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Najnovšie - Knihy - Fotografia strana 7 z 133

Green Mallorca

Mallorca: the jewel of the Mediterranean, known for its avid sunbathers and synonymous with a booming travel industry. In recent years the island has entered into an amiable but vigorous dialogue centered on conservation and sustainability as a result of the climate crisis and ongoing pandemic. Photographer Patricia Parinejad not only illustrates the intoxicating beauty of Mallorca, she also tracks this exciting environmental movement, using stunning images and compelling writing to showcase sustainable businesses, eco-hotels, green initiatives, and innovators who are all fighting to preserve the island. This captivating coffee table book shows even those familiar with Mallorca a side of the Balearic Island that is very different and yet very essential: the new ‘Green Mallorca‘. Text in English, German, Spanish
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56,95 € 59,95 €

Proměny a deformace

Do distribučnej siete spoločnosti IKAR pribúda dvanásty knižný titul dnes už renomovaného autora fotografických publikácii Antona Diváckého. Umelec opäť originálnym spôsobom zaujíma postoj k osobným i spoločenským premenám v širokom celospoločenskom rozmere i zmysle. „Práve preto som vytvoril súbor kombinovaných techník a fotografií, ktoré majú byť mementom vnímania zmien, premien i deformácií okolo nás. Preto opäť používam slovo, ako ilustráciu k výtvarnému prejavu“, hovorí autor. Táto výnimočná kniha je vhodná rovnako pre zberateľov umenia ako i milovníkov fotografií, či ako darček pre každého, kto má rád knihy a zamýšľa sa nad súčasnosťou.
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76,00 € 80,00 €


Dezső László (1970, Gyergyótölgyes) az erdélyi kortárs fotográfia egyik kiemelkedő alakja. A Székelyföldön élő és alkotó fotós fényképei számtalan hazai és nemzetközi fotószalon egyéni és közös tárlatain köszönnek vissza, illetve napilapok, neves magazinok is kérik és közlik fotóit. Fényképei elsősorban az 1991-ben általa alapított gyergyószentmiklósi MARK HOUSE Kiadó és Nyomda égisze alatt megjelenő, turistáknak, túrázóknak, természetbarátoknak (és nem csak) szóló termékeket illusztrálja – a magyar, román, angol és német nyelveken megjelenő turistakalauzok, útikönyvek, atlaszok, naptárak és egyéb kiadványok oldalait színesítik a környezete természeti szépségeit és értékeit, az épített örökséget, a kultúrát, hagyományokat megörökítő és dokumentáló fotográfiái. Eddigi megjelent jelentősebb munkái között találjuk a Világszép gyilkostó (2008), a Gyilkostó (2010), a Csíksomlyó, a kegyhely (2010), a Barangolások Gyergyószéken (2016), az Erdély – A Kárpátok Tündérkertje (2018) című, gazdagon illusztrált köteteket. Dezső László ismert és elismert természetjáró, mindennapjainak jelentős részét természetközelben éli meg. 2008 és 2014 között Erdély legrégebbi és legnagyobb turistaszervezetének, az Erdélyi Kárpát-Egyesületnek országos vezetője volt. Kiválóan ismeri a Kárpátok és Erdély vadregényes tájainak rejtett természeti ritkaságait. Időt, fáradságot nem kímél, amikor akár több napot és több száz kilométert kell utaznia egy-egy egyedi fénykép elkészítése érdekében.Dezső László a gyergyószentmiklósi Vadgazdálkodási Egyesület tagjaként Székelyföldön az elsők között hozott létre vad, és különösen a medvék megfigyelésére alkalmas biztonságos lest. Az elmúlt 10 évben több száz napot és éjszakát töltött a vadonban, a medvék természetes életterében és társaságában. A számtalan, türelemmel és fegyelemmel ellesett pillanat tapasztalatait következetesen feljegyezte, naplóba foglalta, és fényképezőgéppel megörökítette. Ennek a kitartó tevékenységnek gyümölcse a MEDVE című albumjellegű könyv. A könyv élethűen mutatja be a kárpáti barna medve életét, életkörülményeit a születés pillanatától a domináns medvévé válásig. Külön fejezetek foglalkoznak a medve egykori és napjainkban történő vadászatával, de az ember és medve kapcsolatát érintve, a napjainkban mindennapossá vált és világgá kürtölt székelyföldi medveproblémák árnyalatait is láttatja. A benne megjelenő több mint 200 fénykép segítségével nem mindennapi lencsevégre kapott pillanatoknak lehetünk a szemtanúi.
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39,84 € 41,94 €

