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John Boyne
John Boyne (1971) je írsky spisovateľ. Písal poviedky do časopisov, dodnes píše recenzie o knihách. Je autorom románov pre dospelých i príbehov pre mladých, ktoré boli preložené do viac ako 40 jazykov.

Vo vydavateľstve Slovart vyšiel najznámejší román Chlapec v pásikavom pyžame, ktorý bol na prvom mieste rebríčku New York Times Bestseller a v roku 2008 bol aj sfilmovaný. Román sa žánrovo radí medzi literatúry pre mládež. Avšak autor si myslí, že mu skôr porozumejú dospelí. Devätročné deti (ako hrdinovia) dnes bez poznania súvislostí vtedajšej doby príbeh z koncentračného tábora pochopia oveľa ťažšie. Tému vojny očami dieťaťa predostrel aj v dvoch nasledujúcich románoch - Zostaň, kde si a potom odíď (2015) a Chlapec na vrchole hory (2016). Ďalšími pozoruhodnými príbehmi o ceste a hľadaní s dávkou fantázie sú tituly Noe na úteku (2011) a Úžasná cesta Barnabyho Brocketa okolo sveta (2013). 



This House is Haunted

1867. On a dark and chilling night Eliza Caine arrives in Norfolk to take up her position as governess at Gaudlin Hall. As she makes her way across the station platform, a pair of invisible hands push her from behind into the path of an approaching train. She is only saved by the vigilance of a passing doctor. It is the start of a journey into a world of abandoned children, unexplained occurrences and terrifying experiences which Eliza will have to overcome if she is to survive the secrets that lie within Gaudlin's walls.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Zostaň, kde si, a potom odíď

Ďalší príbeh od autora Chlapca v pásikavom pyžame. V deň, keď vypukla prvá svetová vojna, Alfiemu Summerfieldovi sľúbil otec, že nikdy neodíde bojovať, no hneď nasledujúci deň svoj sľub porušil. O štyri roky neskôr Alfie netuší, kde jeho otec naozaj je, myslí si, že je na špeciálnej tajnej misii. Raz, keď na stanici King's Cross čistil topánky, úplne náhodou zazrel na papieroch vojenského doktora otcovo meno. Prekvapený a zmätený Alfie zistí, že jeho otec je v nemocnici, v špeciálnej nemocnici pre vojakov s nezvyčajnými ťažkosťami. Alfie sa rozhodne otca z tohto čudného skľučujúceho miesta zachrániť.
11,35 € 11,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

Stay Where You are and Then Leave

The day the First World War broke out, Alfie Summerfield's father promised he wouldn't go away to fight - but he broke that promise the following day. Four years later, Alfie doesn't know where his father might be, other than that he's away on a special, secret mission. Then, while shining shoes at King's Cross Station, Alfie unexpectedly sees his father's name - on a sheaf of papers belonging to a military doctor. Bewildered and confused, Alfie realises his father is in a hospital close by - a hospital treating soldiers with an unusual condition. Alfie is determined to rescue his father from this strange, unnerving place...
12,83 € 13,50 €

A History of Loneliness

Odran Yates enters Clonliffe Seminary in 1972 after his mother informs him that he has a vocation to the priesthood. He goes in full of ambition and hope, dedicated to his studies and keen to make friends. Forty years later, Odran's devotion has been challenged by the revelations that have shattered the Irish people's faith in the church. He has seen friends stand trial, colleagues jailed, the lives of young parishioners destroyed and has become nervous of venturing out in public for fear of disapproving stares and insulting remarks. But when a family tragedy opens wounds from his past, he is forced to confront the demons that have raged within a once respected institution and recognise his own complicity in their propagation. It has taken John Boyne fifteen years and twelve novels to write about his home country of Ireland but he has done so now in his most powerful novel to date, a novel about blind dogma and moral courage, and about the dark places where the two can meet. At once courageous and intensely personal, A History of Loneliness confirms Boyne as one of the most searching chroniclers of his generation
11,35 € 11,95 €

