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Najnovšie - Knihy - Cudzojazyčná literatúra strana 87 z 500

Lacná kniha Blue Horizon (-90%)

At the close of Wilbur Smith's bestselling Monsoon", Tom Courtney and his brother Dorian battled on the high seas and finally reached the Cape of Good Hope to start life afresh. In this spellbinding new novel, the next generation of Courtneys are out to stake their claim in Southern Africa, travelling along the infamous 'Robber's Road'. It is a journey both exciting and hazardous, that takes them through the untouched wilderness of a beautiful land filled with warring tribes and wild animals. At heart a story of love and hatred, vengeance and greed, "Blue Horizon" is an utterly compelling adventure from one of the world's most celebrated novelists. "Wilbur Smith is one of those benchmarks against whom others are compared" - "The Times". "A masterstory teller" - "Sunday Times". "
Na sklade 1Ks
0,92 € 9,20 €

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Lacná kniha Inteción criminal (-90%)

La angustiosa carrera de un anestesista por demostrar su inocencia en la muerte de una paciente. Durante un parto rutinario, una mujer muere en extranas circunstancias. El Dr. Jeffrey Rhodes, que ha intervenido como anestesista, es acusado y condenado. Desde ese momento su vida se convierte en una pesadilla de la que solo podrá escapar cuando logre probar que no tuvo responsabilidad en la tragedia. Para ello cuenta con la ayuda de la atractiva enfermera Kelly Eyerson. Ambos se lanzan tras las huellas de un maníaco asesino, sin sospechar que lo que descubrirán es una verdad mucho más aterradora. Combinando sus conocimientos de medicina con una trama de vértigo, Robin Cook logra una obra maestra del suspense.
Na sklade 1Ks
1,10 € 11,00 €

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Lacná kniha Amenaza Bajo El Mar (-90%)

Amenaza bajo el mar
Na sklade 1Ks
1,34 € 13,40 €

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Lacná kniha Geschichten der Eva Luna (-70%)

Begeisterung für das Leben, dieser Wesenszug von Isabel Allende spiegelt sich in allen 23 Geschichten der Eva Luna wider. So abwechslungsreich wie die Landschaften Südamerikas, das von den kalten Südzonen bis zum hitzigen Dschungel und den ölschwitzenden Küstenstädten der Karibik reicht, sind diese in Atmosphäre, Szenerie und Thematik so unterschiedlichen Geschichten. Die Fabulierkunst Isabel Allendes kennt keine Grenzen, wenn sie von Erotik, Leidenschaft und Gewalt erzählt und auch ihr unverwechselbarer, übermütiger Humor blitzt immer wieder auf.
Na sklade 2Ks
4,54 € 15,14 €

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Art Deco

37,95 € 39,95 €

Lacná kniha Ciudad (-70%)

Simak narra -desde el punto de vista perruno-los últimos anos de la epopeya humana. Los hombres han desaparecido, pero los perros se reúnen en las noches de invierno y, rodeados de sus cachorros, cuentan sus historias. Hay ironía, ternura y melancolía en esas historias... El lector lee en ellas el obituario de su raza, y advierte al mismo tiempo que, para la mente de un ser capaz de crear otra civilización, los hombres son criaturas casi inimaginables...
Na sklade 2Ks
4,16 € 13,88 €

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Lacná kniha Ernestine (-90%)

Ernestine - Nouvelle Suedoise
Na sklade 1Ks
0,34 € 3,36 €

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Sputnik Sweetheart

Haruki Murakami is arguably one of Japan's finest, modern writers and is, increasingly, being seen as one of the top authors working today. The last novel of his to find its way to these shores, Norwegian Wood, was a delightful, if slightly one-dimensional coming-of-age tale. The pyrotechnics of his previous, more surreal novels (Wind Up Bird Chronicle and A Wild Sheep Chase) had disappeared but something of his eccentricity, what made his books such a wonder, had disappeared too. Sputnik Sweetheart is a confident continuation of this more simple style yet one that retains the allegories, the depth of his best work. The narrator, a teacher, is in love with the beguiling, odd Sumire. As his best friend, she is not adverse to phoning at three or four in the morning to ask a pointless question or share a strange thought. Sumire, though, is in love with a beautiful, older woman, Miu, who does not, can not, return her affections. Longing for Sumire, K (that is all we are told by way of a name) finds some comfort in a purely sexual relationship with the mother of one of his pupils. But the consolation is slight. K is unhappy. Miu and Sumire, now working together, take a business trip to a Greek Island. Something happens, he is not told what, and so K travels to Greece to see what help he can offer. Themes of love, loss, sexuality, identity and selfhood are all interrogated, woven into a compelling, romantic, serious and sometimes sad book. It is a disarmingly simple, hugely satisfying, intelligent and moving work and one of Murakami's best. Simplicity, sprinkled with a dose of his magic, has enabled Murakami to write candidly, succinctly and beautifully about the complications and difficulties of love and loving.
Na sklade 1Ks
11,88 € 12,50 €


2,84 € 2,99 €

Lacná kniha Cider with Rosie (-70%)

At all times wonderfully evocative and poignant, Cider With Rosie is a charming memoir of Laurie Lee's childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a world that is tangibly real and yet reminiscent of a now distant past. In this idyllic pastoral setting, unencumbered by the callous father who so quickly abandoned his family responsibilities, Laurie's adoring mother becomes the centre of his world as she struggles to raise a growing family against the backdrop of the Great War. The sophisticated adult author's retrospective commentary on events is endearingly juxtaposed with that of the innocent, spotty youth, permanently prone to tears and self-absorption. Rosie's identity from the novel Cider with Rosie was kept secret for 25 years. She was Ros e Buckland, Lee's cousin by marriage. "From the Paperback edition."
Na sklade 2Ks
0,69 € 2,29 €