Pivo za císaře pána

Říká se, že pivo je český národní nápoj. A žádné jiné řemeslo nesouviselo v minulosti tak významně s hospodářským a politickým vývojem českých zemí jako pivovarství. Ale jak se pivo dříve vařilo? Jaké dnes již zaniklé profese se s ním pojily? Kde se scházeli proslulé pivní společnosti? Kniha fotografa a majitele rodinné sbírky starých fotografií Pavla Scheuflera představuje pivní kulturu z pohledu fotografů časů monarchie, počínaje od sklizně chmele, přes proces výroby a zrání, až po pivní radovánky. Jednotlivé fotografie doprovází autor poutavými příběhy, které starým snímkům vdechují život.
Na sklade 2Ks
16,10 € 16,95 €

Czech Nature Photo - fotografie a jejich příběhy

Kniha Czech Nature Photo obsahuje všechny oceněné fotografie z uplynulých pěti ročníků a jejich příběhy vzniku. Součástí jsou i snímky českých a zahraničních porotců jako je například Ami Vitale, Peter Delaney, Michal Krause, Václav Šilha, Pavel Krásenský, Miroslav Bobek, Petr Bambousek a fotografie z premiérové výstavy při zahájení soutěže. V knize je zastoupeno celkem 95 autorů.
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36,05 € 37,95 €

Walk With Me New York

From photographer Susan Kaufman, an intimate celebration of the beauty and charm of New York City For some people, New York City exists only in their imaginations, a big-screen beacon of wonder and twenty-four seven delight. For others, it's a dream destination: the diverse urban center where they will finally feel they belong. And still for many, it's the place they already call home. No matter how you view New York, longtime fashion editor and photographer Susan Kaufman will help you see the city with fresh, appreciative eyes. As she travels with her camera through New York, Susan Kaufman invites readers to see the city as she does: from the sidewalk. She explores the beauty of the city found in its charming townhouses, decorated shops, lovely parks, shop facades, and serene streetscapes. New York may be known as the city that never sleeps, but beneath the bustle, there's a soulful side, with its own quiet power and universal allure. Walk with Me New York invites readers to appreciate the streets and buildings that have made the world's most iconic city survive centuries of change yet retain its vitality and aspirational magnetism.
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22,75 € 23,95 €

Another Country

A compelling social and cultural history of Britain since the Second World War, showing how photographers have depicted the country over the last seventy years. Another Country offers a lively, vital rethinking of British documentary photography over the last seven decades. This collection includes a diverse range of photographers working in an exciting array of photographic and artistic modes, encompassing images from iconic reportage to photo-text pieces, from self-portraits to political photo-collages. As Britain takes an increasingly significant place in the history of documentary photography, award-winning photography writer and critic Gerry Badger brings vital context and breadth to the conversation. Organized chronologically, each chapter spans a particular period of social and cultural history, focusing on the major photographers, figures, institutions, publications and galleries that shaped the photographic climate of their time, as well as the broader tastes of the era. Chapter-by-chapter picture sections present famous works alongside forgotten masterpieces, interspersed with focused commentaries on selected photographs by both Badger and a range of contributors. This multilayered approach provides a rich understanding of the evolution and sheer variety of British documentary photography. With more than 165 photographers represented - including work by Bert Hardy, Lee Miller, Bill Brandt, Nigel Henderson, Don McCullin, Jane Bown, Yinka Shonibare, Maud Sulter, Nadav Kander, Tom Hunter, Chloe Dewe Matthews, Cold War Steve and many more - this book is a comprehensive overview of how photographers and photo-artists have depicted Britain and British society over the last seventy years.
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62,65 € 65,95 €

Luxury Of Private Aviation

Embrace the intricacies of private aviation while exploring the art of flying and the evolution of luxury throughout the history of aviation. Inspired by its passengers, each flight and each aircraft are part of a creative process built to serve the most discerning clients. You will be amazed by the design, the beauty and the endless creative possibilities of aircraft interiors. Follow service expert Jana App-Sandering, Chief of Client Service at Luxaviation, into the luxurious world of private aviation.
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68,35 € 71,95 €

