Brian Cox
Čierne diery
Profesori Brian Cox a Jeff Forshaw vás v tejto fascinujúcej knihe vezmú na vedeckú výpravu naprieč storočím fyziky od čias Einsteina až po Hawkinga a ešte ďalej – až k samotným hraniciam nášho poznania najzáhadnejších výtvorov prírody – čiernych dier.
V srdci našej Galaxie je miesto, v ktorom dochádza k búrlivému narušeniu priestoru a času – miesto, kde sa zrážajú zákony gravitácie, kvantovej fyziky a termodynamiky, a jeho tajomstvá stále čakajú na odhalenie.
Čierne diery sú 4 miliónkrát väčšie ako Slnko. Ide o prirodzené výtvory gravitácie, ktoré vznikajú, keď sa príliš veľa hmoty zrúti do primalého priestoru. A predsa, hoci ich prírodné zákony predpokladajú, nedokážeme ich opísať. Pôvodne sa dokonca tvrdilo, že neexistujú, a Einstein veril, že v ich vnútri sa skrýva koniec času. V posledných rokoch však výskum značne pokročil a objavilo sa hlboké spojenie medzi gravitáciou a kvantovou teóriou.
Vďaka tejto knihe sa oboznámite s čiernymi dierami tak, ako nikdy predtým a dospejete k prekvapivému záveru, že pravda o nich môže byť ešte bizarnejšia, ako sa predpokladalo – možno nás spájajú s inými vesmírmi.
Fekete lyukak
A fekete lyukak olyan helyek a térben és az időben, ahol a gravitáció, a kvantumfizika és a termodinamika törvényei egymásnak feszülnek. Kezdetben olyan szellemi kivívásnak tekintették őket, hogy egyszerűen el sem hitték a létezésüket, de az elmúlt néhány évben kezdett elénk tárulni egy új szintézis; egy mély kapcsolat a gravitáció és a kvantum-információelmélet között, amely olyan holografikus univerzumot ír le, ahol a tér és az idő kvantumbitek hálózatából bukkan elő, a teret pedig féreglyukak ívelik át.
A maga nemében páratlan könyvükben Brian Cox és Jeff Forshaw professzorok a fekete lyukakról alkotott ismereteink végső határáig kalauzolnak el. A fizika egy évszázadot átívelő, Einsteintől Hawkingig és rajtuk túlra, a kutatások élvonalába vezető tudományos kalandozásunk azzal a megdöbbentő következtetéssel zárul, hogy világunk talán óriási kvantumszámítógépként működhet.
Černé díry
Ve středu každé galaxie se nacházejí nejpodivnější objekty ve vesmíru: černé díry, Mají tak obrovskou hustotu a přitažlivost, že jejich sevření neunikne žádná hmota, dokonce ani světlo, Hvězdy, které krouží kolem jejich okraje, uvolňují energii ve formě světla, dokud nepřekročí horizont událostí a nezmizí navždy, Černé díry tak stojí i v centru současného fyzikálního výzkumu a tato kniha shrnuje, jak vznikají a proč potvrzují, že Einsteinova teorie obecné relativity je geniálním popisem vesmíru kolem nás,
Fekete lyukak
A Tejútrendszer szívében egy szupernagy tömegű fekete lyuk található, amely négymilliószor nagyobb, mint a mi Napunk. A közelében a tér és az idő annyira torzult, hogy még a fény is csapdába esik, ha tizenkét millió kilométeren belülre merészkedik. Einstein szerint odabent rejtőzik az idők vége. A huszonegyedik századi fizika szerint a valóság sokkal bizarrabb lehet.A fekete lyukak ott vannak, ahol egykor a legnagyobb tömegű csillagok ragyogtak, mai tudásunk peremén. A természetben előforduló objektumok, a gravitáció elkerülhetetlen szüleményei, amikor túl sok anyag túl kis helyre omlik össze. Bár a természet törvényei megjósolják létezésüket, mégsem tudják pontosan leírni őket. A fekete lyukak olyan helyek a térben és az időben, ahol a gravitáció, a kvantumfizika és a termodinamika törvényei egymásnak feszülnek. Kezdetben olyan szellemi kivívásnak tekintették őket, hogy egyszerűen el sem hitték a létezésüket, de az elmúlt néhány évben kezdett elénk tárulni egy új szintézis; egy mély kapcsolat a gravitáció és a kvantum-információelmélet között, amely olyan holografikus univerzumot ír le, ahol a tér és az idő kvantumbitek hálózatából bukkan elő, a teret pedig féreglyukak ívelik át. A maga nemében páratlan könyvükben Brian Cox és Jeff Forshaw professzorok a fekete lyukakról alkotott ismereteink végső határáig kalauzolnak el. A fizika egy évszázadot átívelő, Einsteintől Hawkingig és rajtuk túlra, a kutatások élvonalába vezető tudományos kalandozásunk azzal a megdöbbentő következtetéssel zárul, hogy világunk talán óriási kvantumszámítógépként működhet.
