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Ma is tanultam valamit

Tudta, hogy egy szélhámos eladta az Eiffel-tornyot, és még csak fel sem jelentették? És azt, hogy az amerikai űrhajósok egyszer sztrájkolni kezdtek a világűrben? Hát azt, hogy az első gépeltérítők magyarok voltak, köztük az utolsó magyar király? És ez csak három a könyvben található meghökkentő sztorik közül. Az Index Ma is tanultam valamit rovata 2014 szeptemberében indult, azóta nagyjából négyszáz cikkel gyarapodott, és a hírportál egyik legnépszerűbb mellékletévé vált. Ebben a kiadványban megtalálja az írások legjavát; 130 cikket, köztük 15 soha nem publikáltat, a már megjelentek közül pedig közel 40 jelentősen bővítve került a könyvbe. Minden, amit ismerni érdemes a köldökszöszkutatásról és Hitler humoráról, fotókkal és az Index grafikusainak frenetikus rajzaival. És azt tudta, hogy a Beatles filmre akarta vinni A Gyűrűk Urát, és John Lennon lett volna Gollam?
13,73 € 14,45 €

Tyúkeszűek-e a madarak?

Természettudományos kutatások és etológia, szociológiai vizsgálatok sora igazolja azt, ami ősidők óta megjelenik irodalmi és mitológiai példázatokban: a madarak tükröt tartanak a Homo sapiens elé. Milyen a szerelmi életük? Hűségesek vagy poligámok? Nyugodtak vagy féktelenek? Egyesek miért megveszekedett vándormadarak, mások miért megrögzött otthon ülők? Mi jobb, sokáig nevelni a fiókákat, vagy hagyni, hogy mielőbb kirepüljenek, és maguk boldoguljanak? Miért van, hogy a gerlepár igazságosan felosztja a házi munkát, a pajzsoscankó (más néven veszekedő sneff) hímje viszont rémes egy macsó? Milyenek a madarak mindennapjai? Hogyan viselik a hideget, esőt, szelet, sötétet, mit jelent nekik a hold s a csillagos éj, igaz-e, hogy elrejtőznek, amikor a halálukat érzik? A legfrissebb kutatási eredményekre és a magunk tapasztalatára támaszkodtunk, és arra jutottunk, hogy okulásunkra szolgálhatnak e légies teremtmények, és nem árt, ha ebben-abban példát veszünk róluk. Tyúkeszűek-e a madarak? Ezt a titkot fejti fel ez a kis könyv. Figyeljük meg a környező világot, okuljunk abból, amire a természet tanít. Szakítsuk meg egy időre a rohanást, és szenteljünk egy kis figyelmet a madaraknak. Szárnyas társaink a maguk módján bölcselők: az élet élvezetére mutatnak példát, arra intenek, hogy használjuk jól az időt, éljük mélyebben az életünket. A 22 rövid és egyszerű „életlecke” segít visszatalálnunk a bennünk szunnyadó természeti lényhez.
7,63 € 8,03 €

The Dinosaurs Rediscovered

Over the past twenty years, the study of dinosaurs has changed from natural history to a true scientific discipline. New technologies have revealed secrets locked in the prehistoric bones in ways that nobody predicted - we can now work out the colour of dinosaurs, their bite forces, top speeds, and even how they cared for their young. Remarkable new fossil finds, such as giant sauropod dinosaur skeletons from Patagonia, dinosaurs with feathers from China, and even a tiny dinosaur tail in Burmese amber - complete down to every detail of its filament-like feathers, skin, bones, and mummified tail muscles - have caused media sensations. New fossils are the lifeblood of modern palaeobiology of course, but it is the advances in technologies and methods that have allowed the revolution in the scope and confidence of the field. Dinosaurs Rediscovered gathers together all the latest palaeontological evidence and takes us behind the scenes on the expeditions and in museum laboratories, tracing the transformation of dinosaur study from its roots in antiquated natural history to a highly technical, computational, and indisputably scientific field today. Benton explores what we know of the world of the dinosaurs, how dinosaur remains are found and excavated, and especially how palaeontologists read the details of the life of the dinosaurs from the fossils - their colours, their growth, feeding and locomotion, how they grew from egg to adult, how they sensed the world, and even whether we will ever be able to bring them back to life. Dinosaurs are still very much a part of our world.
29,93 € 31,50 €