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Lacná kniha Manhattan Beat (nem) (-70%)

Eine aufregende Entdeckung für Deaver-Fans und solche, die es mit diesem Thriller werden: Die neue Serienheldin Rune, 20, schräg, hip, mit losem Mundwerk, bringt viel Herz in die nervenzerreißende Spannung. Sie lebt in einem halbfertigen New Yorker Loft, liebt hippe Kleidung - und Geheimnisse. Sie will Filmemacherin werden, aber vorerst jobbt sie in einer Videothek. Einer ihrer Lieblingskunden ist Robert Kelly, der sich schon 18 mal den Klassiker Manhattan Beat" ausgeliehen hat. Als Rune das Video bei ihm abholen soll, findet sie seine Leiche und gerät durch ihre neugierigen Recherchen selbst ins Visier des Killers."
Na sklade 1Ks
3,75 € 12,51 €

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Lacná kniha Noches del Buen Retiro (-70%)

En Las noches del Buen Retiro, Pío Baroja nos ofrece una vivísima evocación, nostálgica pero no menos irónica, del Madrid de finales de siglo, la ciudad de su juventud. Por los jardincillos del mismo nombre, donde se reunían a pasear, charlar y a oír música los madrilenos de la más variada procedencia, pasa un abigarrada galería de tipos: políticos, escritores, comediantes, empresarios, curas, usureros, mendigos, damas de alcurnia, hijos de la burguesía, mujeres de mala vida, gente del hampa? Entre ellos está el protagonista, Jaime Thierry (alter ego del propio Pío Baroja, y del joven Maeztu) , un espanol de sangre extranjera, fogoso de temperamento, que aspira a hacerse un nombre literario en la corte. Thierry tendrá que luchar no sólo contra las asechanzas del mundillo literario y periodístico, sino también contra las convenciones sociales, que entre otras cosas le impiden una relación natural y satisfactoria con las mujeres. En la vehemencia y romanticismo de su ambición, rinde Baroja un homenaje tanto a la juventud como a la ciudad de entonces y sus múltiples caras.
Na sklade 1Ks
3,65 € 12,15 €

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Lacná kniha Last Light (-70%)

Aborting an officially-sanctioned assassination attempt at the Houses of Parliament when he realises who the target is, Secret Intelligence Service deniable operator Nick Stone is given a chilling ultimatum: fly to Panama and finish the job, or Kelly, the eleven-year-old orphan in his charge, will be killed. Stone is on the edge, struggling to pick up the pieces of his shattered life, trying to come to terms with a heartrending decision he has made about Kelly?s future. By the time he arrives in Panama, he is close to breaking point. And in the sweltering Central American jungle, Stone finds himself at the centre of a lethal conspiracy involving Colombian guerrillas, the US government and Chinese big business. At stake are hundreds of innocent lives. He has a critically injured friend to rescue and miles of dense rainforest to navigate. And in an explosive denouement at the Panama Canal, Nick Stone is forced to make the toughest decision of his life?
Na sklade 1Ks
1,20 € 3,99 €

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Lacná kniha Last Light (-50%)

Aborting an officially-sanctioned assassination attempt at the Houses of Parliament when he realises who the target is, Secret Intelligence Service deniable operator Nick Stone is given a chilling ultimatum: fly to Panama and finish the job, or Kelly, the eleven-year-old orphan in his charge, will be killed. Stone is on the edge, struggling to pick up the pieces of his shattered life, trying to come to terms with a heartrending decision he has made about Kelly?s future. By the time he arrives in Panama, he is close to breaking point. And in the sweltering Central American jungle, Stone finds himself at the centre of a lethal conspiracy involving Colombian guerrillas, the US government and Chinese big business. At stake are hundreds of innocent lives. He has a critically injured friend to rescue and miles of dense rainforest to navigate. And in an explosive denouement at the Panama Canal, Nick Stone is forced to make the toughest decision of his life?
Na sklade 1Ks
2,00 € 3,99 €

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Ak nie ste stratení v preklade a jazyk sa vám nepletie ani v angličtine, nemčine, češtine, francúzštine, španielčine, maďarčine či ruštine - potom ste v tej správnej sekcii nášho eshopu. Vyberte si z kníh v originálnom jazyku, či ich rôzne jazykové mutácie. Na výber máte Harry Potter v angličtine, Games of Thrones, nemecký Vinnetou, či Der Kleine Prinz,...  

Táto kategória je určená pre všetkých, ktorí sa radi ponárajú do sveta literatúry v cudzom jazyku. Nájdete tu knihy v rôznych jazykoch, ktoré vám umožnia objaviť nové príbehy, rozšíriť svoje jazykové schopnosti a ponoriť sa do iných kultúr.

Kategória "Cudzojazyčná literatúra" je plná kníh v rôznych jazykoch, ktoré vám umožnia objaviť literárne poklady a príbehy z celého sveta. Nájdete tu knihy vo vašom obľúbenom cudzom jazyku alebo sa môžete pustiť do objavovania nových jazykov a kultúr prostredníctvom literatúry.

Knihy v cudzojazyčnej literatúre vám umožňujú rozširovať svoje jazykové schopnosti, objavovať nové kultúry a zažiť literatúru v pôvodnom jazyku. Bez ohľadu na vaše jazykové zručnosti, nájdete tu knihy, ktoré vám umožnia ponoriť sa do iných svetov, rozšíriť svoje literárne obzory a cítiť sa ako súčasť globálnej knižnej komunity.