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Čas zpomalit

Výzkumy ukázaly, že lidé, kteří stále někam spěchají a denně zažívají stres, k sobě obvykle nemají zdravý vztah. Autorka je psycholožka, která to sama zažila – ve svých 23 letech vážně onemocněla, a díky tomu zcela přehodnotila svůj pohled na sebe i na život. A zjistila, že pocity štěstí silně korelují se schopností milovat přítomnost a vnímat každodenní život a sebe sama v něm jako dar. K tomu je ale nutné zpomalit, abychom konečně viděli věci „za oponou“. I v tom vám tato kniha může pomoct.
15,67 € 16,49 €

You Are Not a Before Picture

An urgent, enlightening and empowering guide to disavowing diet culture and learning to make peace with our bodies, from body confidence and anti-diet advocate, Alex Light. When we look in the mirror, so many of us see a ‘before’ picture: the miserable person in the side-by-side shot waiting for the ‘glow-up’ (read: weight loss) that will bring true happiness. But it’s not our fault that we see our bodies as projects in need of constant work: this is just one of the beliefs that has been ingrained in us by diet culture. We have been taught to view ourselves as a collection of ‘problem’ areas for which the billion-dollar diet industry holds the solutions. Step-by-step, You Are Not A Before Picture provides a framework for changing the way we view ourselves and the world around us. Working with experts in the fields of psychotherapy, fitness and nutrition, Alex empowers readers to interrogate their underlying beliefs, challenge the external and internal forces that are holding us back, and finally find freedom in our bodies, for good.
13,25 € 13,95 €


How can we be our strongest selves in life's most challenging situations? We often approach these situations - job interviews, difficult conversations, speaking up for ourselves - with anxiety and leave them with regret. Moments that require us to be genuine and powerful instead cause us to feel phoney and powerless, preventing us from being our best selves. Harvard professor Amy Cuddy shows us we need to stop worrying about the impression we're making on others, and instead change the impression we're making on ourselves. Cutting-edge science reveals that if we adopt behaviours reflecting power and strength, we liberate ourselves from the fears and doubts that obstruct us. By redirecting our thoughts, actions, and even physiology, we free ourselves to be our best. Amy Cuddy galvanised viewers around the world with her TED talk on 'power poses'. Now she explains the science underlying these and many other fascinating body-mind effects, and teaches us how to use this science to become self-assured in high-pressure moments. Impassioned, beautifully researched, and accessible, PRESENCE is filled with stories of individuals facing real obstacles, and succeeding against the odds. Every reader will learn how to approach stress-filled challenges without fear and leave them without regret.
14,20 € 14,95 €

After Steve

From the Wall Street Journal's Tripp Mickle, the dramatic, untold story inside Apple after the passing of Steve Jobs by following his top lieutenants-Jony Ive, the Chief Design Officer, and Tim Cook, the COO-turned-CEO-and how the fading of the former and the rise of the latter led to Apple losing its soul. Steve Jobs called Jony Ive his "spiritual partner at Apple." The London-born genius was the second-most powerful person at Apple and the creative force who most embodies Jobs's spirit, the man who designed the products adopted by hundreds of millions the world over: the iPod, iPad, MacBook Air, the iMac G3, and the iPhone. In the wake of his close collaborator's death, the chief designer wrestled with grief and initially threw himself into his work designing the new Apple headquarters and the Watch before losing his motivation in a company increasingly devoted more to margins than to inspiration. In many ways, Cook was Ive's opposite. The product of a small Alabama town, he had risen through the ranks from the supply side of the company. His gift was not the creation of new products. Instead, he had invented countless ways to maximize a margin, squeezing some suppliers, persuading others to build factories the size of cities to churn out more units. He considered inventory evil. He knew how to make subordinates sweat with withering questions. Jobs selected Cook as his successor, and Cook oversaw a period of tremendous revenue growth that has lifted Apple's valuation to $3 trillion. He built a commanding business in China and rapidly distinguished himself as a master politician who could forge global alliances and send the world's stock market into freefall with a single sentence. Author Tripp Mickle spoke with more than 200 current and former Apple executives, as well as figures key to this period of Apple's history, including Trump administration officials and fashion luminaries such as Anna Wintour while writing After Steve. His research shows the company's success came at a cost. Apple lost its innovative spirit and has not designed a new category of device in years. Ive's departure in 2019 marked a culmination in Apple's shift from a company of innovation to one of operational excellence, and the price is a company that has lost its soul.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Advice from a Blob