Asserting that religious creeds and philosophical questions can be reduced to purely genetic and evolutionary components, and that the human body and mind have a physical base obedient to the laws of physics and chemistry, Genesis demonstrates that the only way for us to fully understand human behavior is to study the evolutionary histories of nonhuman species. Of these, Wilson demonstrates that at least seventeen-among them the African naked mole rat and the sponge- dwelling shrimp-have been found to have advanced societies based on altruism and cooperation. Whether writing about midges who "dance about like acrobats" or schools of anchovies who protectively huddle "to appear like a gigantic fish," or proposing that human society owes a debt of gratitude to "postmenopausal grandmothers" and "childless homosexuals," Genesis is a pithy yet path-breaking work of evolutionary theory, braiding twenty-first-century scientific theory with the lyrical biological and humanistic observations for which Wilson is known.
19,48 € 20,50 €

Unravelling the Double Helix

Unravelling the Double Helixcovers the most colourful period in the history of DNA, from the discovery of 'nuclein' in the late 1860s to the landmark publication of James Watson's The Double Helix in 1968. These hundred years included the advent of the Nobel Prize, antibiotics, X-ray crystallography and the atom bomb as well as two devastating world wars - events which are strung along the narrative thread of DNA like beads on a necklace. The story of DNA is a saga packed with awful mistakes as well as brilliant science, with a wonderful cast of heroes and villains. Surprisingly, much of it is unfamiliar. The elucidation of the double helix was one of the most brilliant gems of twentieth-century science, but some of the scientists who played crucial roles have been airbrushed out of history. Others were plunged into darkness when the spotlight fell on James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin. Watson and Crick solved a magnificent mystery, but Gareth Williams shows that their contribution was to click into place the last few pieces of a gigantic jigsaw puzzle assembled over several decades.
17,58 € 18,50 €


A cutting-edge exploration of the ancient roots of goodness in civilization, arguing that our genes have shaped societies for our welfare and that, in a feedback loop stretching back many thousands of years, societies have shaped, and are still shaping, our genes today. For too long, scientists have focused on the dark side of our biological heritage: our capacity for aggression, cruelty, prejudice, and self-interest. But natural selection has given us a suite of beneficial social features, including our capacity for love, friendship, cooperation, and learning. Beneath all our inventions -- our tools, farms, machines, cities, nations -- we carry with us innate proclivities to make a good society. In Blueprint, Nicholas A. Christakis introduces the compelling idea that our genes affect not only our bodies and behaviors, but also the ways in which we make societies, ones that are surprisingly similar worldwide. With many vivid examples -- including diverse historical and contemporary cultures, communities formed in the wake of shipwrecks, commune dwellers seeking utopia, online groups thrown together by design or involving artificially intelligent bots, and even the tender and complex social arrangements of elephants and dolphins that so resemble our own -- Christakis shows that, despite a human history replete with violence, we cannot escape our social blueprint for goodness. In a world of increasing political and economic polarization, it's tempting to ignore the positive role of our evolutionary past. Drawing on advances in social science, evolutionary biology, genetics, neuroscience, and network science, Blueprintshows how and why evolution has placed us on a humane path -- and how we are united by our common humanity.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Ehető vadnövényeink

TAPASZTALJUK MEG A GYŰJTÖGETÉS ÖRÖMÉT, ÉS MAGUNKTÓL IS KERESNI FOGJUK A VADON TERMŐ EHETŐ NÖVÉNYEKET. A mai digitális világban könnyen elszakadunk a természet valóságától, sőt a körülöttünk élő embertársainktól is. Az ehető növények gyűjtögetése a szabadban nemcsak izgalmas időtöltést kínál, hanem össze is hozza a családot és a barátokat egymással és a természettel. A könyvben bemutatott 30 ehető növény minden nehézség nélkül megtalálható az erdőben vagy a parkban. Megtanulhatjuk biztonsággal meghatározni őket, és megismerhetjük gyűjtésük módját, a kitűnő recepteket követve pedig könnyen készíthetünk belőlük ízletes és tápláló ételeket. David Hamilton, aki táplálkozás- és élelmezéstudományból diplomázott, az ehető növényeket évszakonként csoportosította, így egész évben lesz alapanyagunk olyan remek fogásokhoz, mint az óriáspöfeteges kebab, az ecetfás limonádé, az édesburgonyás-gesztenyés burger és a csokis mogyorókrém.
11,95 € 12,58 €

