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Knihy - Young adults strana 77 z 119

Lacná kniha Vláda vlků (-70%)

Mohutná fjerdská armáda se připravuje na tažení do Ravky. Aby král Nikolaj Lantsov dokázal nepřátelské šiky porazit, musí zapojit veškerou svou vynalézavost, šarm i svého vnitřního démona. Přesto se neobejde bez pomoci ostatních: Zoja i Nina stojí při něm a jsou odhodlány zachránit svou zemi za každou cenu. Král, generálka a agentka musejí v nekonečné temnotě najít cestu vedoucí k budoucnosti – jinak zanikne všechno, na čem jim kdy záleželo.
6,00 € 19,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

All These Bodies

For months, a gruesome killer has been plaguing the Midwest. The murderer's calling card? The bodies they leave behind are completely drained of blood. Aspiring journalist Michael Jensen, desperate to escape his small-town life, can hardly believe it when the Bloodless Murders come to sleepy Black Deer Falls, Minnesota. Or that his father, the sheriff, located the only suspect: fifteen-year-old Marie Catherine Hale. Tiny Marie doesn't look capable of committing the grisly, inhumane attacks that are gripping the nation. At least, not on her own. With Marie refusing to talk to anyone but Michael, he agrees to tell her side of the story. But how can Michael trust Marie's confession when it calls into question everything he's ever known . . . when falling for her lies, may cost him his life? All These Bodies by Kendare Blake is the bone-chilling supernatural thriller for older readers, perfect for fans of Rory Powers.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Šťastně až navěky

Fanoušci Selekce zbystřete! Máme pro vás sbírku povídek ze světa Selekce. Zajímá vás, co cítil princ Maxon při prvním setkání s Americou, jak se Aspen dostal do královského paláce, proč byla Marlee potrestána nebo co Celeste plánovala, aby se zbavila soupeřek? Těšit se můžete rovněž na bonusové scény, epilog a ilustrace.
13,29 € 13,99 €


No matter how you try to hide it, the truth will always come out . . . After a plane crash sees a group of seven teens washed up on a desert island, their first thought is survival. But a terrible secret from a party the night before has followed them ashore. Facing deadly threats and the fear of being stranded forever, they quickly discover that being the most popular kid in High School doesn't help when you're fighting to stay alive. As the island deals each of them a dangerous blow, it's clear that someone is looking for justice. Now survival depends on facing the truth about that party: who was hurt that night, and who let it happen? From multi-award-winning author and gender equality activist, Laura Bates, this thought-provoking drama will start an important conversation and keep you guessing to the end. Praise for The Trial: 'While the climactic "trial" provides a satisfying political edge, the most gripping passages involve the simple struggle for survival.' - Financial Times 'Laura Bates is one of the most important feminist voices we have and The Trial is engaging and clever, thought-provoking and thrilling. I inhaled it in one sitting.' - Louise O'Neill, author of Asking For It 'A book that teens and young adults should be adding to their contemporary mystery and feminist reading lists' - Culture Fly
10,40 € 10,95 €


The first Nought Prime Minister, Toney Durbridge, is about to go on trial for the murder of notorious ganglord, Dan Jeavons. Tobey insists he is being framed. There were ten seats at Dan's dinner party the night he was killed and each guest had their own reasons for wishing him dead. Sephy Hadley was one of the guests that night. Haunted by the idea that she didn't do enough to stop the death of her first love, Callum McGregor, Sephy will not sit quietly and wait for accusations to fall on her now. She has her children to protect. It's time that the truth is uncovered. Time for the endgame. It's been 20 years since Malorie Blackman's groundbreaking series began with Noughts & Crosses, which charted the deeply forbidden romance between Sephy (a Cross) and Callum (a nought) - a love affair which had repercussions for their families for generations. Endgame, the breathtaking conclusion to the series, influenced by the unprecedented global events of recent years, is full of twists and turns. Are you ready for the Endgame?
9,98 € 10,50 €
  • 5 /5