Hello humans, my name’s Lennnie, I’m a little blob that was sent by the book Gods to come check on you. So, let’s get into it shall we? Hello, human, my name’s Lennnie. It really is a chaotic torrential downpour of debauchery out there… but I promise you’re gonna be okay. REALLY TRULY ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY FINE. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Wherever we are in life, all of us yearn for a world filled with more kindness, compassion and community. Lennnie – everyone’s favourite adorable, sassy, loving animated blob – is here for us, keeping it real, dodging empty platitudes and delivering a dose of gentle, down-to-earth positivity to get us through even the darkest days.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Slow Noticing

A creative journal for seeing the beauty in everyday life—one moment at a time. In the rush of everyday life, it can be hard to slow down and be present. This mindful journal prompts you to do just that. Filled with simple prompts that ask you to observe, draw, and reflect on your immediate world as it unfolds around you, this creative companion brings together mindfulness practices, art therapy principles, and simple creative fun. These playful and engaging pages will remind you to put down your phone, pick up a pen, and tune in to the only moment that matters—the one happening right now.
19,90 € 20,95 €

The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Revised and Updated

Fully revised and updated, the definitive guide for leaders on how to create lasting organisational change. Do you remember the last major initiative you watched die in your organisation? Did it go down with a loud crash? Or was it slowly and quietly suffocated by other competing priorities? By the time it finally disappeared, it’s quite likely noone even noticed. Almost every company struggles with making change happen. The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Revised and Updated is meant to help you reach the goals you’ve always dreamed of with a simple, repeatable, and proven formula. In this updated edition of the business bestseller, you’ll learn the 4 Disciplines of Execution and how to make them work for your organisation. This proven set of practices have been tested and refined by hundreds of organisations and thousands of teams over many years. When a company or an individual adheres to these principles, they achieve superb results, regardless of the goal. These 4 Disciplines of Execution represent a new way to work and think that is essential to creating lasting organisational change and thriving in today’s competitive climate. It’s the one book that no leader can afford to miss.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Work Less, Do More

'A must read for anyone interested in the 4-day week' - Heejung Chung, professor at the University of Kent and author of The Flexibility Paradox'This invaluable book offers a clear way forward: we don't need to burn ourselves out, we can work less and get more done' - Rebecca Seal, author of SOLO: How To Work Alone (And Not Lose Your Mind)The 4-day week is no longer just an idea. Following successful trials in countries as far apart as New Zealand and the United Kingdom (where nearly all companies involved opted to continue beyond the pilot), research now shows that a shorter workweek benefits both companies and employees, increasing productivity, wellbeing and staff retention. Work Less, Do More offers a practical framework for making the 4-day week a reality in your business, whatever its sector and size. Top expert and Silicon Valley-based consultant Alex Pang helps you:-Identify the best pattern for your company-Assemble your team-Define what success looks like-Think through worst-case scenarios and troubleshoot potential difficulties-Put your plan into actionSo whether you are a founder who wants to make the 4-day week a reality, an employee who needs to make the case for a shorter working pattern to your board, or a manager who wonders whether this could give your team an extra edge, this is the only book you need to make the 4-day week work for you.
14,20 € 14,95 €

