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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Sociológia, etnológia strana 89 z 90

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Revize střední Evropy

V roce 1986 vydali Erhard Busek a Emil Brix knihu Projekt střední Evropa a po třiceti letech se tito dva advokáti ideje střední Evropy rozhodli zaměřit se tento region ještě jednou, revidovat s odstupem své vize a objevit nové reflexe střední Evropy současné a snad i té budoucí. V knize se velmi erudovaným a zároveň dobře přístupným způsobem diskutují zásadní témata měnící se geopolitické a ekonomické reality našeho kontinentu. Přečteme si diagnózy a prognózy tohoto regionu a objevíme mnoho tušených, ale také nepředpokládaných historických, sociálních, kulturních a politických kontextů. Dojde i na reflexi vztahů mezi střední Evropou a Ruskou federací či Evropskou unií. Kniha vyšla doposud anglicky, polsky a maďarsky.
U dodávateľa
14,29 € 15,04 €

What We Owe Each Other

One of the world's most influential economists sets out the basis for a new social contract fit for the 21st century This landmark study by Minouche Shafik, Director of the LSE, draws on evidence from across the globe to show that the social contract - how we pool risks, share resources and balance individual and collective responsibility - shapes not just our wealth and opportunities but the very fabric of our lives. And yet societies everywhere are failing to adapt to the global upheavals of technology, demography and climate, leading to a breakdown in mutual trust the world over. Brilliantly lucid and accessible, What We Owe Each Other draws on a wealth of evidence and learning to outline the basic principles that every society must adopt to meet these challenges. Reshaping the social contract will have profound implications for gender equality, education, healthcare provision, the role of business and the future of work. This book will equip every reader to understand and play their part in this urgent and necessary transformation.
U dodávateľa
17,58 € 18,50 €

Průmysl lži (3., rozšířené vydání)

Pokud také patříte k lidem, kteří přísahají na své kritické myšlení, vzdělání a zdravý selský rozum, je tahle kniha přesně pro vás. Přesvědčí vás, že nic takového vlastně neexistuje. Napsala ji žena, která se politickou propagandou a marketingem zabývá 20 let. Ukáže vám, jak vrtošivý, nespolehlivý, emocionálně labilní a dětsky naivní je náš mozek při vytváření názorů. Spolu s ní se ponoříte do světa, o němž se doposud nikde nepíše, protože se nachází za kulisami velkých mocenských her, kde se točí miliardy. V tomhle světě neplatí, že jedna a jedna jsou dvě. Ani pro vás ne! Je to svět manipulace a propagandy. Alexandra Alvarová se rozhodla promluvit, abyste pochopili, jak snadnou kořist představujete pro politické marketéry. Proč jsem knihu psala? Důvodem je bezmoc, že prohráváme hybridní válku. Jistota, že jsou v ní Rusové dobří. Schopnost podívat se na věc bez despektu k soupeři. Bolest z nemožnosti vysvětlit lidem, které mám ráda, že se jejich hlav a srdcí zmocnil stejný duch panikařící nenávisti, jaký způsobil druhou světovou válku a který žene lidi do válek občanských. Chování jinak milých sousedů na vesnici, kde bydlí moji rodiče kde příštích padesát let bude jediným cizincem Vietnamec v místní večerce. Chtěla jsem pomoci lidem, kteří mají pocit, že se zblázní z té hromady polopravd, výmyslů a manipulací, jež se odevšad valí jako voda z karlínských kanálů při povodni. Tato kniha vám ukáže, jak propagandu rozeznat a jak se jí bránit.
Na sklade 2Ks
17,20 € 18,10 €

Umění, krása, šeredno

Zuskova antologie obsahuje devatenáct komentovaných ukázek z textů významných představitelů západní estetiky 20. století. Ukázky jsou seřazeny do pěti celků, počínaje analýzou estetických pojmů (angloamerická analytická estetika) přes dekonstrukci v estetice, německou estetiku a fenomenologickou estetiku až po „fenomén ošklivého“ ve francouzské estetice. Na závěr jsou připojeny základní bibliografické údaje o autorech otištěných ukázek.
15,13 € 15,93 €


A revelatory model that explains how we buy, sell, work and live. For over a century, anthropologists have immersed themselves in unfamiliar cultures, uncovering the hidden rituals that govern how people act. Now, a new generation of anthropologists are using these methods in a different context - to illuminate the behaviour of businesses and consumers around the globe. In Anthro-Vision, Gillian Tett - bestselling author, Financial Times journalist, and anthropology PhD - reveals how anthropology can make sense of the corporate world. She outlines how anthropology helps explain consumer behaviour - revealing the 'webs of meaning' that underpin our shopping habits, and unpicking the subtle cultural shifts driving the rise of green business. She explores how anthropology can shed light on the workplace, identifying the hidden tribes within the office, and pinpointing which rituals are binding together a team. And she shows how we can all use anthropology in our own lives, too: helping us make better decisions, navigate risk - even work out what our peers are really thinking. Along the way, Tett draws on stories from Tajik villages and Amazon warehouses, Japanese classrooms and Wall Street trading floors, all to reveal the power of anthropology in action. The result is a wholly new way to understand human behaviour. In a short-sighted world, we can all learn to see clearly - using the power of Anthro-Vision.
13,25 € 13,95 €