Na stiahnutie
13,80 €
Black Holes
At the heart of the Milky Way lies a supermassive black hole 4 million times more massive than our Sun. A place where space and time are so warped that light is trapped if it ventures within 12 million km. According to Einstein, inside lies the end of time. According to 21st-century physics, the reality may be far more bizarre.
Black holes lie where the most massive stars used to shine and at the edge of our current understanding. They are naturally occurring objects, the inevitable creations of gravity when too much matter collapses into not enough space. And yet, although the laws of nature predict them, they fail fully to describe them.
Black holes are places in space and time where the laws of gravity, quantum physics and thermodynamics collide. Originally thought to be so intellectually troubling that they simply could not exist, it is only in the past few years that we have begun to glimpse a new synthesis; a deep connection between gravity and quantum information theory that describes a holographic universe in which space and time emerge from a network of quantum bits, and wormholes span the void.
In this groundbreaking book, Professor Brian Cox and Professor Jeff Forshaw take you to the edge of our understanding of black holes; a scientific journey to the research frontier spanning a century of physics, from Einstein to Hawking and beyond, that ends with the startling conclusion that our world may operate like a giant quantum computer.
A bolygók élete
A könyv a BBC nagy sikerű tévésorozatához kapcsolódik.
A Merkúrt a közeli Nap forrósága árasztja el. A Vénuszt mindent felperzselő légköre teszi lakhatatlanná. A Mars, a vörös bolygó elvesztette légkörét, ezért elsivatagosodott. A Jupitert - hiába kétszer akkora, mint az összes többi bolygó együtt - főleg gázok alkotják, akárcsak a Naprendszer ékkövét, a gyönyörű Szaturnuszt. Az oldalán forgó Uránusz és a hideg, sötét Neptunusz két kisebb gázóriás, a Plútó, az egyik törpebolygó pedig fagyos sziklatömb.
Ezek a Föld bolygótestvérei, amelyek mindegyike vad és tüzes folyamatokban keletkezett, de az élet még a két szomszédunkon sem tudta megvetni a lábát.
Minél alaposabban megismerjük égi szomszédainkat, annál hihetetlenebb saját létezésünk, és annál értékesebbnek látjuk saját kék bolygónkat.
Každú noc sa nad našimi hlavami odohráva dráma epických rozmerov. Vystupujú v
nej diamantové planéty, nemŕtve hviezdy, čierne diery ťažšie a objemnejšie ako miliarda
Sĺnk. Zoznam účinkujúcich je výnimočný a každý z nich rozpráva vlastný neuveriteľný
Kedysi sme považovali Zem za unikátnu, ale dnes už poznáme tisícky mimozemských
planét, a to je len zlomok svetov, ktoré sa tam vonku nachádzajú. Vo vesmíre existuje viac
hviezd, ako je zrniek piesku na každej planéte slnečnej sústavy, a uprostred tohto rozľahlého
priestoru sa nachádzajú aj naša Mliečna cesta, Slnko a Zem - jediná známa planéta vo
vesmíre, ktorá poskytuje domov živým organizmom. Aspoň doposiaľ.
Andrew Cohen pozýva na nevšednú a objavnú cestu tajuplným vesmírom. Jeho zámer
bližšie objasňuje predslov profesora Briana Coxa a najnovšie fotografie NASA, ktoré vám
doslova vyrazia dych. Vďaka sondám a teleskopom preskúmame aj okrajové časti galaxie a
odhalíme, ako vznikla aj ako pôsobením záhadnej čiernej diery v jej srdci raz neodvratne
zanikne. Dnes už vieme o prvých okamihoch existencie vesmíru viac, ako sme si mysleli, že
raz bude vôbec možné. Príbeh počiatku však ukrýva aj náznaky o jeho osude, teda aj o osude
všetkého v ňom. Za hranicami našej galaxie leží rozpínajúci sa vesmír s indíciami vedúcimi
k objasneniu najväčšej záhady života – ako sa to všetko začalo?