Boy at the Top of the Mountain

When Pierrot becomes an orphan, he must leave his home in Paris for a new life with his Aunt Beatrix, a servant in a wealthy household at the top of the German mountains. But this is no ordinary time, for it is 1935 and the Second World War is fast approaching; and this is no ordinary house, for this is the Berghof, the home of Adolf Hitler. Quickly, Pierrot is taken under Hitler's wing, and is thrown into an increasingly dangerous new world: a world of terror, secrets and betrayal, from which he may never be able to escape.
13,25 € 13,95 €


At the start of his school holidays, Danny Delaney is looking forward to a trouble-free summer. But when his mother returns home one afternoon, flanked by two policemen, he knows that something terrible has happened. Mrs Delaney has accidentally hit a small boy with her car. The boy is in a coma at the local hospital and nobody knows if he will ever wake up. Consumed by guilt, Danny's mother closes herself off, while Danny and his father are left to pick up the pieces of their fractured family. Told in John Boyne's unique style from the point of view of a twelve-year-old boy, The Dare is a brilliantly compelling story about how one moment can change a family forever.
4,70 € 4,95 €

Chlapec na vrchole hory

Autor slávneho Chlapca v pásikavom pyžame už tretíkrát zvolil neľahkú tému: vojna očami dieťaťa. V druhom románe Zostaň, kde si, a potom odíď, sa venoval prvej svetovej vojne a teraz sa opäť vrátil k druhej svetovej vojne v príbehu chlapca Pierrota, ktorý sa narodil v Paríži, ale predčasná smrť oboch rodičov spôsobila, že sa po krátkej zastávke v sirotinci ocitol v horskom sídle Adolfa Hitlera, kde jeho teta Beatrix pracuje ako gazdiná. Hitler mu do istej miery nahrádza otca, Pierrot sa v ňom vidí, túži sa mu podobať. Chlapec je svedkom mnohých historických okamihov, napríklad návštevy vojvodu z Windsoru s manželkou Wallis Simpsonovou. Ako ho poznačí život v Berghofe pod krídlami Führera? Príbeh o tajomstvách, zrade, morálnej zodpovednosti a odpustení. Príbeh, pri ktorom si čitateľ položí otázku: Čo by som robil ja?
9,45 € 9,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

Beneath the Earth

In this collection of twelve dark, unerring and surprising short stories, John Boyne explores the extremities of the human condition in all its brilliance and brutality. The secrets we keep and the ways in which they shape us, the impossibility of shared loss, the lengths we will go to in order to protect our families and the distance we will run to protect ourselves. Drawing on a host of enthralling characters - a farmer, a cuckold and a teenager exploring his sexuality; good parents, bad parents, writers and soldiers; a student, a rent boy and a hitman - Boyne examines the hopeful and the damaged without prejudice or judgement. This, his first collection of short stories, is some of John Boyne's finest writing to date. It includes 'Rest Day' which won the 2015 Writing.ie Short Story of the Year award in Ireland.
9,03 € 9,50 €

V tomto domě straší

Román V tomto domě straší od irského spisovatele Johna Boynea, který proslul celosvětově knížkou pro děti Chlapec v pruhovaném pyžamu, je strhující poctou duchařským příběhům z devatenáctého století. Boyne mistrně využívá prostředky dickensovského stylu i klasické duchařské motivy. Je rok 1867 a Eliza Cainová se po smrti otce, jehož stála život návštěva přednášky Charlese Dickense, ocitne bez prostředků a přijme místo guvernantky na odlehlém norfolském sídle Gaudlin Hall. Řada neblahých zážitků, které jí otřásly už cestou tam, pokračuje, když ke svému překvapení zjistí, že jsou v celém domě jen dvě děti: Isabella a Eustace. Kdo je její tajuplný zaměstnavatel, se od nich nedozví a večer, když uléhá, ji vyděsí další nevysvětlitelná událost, jež ještě posílí čím dál neodbytnější dojem, že se tu děje něco zlého. Od příštího rána jako by na každém kroku narážela na přítomnost čehosi velmi zlověstného, co spolu s ní a dětmi obývá zdi Gualdlinu... Má-li sebe i děti zachránit, bude muset přijít na kloub dávno pohřbenému tajemství domu a čelit démonům z minulosti.
11,39 € 11,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Bruno doesn't like his new house. He had to leave all his friends behind in Berlin, and there are no children to play with here - until Bruno meets Shmuel, a boy who lives on the other side of the wire fence near Bruno's house, and who wears a strange uniform of striped pyjamas. A stunning anniversary edition of John Boyne's powerful classic bestseller, with illustrations from award-winning artist Oliver Jeffers.
15,68 € 16,50 €