The Planet Factory

Twenty years ago, the search for planets outside the Solar System was a job restricted to science-fiction writers. Now it's one of the fastest-growing fields in astronomy with thousands of exoplanets discovered to date, and the number is rising fast. These new-found worlds are more alien than anything in fiction. Planets larger than Jupiter with years lasting a week; others with two suns lighting their skies, or with no sun at all. Planets with diamond mantles supporting oceans of tar; possible Earth-sized worlds with split hemispheres of perpetual day and night; waterworlds drowning under global oceans and volcanic lava planets awash with seas of magma. The discovery of this diversity is just the beginning. There is a whole galaxy of possibilities. The Planet Factory tells the story of these exoplanets. Each planetary system is different, but in the beginning most if not all young stars are circled by clouds of dust, specks that come together in a violent building project that can form colossal worlds hundreds of times the size of the Earth. The changing orbits of young planets risk dooming any life evolving on neighbouring worlds or, alternatively, can deliver the key ingredients needed to seed its beginnings. Planet formation is one of the greatest construction schemes in the Universe, and it occurred around nearly every star you see. Each results in an alien landscape, but is it possible that one of these could be like our own home world?
12,30 € 12,95 €

When the Rivers Run Dry

FULLY UPDATED FOR 2019 We cannot live without water. But with 7.5 billion people competing for this single unevenly-distributed resource, the planet is drying up. In When the Rivers Run Dry, Fred Pearce explores the growing world water crisis, from Kent to Kenya. His powerful reportage takes us to places where waterways are turning to sand before they reach the ocean; where fields are parched and crops no longer grow; where once fertile ground has turned to desert; where wars are fought over access to water and cultures are dying out. But he offers us hope for the future - if we can radically revolutionise the way we treat water, and take personal responsibility for the water we use. This landmark work, from a respected and accomplished scientist, will transform the way we view the water in our reservoirs and rivers, and change the way we treat the water in our taps.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Adventures in the Anthropocene: (Patterns of Life)

PATTERNS OF LIFE: SPECIAL EDITIONS OF GROUNDBREAKING SCIENCE BOOKS In recent decades human beings have altered the planet beyond anything it has experienced in its 4.5 billion-year history. We have become a force on a par with earth-shattering asteroids and planet-cloaking volcanoes. As a result, our planet is said to be crossing a geological boundary - from the Holocene into the Anthropocene, or the Age of Man. Gaia Vince quit her job to travel the world and to explore what all these changes really mean to our daily lives. She discovers the shocking ways in which we have reshaped our living planet and reveals the ingenious solutions we've evolved to engineer Earth for the future.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Sapiens: (Patterns of Life)

PATTERNS OF LIFE: SPECIAL EDITIONS OF GROUNDBREAKING SCIENCE BOOKS Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it. Us. We are the most advanced and most destructive animals ever to have lived. What makes us brilliant? What makes us deadly? What makes us Sapiens? In this bold and provocative book, Yuval Noah Harari explores who we are, how we got here and where we're going. Sapiens is a thrilling account of humankind's extraordinary history - from the Stone Age to the Silicon Age - and our journey from insignificant apes to rulers of the world.
16,10 € 16,95 €

100 hoaxů a omylů, které napálily vědce

I vědci dostanou občas kopačky a často od jiných vědců nebo odborníků. Některé hoaxy jsou pouze dobře míněnými žerty, zatímco jiné jsou závažnými podvody těch, co touží po slávě a penězích. V této publikaci shromáždili odborníci časopisu Popular Science ty největší vědecké hoaxy všech dob. Objevte pravdu o 100 nejskandálnějších vědeckých pochybeních a lžích.
17,81 € 18,75 €