Chasing Light

Captured in vivid colour and magnificent quality, the unique moments that photographer Stefan Forster discovers in out-of-the-way places in nature take place on adventurous backcountry trips far from civilisation, with Forster lugging up to 80 pounds in camera gear and camping equipment. With enormous enthusiasm and prepared for anything, he often hikes through remote areas for weeks at a time on his search for the extraordinary. He has taken long solo kayak expeditions along Greenland's west coast, hopped from island to island in Micronesia, and slogged through the swamps of Louisiana and Texas to find the area's most beautiful cypress trees, dodging alligators all the while. The results are unique and fascinating photos. This book presents this young photographer's most beautiful experiences to date, including everything from rare rainstorms in the world's driest desert and the Northern Lights shimmering through icebergs to spectacular shots of the Rocky Mountains. Forster was one of the first photographers to use state-of-the-art quadcopter drones, giving his pictures fresh, new perspectives. Stefan Forster published some of these aerial shots for the first time in Above the World - Earth Through a Drone's Eye, released by teNeues in September 2016.
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50,30 € 52,95 €

The Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Book

This iconic sports car, from the first Mercedes 300 SL to its latest successors, proves that technology can indeed evolve into art. And who better to showcase this procession of pioneering automobiles than Rene Staud, whose striking photographs will captivate any enthusiast. This book, based on Staud's successful calendars, is an ode to an extraordinary vehicle whose spell stars such as Grace Kelly, Frank Sinatra and Alfred Hitchcock have all fallen under. The elaborately orchestrated pictures show sleek curves and precision in every detail, conveying the passion for this breathtaking automobile. A photographic tribute to the "sports car of the century", covering the 70-year history of the 300 SL racing car models from 1952 to the latest SL generation. Text in English, German and French.
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88,30 € 92,95 €

Združenie fotografov amatérov YMCA a Fotoskupiny KSTL Bratislava

Založenie a aktivity Združenia fotografov amatérov YMCA (Youn Menss Christian Association) a Fotoskupiny KSTL Bratislava (Klub slovenských lyžiarov a turistov) sa viažu najmä na obdobie 30. 40. rokov 20. storočia. Reprezentujú tvorivý potenciál slovenských fotoamatérov v medzivojnovom období prvej Československej republiky, ale aj inštitúcií Svazu československých fotografov amatérov v Prahe, medzinárodnej organizácie YMCA (YMCA Slovensko) a národnej organizácie Klubu slovenských turistov a lyžiarov. Z hľadiska vývoja a histórie slovenskej fotografie opisuje publikácia dôležité obdobie konštituovania organizačnej štruktúry hnutia fotoamatérov zakladanie prvých fotoklubov v rámci Československa, kryštalizáciu hnutia v rámci Slovenska, realizáciu výstav, mapových okruhov, kurzov, tvorivých výletov, participácií na medzinárodných súťažiach, výstavách a iných aktivitách súvisiacich s organizovanou činnosťou fotoamatérov. Knižná publikácia dokumentuje cez príbeh inštitúcií aj príbehy jednotlivcov osobností, ktoré vychovalo prostredie amatérskej fotografie. Mená ako Miloš Dohnány, Viliam Malík, Ladislav Kožehuba, František Král, Jaroslav Horák, sú fenoménom Československej amatérskej fotografie 30. rokov, zároveň svojimi progresívnymi názormi v rámci fotografickej tvorby prekročili hranice amatérskej fotografie. Súčasná história slovenskej fotografie ich zaradila medzi významných autorov dejín slovenskej fotografie.
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64,52 € 67,92 €

Female View (Bilingual edition)

Female View puts the focus on women fashion photography. Although this medium has been shaped by female photographers for decades, a large number of publications or exhibitions have focused primarily on the male gaze of the female body. Numerous female fashion photographers worked for influential magazines such as Harper's Bazaar or Vogue, thus shaping the style of their time. Using exemplary positions, this book traces the transformation of the photographic image from the 1930s to the present day: from the fashion magazine to the showroom and the coffee table book to videos and digital self-staging in social media today. On display will be works by: Lillian Bassman, Sibylle Bergemann, Petra F. Collins, Corinne Day, Cass Bird, Madame d'Ora, Charlotte March, Ute Mahler, Sarah Moon, Amber Pinkerton, Regina Relang, Alice Springs (June Newton), Bettina Rheims, Ellen von Unwerth, and Yva.
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47,45 € 49,95 €

