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Nedosažitelná Kitty

Adam Monroe se snaží získat úspěch jako architekt a nikdy by ho nenapadlo, že se už jako třicátník zničehonic stane hrabětem! Ale je to tak a způsobila to jeho matka, která před ním zatajila jeho urozený původ. Adam se ocitá ve světě vyšší společnosti a setkává se s mladou ženou, hraběnkou Catherine Fentonovou, kterou před lety jako sotva dospělou dívku, Kitty, miloval, ale protože měla urozený původ, musel se jí vzdát. Vzpomínka na ni však v jeho srdci nikdy nevybledla. Život ale mezi ně nakupil mnoho překážek a zdá se, že se jejich cesty už nikdy nemohou spojit. A k tomu všemu Adamovi někdo usiluje o život…
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5,34 €

Pro hraběte nevhodná

Když Ethan, hrabě Longhurst, poprvé spatřil lady Petru, jak s vykasanými sukněmi v houští trhá ostružiny, myslel si o ní, že je to nějaké krásné vesnické děvče. Tahle mladá vdova, ze které se vyklubala jeho sousedka ho neustále něčím překvapovala. Nejen svými půvaby, ale i praktickou povahou, znalostmi o venkovském životě a různých způsobech hospodaření. Kdyby tak zoufale nepotřeboval peníze na obnovu zanedbaného zděděného panství, požádal by lady Petru o ruku. On ale musel najít bohatou dědičku, aby vyřešil své finanční problémy. Ta chudá kráska, kvůli které se mu pokaždé splašilo srdce, byla pro něho nevhodná… (Druhá část minisérie Westramské vdovy)
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5,34 €

Poprask u oltáře

Amelia se vrátila Hunterovi do života! Možná o tom snil, rozhodně ale ty sny nepočítaly s tím, že se objeví jako nezvaný host na jeho svatbě – s jinou ženou. A s jeho dítětem v náruči! Jejich manželství dávalo smysl. Hunter potřeboval světu dokázat, že se „usadil“ a navíc chtěl tak chránit jak Amelii, tak svou dceru. A kromě toho měl pocit, že mezi ním a Amelií je „něco víc“. A rád by to poznal. A ona také… První část tetralogie Čtyři svatby… a dítě!
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3,38 €

Noci, na něž zapomněla

Vnímala z Krava temnotu a tvrdost, snad i jistou míru nebezpečí. A takoví lidé ji nepřitahovali… Jenže jí řekl, že jsou zasnoubení a že spolu mají měsíční dceru… Dceru, kterou si Riot okamžitě zamilovala, přestože si jinak nepamatovala vůbec nic. A nejméně pak muže, s nímž se musela milovat, jemuž musela dát svou nevinnost! Krav dostal druhou možnost. Tenkrát, přestože mu řekla, že čeká jeho dítě, od sebe Riot odehnal. Teď si ji chce nechat. Ji, i dceru. Jenže… jenže Riot chce víc než pohodlný život, bohatství a vášeň, které jí je ochoten dát. Chce lásku. A to je něco, co Krav nezná, nemá a nemůže nikomu věnovat!
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3,38 €

Králova dohazovačka

Je to krušné – hledat nevěstu muži, o kterém sníte mládeži nepřístupné sny! A přesně to se stalo Rosanně, diskrétní dohazovačce, pozvané na dhalkurský dvůr s úkolem najít vhodnou manželku pro šejka Salima, který se – aniž by věděla, o koho jde – před půl rokem skoro stal jejím milencem! Je těžké profesionální dohazovačce popisovat, jaký typ ženy byste si vybral za manželku, aby nepoznala, že popisujete ji samotnou!
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3,38 €

Ples v Melbourne

A pak se potkali… A Emma Alexe ovládla způsobem, jemuž nedovedl porozumět… Že ani to, že jsou součástí privilegovaných rodin, jim nezaručí štěstí, ví jak londýnský lord Alexander, tak Emma, dcera majitele melbournské reklamní agentury. Stejně tak oba vědí, že to, že by je někdo milovat měl – třeba jejich rodiče –, v žádném případě neznamená, že je doopravdy milovat bude.
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3,38 €