The Feminist Killjoy Handbook

We have to keep saying it because they keep doing it. Do colleagues roll their eyes in a meeting when you use words like sexism or racism? Do you refuse to laugh at jokes that aren't funny? Have you been called divisive for pointing out a division? Then you are a feminist killjoy, and this handbook is for you. The term killjoy has been used to dismiss feminism by claiming that it causes misery. But by naming ourselves feminist killjoys, we recover a feminist history, turning it into a source of strength as well as an inspiration. Drawing on her own stories and those of others, especially Black and brown feminists and queer thinkers, Sara Ahmed combines depth of thought with honesty and intimacy. The Feminist Killjoy Handbook unpicks the lies our culture tells us and provides a form of solidarity and companionship that can be returned to over a lifetime.
14,20 € 14,95 €

The Patriarchs

SHORTLISTED FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE FOR POLITICAL WRITING 2023 A WATERSTONES BOOK OF YEAR FOR POLITICS 2023 ‘By thinking about gendered inequality as rooted in something unalterable within us, we fail to see it for what it is: something more fragile that has had to be constantly remade and reasserted.’ In this bold and radical book, award-winning science journalist Angela Saini goes in search of the true roots of gendered oppression, uncovering a complex history of how male domination became embedded in societies and spread across the globe from prehistory into the present. Travelling to the world’s earliest known human settlements, analysing the latest research findings in science and archaeology, and tracing cultural and political histories from the Americas to Asia, she overturns simplistic universal theories to show that what patriarchy is and how far it goes back really depends on where you are. Despite the push back against sexism and exploitation in our own time, even revolutionary efforts to bring about equality have often ended in failure and backlash. Saini ends by asking what part we all play – women included – in keeping patriarchal structures alive, and why we need to look beyond the old narratives to understand why it persists in the present.
14,20 € 14,95 €

None of the Above

In None of the Above, Travis Alabanza examines seven phrases people have directed at them as a Black, mixed race, non-binary person. Some are deceptively innocuous, some deliberately loaded or offensive, some celebratory; sentences that have impacted them for better and for worse; sentences that speak to the broader issues raised by a world that insists that gender must be a binary. Through these seven phrases, Travis Alabanza turns a mirror back on society, giving us reason to question the very framework in which we live and the ways we treat each other.
15,15 € 15,95 €


WINNER OF THE CAROL R. EMBER BOOK PRIZE FOR SCIENTIFIC ANTHROPOLGY SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2023 BRITISH ACADEMY BOOK PRIZE From fire walking to funerals, the hidden science of the rituals that give life meaning Ritual is perhaps the oldest, and certainly the most enigmatic, thread in human culture. Apparently pointless ceremonies pervade every documented society: from handshakes to hexes, hazings to parades. Before we learned to farm, we were gathering in giant stone temples. And yet, though rituals exist in every culture and can persist nearly unchanged for centuries, their logic has remained a mystery until now. Today, a fearless new generation of anthropologists is venturing into this shadowy realm. Armed with cutting-edge technology and drawing on discoveries from a huge range of disciplines, they emerge with a powerful new perspective on our place in the world. Join the pathfinding scientist Dimitris Xygalatas on a tour of human culture at its strangest. In coronations, in silent prayer, in fire-walks and in all the bewildering variety of humanity's ritual life, Xygalatas reveals the deep and subtle mechanisms that bind us together.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Revolting Prostitutes

How the law harms sex workers—and what they want instead Do you have to endorse prostitution in order to support sex worker rights? Should clients be criminalized, and can the police deliver justice? In Revolting Prostitutes, sex workers Juno Mac and Molly Smith bring a fresh perspective to questions that have long been contentious. Speaking from a growing global sex worker rights movement, and situating their argument firmly within wider questions of migration, work, feminism, and resistance to white supremacy, they make it clear that anyone committed to working towards justice and freedom should be in support of the sex worker rights movement.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Immunity to Change