Találj vissza

Mi van akkor, ha a sorsunkat nem lehet megváltoztatni? Ha nekik ennyi íródott fent? Kisha Raids egy baleset következtében elveszítette emlékeinek nagy részét. Pár évvel később szembesül azzal, hogy van valami, pontosabban valaki, akiről soha nem beszéltek neki. A kérdés most már az: Kisha szeretne-e emlékezni valakire, aki egykor magára hagyta? Mi van akkor, ha ennek így kellett lennie? Ha nekik tulajdonképpen ez volt a sorsuk?
10,70 € 11,26 €

Lies Like Wildfire

The monsters have known each other their whole lives. This is their final summer before college - time to hang out, fall in love, and dream about the future. Until they accidentally start a forest fire that destroys their hometown and leaves death in its wake. Desperate for the truth to remain hidden, the group make a pact of silence. But the twisted secret begins to spin out of control and when one of the friends disappears they all become suspects. We know how it starts but where does it end? Secrets and lies are everywhere in this compulsive page-turner, perfect for fans of One of Us is Lying.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Dark And Shallow Lies

A intensely romantic and atmospheric thriller for young adults, full of twists and turns with a simmering supernatural undercurrent. Perfect for fans of Holly Jackson, Karen McManus and Delia Owens’ Where the Crawdads Sing When seventeen-year-old Grey makes her annual visit to La Cachette, Louisiana – the tiny bayou town that proclaims to be the “Psychic Capital of the World” – she knows it will be different from past years: her childhood best friend Elora went missing several months earlier and no one is telling the truth about the night she disappears. Grey can’t believe that Elora vanished into thin air any more than she can believe that nobody in a town full of psychics knows what happened. But as she digs into the night that Elora went missing, she begins to realize that everybody in town is hiding something?her grandmother Honey; her childhood crush Hart; and even her late mother, whose secrets continue to call to Grey from beyond the grave. When a mysterious stranger emerges from the bayou – a stormy-eyed boy with links to Elora and the town’s bloody history – Grey realizes that La Cachette’s past is far more present and dangerous than she’d ever understood. She doesn’t know who she can trust. In a town where secrets lurk just below the surface, and where a murderer is on the loose, nobody can be presumed innocent?and La Cachette’s dark and shallow lies may just rip the town apart.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Lacná kniha V okamihu (-70%)