Beznadějný útěk

Opravdu mohla knížeti Leovi od oltáře utéci už druhá nevěsta? A dokonce sestra té první! Říkali mu, že Violetta je poddajná, takže nebude mít problém sňatkem s ní spojit obě země, jak si to přál jeho otec! Jenže Violetta snila o něčem úplně jiném, a tak od Lea utekla… i když vlastně vůbec nechtěla. A Leo pak prchal před láskou… Oba utíkali… a ani jeden neměl šanci!
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3,38 €

Chci slyšet tvé ano!

Rafe je jediný muž, kterého si kdy Lise chtěla vzít. Rafe je jediný muž, kterého si Lise nemůže vzít. Rafe je jediný muž, kterého si Lise musí vzít… chce-li se stát královnou! A Lise je žena, kterou musí Rafe přesvědčit, aby se za něj provdala, pokud chce být vítězem… a králem. Jenže najednou už mu to nepřijde tak důležité!
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3,38 €

Begin Again

A powerful, thoughtful and bold comment on humanity and its future from one of today’s most thought-provoking artists. In his first picture book created specifically with a wider audience in mind, Oliver Jeffers shares a history of humanity and his dreams for its future. Where are we going? With his bold, exquisite artwork, Oliver Jeffers starts at the dawn of humankind following people on their journey from then until now, and then offers the reader a challenge: where do we go from here? How can we think about the future of the human race more than our individual lives? How can we save ourselves? How can we change our story? Illustrated in his instantly recognisable style, Oliver Jeffers’s exploration of the state of the world today is insightful, moving and powerful. A must-have for every forward-thinking person who wants the next generation to inherit a world to be proud of.
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24,65 € 25,95 €


A thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last! A kidnapped child… A young boy is snatched in broad daylight outside his Stockholm nursery. He has vanished without a trace. A race against time… Detective Mina Dabiri calls on her close friend Vincent to help with the investigation. As they uncover links to other missing children, it becomes clear they are up against the clock. A world full of secrets… Then Mina and Vincent find themselves caught up in a mysterious cult with terrifying motives. Can they stop them before it’s too late?
13,25 € 13,95 €

Dark Star Burning, Ash Falls White

The epic sequel to Song of Silver, Flame Like Night. A fast-paced, riveting YA fantasy inspired by the mythology and folklore of ancient China. Years ago, the Elantian colonizers invaded Lan's homeland and killed her mother in their search to uncover the Last Kingdom's greatest the location of its legendary four Demon Gods. Lan's mother devoted her life to destroying the Demon Gods, and Lan is determined to finish her mission. Yet, there are others searching for the gods, too. Zen knew his soul was forfeit the moment he made a deal with the Demon God known as the Black Tortoise, but he's willing to lose himself if it means saving the Kingdom–and the girl–he loves. But to crush the colonizers who have invaded his land he needs more power than even a single Demon God can provide. He needs an army. And he knows exactly where he can find it–in the undead army his great grandfather lead decades ago. The Elantians may have stolen their throne, but the battle for the Last Kingdom has only begun.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Starry Messenger

Bringing his cosmic perspective to civilization on Earth, Neil deGrasse Tyson, bestselling author of Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, shines new light on the crucial fault lines of our time–war, politics, religion, truth, beauty, gender, race, and tribalism–in a way that stimulates a deeper sense of unity for us all. In a time when our political and cultural perspectives feel more divisive than ever, Tyson provides a much-needed antidote to so much of what divides us, while making a passionate case for the twin engines of enlightenment–a cosmic perspective and the rationality of science. After thinking deeply about how a scientist views the world and about what Earth looks like from space, Tyson has found that terrestrial thoughts change as our brain resets and recalibrates life's priorities, along with the actions we might take in response. As a result, no outlook on culture, society, or civilisation remains untouched. In Starry Messenger, Tyson reveals just how human the enterprise of science is. Far from a cold, unfeeling undertaking, scientific methods, tools, and discoveries have shaped modern civilisation and created the landscape we've built for ourselves on which to live, work, and play. Tyson shows how an infusion of science and rational thinking renders worldviews deeper and more informed than ever before–and exposes unfounded perspectives and unjustified emotions. With crystalline prose and an abundance of evidence, Starry Messenger walks us through the scientific palette that sees and paints the world differently. From lessons on resolving global conflict to reminders of how precious it is to be alive, Tyson reveals, with warmth and eloquence, ten surprising, brilliant, and beautiful truths of human society, informed and enlightened by knowledge of our place in the universe.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Time Travelling with a Tortoise