Evolutions - Fifteen Myths That Explain Our World

'Daring, learned and humane ... A revelatory restoration of wonder' Stephen Greenblatt. We no longer think, like the ancient Chinese did, that the world was hatched from an egg, or, like the Maori, that it came from the tearing-apart of a love embrace. The Greeks told of a tempestuous Hera and a cunning Zeus, but we now use genes and natural selection to explain fear and desire, and physics to demystify the workings of the universe. Science is an astounding achievement, but are we really any wiser than the ancients? Has science revealed the secrets of fate and immortality? Has it provided protection from jealousy or love? There are those who believe that science has replaced faith, but must it also be a death knell for mythology? Evolutions brings to life the latest scientific thinking on the birth of the universe and the solar system, the journey from a single cell all the way to our human minds. Reawakening our sense of wonder and terror at the world around us and within us, Oren Harman uses modern science to create new and original mythologies. Here are the Earth and the Moon presenting a cosmological view of motherhood, a panicking Mitochondrion introducing sex and death to the world, the loneliness of consciousness emerging from the memory of an octopus, and the birth of language in evolution summoning humankind's struggle with truth. Science may not solve our existential puzzles, but like the age-old legends, its magical discoveries can help us continue the never-ending search.
22,33 € 23,50 €

Mých prvních 54 000 let

Dějiny lidstva neseme každý v sobě, náš vlastní genom lze číst jako knihu o posledních desítkách tisíc let. Toto poznání vedlo Karin Bojsovou k propojení jejího osobního příběhu se současnými revolučními poznatky archeogenetiky. Kniha rozkrývá fascinující příběh předků, od Vikingů přes dobu bronzovou až k neolitu a dávné době, kdy Evropu obývali naši bratranci neandertálci. Setkáváme se v ní s prvními zemědělci na Středním východě, jeskynními hráči na flétnu v Německu a Francii, lovci mamutů v Brně, prvními výrobci piva, autorka zmiňuje ledového muže Ötziho i možné budoucí zajímavé objevy skrývající se na dně Severního moře. Poznatky, jež Bojsová čerpala ze setkávání s desítkami genetiků, archeologů a historiků, skládají obraz dějin nahlížených z genetické perspektivy.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Lamarcks Revenge

Epigenetics upends natural selection and genetic mutation as the sole engines of evolution, and offers startling insights into our future heritable traits. In the 1700s, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck first described epigenetics to explain the inheritance of acquired characteristics; however, his theory was supplanted in the 1800s by Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection through heritable genetic mutations. But natural selection could not adequately explain how rapidly species re-diversified and repopulated after mass extinctions. Now advances in the study of DNA and RNA have resurrected epigenetics, which can create radical physical and physiological changes in subsequent generations by the simple addition of a single small molecule, thus passing along a propensity for molecules to attach in the same places in the next generation. Epigenetics is a complex process, but paleontologist and astrobiologist Peter Ward breaks it down for general readers, using the epigenetic paradigm to reexamine how the history of our species--from deep time to the outbreak of the Black Plague and into the present--has left its mark on our physiology, behavior, and intelligence. Most alarming are chapters about epigenetic changes we are undergoing now triggered by toxins, environmental pollutants, famine, poor nutrition, and overexposure to violence. Lamarck's Revenge is an eye-opening and provocative exploration of how traits are inherited, and how outside influences drive what we pass along to our progeny.
27,08 € 28,50 €

Všichni jsme GENiální

Populárně-vědecká kniha obsahuje celou škálu témat týkajících se současné lidské genetiky. Snaží se zprostředkovat jasný vhled do problematiky a především také načrtnout její pozadí z hlediska vědeckého, medicínského i společenského. Příběhy jsou to vskutku rozmanité: setkáme se třeba s Angelinou Jolie, s genomem neandertálce, DNA prezidenta Obamy, jež byla dokonce nabízena k prodeji na serveru eBay, s testem DNA, který prý dokáže odhalit talent pro určitý sport, nebo s novým testem, jenž si klade za cíl od základů změnit dosavadní screening u těhotných žen, a mnoha dalšími... Nejenže se genetika díky těmto faktům a příběhům dostává blíže ke každému z nás, ona je navíc v každém z nás přítomna. Všichni máme geny a chromozomy, ale příliš málo se vyznáme v tom, co přesně pro nás vlastně znamenají. Co nám může ukázat náš genom? A co nám naopak prozradit nedokáže? Co by měl každý vědět o své DNA? Kdo má přístup ke genetickým informacím? Jak bude dál genetika (a genomika) ovlivňovat fungování našeho zdravotnictví? OBSAH: Úvod * Genom, kuchařka života * Čteme genomy * Gen, genom. A co dál? * Genetická onemocnění * Angelinina volba * Vraťte mi DNA! * Všichni jsme přenašeči * Nový způsob testování DNA plodu * Designer babies děti ušité na míru * Jen ať to zůstane v rodině * Všechny genomy světa * Když se dozvíme víc, než jsme chtěli * Pomoc! Vláda má mou DNA * Hackeři genomů * Kus neandertálce v každém z nás nebo ne? * Mudlovští šmejdi * Moje olympijská DNA * Kmotr * Léky podle genů * Genová terapie a (ge)nové možnosti * Konzumní genetika * Geny a patenty * Kapitola XY * Poděkování * O autorech * Doporučené zdroje informací * Články a zprávy * Vysvětlivky
20,38 € 21,45 €