The Hearts Invisible Furies

Cyril Avery is not a real Avery or at least that's what his adoptive parents tell him. And he never will be. But if he isn't a real Avery, then who is he? Born out of wedlock to a teenage girl cast out from her rural Irish community and adopted by a well-to-do if eccentric Dublin couple via the intervention of a hunchbacked Redemptorist nun, Cyril is adrift in the world, anchored only tenuously by his heartfelt friendship with the infinitely more glamourous and dangerous Julian Woodbead. At the mercy of fortune and coincidence, he will spend a lifetime coming to know himself and where he came from - and over his three score years and ten, will struggle to discover an identity, a home, a country and much more. In this, Boyne's most transcendent work to date, we are shown the story of Ireland from the 1940s to today through the eyes of one ordinary man. The Heart's Invisible Furies is a novel to make you laugh and cry while reminding us all of the redemptive power of the human spirit.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Chlapec v pruhovaném pyžamu

Brunovi se nechce opouštět starý dobrý pokojíček, školu a kamarády v Berlíně a stěhovat se do nového, osamělého a ponurého domu v tajemném místě jménem Aušvic. Jenomže Fíra, nadřízený Brunova tatínka, tak rozhodl a devítileté děti do podobných záležitostí nemají co mluvit. S kým si tady ale Bruno bude hrát? Z okna vidí jen vysoký plot a za ním občas podivné lidi, kteří všichni nosí pyžamo – i přes den! A pak se jednoho dne seznámí se stejně velkým Šmuelem…
11,12 € 11,70 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Boy at the Top of the Mountain

When Pierrot becomes an orphan, he must leave his home in Paris for a new life with his Aunt Beatrix, a servant in a wealthy household at the top of the German mountains. But this is no ordinary time, for it is 1935 and the Second World War is fast approaching; and this is no ordinary house, for this is the Berghof, the home of Adolf Hitler. Quickly, Pierrot is taken under Hitler's wing, and is thrown into an increasingly dangerous new world: a world of terror, secrets and betrayal, from which he may never be able to escape.
9,98 € 10,50 €

The Terrible Thing That Happened to Barnaby Brocket

There's nothing unusual or different about the Brocket family - and they're keen to keep it that way. But when Barnaby Brocket comes into the world, it's clear he's anything but ordinary. To his parents' horror, Barnaby defies the laws of gravity - and floats. Soon, the Brockets decide enough is enough. The neighbours are starting to talk. They never asked for a weird, abnormal, floating child. Barnaby has to go...Betrayed and frightened, Barnaby floats into the path of a very special hot air balloon - and so begins a magical journey around the world, with a cast of extraordinary new friends.
10,93 € 11,50 €

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

The story of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is very difficult to describe. Usually we give some clues about the book on the cover, but in this case we think that would spoil the reading of the book. We think it is important that you start to read without knowing what it is about. If you do start to read this book, you will go on a journey with a nine-year-old boy called Bruno. And sooner or later you will arrive with Bruno at a fence. We hope you never have to cross such a fence.
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Hearts Invisible Furies

Cyril Avery is not a real Avery or at least that’s what his adoptive parents tell him. And he never will be. But if he isn’t a real Avery, then who is he? Born out of wedlock to a teenage girl cast out from her rural Irish community and adopted by a well-to-do if eccentric Dublin couple via the intervention of a hunchbacked Redemptorist nun, Cyril is adrift in the world, anchored only tenuously by his heartfelt friendship with the infinitely more glamourous and dangerous Julian Woodbead. At the mercy of fortune and coincidence, he will spend a lifetime coming to know himself and where he came from – and over his three score years and ten, will struggle to discover an identity, a home, a country and much more. In this, Boyne's most transcendent work to date, we are shown the story of Ireland from the 1940s to today through the eyes of one ordinary man. The Heart's Invisible Furies is a novel to make you laugh and cry while reminding us all of the redemptive power of the human spirit.
11,35 € 11,95 €