Jeden okamih poznačil jedenásť život. A pravdu vidí len ona... Dojímavý príbeh o tom, aké ťažké je prekonať traumatizujúce obdobie života a ísť ďalej. Rodina Millerovcov s priateľmi sa teší na zimný víkend v horách, na lyžovačku a príjemnú atmosféru na chate. V jedinom kratučkom okamihu sa však všetko zmení. Pred karavan, v ktorom sa všetci vezú, nečakane skočí jeleň, otec rodiny sa mu chce vyhnúť, ale zareaguje o zlomok sekundy neskôr a auto sa zrúti do rokliny. Tu sa skončí život šestnásťročnej Finn. Mladé dievča však uviazne na rozhraní dvoch svetov a bezmocne sa prizerá, ako všetci, ktorých miluje, bojujú o prežitie... Všade navôkol zúri metelica, takže vybrať sa v takom nečase po pomoc je beznádejné. Padajú rôzne návrhy a rozhodnutia, tí, čo prežili, spracúvajú šok, bolesť zo zranení a hlavne sa boja, že do rána zamrznú. Finn ich neopúšťa, a hoci s nimi nemôže komunikovať, bdie nad nimi aj nad ich životmi. Po urputnom boji o záchranu sú všetci otrasení a každý si v duši nesie výčitky a pocit viny za to, čo sa tej osudnej noci odohralo. Členov rodiny sužujú pochybnosti, ich súdržnosť sa rozpadáva. Finn by ich už mala opustiť, ale ako by to mohla urobiť, keď vidí, akí sú nešťastní, ako sa trápia a nedokážu sa vyrovnať s tým, čo sa stalo? Dojímavý, ale v konečnom dôsledku oslobodzujúci príbeh hovorí o láske, rodinných putách a odhodlaní ísť ďalej, aj keď sa to zdá na prvý pohľad nemožné. Niektoré rozhodnutia v zlomku sekundy tragicky ovplyvnia náš osud. --------------------- "Pozoruhodne vykreslené postavy, citlivé zobrazenie ich duševného zotavovania po nehode a záver, ktorý ponúka nádej. Čitatelia, ktorí obľubujú rodinné drámy, si prídu na svoje." BOOKLIST --------------------- "Najnovší román Suzanne Redfearnovej je zázrak. Dôkladná sonda do otázok súvisiacich so životom, smrťou a svetom medzi tým je silným a dojímavým čítaním." MARY KUBICOVÁ, autorka bestsellerov New York Times --------------------- "Román, ktorý tak trochu naháňa strach, je posolstvom lásky rodine, ktorá sa ocitla v kríze po strašnej nehode v snehovej búrke. Táto vynikajúco napísaná kniha je kronikou dojímavej cesty od žiaľu a zúfalstva po prijatie, odpustenie a napokon aj nádej. Je to nezabudnuteľný portrét ľudskej krehkosti a zároveň sily zoči-voči neopísateľnej strate." HEATHER GUDENKAUFOVÁ, autorka bestsellerov The Weight of Silence a Before She Was Found --------------------- "Kniha V okamihu sa začína ako akčný príbeh o prežití, no potom sa ponára hlbšie do emocionálnej roviny a núti čitateľa zamyslieť sa nad tým, aké ťažké je robiť správne rozhodnutia v dramaticky vypätých situáciách, keď ide o život." JULIANNE MACLEANOVÁ, autorka bestsellerov USA Today --------------------- "Úžasná kniha! Dve rodiny zasiahnuté nečakanou tragédiou sa ocitnú na pokraji chaosu, pretože zrazu nevedia určiť hranice toho, čo je morálne a čo už nie. Redfearnová opisuje smútok a bolesť rodiny s veľkou dávkou súcitu a nádeje a núti vás premýšľať o tom, čo sa v skutočnosti skrýva pod uhladeným povrchom ľudí, ktorí sú vám najbližší." LIZ FENTONOVÁ a LISA STEINKEOVÁ, autorky bestselleru Girls' Night Out --------------------- SUZANNE REDFEARNOVÁ sa narodila a vyrastala na východnom pobreží USA, no od pätnástich rokov žije v Kalifornii. Vyskúšala viacero zamestnaní, bola pokladníčkou v McDonald's, čašníčkou, návrhárkou bytového a priemyselného dizajnu, grafickou dizajnérkou, vynašla nový typ šnúrok do topánok a napokon sa začala venovať literárnej tvorbe. Keď nepíše, spolu s rodinou sa venuje aktivitám ako lyžovanie, golf, tenis, turistika, stolové hry a pozeranie reality šou. Dosiaľ napísala štyri úspešné romány: Hush Little Baby, No Ordinary Life, Hadley & Grace a bestseller V okamihu, ktorý získal cenu Najlepšia kniha nového autora za rok 2020 a práva na preklad sa predali do osemnástich krajín. Má rada život v meste, fascinuje ju jeho energia, architektúra, reštaurácie. Každý deň trávi v inej kaviarničke vo svojom okolí a píše. Teší ju hluk a šum prebiehajúcich rozhovorov a s obľubou zachytáva zaujímavé útržky konverzácií. Popoludní pracuje doma a delí sa o svoje nápady s mačkou. Niekedy sa jej dokonca zdá, že ju mačka počúva a povzbudzuje ju.
4,17 € 13,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Všem klukům, které jsem milovala

Milostné dopisy mají mnoho podob. Lara nikdy žádný nedostala, ale pár už jich napsala. Nikdy nedala žádnému klukovi najevo, že ho má ráda. A když už nechtěla být zamilovaná, napsala dopis o tom, jak se cítí, pečlivě ho zapečetila a schovala do krabice pod svou postelí. Ale jednoho dne dopisy z krabice zmizí a Lara zjistí, že je někdo rozeslal…
13,29 € 13,99 €