A vezetés 21 megcáfolhatatlan törvénye

Elképesztő és nagyon inspiráló történeteken keresztül fejleszthetjük vezetői képességeinket. Ez John C. Maxwell egyik legsikeresebb könyvének tízéves jubileumi kiadása, mely az eredeti, 1998-ban megjelent és többmillió példányban elkelt mű átdolgozott és aktualizált változata. Az első kiadás óta eltelt idő nemcsak igazolta a könyv állításait, de megmutatta az is, hogy még egy ilyen sikeres művet is érdemes átdolgozni, hogy még jobb legyen. Maxwell így írt erről: "Tíz évvel ezelőtt írtam ezt a könyvet. Azóta sokat fejlődtem. Világszerte, több tucat országban tanítottam ezeket a törvényeket. Ebben az új kiadásban lehetőségem van megosztani mindazt, amit ezen idő alatt tanultam." Az új, átdolgozott és aktualizált változatban: - A vezetés minden törvénye átdolgozásra került - A törvények mélyebb megvilágításba kerültek - 17 új példatörténet került a könyvbe - 2 új törvény került bevezetésre - Új eszköz a vezetői erősségek (gyengeségek...) kiértékelésére - Új gyakorlatok segítik a fejlődést minden fejezet végén
10,68 € 11,24 €

The Art of Feeling Better

You deserve to feel better Sometimes it can be difficult to stay grounded through life's challenges, and sometimes it can even be difficult to enjoy its high points. In The Art of Feeling Better, Matilda Heindow, illustrator behind the much-loved Instagram @crazyheadcomics, takes us from her first therapy visit when she was struggling to the day she woke with joy in her heart again, to reveal the techniques, tools and ways of thinking that really helped. Complete with over 50 original illustrations, Matilda shares personal stories and down-to-earth advice to help you understand: - How to turn that negative inner voice into a friend - How to recognise the habits that put you on a downward spiral - What to do with difficult feelings, so that you invite better ones in Like a hand holding yours, this beautiful, comforting book will remind you, even in your darkest moments, to treat yourself like someone worth taking care of - because you are.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Total Reset

Say goodbye to the religion of work and hello to a more balanced life Do you lie awake worrying about Monday mornings?Find yourself checking work emails on the weekend?Does career progression feel like a pipedream? In Total Reset Ireland's leading career psychologist Sinead Brady is here to show you that your job doesn't have to make you feel this way, and that by resetting your relationship with work you can take back control of your career, and your life. The key to making this change? A fundamental shift in how we think about work and the part it plays in our lives. To do this, we'll need to debunk age-old myths that influence our decisions - like the idea of the 'work-life balance' - look at how key moments in our working life can come to define us, and reassess our true priorities. Total Reset offers invaluable insight and practical methods to help you break free from the past and excel in your career, without sacrificing the joy in the rest of your life.
18,95 € 19,95 €

52 Ways to Walk

Walking strengthens our bodies, calms our minds and lifts our spirits. But it does so much more than this. Our vision, hearing, respiration, sleep, cognition, memory, blood pressure, sense of smell and balance are all enhanced by how we walk. For instance: · Walking in cold weather burns extra fat and builds more muscle. · Walking alone strengthens our memories. · Walking in woodland helps us sleep. · And there's nothing more restorative than a romantic nighthike. Our choice of location, time, direction, duration, walking companion and gait, as well as the weather we opt to walk in, can transform our daily stroll. Here, Annabel Streets shares the thrill of 52 different ways to walk, explaining the latest science behind each one, and providing practical tips for making the most of your daily steps. 52 Ways to Walk is a revelatory and informative handbook for anyone stuck in a walking rut, curious about the lesser-known benefits of walking or merely in need of some on-foot novelty and adventure. Beautifully designed and pocket-sized, 52 Ways to Walk is a love letter to walking.
13,78 € 14,50 €

Your Story Matters

Why do stories matter? I tell stories to make sense of the world as I see it. The world I have lived and experienced, read about and heard about, and what I want it to be. I tell stories to make sense of myself. Nikesh Shukla, author, writing mentor and bestselling editor of The Good Immigrant, knows better than most the power that every unique voice has to create change. Whether it's a novel, personal essay, non-fiction work or short story – or even just the formless desire to write something – Your Story Matters will hone your skill and help you along the way. This book includes exercises and prompts that will develop your idea, no matter what genre you're writing in. It is practical, to the point and focused on letting you figure out what you want to write, how you want to write and why this is the best use of your voice. Accessible and thought-provoking, Your Story Matters will inspire you to keep thinking about writing, even when you don't have the time to put pen to paper.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Nők akik túlságosan szeretnek