A place of exceptional diversity, rapid change, and high energy, for the past 100 million years Europe has literally been at the crossroads of the world: ever since the interaction of Asia, North America and Africa formed the tropical island archipelago that would become the continent of today. In this unprecedented ecological history, Tim Flannery shows how Europe has absorbed wave after wave of immigrant species ever since; taking them in, transforming them, and sometimes hybridising them. Flannery reveals how, in addition to playing a vital role in the evolution of our own species, Europe was once the site of the formation of the first coral reefs, the home of some of the world's largest elephants, and now has more wolves than North America. This groundbreaking book charts the history of the land itself and the forces shaping life on it - including modern humans - to create a portrait of a continent that continues to exert a huge influence on the world today.
23,28 € 24,50 €


One of the world's top behavioural geneticists argues that we need a radical rethink about what makes us who we are The blueprint for our individuality lies in the 1% of DNA that differs between people. Our intellectual capacity, our introversion or extraversion, our vulnerability to mental illness, even whether we are a morning person - all of these aspects of our personality are profoundly shaped by our inherited DNA differences. In Blueprint, Robert Plomin, a pioneer in the field of behavioural genetics, draws on a lifetime's worth of research to make the case that DNA is the most important factor shaping who we are. Our families, schools and the environment around us are important, but they are not as influential as our genes. This is why, he argues, teachers and parents should accept children for who they are, rather than trying to mould them in certain directions. Even the environments we choose and the signal events that impact our lives, from divorce to addiction, are influenced by our genetic predispositions. Now, thanks to the DNA revolution, it is becoming possible to predict who we will become, at birth, from our DNA alone. As Plomin shows us, these developments have sweeping implications for how we think about parenting, education, and social mobility. A game-changing book by a leader in the field, Blueprintshows how the DNA present in the single cell with which we all begin our lives can impact our behaviour as adults.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Využívanie vysokohorskej krajiny a jeho dôsledky na zmenu prostredia (Na príklade Tatier a Nízkych T

Autori knihy sa venujú aktuálnemu využívaniu národných parkov v Tatrách a v Nízkych Tatrách, ktoré lákajú najviac turistov, a tak sú najväčšími ohrozované. Sústredili sa na merania návštevnosti pomocou počítacích zariadení, erózno-akumulačné javy a morfogenetické procesy vo vysokohorskej krajine, vplyvy devastácie a zošľapovania vegetácie, vplyvy deštruovaného prostredia na vybrané druhy živočíchov a stanovenie základných funkcií a služieb ekosystémov národných parkov.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Kategória  literatúry Prírodné vedy ponúka široký výber kníh a textov, ktoré sa zaoberajú vedeckým skúmaním prírody a jej procesov. Táto kategória literatúry je zameraná na objavovanie a pochopenie fyzikálnych, chemických, biologických a iných prírodných javov.

Prírodné vedy sú dôležité pre porozumenie sveta, okolia a života. Tieto knihy nám umožňujú objavovať zázraky prírody a získavať hlbšie pochopenie vesmíru, evolúcie, fyzikálnych a chémických zákonov, štruktúry a funkcií biologických systémov a ďalších zaujímavých tém.

Ak máte záujem o prírodné vedy a chcete sa dozvedieť viac, kategória literatúry Prírodné vedy vám poskytne široký výber kníh, ktoré vám pomôžu lepšie porozumieť prírode, jej zákonom a interakciám.