Putting the Rabbit in the Hat
rom Titus Andronicus with the RSC to media magnate Logan Roy in HBO's Succession, Brian Cox has made his name as an actor of unparalleled distinction and versatility. We know him on screen, but few know of his extraordinary life story.
Growing up in Dundee, Scotland, Cox lost his father when he was just eight years old and was brought up by his three elder sisters in the aftermath of his mother's nervous breakdowns and ultimate hospitalization. After joining the Dundee Repertory Theatre at the age of fifteen, you could say the rest is history - but that is to overlook the enormous graft that has gone into the making of the legend we know today.
This is a rags-to-riches life story like no other - a seminal autobiography that both captures Cox's distinctive voice and his very soul. Rich in emotion and meaning, with plenty of laughs along the way, it will be a classic in the vein of The Moon's a Balloon by David Niven and What's It All About by Michael Caine.
The Planets
'So staggering you go "whoa!" every few seconds' Guardian
'Really impressive' Eamonn Holmes, ITV This Morning
A companion book to the critically acclaimed BBC series.
The bestselling authors of Wonders of the Universe are back with another blockbuster, a groundbreaking exploration of our Solar System as it has never been seen before.
Mercury, a lifeless victim of the Sun's expanding power. Venus, once thought to be lush and fertile, now known to be trapped within a toxic and boiling atmosphere. Mars, the red planet, doomed by the loss of its atmosphere. Jupiter, twice the size of all the other planets combined, but insubstantial. Saturn, a stunning celestial beauty, the jewel of our Solar System. Uranus, the sideways planet and the first ice giant. Neptune, dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds. Pluto, the dwarf planet, a frozen rock.
Andrew Cohen and Professor Brian Cox take readers on a voyage of discovery, from the fiery heart of our Solar System, to its mysterious outer reaches. They touch on the latest discoveries that have expanded our knowledge of the planets, their moons and how they come to be.
The Planets
`Absolutely beautiful' BBC One Show
`Really impressive' Eamonn Holmes, ITV This Morning
A companion book to the critically acclaimed BBC series.
The bestselling authors of Wonders of the Universe are back with another blockbuster, a groundbreaking exploration of our Solar System as it has never been seen before.
Mercury, a lifeless victim of the Sun's expanding power. Venus, once thought to be lush and fertile, now known to be trapped within a toxic and boiling atmosphere. Mars, the red planet, doomed by the loss of its atmosphere. Jupiter, twice the size of all the other planets combined, but insubstantial. Saturn, a stunning celestial beauty, the jewel of our Solar System. Uranus, the sideways planet and the first ice giant. Neptune, dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds. Pluto, the dwarf planet, a frozen rock.
Andrew Cohen and Professor Brian Cox take readers on a voyage of discovery, from the fiery heart of our Solar System, to its mysterious outer reaches. They touch on the latest discoveries that have expanded our knowledge of the planets, their moons and how they come to be, alongside recent stunning and mind-boggling NASA photography.
'Inspirational' Buzz AldrinWhen exactly did life begin? What really happened during the big bang - and before it? Is the universe expanding? Is dark matter real? Do we live in one of many worlds? What's more, how can we prove any of this?This book is all about how we - any of us - can gain an understanding of the Universe in all its awe-inspiring glory. Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw take us on an epic journey of scientific exploration, revealing how the biggest questions - from the size of the earth to the distance to the stars - are answerable from our own back gardens. You don't need a Large Hadron Collider or a Hubble Space Telescope to explore the cosmos. You just need this book.
Forces of Nature
Sunday Times Bestseller A breathtaking and beautiful exploration of our planet, this groundbreaking book accompanies the acclaimed BBC TV series, providing the deepest answers to the simplest questions. How did life on Earth begin? What is the nature of space and time? What are the chances that we will discover life on other worlds? Forces of Nature takes you from the mid-Atlantic ridge in Iceland, the volcanoes of Indonesia and the precipitous cliffs in Nepal, to the manatees off the coast of Florida and the northern lights of the Arctic, in search of the fundamental laws that govern our world. These universal laws shape everything, from the structure of snowflakes to the elegant spirals of the galaxies. By seeking to understand the everyday world - the colours, structure, behaviour and history of our home - we can step beyond the everyday and approach the Universe beyond. Think you know our planet? Think again.