The Mindful Photographer

Your guide to mindful photography, peaceful contemplation and a slow creative practice, including hands-on assignments, enlightening concepts and inspirational stories. In a world where millions of images are shot at every moment of every day and where fast-paced environments exhaust and stifle creativity, The Mindful Photographer proposes an antidote: slowing down. Through twenty concepts as varied as 'Confidence', 'Gratitude', 'Playfulness' and 'Compassion', all combined with hands-on assignments, Sophie Howarth invites readers to reflect on their photographic practice and learn to pause, pay attention and become more at one with the world around them. From the canonical to the contemporary, The Mindful Photographer features the works of photographers including Saul Leiter, Rinko Kawauchi, Sally Mann, Edward Weston, Gueorgui Pinkhassov, Teju Cole, Sarker Protick, Tamsin Calidas and many more. Their images are accompanied by quotes, stories and anecdotes to inspire the reader, simultaneously broadening their photographic knowledge and creative perspectives. Putting aside preconceived ideas and the competitive pressures of picture-perfect Instagram posts, the book rewires our relationship to photographic practice as one to be experienced as unconditionally joyful and rewarding. Sophie Howarth's insightful and soothing texts work as a guide to both a mindful approach to photography, and a photographic approach to meditation. Offered in a highly affordable and pocketable format, this will be the must-have companion for anyone seeking the spiritual benefits of creative practice and a more mindful approach to engaging with their world through photography.
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18,53 € 19,50 €


Rarely does a bird mesmerise us as much as the flamingo: Graceful, elegant and decked out in colourful plumage, it has evolved into a trendy bird with a cult following in recent years. And no one can give us a better understanding of this animal than Claudio Contreras Koob: A biologist and photographer, he has had a special relationship with the flamingos of his native Mexico since childhood. At a young age, he would disappear for hours into the swamps and mangrove forests of the Yucatan Peninsula to discover the local flora and fauna, where he encountered for the first time the breathtaking display a flamingo colony presents during mating season. Since that day, his love for nature, and especially flamingos, has been unwavering. With over 120 spectacular photographs, this book offers a glimpse into the behaviour and life of a flamingo colony as never seen before. It is the result of over 20 years of a passion that combines biology and photography. Text in English, German and Spanish.
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44,18 € 46,50 €


Gain new perspective on the vibrant and innovative world of contemporary African fashion design, bursting with fresh creativity and free from reductive stereotypes. From the runway in Lagos and music festivals in Casablanca or Nairobi, to the "image makers" of Marrakech and the influencers of Dakar or Accra, a new gener­ation of African fashion designers, photographers, bloggers, and hair and makeup artists are redefining the aesthetic contours of the continent. Audacious, humorous, disruptive, and innovative are the bywords of these young creatives who, while drawing upon and reval­orizing their heritage, offer an ultra-contemporary perspective on fashion today. A creative revolution is spreading in an extension of continental revindication through cultural reappropriation and the invention of a visual language. Appliqué figures straight from Ghanaian Asafo flags seem to chant modern slogans as they march across silk dresses, traditional textile prints give power back to women, and Xhosa beaded embroidery serves as an inspiration for modern knitwear. Body-artists transform themselves into platforms for activism, and photographers--using clothing and finery--question identity, gender, and environment. Urban neighborhoods are reframed in a new light through the lens of ubiquitous smartphones. This volume celebrates a creative, effervescent gener­ation, which--by breaking the rules and rewriting the narrative of the African continent--is inventing a new and resolutely African chapter in the history of fashion that is now resonating across the globe.
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66,45 € 69,95 €