He said he was looking for a 'partner in crime' which everyone knows is shorthand for 'a woman who isn't real'. April is kind, pretty, and relatively normal - yet she can't seem to get past date five. Every time she thinks she's found someone to trust, they reveal themselves to be awful, leaving her heartbroken. And angry. If only April could be more like Gretel. Gretel is exactly what men want - she's a Regular Everyday Manic Pixie Dream Girl Next Door With No Problems. The problem is, Gretel isn't real. And April is now claiming to be her. As soon as April starts 'being' Gretel, dating becomes much more fun - especially once she reels in the unsuspecting Joshua. Finally, April is the one in control, but can she control her own feelings? And as she and Joshua grow closer, how long will she be able to keep pretending?
11,35 € 11,95 €

Alice Oseman Four-Book Collection Box Set

SOLITAIRE My name is Tori Spring. I like to sleep and I like to blog. Last year - before all that stuff with Charlie and before I had to face the harsh realities of A-Levels and university applications and the fact that one day I really will have to start talking to people - I had friends. Things were very different, I guess, but that's all over now. Now there's Solitaire. And Michael Holden. RADIO SILENCE What if everything you set yourself up to be was wrong? Frances has always been a study machine with one goal, elite university. Nothing will stand in her way; not friends, not a guilty secret - not even the person she is on the inside. But when Frances meets Aled, the shy genius behind her favourite podcast, she discovers a new freedom. He unlocks the door to Real Frances and for the first time she experiences true friendship, unafraid to be herself. Then the podcast goes viral and the fragile trust between them is broken. I WAS BORN FOR THIS For Angel Rahimi life is about one thing: The Ark - a pop-rock trio of teenage boys who are taking the world by storm. Being part of The Ark's fandom has given her everything she loves - her friend Juliet, her dreams, her place in the world. Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The Ark. He's their frontman - and playing in a band with his mates is all he ever dreamed of doing. But dreams don't always turn out the way you think and when Jimmy and Angel are unexpectedly thrust together, they find out how strange and surprising facing up to reality can be. LOVELESS It was all sinking in. I'd never had a crush on anyone. No boys, no girls, not a single person I had ever met. What did that mean? Georgia has never been in love, never kissed anyone, never even had a crush - but as a fanfic-obsessed romantic she's sure she'll find her person one day. Is she destined to remain loveless? Or has she been looking for the wrong thing all along?
46,50 € 48,95 €

Lacná kniha Nyár trilógia 1: A nyár, amikor megszépültem (-50%)

Ahogy beköszönt a nyár, Belly maga mögött hagyja az iskolai életét, és Cousins Beachre menekül. Oda, ahol élete minden eddigi nyarát töltötte. A nyaralóban nem egyszerűen otthon érzi magát, de a számára legkedvesebb emberek veszik körül: Susannah, édesanyja legjobb barátnője a fiaival, Conraddal és Jeremiah-val. Belly azóta üldözi a szerelmével Conradot, amióta az eszét tudja, és mindennél jobban reménykedik abban, hogy ez a nyár más lesz, mint a többi. Bár megjelenik egy új srác, Cam, aki egy kicsit elvonja a figyelmét, és Conrad testvére, Jeremiah is sóvárgó pillantásokat vet rá, Belly szíve már Conradé. Vajon a fiú is neki szánja az övét? Tényleg olyan nyár áll előttük, amely mindent megváltoztat?
5,21 € 10,42 €

dostupné aj ako:


Když byla America vybrána do Selekce ani ve snu by ji nenapadlo, že by se ocitla na dosah samotné koruny, natož k srdci prince Maxona. S blížícím se koncem soutěže narůstají hrozby za branami paláce a America si uvědomuje, jak je lehké všechno ztratit a jak těžce bude muset za svou budoucnost bojovat.
11,39 € 11,99 €

Lacná kniha Splinters of Sunshine (-70%)

From the multi-award-winning author of Orangeboy, comes a YA road-trip mystery. Spey's friend Dee has disappeared off-grid. He has an idea of where she might be, but is he willing to accept help from his estranged father to track her down?
3,29 € 10,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