Azt tapasztalod, hogy újra és újra problémás, távolságtartó és szeszélyes férfiakhoz vonzódsz - a "rendes" férfiak unalmasnak tűnnek? Folyton érzelmileg elérhetetlen, munkamániás, alkoholista, nőbolond férfiak mellett kötsz ki? A világon rengeteg nő számára gyötrelmes és fájdalmas tapasztalat a szerelem. Robin Norwood párkapcsolati terapeuta azzal a céllal írta a Nők, akik túlságosan szeretnek című könyvét, hogy segítsen a probléma mélyére nézni, és megoldani azt. - Miben gyökerezik a "túlszeretés"? - Miért alakul ki valakiben az a különös függőség, amely aztán évekig benne tartja egy rosszul működő, kilátástalan kapcsolatban? Az okok a múltban keresendők. Ha megelégelted, hogy újra és újra ugyanabba a hibába esel, ha eleged van abból, hogy folyton rosszul választasz, elérkezett az alakalom, hogy a téma szakértőjének segítségével örökre véget vess a párkapcsolati ámokfutásodnak. Ne várd, hogy Ő változzon, inkább szerezd meg azt a férfit, akit megérdemelsz!
15,23 € 16,03 €


Would our lives, relationships and careers be better if we just STFU for a while? We live in a world that doesn't just encourage overtalking, but practically demands it. When success is measured by how much attention we can attract, how long we can hold on to the mic, it's no wonder that we feel compelled to spout endlessly on Twitter, to document every detail of our lives on Instagram, start that podcast, or lead that conference. And yet, oddly enough, the most powerful and accomplished people in the world aren't part of that chorus-they're reserved, they listen, and when they do speak they're considered. Tim Cook, President Obama, the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg all have seemed to understand the secret golden rule: talk less, get more. There are entire industries designed to help us amplify our voices, experts who are just dying to coach us on how to talk better, but nobody is teaching us how to STFU for a while. Former Forbes journalist Dan Lyons takes us on a sharp, funny, fascinating deep dive through our incessant noise-making - talking to communications experts, neuroscientists, psychiatrists and Silicon Valley executive coaches the world over to understand the science and culture behind why we can't stop talking, and how ultimately we can learn to speak less - and with more intention - to improve our lives.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Emočně zdravá spiritualita

Nelze být duchovně zralý a zároveň emočně nezralý: k tomuto závěru autor dospěl díky bolestným zkušenostem se sebou samým i s lidmi, které se coby pastor multietnické komunity pokoušel vést ke Kristu a duchovně formovat. Jeho služba i rodinný život byly poznamenány emoční nezralostí a vnitřní rozervaností. Podobně jako mnozí z nás přehlížel a potlačoval své emoce, vyhýbal se konfliktům a neuměl přijímat své limity. Špatně snášel ticho a samotu před Bohem, dokonce i svou duchovní službu používal jako únik z Boží přítomnosti.
11,31 € 11,90 €

Élet a traumák után

Nem tehetünk arról, hogy honnan jöttünk. Gyerekként nincs választásunk, de felnőve mi dönthetjük el, milyen életet élünk. Választhatjuk azt, amit gyerekként kaptunk, vagy ráléphetünk egy másik útra, amit úgy alakítunk, ahogy az Nekünk jó. Megválaszthatjuk hol élünk, kikkel vesszük körbe magunkat. Minek adunk időt és az energiánkat. Ha a szüleinket vagy a körülményeinket hibáztatjuk, soha nem fogunk tudni teljes életet élni. Mindent, ami az életünkben van, legyen az jó vagy rossz, mi teremtjük meg magunknak. Amint képes vagy elfogadni ezt valóságnak, az életed is változásnak indul. Én nagyon sokáig gyűlöltem azt, ahonnan jöttem; hátat fordítottam a traumáimnak, de egyre nehezebb volt az élet, míg végül egy újabb nagy veszteség hatására kezdtem el másképpen élni. Elkezdtem feldolgozni az engem ért bántalmazásokat és szembenézni a múltammal. Az életem virágozni kezdett. Itt az idő, hogy elengedd a szenvedést és elhidd, megérdemled a jót az életedbe!
9,34 € 9,83 €