Universal - A Guide to the Cosmos
An awe-inspiring, unforgettable journey of scientific exploration from Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, the top ten bestselling authors of The Quantum Universe. We dare to imagine a time before the Big Bang, when the entire Universe was compressed into a space smaller than an atom. And now, as Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw show, we can do more than imagine: we can understand. Over the centuries, the human urge to discover has unlocked an incredible amount of knowledge. What it reveals to us is breathtaking. Universal takes us on an epic journey of scientific exploration and, in doing so, reveals how we can all understand some of the most fundamental questions about our Earth, Sun, Solar System and the star-filled galaxies beyond. Some of these questions - How big is our solar system? How fast is space expanding? - can be answered from your back garden; the answers to others - How big is the Universe? What is it made of? - draw on the astonishing information now being gathered by teams of astronomers operating at the frontiers of the known universe. At the heart of all these questions - from the earliest attempts to quantify gravity, to our efforts to understand what dark matter is and what really happened at the birth of our universe - is the scientific process. Science reveals a deeper beauty, connects us to each other, to our world, and to our Universe; and, by understanding the groundbreaking work of others, reaches out into the unknown. What's more, as Universal shows us, if we dare to imagine, we can all do it.
The Quantum Universe
From the bestselling authors of Why does E=mc2? comes The Quantum Universe, in which Brian Cox, presenter of the BBC's Wonders of the Solar System and Wonders of the Universe, and Jeff Forshaw go on a brilliantly ambitious mission to show that everyone can understand the deepest questions of science.
But just what is quantum physics? How does it help us understand our amazing world? Where does it leave Newton and Einstein? And why, above all, can we be sure that the theory is good?
Here, Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw give us the real science behind the bizarre behaviour of the atoms and energy that make up the universe, and reveal exactly how everything that can happen, does happen.
Black Holes
A Brief History of Time for the 21st Century
At the heart of our galaxy lies a monster so deadly, not even light can escape its grasp. Its secrets lie waiting to be discovered. It's time to explore our universe's most mysterious inhabitants
Black Holes
At the heart of the Milky Way lies a supermassive black hole 4 million times more massive than our Sun. A place where space and time are so warped that light is trapped if it ventures within 12 million km. According to Einstein, inside lies the end of time. According to 21st-century physics, the reality may be far more bizarre.
Black holes lie where the most massive stars used to shine and at the edge of our current understanding. They are naturally occurring objects, the inevitable creations of gravity when too much matter collapses into not enough space. And yet, although the laws of nature predict them, they fail fully to describe them.
Black holes are places in space and time where the laws of gravity, quantum physics and thermodynamics collide. Originally thought to be so intellectually troubling that they simply could not exist, it is only in the past few years that we have begun to glimpse a new synthesis; a deep connection between gravity and quantum information theory that describes a holographic universe in which space and time emerge from a network of quantum bits, and wormholes span the void.
In this groundbreaking book, Professor Brian Cox and Professor Jeff Forshaw take you to the edge of our understanding of black holes; a scientific journey to the research frontier spanning a century of physics, from Einstein to Hawking and beyond, that ends with the startling conclusion that our world may operate like a giant quantum computer.
21,95 €
The Universe
Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell.
We once thought of our Earth as unique, but we have now discovered thousands of alien planets, and that's barely a fraction of the worlds that are out there. And there are more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on every planet in the Solar System. But amid all this vastness, the Milky Way Galaxy, our Sun and the Earth are home to the only known life in the Universe - at least for now.
With a foreword from Professor Brian Cox, and access to all the latest stunning NASA photography, Andrew Cohen takes readers on a voyage of discovery, via the probes and telescopes exploring the outer reaches of our galaxy, revealing how it was formed and how it will inevitably be destroyed by the enigmatic black hole at its heart. And beyond our galaxy, the expanding Universe, which holds clues to the biggest mystery of all - how did it all begin? We now know more about those first moments of existence than we ever thought possible, and hidden in this story of how it all began are the clues to the fate of the Universe itself and everything in it.
31,95 €