In the Wild Light

I've always loved when the light finds the broken spots in the world and makes them beautiful . . . Cash's life in his small Tennessee town is hard. He lost his mom to an opioid addiction and his grandfather's illness is getting worse. His smart but troubled best friend, Delaney, is his only salvation. But Delaney is meant for greater things, and she finds a way for Cash to leave with her. Will abandoning his old life be the thing that finally breaks Cash, or will it be the making of him? From the award-winning author of The Serpent King comes a beautiful story of grief, found family, and young love.
10,93 € 11,50 €

The Elephant in the Room

eelings travel even when people cant...Its been almost a year since Silas mum travelled halfway around the world to Turkey, hoping to secure the immigration paperwork that would allow her to return to her family in the United States.The long separation is almost impossible for Sila to bear. But things change when Sila accompanies her father (who is a mechanic) outside their Oregon town to fix a truck. There, behind an enormous stone wall, she meets a grandfatherly man who only months before won the state lottery. Their new alliance leads to the rescue of a circus elephant named Veda, and then to a friendship with a unique boy named Mateo, proving that comfort and hope come in the most unlikely of places.A moving story of family separation and the importance of the connection between animals and humans, this novel has the enormous heart and uplifting humour that readers have come to expect from the beloved author of Counting by 7s.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Along For The Ride

An addictive romance about new media stardom and first-love, perfect for fans of Beth Reekles and Jenny Han. Connor Jackson. These two words make every girl go crazy, screaming and begging for a chance to meet him. He's the world's biggest pop star, but for seventeen-year-old Katelyn Jackson he's just her older brother. When Katelyn is forced to put her competitive soccer dreams on hold to go along on Connor's US summer tour, she's unimpressed. But when she meets Zach Matthews, the lead singer of his opening act, everything changes and life on the road takes a whole different turn...
9,98 € 10,50 €

Better Than the Movies

In this rom-com about rom-coms, in the spirit of Kasie West and Jenn Bennett, a hopeless romantic teen attempts to secure a happily-ever-after moment with her forever crush, but finds herself reluctantly drawn to the boy next door. Perpetual daydreamer Liz Buxbaum gave her heart to Michael a long time ago. But her cool, aloof forever crush never really saw her before he moved away. Now that he's back in town, Liz will do whatever it takes to get on his radar-and maybe snag him as a prom date-even befriend Wes Bennet. The annoyingly attractive next-door neighbor might seem like a prime candidate for romantic comedy fantasies, but Wes has only been a pain in Liz's butt since they were kids. Pranks involving frogs and decapitated lawn gnomes do not a potential boyfriend make. Yet, somehow, Wes and Michael are hitting it off, which means Wes is Liz's in. But as Liz and Wes scheme to get Liz noticed by Michael so she can have her magical prom moment, she's shocked to discover that she likes being around Wes. And as they continue to grow closer, she must reexamine everything she thought she knew about love-and rethink her own ideas of what Happily Ever After should look like.
11,88 € 12,50 €

V knižnej kategórii Young Adults objavíte fascinujúci svet literatúry pre mladých, ktorá kombinuje dobrodružstvo, emocionálnu hĺbku a osobnostný rast.Tieto knihy sú určené pre mladých čitateľov, ktorí hľadajú príbehy, ktoré ich oslovia, inšpirujú a pomáhajú im porozumieť svetu a sebe samým.

Kategória kníh Young Adults je plná rozmanitých žánrov, vrátane romantiky. Prinášame vám silné a autentické postavy, ktoré čelia výzvam, objavujú svoju identitu a nachádzajú svoje miesto vo svete.Knihy z kategórie Young Adults ponúkajú dobrodružstvo, napätie, lásku a komplexné témy, ktoré sa týkajú tém, ktoré sú pre dospievajúcich dôležité a udalostí, ktorými v tomto veku prechádzajú.

Teenageri nájdu v knihách príbehy, ktoré sa ich dotýkajú a otvárajú diskusiu o dôležitých témach, ako je sebaprijatie, priateľstvo, láska, rast, utváranie hodnôt a nájdenie svojho miesta vo svete. Tieto knihy ponúkajú nielen zábavu, ale aj príležitosť na sebarozvoj a porozumenie komplexnosti dospievania.