A recent study showed that when doctors tell heart patients they will die if they don't change their habits, only one in seven will be able to follow through successfully. Desire and motivation aren't enough: even when it's literally a matter of life or death, the ability to change remains maddeningly elusive. Given that the status quo is so potent, how can we change ourselves and our organizations? In Immunity to Change, authors Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey show how our individual beliefs—along with the collective mind-sets in our organizations—combine to create a natural but powerful immunity to change. By revealing how this mechanism holds us back, Kegan and Lahey give us the keys to unlock our potential and finally move forward. And by pinpointing and uprooting our own immunities to change, we can bring our organizations forward with us. This persuasive and practical book, filled with hands-on diagnostics and compelling case studies, delivers the tools you need to overcome the forces of inertia and transform your life and your work.
31,30 € 32,95 €

Paved Paradise

An entertaining, enlightening, and utterly original investigation into one of the most quietly influential forces in modern American life—the humble parking spot Parking, quite literally, has a death grip on America: each year a handful of Americans are tragically killed by their fellow citizens over parking spots. But even when we don’t resort to violence, we routinely do ridiculous things for parking, contorting our professional, social, and financial lives to get a spot. Indeed, in the century since the advent of the car, we have deformed—and in some cases demolished—our homes and our cities in a Sisyphean quest for cheap and convenient car storage. As a result, much of the nation’s most valuable real estate is now devoted exclusively to empty and idle vehicles, even as so many Americans struggle to find affordable housing. Parking determines the design of new buildings and the fate of old ones, patterns of traffic and the viability of transit, neighborhood politics and municipal finance, the quality of public space, and even the course of floodwaters. Can this really be the best use of our finite resources and space? Why have we done this to the places we love? Is parking really more important than anything else? These are the questions Slate staff writer Henry Grabar sets out to answer, telling a mesmerizing story about the strange and wonderful superorganism that is the modern American city. In a beguiling and often absurdly hilarious mix of history, politics, and reportage, Grabar brilliantly surveys the pain points of the nation’s parking crisis, from Los Angeles to Disney World to New York, stopping at every major American city in between. He reveals how the pathological compulsion for car storage has exacerbated some of our most acute problems—from housing affordability to the accelerating global climate disaster—ultimately, lighting the way for us to free our cities from parking’s cruel yoke.
32,78 € 34,50 €

What Do Men Want

From the acclaimed philosopher and author of One-Dimensional Woman, a bold, playful and open-minded exploration of the role of men in the twenty-first century Something is definitely up with men. From millions online who engage with the manosphere to the #metoo backlash, from Men's Rights activists and incels to spiralling suicide rates, it's easy to see that, while men still rule the world, masculinity is in crisis. How can men and women live together in a world where capitalism and consumerism has replaced the values - family, religion, service and honour - that used to give our lives meaning? Feminism has gone some way towards dismantling the patriarchy, but how can we hold on to the best aspects of our metaphorical Father? With illuminating writing from an original, big-picture perspective, Nina Power unlocks the secrets hidden in our culture to enable men and women to practice playfulness and forgiveness, and reach a true mutual understanding and a lifetime of love.
21,38 € 22,50 €

Very Important People

A sociologist and former fashion model takes readers inside the elite global party circuit of "models and bottles" to reveal how beautiful young women are used to boost the status of men Million-dollar birthday parties, megayachts on the French Riviera, and $40,000 bottles of champagne. In today's New Gilded Age, the world's moneyed classes have taken conspicuous consumption to new extremes. In Very Important People, sociologist, author, and former fashion model Ashley Mears takes readers inside the exclusive global nightclub and party circuit?from New York City and the Hamptons to Miami and Saint-Tropez?to reveal the intricate economy of beauty, status, and money that lies behind these spectacular displays of wealth and leisure. Mears spent eighteen months in this world of "models and bottles" to write this captivating, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking narrative. She describes how clubs and restaurants pay promoters to recruit beautiful young women to their venues in order to attract men and get them to spend huge sums in the ritual of bottle service. These "girls" enhance the status of the men and enrich club owners, exchanging their bodily capital for as little as free drinks and a chance to party with men who are rich or aspire to be. Though they are priceless assets in the party circuit, these women are regarded as worthless as long-term relationship prospects, and their bodies are constantly assessed against men's money. A story of extreme gender inequality in a seductive world, Very Important People unveils troubling realities behind moneyed leisure in an age of record economic disparity.
20,43 € 21,50 €

Kategória literatúry sociológia a etnológia poskytuje široký výber kníh zameraných na štúdium sociálnych a etnologických javov, spoločnosti a kultúry. V tejto kategórii nájdete diela od svetových a slovenských autorov, ktoré analyzujú sociálne štruktúry, vzťahy, identitu a kultúrne procesy.

Objavte dôležité teoretické a praktické informácie o sociológii a etnológii, ktoré vám umožnia lepšie porozumieť spoločnosti a jej rôznorodosti.

K najznámejším autorom sociologickej a etnologickej literatúry patria Max Weber, Émile Durkheim, či Clifford Geertz.