Exciting, funny, heartwarming, and mind-bendingly clever, Time Travelling with a Tortoise is the extraordinary, adventure-packed sequel to Ross Welford’s beloved, bestselling debut, Time Travelling with a Hamster. Al Chaudhury travelled back in time to save his father’s life. And it worked – Al’s dad is alive again and life is back to the way it should be. At least, that’s what Al thinks. But when an accident robs Al’s beloved Grandpa Byron of his world-beating memory, Al is forced back in time again, this time leaving someone behind, trapped in a prehistoric dimension. Al is forced into a rescue mission to recover his friend from the past… and to make sure that there will be a future waiting for them all. It turns out time travel is far more complicated than Al thought.
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10,93 € 11,50 €

The Queen of Poisons

Judith, Suzie, and Becks, AKA The Marlow Murder Club, are on the hunt for a killer . . . Who killed the Mayor? It’s up to the Marlow Murder Club to find out . . . Geoffrey Lushington, Mayor of Marlow, dies suddenly during a Town Council meeting. When traces of aconite – also known as the queen of poisons – are found in his coffee cup, the police realise he was murdered. But who did it? And why? The police bring Judith, Suzie and Becks in to investigate as Civilian Advisors right from the start, so they have free rein to interview suspects and follow the evidence to their heart’s content, which is perfect because Judith has no time for rules and standard procedure. But this case has the Marlow Murder Club stumped. Who would want to kill the affable Mayor? How did they even get the poison into his coffee? And is anyone else in danger? The Marlow Murder Club are about to face their most difficult case yet . . .
18,00 € 18,95 €


From the Sunday Times bestselling author of THE FINAL STRIFE, comes an enchanting new trilogy. DIVIDED BY BLOOD. IMPRISONED BY FATE. BOUND BY DESIRE. WELCOME TO THE INTOXICATING WORLD OF THE FAE. Yeeran is a warrior in the elven army and has known nothing but violence her whole life. Her sister, Lettle, is trying to make a living as a diviner, seeking prophecies of a better future. When a fatal mistake leads to Yeeran’s exile from the Elven lands, they are both forced into the terrifying wilderness beyond their borders. There they encounter the impossible: the fae court. The fae haven’t been seen for a millennium. But now Yeeran and Lettle are thrust into their seductive world – torn between their loyalty to each other, their elven homeland, and their hearts...
18,95 € 19,95 €

Anna O

A dark, twisty, and shocking mystery about a young woman who commits a double murder while sleepwalking, and then never opens her eyes again. The world will know her name. What if your nightmares weren’t really nightmares at all? We spend an average of 33 years of our lives asleep. But what really happens, and what are we capable of, when we sleep? Anna Ogilvy was a budding twenty-five-year-old writer with a bright future. Then, one night, she stabbed two people to death with no apparent motive—and hasn’t woken up since. Dubbed “Sleeping Beauty” by the tabloids, Anna’s condition is a rare psychosomatic disorder known to neurologists as “resignation syndrome.” Dr. Benedict Prince is a forensic psychologist and an expert in the field of sleep-related homicides. His methods are the last hope of solving the infamous “Anna O” case and waking Anna up so she can stand trial. But he must be careful treating such a high-profile suspect—he’s got career secrets and a complicated personal life of his own. As Anna shows the first signs of stirring, Benedict must determine what really happened and whether Anna should be held responsible for her crimes. Only Anna knows the truth about that night, but only Benedict knows how to discover it. And they’re both in danger from what they find out.
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18,00 € 18,95 €