Světlo a hmota

Kniha obsahuje čtyři soubory černobílých výtvarných fotografií a stejný počet textových zamyšlení, navzájem spojených stejnými tématy. Jsou to témata Tma a světlo, Řád a svoboda, Neviděné stavby a Hledání světla. Přestože fotografie a psané slovo jsou odlišné vyjadřovací prostředky, tvoří kniha jednotný celek. Při jejím vzniku byly fotografie volnou inspirací pro text, případně text volně inspiroval vznik fotografií. Text fotografie nekomentuje, obě formy jsou ve svém sdělení svébytné.
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23,51 € 24,75 €

Deo gratias

V knize Deo gratias jde o spojení fotografických motivů z velehradské baziliky s krátkými texty Tomáše Josefa kardinála Špidlíka. Texty kardinála Špidlíka jsou vybrány z více jeho knih; jejich témata jsou filozofická, obecně lidská a samozřejmě teologická. Motivy pro výtvarné fotografie jsou volně inspirovány texty kardinála Špidlíka. Kniha je doplněna krátkým textem o historii velehradské baziliky a věcnými popisky k jednotlivým fotografiím.
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18,29 € 19,25 €

Runway Bird

Top model and musician Irina Lazareanu decrypts the essence of rock 'n' roll chic, taking cues from her coterie of friends from the fashion and music worlds. If you could saunter down the runway and slip backstage on the heels of Irina Lazareanu, who would you meet, what antics would ensue, and what on earth would you wear? Irina--Karl Lagerfeld's muse, Kate Moss's BFF, and Pete Dougherty's former fiancée--introduces you to her inner circle--models, fashion designers, editors, Hollywood starlets, and rockers--to pilfer the secrets of their individually cool and universally coveted rock 'n' roll style. She shares fashion tips from her fellow runway birds and offers insight from her work with designers including Karl Lagerfeld, Marc Jacobs, and Nicolas Ghesqui?re, as well as with fashion professionals like Edward Enninful and Inez & Vinoodh. Irina includes killer looks from friends such as Sean Lennon, Yoko Ono, Hedi Slimane, Lindsay Lohan, Mark Ronson, and the late Amy Winehouse. She details a host of wardrobe tips and essentials, including dos and don'ts for creating your own folk, retro, punk, or glam rock look. In scrapbook collages and lively anecdotes from her life on the fashion and concert circuits, the captivating Romanian-Canadian top model and singer shares showstopping sartorial nuggets that will give your threads--and attitude--a rock 'n' roll edge.
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28,45 € 29,95 €

Sebastiao Salgado: From My Land to the Planet

Sebastio Salgado’s photographs have been shown around the world. In From my land to the Planet the photographer tells us the story of his most famous reportages: from the black and white portraits of unknown men and women, workers or refugees, to the more recent Genesis project, a portrait of the most incontaminated places of our planet. With a kindness and a disarming simplicity, Salgado rebuilds his path, exposes his beliefs, makes us witnesses of his emotions. In this volume his talent as a storyteller and the authenticity of a man who knows how to combine activism and professionalism, talent and generosity, clearly emerge. The reader will discover fascinating stories of every corner of the world, both near and remote, from Africa to the Americas, and then again the birth of the Instituto Terra, of the Genesis project, of Magnum Photos and Amazonas Images.
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21,38 € 22,50 €

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretáva umenie s technológiou, a výsledkom sú zaujímavé, výrazné a často aj dojímavé obrazy. Fotografia je médiom, ktoré umožňuje zachytiť okamihy, emócie, krásu a príbehy pomocou objektívu.

V tejto kategórii nájdete rozmanité oblasti fotografie, od portrétov a krajín cez dokumentárne fotografovanie až po umenie experimentovať s rôznymi technikami a efektmi. Tu sa dozviete o technických aspektoch, ako je použitie svetla, kompozícia a aké sú základné nástroje fotografa.

Fotografia nie je iba o zachytení obrazu, ale aj o vyjadrení tvorivosti a vlastného pohľadu na svet. V tejto kategórii sa budeme venovať aj umeniu spracovania fotografií, rôznym štýlom a postupom, ktoré umožňujú vytvoriť jedinečné vizuálne zážitky.

Či ste profesionálny fotograf, nadšenec alebo začiatočník, táto kategória vám ponúka možnosť hlbšie sa ponoriť do sveta fotografie. Budete mať príležitosť objaviť nové perspektívy, techniky a inšpirácie, ktoré vám pomôžu rozvíjať vašu fotografickú zručnosť.