Smarter Not Harder

World-renowned biohacker and bestselling author Dave Asprey reveals how to maximize your well-being with the minimum effort, by taking control of your body's operating system. If you want to lose weight, boost your energy, or sharpen your mind, there are shelves of books offering myriad styles of advice. If you want to build up your strength and cardio fitness, there are plenty of gyms and trainers ready to offer you their guidance. What all of these resources have in common is they offer you a bad deal: a lot of effort for a little payoff. Dave Asprey has found a better way. In Smarter Not Harder, the proven master of biohacking exposes the surprising secrets of your body's operating system, or its "MeatOS." That system is naturally designed to be lazy, which is why sweaty exercise routines and rigid diets produce such limited effects. Dave shows us how to hack the MeatOS and make it do what we want it to do, turning it from obstacle into ally. The key to achieving optimum wellness, he reveals, isn't about doing more, it's about doing less-exercising and eating smarter, not harder, and making the body's built in laziness work for you. Smarter Not Harder is not a diet nor a fitness plan. It is a system of targeted biohacks aimed at upgrading your metabolic, neurological, and epigenetic systems. Packed with practical, accessible information on better eating; smart workouts that give you more strength and energy in less time; and strategic therapies to reduce stress and boost resilience-Smarter Not Harder will show you how to achieve lasting health in less time.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies

By the time she was in her late twenties, Tara Schuster was a rising TV executive who had worked for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and helped launch Key & Peele to viral superstardom. By all appearances, she had mastered being a grown-up. But beneath that veneer of success, she was a chronically anxious, self-medicating mess. No one knew that her road to adulthood had been paved with depression, anxiety, and shame, owing in large part to her minimally parented upbringing. She realized she'd hit rock bottom when she drunk-dialed her therapist pleading for help. Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies is the story of Tara's path to re-parenting herself and becoming a 'ninja of self-love'. Through simple, daily rituals, Tara transformed her mind, body and relationships, and shows how to: * fake gratitude until you actually feel gratitude * excavate your emotional wounds and heal them with kindness * identify your self-limiting beliefs, kick them to the curb, and start living a life you choose * silence your inner frenemy and shield yourself from self-criticism * carve out time each morning to start your day empowered, inspired, and ready to rule * create a life you truly, totally f*cking LOVE This is the book Tara wished someone had given her and it is the book many of us desperately need: a candid, hysterical, addictively readable, practical guide to growing up (no matter where you are in life) and learning to love yourself in a non-throw-up-in-your-mouth-it's-so-cheesy way.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Motivačná literatúra prináša široký výber kníh a textov, ktoré slúžia ako zdroj inšpirácie a motivácie. Táto literatúra vám pomôže objaviť nové perspektívy, rozvíjať pozitívny životný postoj a dosahovať osobný rast a úspech.

Prečítajte si motivačné knihy a získajte návody, tipy a stratégie na dosiahnutie vašich cieľov, prekonanie prekážok a naplnenie vášho potenciálu. Motivačné knihy vám pomôžu rozvíjať sebaúctu, pozitívne myslenie, sebapoznanie a dosiahnuť životnú rovnováhu.

Vyberte si z najlepších diel svetoznámych autorov a nechajte sa inšpirovať ich príbehmi úspechu a motivujúcimi myšlienkami. 

K najznámejším autorom motivačnej literatúry patria Brené Brown, Dale Carnegie, Simon Sinek, či Mark Manson.
