývoj, motívy, témy a techniky písania. Tieto knihy nám poskytujú kontext prechodu od života spisovateľa k ich literárnemu dedičstvu, a tak nám umožňujú hlbšie porozumieť a interpretovať ich diela.

Biografie literárnych osobností sa zameriavajú na rôzne literárne epochy, žánre a kultúrne kontexty. Medzi populárne témy patria životopisy klasických spisovateľov, moderných autorov, básnikov, dramatikov a literárnych ikon, ktorých diela majú významný vplyv na literárnu kultúru.